How to add background text to video recording? - reactjs

I'm using videojs-record. On the top right corner there is REC text along with a red dot.
I am thinking to add more text to the ongoing video recording, something like video logs that Matt Damon did in the movie Martian.. Anyone knows how to achieve that? Thanks!

The record indicator is just a <div> element and won't be stored in the recorded video.
However, by the same logic you can just draw stuff on a <canvas> on top of your video (and hopefully you'll also get back from Mars somehow).


Microblink SDK: Take only the photo which is inside rectangle

I am using Microblink Sdk with reactjs. So, when I open the camera to take the photo of some document it takes the picture of whole frame not just inside the reactange.
Is there any option to take only the picture only inside the rectangle.
The rectangle displayed on the screen is there to help the user position the document they are scanning.
Specifically, the detection of the document and data extraction works best if the entire image is sent to processing, and if the document is positioned roughly around the rectangle.
That means that if you “cropped” the image to the rectangle before recognition, you would effectively lower the success rate of scanning or you would have to move the camera further away from the document to keep it in that sweet spot where the document has a margin around it, resulting in a lower resolution image, lowering the success rate once more and defeating the purpose of the initial cropping.

Video seekbar color change based on forward time

I am trying to work on html5 video where I have to get a white colored line that changes based on where the cursor is hovering on the time bar. This is not to be confused with the current play time which is red colored line.
How do I get this white line? Do I need to calculate the current play time and forward time and then apply some sort of css on the remaining portion?
Please help me with ideas. Please see the pic to know what I am talking about.

How to Play Transparent background avi file in media element?

I have a video with transparent background in .avi format (Made from Adobe After Effects), but the transparent background appears black in mediaelement. Media Player has no background property also.
What should i use so that this media element plays the file and when placed on an image takes that image as its background. (No i cannot embed that image in the avi file as my image keeps changing).
*If my approach is wrong please let me know.
I'm afraid using the normal wpf media player this can't be done.
The mediaplayer ignores the transparent regions, even with video formats that accept it. From memory, i dont think AVI files support transparent regions. MOV files do.
Having said that, and although it could be a very complicated task, it may be possible to enhance the WPFMediaKit mediaplayer to do what you want.
J Morrill the author of wpfmediakit may be able to let you know if it is possible or not.
I might add that i got around this problem in a project once by using a sequence of .png files that played a short 10 second movie. Of course this is not an ideal solution, but it got me out of a jam
Another workaround is to use color keying - assing a color (or more colors) in your video, which you translate to the transparency by a WPF Effect(BitmapEffect or ShaderEffect).

How to achieve rotating form effect in wpf

I would like to make a rotating form WPF effect like the one in the norton antivirus 2010.
The effect is a rotating form that changes the contents when the other side is shown. But the axis is not in the center of the form but moves from side to center and back. Like a three step effect.
The rotating form can be seen at 8' 07" in this video: (I'm sad but this was the only video I found on YouTube)
Have a look at the Thriple stuff on CodePlex:
It's almost exactly what you're after.
Hope this helps.
I did not examine the details, but I know that Microsoft's patterns & practices team also uses a similar animation in their "StockTrader Reference Implementation" for the "Composite Application Guidance". They sub-classed the TabControl and added some animation to it. I think the relevant code parts can be found here:
just verify this link. It has code as well as the Sample.
From the Sample take the TransitionPresenter link from the left panel and choose the 3D Rotate item from the listbox. Then select the images from the top list. You can see the same effect in the video. I saw some initial sanp of the video and may be this link can help you.

Some animation requests in a Silverlight application

I am making a flash card application. It shows the question and then a textbox for user input, all wrapped in a border or rectangle. So what I want is an animation that "flips" the rectangle or border upside-down and then their is text on the "back". Also, I want my application to APPEAR transition from one card to another by "flying off" the screen then "another" card comes in to replace the other one in the opposite direction. But actually I'm want just a little animation of the border or rectangle moving off the screen then coming back in, but in the opposite direction. Some help would be appreciated, like what kind of animation can accomplish this and maybe a small code sample to demonstrate. I am not asking you write all this, I think that would be a little rude (unless you really want to).
Have you had a look at the Silverlight FX stuff? There might be some animations in there that are what you are looking for. There are also samples provided.
