Insert XML child node to SQL table - sql-server

I've got an XML file like this and I'm working with SQL 2014 SP2
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<entity id="1" version="123456789">
<alias category="STRONG" type="Alias">USCJSC</alias>
<alias category="WEAK" type="Alias">'OSKOAO'</alias>
<program type="21">prog</program>
<sdf name="OriginalID">9876</sdf>
<address1>1141, SYA-KAYA STR.</address1>
<address1>90, MARATA UL.</address1>
I made a script to insert data from the XML to a SQL table. How can I insert child node into a table? I think I should replicate the row for each new child node but i don't know the best way to proceed.
Here is my SQL code
product.value('(#id)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(10)') id,
product.value('(#version)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(14)') ID
product.value('(name[1])', 'NVARCHAR(255)') name,
product.value('(listId[1])', 'NVARCHAR(9)')listId,
product.value('(listCode[1])', 'NVARCHAR(10)')listCode,
product.value('(entityType[1])', 'NVARCHAR(2)')entityType,
product.value('(createdDate[1])', 'NVARCHAR(10)')createdDate,
product.value('(lastUpdateDate[1])', 'NVARCHAR(10)')lastUpdateDate,
product.value('(source[1])', 'NVARCHAR(15)')source,
product.value('(OriginalSource[1])', 'NVARCHAR(50)')OriginalSource,
product.value('(aliases[1])', 'NVARCHAR(50)')aliases,
product.value('(programs[1])', 'NVARCHAR(50)')programs,
product.value('(sdfs[1])', 'NVARCHAR(500)')sdfs,
product.value('(addresses[1])', 'NVARCHAR(50)')addresses,
product.value('(otherIDs[1])', 'NVARCHAR(50)')otherIDs
FROM #InputXML.nodes('gwl/entities/entity') AS X(product)

You have a lot of different children here...
Just to show the principles:
<entity id="1" version="123456789">
<alias category="STRONG" type="Alias">USCJSC</alias>
<alias category="WEAK" type="Alias">''OSKOAO''</alias>
<program type="21">prog</program>
<sdf name="OriginalID">9876</sdf>
<address1>1141, SYA-KAYA STR.</address1>
<address1>90, MARATA UL.</address1>
-The query will fetch some values from several places.
--It should be easy to get the rest yourself...
SELECT #xml.value('(/gwl/version/text())[1]','bigint') AS [version]
,A.ent.value('(name/text())[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS [Entity_Name]
,A.ent.value('(listId/text())[1]','int') AS Entity_ListId
--more columns taken from A.ent
,B.als.value('#category','nvarchar(max)') AS Alias_Category
,B.als.value('text()[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS Alias_Content
--similar for programs and sdfs
,E.addr.value('(address1/text())[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS Address_Address1
,E.addr.value('(country/text())[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS Address_Country
--and so on
FROM #xml.nodes('/gwl/entities/entity') A(ent)
OUTER APPLY A.ent.nodes('aliases/alias') B(als)
OUTER APPLY A.ent.nodes('programs/program') C(prg)
OUTER APPLY A.ent.nodes('sdfs/sdf') D(sdfs)
OUTER APPLY A.ent.nodes('addresses/address') E(addr)
OUTER APPLY A.ent.nodes('otherIds/childId') F(ids);
The idea in short:
We read non-repeating values (e.g. version) from the xml variable directly
We use .nodes() to return repeating elements as derived sets.
We can use a cascade of .nodes() to dive deeper into repeating child elements by using a relativ Xpath (no / at the beginning).
You have two approaches:
Read the XML like above into a staging table (simply by adding INTO #tmpTable before FROM) and proceed from there (will need one SELECT ... GROUP BY for each type of child).
Create one SELECT per type of child, using only one of the APPLY lines and shift the data into specific child tables.
I would tend to the first one.
This allows to do some cleaning, generate IDs, check for business rules, before you shift this into the target tables.


XML File into SQL, duplicate tags, and filtering? How to

So I have an XML file as follows (last code block example)... you'll notice below, there are tags for "ITEM" with a name and a value tag nested. Sometimes, there are 6 items per xml file, sometimes 2. They are NOT always in the same order. Initially, when I was querying the data I assumed from looking at the first 20 files that there would be always 6 Items... however, sometimes, there isn't. How can I filter when the Name of the Item = "something specific"....
In this example below, file count
For example
CAST(Body AS XML).value('(/JobCompleteStatistics/JobSpecificInformation/Item/Name)[1]', 'varchar(100)'
Sometimes, this is a file count, other times if a file count wasn't in the file, it is actually a database my calculations and info in the columns is wrong.
Since there are a random set of tags with the same name, how can I filter so I know what I am dealing with?
Case didn't seem to be the way to go...I am using something like this but, obviously, sometimes the Values aren't actually what they are expected to be.. help!
CAST(Body AS XML).value('(/JobCompleteStatistics/WorkspaceAncestry/WorkspaceAncestry/WorkspaceName)[1]', 'varchar(100)') AS [WorkspaceName],
CAST(Body AS XML).value('(/JobCompleteStatistics/JobSpecificInformation/Item/Value)[0]', 'varchar(100)') AS [FileCount],
CAST(Body AS XML).value('(/JobCompleteStatistics/JobSpecificInformation/Item/Value)[2]', 'varchar(100)') AS [FileSize],
CAST(Body AS XML).value('(/JobCompleteStatistics/JobSpecificInformation/Item/Value)[3]', 'varchar(250)') AS [DatabaseSize],
CAST(Body AS XML).value('(/JobCompleteStatistics/JobSpecificInformation/Item/Value)[4]', 'varchar(100)') AS [DTIndexSize],
CAST(Body AS XML).value('(/JobCompleteStatistics/WorkspaceAncestry/WorkspaceAncestry/EventType)[2]', 'varchar(100)') AS [EventType],
CAST(Body AS XML).value('(/JobCompleteStatistics/WorkspaceAncestry/WorkspaceAncestry/EventType)[1]', 'varchar(100)') AS [EventType2]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<JobCompleteStatistics xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<WorkspaceName>Workspace 1</WorkspaceName>
<Name>File Count</Name>
<Name>File Size</Name>
<Name>Database Size</Name>
<Name>DtIndex Size</Name>
<Name>Content Analytics Size</Name>
<Name>Archive Compression Level</Name>
If you cannot assume that all Item nodes will always be present and that they'll always be in a given order, but there is a known set of values that appears in Name nodes, then you can specify XPath filter expressions to assert the order you need, e.g.:
JobSpecificInformation.value('(Item[Name/text()="Archive Compression Level"]/Value/text())[1]', 'varchar(100)') as [Archive Compression Level],
JobSpecificInformation.value('(Item[Name/text()="Content Analytics Size"]/Value/text())[1]', 'varchar(100)') as [Content Analytics Size],
JobSpecificInformation.value('(Item[Name/text()="Database Size"]/Value/text())[1]', 'varchar(100)') as [Database Size],
JobSpecificInformation.value('(Item[Name/text()="DtIndex Size"]/Value/text())[1]', 'varchar(100)') as [DtIndex Size],
JobSpecificInformation.value('(Item[Name/text()="File Count"]/Value/text())[1]', 'varchar(100)') as [File Count],
JobSpecificInformation.value('(Item[Name/text()="File Size"]/Value/text())[1]', 'varchar(100)') as [File Size]
from dbo.Example
cross apply (select cast(Body as XML)) foo(BodyXML)
cross apply BodyXML.nodes('/JobCompleteStatistics/JobSpecificInformation') stats(JobSpecificInformation);
Which returns the results:
Archive Compression Level
Content Analytics Size
Database Size
DtIndex Size
File Count
File Size

t-sql to create XML file using FOR XML Path, multilevel issues

I am creating an XML file to Upload to a 3rd party product. The file must begin with specific file and source information level and then it is followed with the specific data requirements/levels of EVENT and CREW members for those events.
I can create the initial level with the file/source information, and I have the data requirements exactly as they should be, but I cannot get them together in the same file between the "ROOT" level without the initial level repeating between each EVENT level or the an extra EVENT level as if they're nested. I've also managed to get a result with a ROW level that I did not define and the "tags" modified to < and &gt: instead of < >. I've done a good bit of research and tried using a union method, sub-selects, nesting methods as well many combinations of FOR XML PATH, AUTO, EXPLICIT, with and without elements. I've learned a lot, but I'm just not finding the right combination for the results I need.
The first example is the layout that is required. The second is one of the examples that is most common for my efforts, followed by the SQL that created it.
what it should be (FILEINFO level only once, only one EVENT level for each EVENT)
what i'm getting:
... ...
most recent/simplest attempt that creates the above:
FROM [dbo].XMLForFILEExport x
FOR XML path('EVENT'), elements, ROOT('ROOT') ;
This is easy, just use a sub-select and deal with this like it was a *normal column:
This easy SELECT will return the single <FILEINFO>
You see, that I used an empty PATH(), but I set the ROOT().
This is the result
Now we can start to add your events. First I need a mockup table to simulate your issue
INSERT INTO #mockupEventTable VALUES(1,'20190916','Event 1')
,(2,'20190917','Event 2');
--The query
FROM #mockupEventTable e
) AS [*]
The result
<EventText>Event 1</EventText>
<EventText>Event 2</EventText>
You can see, that the sub-select will create the inner XML just as you need it. We have to specify ,TYPE in order to get this as typed XML. Try the same without. You will get the XML escaped, as if it was simple text...
And I specify AS [*] (the same was AS [node()]) to indicate, that the XML "column" has no own name, but should be inserted as is. This is not mandatory (try it without), but it makes things more readable...
That's because you specified the PATH "EVENT" already. Also you can remove the EVENT in the field name, e.g. 'EVENT/CREW/DATE_TIME_STAMP' can just be 'CREW/DATE_TIME_STAMP'
TO achieve what required, you can generate the xml with EVENT elementsand then insert the FILEINFO.
DECLARE #x xml;
,[NO] AS 'NO'
FROM [dbo].XMLForFILEExport x
FOR XML path('EVENT'), elements, ROOT('ROOT'))
SET #x.modify('
as first
into (/ROOT)[1]');

Query XML value in sql

I need to get some information from XML in SQL Server 2008, but I cannot even get basic attribute from it. All samples that I tried failed. Table name is Item, xml column name is Data.
Simplified xml looks like this:
<AnchoredXml xmlns="urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ScopeFramework.2008" SchemaWriteVersion="2">
<Key ScopeClass="Global">
<SchemaId Namespace="urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deploy.Topology.2008" ElementName="Topology" />
<AuthorityId Class="Host" InstanceId="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" />
<Dictionary Count="1">
<Key />
<Value Signature="a3502dd0-8c16-4023-9eea-30ea1c7a3a2b">
<Topology xmlns="urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deploy.Topology.2008">
<Service RoleVersion="1" ServiceVersion="6" Type="Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deploy.Internal.ServiceRoles.FileStoreService">
<ServiceId SiteId="1" RoleName="FileStore" Instance="1" />
<DependsOn />
<ClusterId SiteId="1" Number="1" />
<Ports xmlns="urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deploy.ServiceRoles.2008" />
<FileStoreService xmlns="urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deploy.ServiceRoles.2008" ShareName="lyncShare" />
I need to read information in AnchoredXml/Key/SchemaId/#NameSpace to select the right xml (there are more rows). Sample xml above is the right one. And after that I need to find the right service with
where is FileStoreService/#ShareName that I need.
I've tried to print the Namespace attributte for the start, but no sample code is working.
A few tries:
SELECT c.p.value('(#Namespace)[1]', 'varchar(50)') as 'Nmspace'
CROSS APPLY Data.nodes('/AnchoredXml/Key/SchemaId') c(p)
returns empty result set
SELECT Data.value('(/AnchoredXml/Key/SchemaId/#Namespace)[1]', 'varchar(50)')
returns NULL for all rows
FROM [xds].[dbo].[Item] AS It
returns 0's for all rows also without quotes ("")
A working sample code to get at least attribute test would be maybe sufficient and I would figure out the rest.
Could you please help me find errors in my queries or maybe identify some other problem?
You're ignoring all the XML namespaces in your XML document! You need to pay attention to those and respect them!
There are XML namespaces on:
the root node <AnchoredXml>
(XML namespace: urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ScopeFramework.2008)
the subnode <Topology>
(XML ns: urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deploy.Topology.2008)
the subnode <FileStoreService>
(XML ns: urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deploy.ServiceRoles.2008)
Try this:
-- respect the XML namespaces!!
;WITH XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT 'urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ScopeFramework.2008',
'urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deploy.Topology.2008' AS t,
'urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deploy.ServiceRoles.2008' AS fss)
ShareName = Data.value('(/AnchoredXml/Dictionary/Item/Value/t:Topology/t:Services/t:Service/fss:FileStoreService/#ShareName)[1]', 'varchar(50)')
In my case, this returns:

SQLXML - Search and Query node element?

I have an XML like this stored in an XML datatype column (will have multiple such rows in table)-
<Root xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Elem1 type="T1">
<Name type="string" display="First name">John</Name>
<TimeZone display="Time zone">
<DisplayName type="string" display="Display name">GMT Standard Time</DisplayName>
How can I filter based on a node element say (using SQL SERVER 2008 R2) - get all 'Elem1' nodes or get all 'Name' nodes or get all TimeZone nodes ? Something like using local-name() function ?
EDIT - Part Solution -
I got the solution partly (see John's reply below and then run this) -
SELECT C1.query('fn:local-name(.)') AS Nodes FROM [dbo].[MyXmlTable] AS MyXML CROSS APPLY MyXML.MyXmlCol.nodes('//*') AS T ( C1 )
The query above returns all the node elements across the TABLE. Now, I want to say filter upon specific elements and return the element and its value or its attribute value. How to achieve this (by using WHERE clause or any other filter mechanism)?
I'm not sure what result you are looking for but something like this perhaps.
declare #T table(XMLCol xml)
insert into #T values
('<Root xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Elem1 type="T1">
<Name type="string" display="First name">John</Name>
<TimeZone display="Time zone">
<DisplayName type="string" display="Display name">GMT Standard Time</DisplayName>
declare #Node varchar(50)
set #Node = 'Elem1'
select N.query('.') as Value
from #T as T
cross apply T.XMLCol.nodes('//*[local-name()=sql:variable("#Node")]') as X(N)
<p1:Elem1 xmlns:p1="" type="T1">
<p1:Name type="string" display="First name">John</p1:Name>
<p1:TimeZone display="Time zone">
<p1:DisplayName type="string" display="Display name">GMT Standard Time</p1:DisplayName>
If you want the actual value instead of the entire XML you can do like this instead.
declare #Node varchar(50)
set #Node = 'TimeZone'
select N.value('.', 'varchar(100)') as Value
from #T as T
cross apply T.XMLCol.nodes('//*[local-name()=sql:variable("#Node")]') as X(N)
GMT Standard Time
You can transform XML into table like here:
declare #XML xml='<Root xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Elem1 type="T1">
<Name type="string" display="First name">John</Name>
<TimeZone display="Time zone">
<DisplayName type="string" display="Display name">GMT Standard Time</DisplayName>
</Root> '
numbers as(
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY o1.object_id,o2.object_id) Num
FROM sys.objects o1 CROSS JOIN sys.objects o2),
c as(
b.value('local-name(.)','nvarchar(1000)') Node_Name,
b.value('./text()[1]','nvarchar(1000)') Node_Value,
b.value('count(#*)','nvarchar(MAX)') AttributeCount,
Num Attribute_Number
#xml.nodes('Root//*') a(b)
WHERE Num<=b.value('count(#*)','nvarchar(MAX)')
SELECT c.Node_Name,c.node_Value,Attribute_Number,
#XML.query('for $Attr in //*/.[local-name(.)=sql:column("Node_Name")]/#*[sql:column("Attribute_Number")] return local-name($Attr)').value('.','nvarchar(MAX)') Attribute_Name,
#XML.value('data(//*/.[local-name(.)=sql:column("Node_Name")]/#*[sql:column("Attribute_Number")])[1]','nvarchar(1000)') Attribute_Value
Node_Name node_Value Attribute_Number Attribute_Name Attribute_Value
Elem1 NULL 1 type T1
Name John 1 type string
Name John 2 display First name
TimeZone NULL 1 display Time zone
DisplayName GMT Standard Time 1 type string
DisplayName GMT Standard Time 2 display Display name
Later you can query this result to get node/attribute value which do you need.
But it works only in your example, when you have only one node and all names are unique. In multinode XML you should use hierarchical numbering like '1-1-2' or something like this. It is much more complicated and i do not suggest to going this way.
It's not clear to me exactly what your output should look like. However, this should get you started:
create table MyXmlTable (MyXmlCol xml)
insert into MyXmlTable (MyXmlCol) values
<Root xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Elem1 type="T1">
<Name type="string" display="First name">John</Name>
<TimeZone display="Time zone">
<DisplayName type="string" display="Display name">GMT Standard Time</DisplayName>
<Elem1 type="T2">
<Name type="string" display="First name">Fred</Name>
<TimeZone display="Time zone">
<DisplayName type="string" display="Display name">EST Standard Time</DisplayName>
select MyXmlCol.query('/Root/Elem1/Name')
from MyXmlTable
This queries the XML for the "Name" elements -- you can modify the query depending on what kind of output you want exactly. It's a bit long, but the MSDN article on SQLXML is pretty informative:
Hope this helps!
Update: you can add a where clause something like this. I'm still not clear on what you want the output to look like, but this will filter out the "Elem1" values:
SELECT C1.query('fn:local-name(.)') AS Nodes
FROM [dbo].[MyXmlTable] AS MyXML
CROSS APPLY MyXML.MyXmlCol.nodes('//*') AS T ( C1 )
WHERE CAST(C1.query('fn:local-name(.)') AS NVARCHAR(32)) <> 'Elem1'
One more update; hopefully this is the answer you are looking for!
Try using a wildcard in the query. I had to use dynamic SQL because the XML query() function will only take string literals for paths (you can use sql:variable("#filter") for values, but I wasn't able to get that working for a path.)
DECLARE #filter nvarchar(20)
SET #filter = '*/Elem1'
DECLARE #sqlCommand nvarchar(1000)
SET #sqlCommand =
select MyXmlCol.query(''' + #filter + ''')
from MyXmlTable'
print #sqlCommand
EXECUTE sp_executesql #sqlCommand, N'#filter nvarchar(20)', #filter = #filter
This will return the Elem1 XML (and all sub-nodes):
<p1:Elem1 xmlns:p1="" type="T1">
<p1:Name type="string" display="First name">John</p1:Name>
<p1:TimeZone display="Time zone">
<p1:DisplayName type="string" display="Display name">GMT Standard Time</p1:DisplayName>
<p2:Elem1 xmlns:p2="" type="T2">
<p2:Name type="string" display="First name">Fred</p2:Name>
<p2:TimeZone display="Time zone">
<p2:DisplayName type="string" display="Display name">EST Standard Time</p2:DisplayName>
And if you want to pick out "TimeZone" you would do this:
SET #filter = '*/*/TimeZone'

Return all xml nodes import into SQL Server

I have imported an xml document into SQL Server, I am now trying to import various parts into different tables. When I use the below query it only returns one row of hotel_facilities, I need to return all the hotel_facilities with the hotel_ref.
DECLARE #Details xml
SET #Details = '<hotels>
<name>Disabled Facilities</name>
<name>24 Hour Reception</name>
SELECT tab.col.value('../hotel_ref[1]','varchar(100)') AS 'hotel_ref',
tab.col.value('./id[1]','varchar(100)') AS 'HotelFacilityID',
tab.col.value('./name[1]','varchar(100)') AS 'HotelFacilityName'
FROM #Details.nodes('//hotels/hotel/hotel_facilities') AS tab(col)
Your XML is structured a bit funny - the <hotel_facilities> doesn't contain a proper "sub-entity" which you could enumerate over......
If your facilities would be wrapped into a <facility>....</facility> element, you could easily enumerate that.
<name>Disabled Facilities</name>
<name>24 Hour Reception</name>
But with your current setup, I think you'll be hard-pressed to find a good solution....
I agree with marc_s The XML does not have a good schema.
The closest I could get is:
SELECT tab.col.value('./hotel_ref[1]','varchar(100)') AS 'hotel_ref',
fac.value('(.)[1]','varchar(100)') AS 'HotelFacilityID',
into #facilitiesid
FROM #Details.nodes('/hotels/hotel') AS tab(col)
cross apply col.nodes('.//id') a(fac)
SELECT tab.col.value('../hotel_ref[1]','varchar(100)') AS 'hotel_ref',
fac.value('(.)[1]','varchar(100)') AS 'HotelFacilityName',
into #facilitiesnames
FROM #Details.nodes('//hotels/hotel/hotel_facilities') AS tab(col)
cross apply col.nodes('.//name') a(fac)
select i.hotel_ref, HotelFacilityID, HotelFacilityName
from #facilitiesid i
inner join #facilitiesnames n
on i.rowid = n.rowid
