apache camel with karaf properties config - apache-camel

I wish to place my properties configuration outside of the fuse installation directory and not in the /etc folder.
Is there any configuration file where I can add another path that would enable the config files to be placed outside fuse installation directory?

You can configure it in /bin/setenv using
export KARAF_ETC # Karaf etc folder


Flink logging - Using Log4j2

We are running a Flink(1.9.1) application on AWS-EMR(5.29) using yarn. We are using a common logging adaptor throughout all the components(including the Flink application) in our project and it uses Log4j2.
From the documentation, I see that there are 3 configuration files.
I understand that I will have to modify log4j.properties for the job manager and task manager logs and log4j-cli.properties for the code not included in the cluster code.
Now given this situation,
How do I pass my log4j2.properties?
Do we replace the logging jars in the lib folder with log4j2 jars?
Not a solid solution but this is a workaround. If the log4j.properties file in the /conf folder is deleted, the log4j2 file within the jar that is within the classpath is referred. But be careful when you have multiple jars in the classpath with the log4j2 properties file.

Unable to connect to SQLServer Kafka Connect

I have a docker image as located here
https://github.com/Landoop/fast-data-dev which has all the good stuff that I am using for development. I've tried to add a JDBC connector to push into a Kafka topic however am getting this error. I've made a consumer in Java which is working fine however I would like to use KafkaConnect
Invalid value java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:sqlserver://servername for configuration Couldn't open connection to jdbc:sqlserver://servername
What should I be looking into to fix this problem?
Your JDBC driver’s JAR file is not in Kafka Connect’s classpath. Put it there and you will be good to go:
One option is to install the JDBC driver jar alongside the connector. The packaged connector is installed in the share/java/kafka-connect-jdbc directory, relative to the installation directory. If you have installed from Debian or RPM packages, the connector will be installed in /usr/share/java/kafka-connect-jdbc. If you installed from zip or tar files, the connector will be installed in the path given above under the directory where you unzipped the Confluent Platform archive.
Alternatively, you can set the CLASSPATH variable before running connect-standalone or connect-distributed. For example:
$ CLASSPATH=/usr/local/firebird/* ./bin/connect-distributed ./config/connect-distributed.properties
Alternatively, put all the SQL Server JDBC JAR files in the libs dir under the root folder of Apache Kafka. But that would pollute the classpath and is better to be avoided in production.

How to set Zeppelin interpreter dependencies via configuration

I'm trying to deploy zeppelin 0.7.3 and add ojdbc7.jar and custom jar dependencies automatically.
I'm wondering if there's a configuration item in zeppelin-env.sh or zeppelin-site.xml that could do this.
copy zeppelin-0.7.3-bin-all to /data and copy ojdbc7.jar to /data/zeppelin-0.7.3-bin-all/jdbc/ojdbc7.jar
In interpreter, find spark, I can see dependencies/artifact added according to the configuration.

How to externalise data.sql for a spring boot app

I always use data.sql file in my resource folder if I want to initialise my H2 database with spring boot.
Now I need to use a H2 database but also to externalise data.sql in order to update this file when there are any changes.
I don't want to install MySql or other Databases because it's a very small service with a few database items and this service may be restarted sometimes.
So I have my folder in which there are the following two files: the uber jar file of my spring boot application (with Tomcat embedded) and data.sql file.
How can I externalise data.sql like the way I can externalise the configurations for application.properties?
How about putting it in the classpath when you run the jar?
java -jar uber.jar -classpath "PATH_TO_YOUR_SQL_FILE"

How exactly does Tomcat run out of CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE

I'm having trouble finding documentation regarding this. After some googling I find that bin, conf,logs, temp, webapps, work are directories that should exist in CATALINA_BASE.
temp, logs, webapps, bin and work I don't have any trouble understanding.
bin I suppose is just another bin folder, if for some reason both CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE are in PATH, then scripts in both folders will be available for execution.
But how about conf? Will the content of CATALINA_HOME/conf be totally ignored if CATALINA_BASE is set? Suppose I only would need to customize only a few config files pr. CATALINA_BASE, would I still need to keep a complete set of config files in CATALINA_BASE/conf, or could the standard config files in CATALINA_HOME/conf be shared?
And ditto for CATALINA_BASE/lib ... would this work as a "global" lib folder pr. instance?
You can find the answer in the Tomcat documentation:
Advanced Configuration - Multiple Tomcat Instances
In many circumstances, it is desirable to have a single copy of a
Tomcat binary distribution shared among multiple users on the same
server. To make this possible, you can set the $CATALINA_BASE
environment variable to the directory that contains the files for your
'personal' Tomcat instance.
When you use $CATALINA_BASE, Tomcat will calculate all relative
references for files in the following directories based on the value
bin - Only setenv.sh (*nix), setenv.bat (windows) and tomcat-juli.jar
conf - Server configuration files (including server.xml)
logs - Log and output files
webapps - Automatically loaded web applications
work - Temporary working directories for web applications
temp - Directory used by the JVM for temporary files (java.io.tmpdir)
Note that by default Tomcat will first try to load classes and JARs
from $CATALINA_BASE/lib and then $CATALINA_HOME/lib. You can place
instance specific JARs and classes (e.g. JDBC drivers) in
$CATALINA_BASE/lib whilst keeping the standard Tomcat JARs in
If you do not set $CATALINA_BASE, $CATALINA_BASE will default to the
same value as $CATALINA_HOME, which means that the same directory is
used for all relative path resolutions.
