npm (react navigation)module is not updated - reactjs

when i install react navigation module like this
these module requires somethig like react-native
but i installed and package.josn have that module
how can i do?
+ react-navigation#4.2.2
+ uuid#7.0.2
+ react-navigation-tabs#2.8.2
+ react-navigation-stack#2.2.3
removed 2 packages, updated 4 packages and audited 72980 packages in 8.487s
10 packages are looking for funding
run npm fund for details
found 4 low severity vulnerabilities
run npm audit fix to fix them, or npm audit for details
PS C:\Users\dys07\react-native-in-action\CitiesApp>
and packge.json is

When this thing happened to me, I use to upgrade the warning modules.
npm install uuid#latest
npm install request#latest
On command prompt and then all vulnerabilities fixed.


create-react-app is no longer working in my computer anymore

create-react-app is no longer working on my computer
A template was not provided. This is likely because you're using an outdated version of create-react-app.
Please note that global installs of create-react-app are no longer supported.
You can fix this by running npm uninstall -g create-react-app or yarn global remove create-react-app before using create-react-app again
I obviously try the npm uninstall -g create-react-app command, but it didn't work.
I tried to update npx, npm, clear cache on npx, on npm, I tried installing the latest version of the create-react-app. nothing worked so far.
npm install create-react-app#latest
npm WARN deprecated tar#2.2.2: This version of tar is no longer supported, and will not receive security updates. Please upgrade asap.
added 51 packages, removed 6 packages, changed 12 packages, and audited 68 packages in 2s
4 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
3 high severity vulnerabilities
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
Run `npm audit` for details.
I tried uninstalling tar, the exact same message as before appears.
I solved it
the command npm install tar#6 -g
was what I needed to properly update tar and the error disapear.
Thanks to all who took the time to help me

npx create-react-app won't work and this is what I get

I tried updating node and npm and I uninstalled create-react-app globally but I still got this error please help.
Creating a new React app in /Users/mac/Desktop/monsters-rolodex.
Installing packages. This might take a couple of minutes.
Installing react, react-dom, and react-scripts...
added 1902 packages, and audited 1903 packages in 59s
153 packages are looking for funding
run npm fund for details
27 vulnerabilities (16 moderate, 9 high, 2 critical)
To address all issues, run:
npm audit fix
Run npm audit for details.
A template was not provided. This is likely because you're using an outdated version of create-react-app.
Please note that global installs of create-react-app are no longer supported.
You can fix this by running npm uninstall -g create-react-app or yarn global remove create-react-app before using create-react-app again.

how to solve postcss vulnerabilities in app create with create-react-app

I create a new app using create-react-app 1 month ago and recently I got this message from npm update:
80 moderate severity vulnerabilities
To address issues that do not require attention, run:
npm audit fix
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
npm audit gives me:
postcss 7.0.0 - 8.2.9
Severity: moderate
Regular Expression Denial of Service -
fix available via `npm audit fix --force`
Will install react-scripts#2.1.8, which is a breaking change
I try npm audit fix but nothing changes and npm audit fix --force install an older version of react-script (current 4.0.3 to 2.1.8) so it doesn't seem like a good solution.
npm install postcss#latest --save and npm install postcss#8.2.15 --save doesn't change anything either.
What is the best way to fix this vulnerability?
This problem has been answered here:
the support for postcss 8 is already merged and probably will be released soon
you can use the npm package npm-force-resolutions to temporarily fix this issue
I lost half a day to this, all the NPM based solutions & packages didn't work. force-resolutions wasn't working for me.
Switching to Yarn makes this far simpler.
rm -rf ./node_modules
rm ./package-lock.json
edit your package.json :
add any other package versions to upgrade from npm / yarn audit here also
"postcss": "^8.2.10"
yarn install then running yarn audit should yield the magic words:
0 vulnerabilities found - Packages audited: 999
✨ Done in 1.10s.

Stuck on the loop of npm fund and npm audit upon react-bootstrap and react-table install

I am working on a project where I need to create a table so I tried adding react-bootstrap and then react-table6. Both gave me errors about npm fund and npm audit so I ran npm install --no-fund which gave me the error related to npm audit so I tried fixing it with npm audit fix which led me to npm fund error again. If I force fix the npm audit, my react app is not starting now. My machine is Windows 8 64 bit. What am I doing wrong?

React-Router causing 12969 high severity vulnerabilities

Starting a new project using
npx create-react-app my-app --typescript
I had no errors, I installed
npm install --save react-router-dom #types/react-router-dom
And get the error
mixin-deep#2.0.1 added 1 package from 1 contributor, updated 1
package, moved 1 package and audited 902212 packages in 13.484s found
12969 high severity vulnerabilities
I'm running Node v12.6.0 & npm 6.10.1 on a Windows PC. I've tried running npm audit fix, but it states I have to fix them manually.
Installing react-router and getting 12969 high severity vulnerabilities seems a little excessive, does anyone know what's going on? Am I doing something wrong?
