How to set value for additional column in pivot table in OctoberCMS? - relationship

I have doctor and specialization table, and have doctor_specialization_pivot table. In my pivot table I have the following columns:
| doctor_id | additional_data | specialization_id |
additional_data is from the doctor model along with the doctor_id.
In my doctor model file, I have this relationship:
public $belongsToMany = [
'specialization' => [
'table' => 'doctor_specialization_pivot',
'parentKey' => 'doctor_id',
'otherKey' => 'specialization_id',
Now during submit of form, I'm getting this error:
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'additional_data' doesn't have a default value (SQL: insert into doctor_specialization_pivot (doctor_id, specializations_id) values (1, 3))"
I tried adding to my relationship 'pivot' => ['additional_data']. But still getting the same error.
I checked the submitted data and additional_data is not empty. I checked from OctoberCMS forums but not getting straight forward answers such as this and this.

Okay. I found the answer to my own question.
I'll answer in detail to help everyone. After digging and blind shooting. According to this documentation here, we can use the method attach() to attach a role to a user by inserting a record in the intermediate table that joins the models.
What confuse me in the documentation is that it uses a $roleId variable and I didn't understand where the $roleId came from. If it's the id of the parent table or the id of other table.
Sample from the link:
$user = User::find(1);
So what I did in my doctor model, I hook to the event beforeSave, use the relationship ($this->specialization) as the first parameter instead of the id in the docs. The $this->specialization() is the relationship too defined in belongsToMany.
public function beforeSave()
$this->specialization()->attach($this->specialization,['additional_data' => 'additional data from doctor table']);

The implementation is pretty much like this video from Watch Learn (Ivan). You can learn a lot about OctoberCMS just by watching his guide on it. Here is the documentation on it as well. This is the example info that I have done.
WARNING Another known flaw is you can't apply this to a model record that isn't created yet. Unlike the standard relation widget which waits until it is saved before attaching records this attaches records in a separate overlay form.
Here is my model.php relationship:
public $belongsToMany = [
'equipments' => [
'table' => 'brandon_pixelrpg_equipment_inventory',
'key' => 'inventory',
'otherKey' => 'equipment',
'pivot' => ['quantity']
Here is my controller.php:
public $implement = [
public $listConfig = 'config_list.yaml';
public $formConfig = 'config_form.yaml';
public $reorderConfig = 'config_reorder.yaml';
public $relationConfig = 'config_relation.yaml';
Here is my config_relation.yaml:
label: Equipments
label: ID
type: number
searchable: true
sortable: true
label: Name
type: text
searchable: true
sortable: true
label: Value
type: number
searchable: true
sortable: true
label: Updated
type: datetime
searchable: true
sortable: true
label: Quantity
type: number
label: Quantity
type: number
default: 0

I am just going to make a new answer and assume is what you need because you have yet to show any code on how your form works. This is how I would update the pivot information from a frontend form.
Relationship in model.php:
public $belongsToMany = [
'specialization' => [
'table' => 'doctor_specialization_pivot',
'parentKey' => 'doctor_id',
'otherKey' => 'specialization_id',
'pivot' => ['additional_data'] //This is required
Then in some php code lets call it onAddSpecialization():
public function onAddSpecialization() {
//Calling a function to get the doctor id maybe from the signed in user
$doctor = Doctors::find($this->$doctorId());
//We get our Specialization from an input
$specialization = Specialization::find(Input::get('specialization_id'));
//We get our additional data from an input
$additional_data = Input::get('additional_data');
//Now we are going to attach the information
$doctor->specialization()->attach($specialization, ['additional_data' => $additional_data]);
Now an example of updating our additional data:
public function onUpdateAdditionalData() {
//Calling a function to get the doctor id maybe from the signed in user
$doctor = Doctors::find($this->$doctorId());
//If you get specialization by id from an input. I believe you need to go through the relationship in order to access the correct pivot information.
$specialization = $doctor->specialization->where('id', Input::get('specialization_id'))->first();
//Insert the new pivot information
$specialization->pivot->additional_data = $new_additional_data;


Antd design table column -> how to pass array of objects to dataIndex

I'm fetching object (contract) from DB, it contains few fields, one of them is an array of objects (products). I have antd table with column Products and I would like to fill it with product names.
For example, my contract object also has account object, and the way I use dataIndex there is like this:
title: 'Account',
dataIndex: ['account', 'name'],
key: 'account',
align: 'center',
sorter: (a, b) => a.length - b.length
That works fine! But Account is not an array.
Here is code with issue:
title: 'Products',
dataIndex: ['products'],
key: 'products',
align: 'center',
filters: []
Here is how I map data that is send to component above which has to fill table:
return => ({
key: contract._id,
account: contract.account,
products: [contract.products],
I tried returning just contract.products, tried returning Object.values(contract.products), tried to JSON.stringify(contract.products) but then I don't know how to parse it in column and take just name...
The only way I managed to set name was by not sending object. Example:
return => ({
key: contract._id,
account: contract.account,
products: =>,
This would indeed solve this problem, but it would made me make another asyncThunk method where I would return whole array of objects.
Hope that I described that well,this is for my college project and it's bean bugging me whole day.
I would be very grateful if someone knows how can I solve this.
According to Antd documentation for column dataIndex, it will only accept a string or an array of strings for nested paths.
dataIndex - Display field of the data record, support nest path by string array - string | string[ ]
So I don't think you can pass an array of objects to dataIndex.
The only way around that I can think of would be to convert the array to a string before passing it to your table.
To do that you can use .join() method to add space and a comma between your array items.
const convertArrayToString = (array) => array.join(', ');
And before returning you could use the above function: Example:
return => ({
key: contract._id,
account: contract.account,
products: convertArrayToString(contract.products),

Work around Sequelize’s unique constraints in belongsToMany associations

I'm using Sequelize in my project. These are the two models:
const User = db.define('user', {
name: Sequelize.STRING,
password: Sequelize.STRING
const Product = db.define('product', {
name: Sequelize.STRING,
price: Sequelize.INTEGER
Now users can purchase products and I have associations setup like below:
Product.belongsToMany(User, {through: 'UserProducts'})
User.belongsToMany(Product, {through: 'UserProducts'})
I also have this UserProducts table with an additional column.
const UserProducts = db.define('UserProducts', {
status: Sequelize.STRING
Sequelize creates a composite key with combination of userId and productId and will only allow one record with a combination of userId and productId. So, for example, userId 2 and productId 14.
This is a problem for me because sometimes people want to purchase multiple times. I need one of the following scenarios to work:
Don't use the composite key and instead have a completely new auto-increment column used as key in UserProducts.
Instead of making key with userId and productId alone, allow me to add one more column into the key such as the status so that unique key is a combination of the three.
I do want to use the associations as they provide many powerful methods, but want to alter the unique key to work in such a way that I can add multiple rows with the same combination of user id and product id.
And since my models/database is already running, I will need to make use of migrations to make this change.
Any help around this is highly appreciated.
If anyone else is having problems in v5 of Sequelize, it is not enough to specify a primary key on the 'through' model.
You have to explicitly set the unique property on the through model.
User.belongsToMany(Product, { through: { model: UserProducts, unique: false } });
Product.belongsToMany(User, { through: { model: UserProducts, unique: false } });
Belongs-To-Many creates a unique key when the primary key is not present on through model.
Since you also have additional property in your UserProducts table, you need to define the model for UserProducts and then tell the sequelize to use that model instead of creating its own
class User extends Model {}
name: Sequelize.STRING,
password: Sequelize.STRING
}, { sequelize })
class Product extends Model {}
name: Sequelize.STRING,
price: Sequelize.INTEGER
}, { sequelize })
class UserProducts extends Model {}
id: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true
status: DataTypes.STRING
}, { sequelize })
User.belongsToMany(Project, { through: UserProducts })
Product.belongsToMany(User, { through: UserProducts })
refer: Sequelize v4 belongsToMany
since you are using v3 and already have a model created for your UserProducts table use following snippet
UserProducts = db.define('UserProducts', {
id: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true
status: DataTypes.STRING
Since setting explicitly the unique property on the through model is not working in v6, the only solution i found is to define the 3 parts of the association this way :
You can then create your models and associations :
const user = await User.create(user_data);
const product = await Product.create(product_data);
const up = await UserProduct.create(up_data);
await up.setUser(user);
await up.setProduct(product);
If anyone has a better solution, I would be happy to know it

Form elements not being submitted

So I've got a weird problem that I'm having a hard time figuring out. I've got a simple form with a few elements that are not being submitted, all of these elements have only one thing in common, they're select elements:
echo $this->Form->control("spirit_type_id", [
"label" => false,
"type" => "select",
"options" => $spirit_types,
"empty" => "Spirit Type"
echo $this->Form->control("country_id", [
"label" => false,
"type" => "select",
"options" => $countries,
"empty" => "Country"
echo $this->Form->control("region_id", [
"label" => false,
"type" => "select",
"options" => $regions,
"empty" => "Region"
And in my controller I have:
public function add() {
$spirit = $this->Spirits->newEntity();
$spirit_types = $this->Spirits->SpiritTypes->find("list");
$countries = $this->Spirits->Countries->find("list");
$regions = $this->Spirits->Regions->find("list");
if ($this->request->is("post")) {
$spirit = $this->Spirits->patchEntity($spirit, $this->request->getData());
$spirit->user_id = $this->Auth->user("id");
if ($this->Spirits->save($spirit)) {
$this->Flash->success("Your spirit was successfully saved.");
$this->redirect(["action" => "index"]);
} else {
$this->Flash->error("Your spirit could not be saved.");
$this->set(compact("spirit", "spirit_types", "countries", "regions"));
The important part is that debug statement. It shows this when I insert data using the form.
'name' => 'Longrow Peated',
'image' => 'imageLocation',
'brand' => 'Springbank',
'age' => '',
'cost' => '55'
Those are all text and/or number elements in my form, and they all come out just fine. It gets a little weirder though. I have validation in my table to require those id fields:
public function validationDefault(Validator $validator) {
"name", "brand", "spirit_type_id", "country_id", "region_id", "age", "cost", "image"
->notEmpty("name", "We require a name")
->notEmpty("brand", "We require a brand or distillery")
->notEmpty("spirit_type_id", "We require a type of alchohol")
->notEmpty("country_id", "We require a country of origin")
But this doesn't ever seem to get triggered when I insert the data using patchEntity, it's only caught when I actually call the save function and I try inserting into the database.
If $this->request->getData() is not showing all of your fields, the most likely cause would be some sort of problem with your form; there are not a lot of ways for CakePHP to discard your data from here. You can narrow it down by using browser tools (built into most of them now) to inspect the data actually being sent from your browser in the page request.
If it turns out that the fields really aren't being sent across at all, the problem is almost certainly in your form. For example, you might be closing it early, or there might be HTML errors that confuse the browser. Make sure that all of your input tags are between the <form> and </form>, and if they are then try an HTML validator to check your code. There are lots of options online, and even the inspectors built into browsers can often help you spot these sorts of issues.
This is the most common problem:
If you check debug($this->request->getData()); before $spirit = $this->Spirits->newEntity(); you then see all submitted data!
Next go to Spirit Entity and double check if your fields "spirit_type_id,.." accessible!
* Fields that can be mass assigned using newEntity() or patchEntity().
* Note that when '*' is set to true, this allows all unspecified fields to
* be mass assigned. For security purposes, it is advised to set '*' to false
* (or remove it), and explicitly make individual fields accessible as needed.
* #var array
protected $_accessible = [
'*' => true, // quick fix
'id' => false,
or better way:
protected $_accessible = [
'spirit_type_id' => true,
'country_id' => true,
// etc ...
$spirit = $this->Spirits->patchEntity($spirit, $this->request->getData());
debug($spirit); exit();
see if any errors.

Mongoose - Remove several objects from an array (not exact match)

I have a collection Playlist that contains an array of items
userId: {
type : String,
required : true,
index : true,
unique : true
items: [
id: { // do not mix up with _id, which is the autogenerated id of the pair {id,type}. ID is itemId
type : Schema.Types.ObjectId
type: {
type : String
Mongo automatically adds the _id field to the items when I push a pair {id,type} to items (but I don't care about it).
Now I would like to remove several "pairs" at once from the items array.
I have tried using $pullAll but it requires an exact match, and I do not know the _id, so it does not remove anything from items
I have tried using $pull with different variants, but it removed ALL objects from items
Am I missing something or am I asking something that isn't implemented?
If the latter, is there a way I can go around that _id issue?
OK I found a way that works using $pull:
It doesn't take the type into account but I can't see any issue with that since the id is unique across all types anyway.
Although I will wait a bit to see if someone has a better solution to offer
With Veeram's help I got to this other solution, which IMO is more elegant because I don't have _ids that I don't need in the database, and the $pullAll option seems more correct here
var playlistItemSchema = mongoose.Schema({
id: { // do not mix up with autogenerated _id. id is itemId
type : Schema.Types.ObjectId
type: {
type : String
},{ _id : false });
var schema = new Schema({
userId: {
type : String,
required : true,
index : true,
unique : true
items: [playlistItemSchema]
you can use _id field to handle your playlistModel data.
mongoose api : new mongoose.Types.ObjectId to generate an Object_id
let _id=new mongoose.Types.ObjectId;
playlistModel.updateMany({_id:_id},{ $set: { name: 'bob' }}).exec(data=>{console.log('exec OK')});

AngularJS objects from web service

I have a model defined on the client.
module Shared{
export class HotelType{
ID : number;
Description : string;
export class Hotel{
ID : number;
Type : HotelType
I am using ngGrid to display the data.
What I do in my controller is very simple. Call the service and populate the data in the ng grid.
this.$scope.gridOptions = {
data: 'hotels',
columnDefs: [{ field: 'ID', displayName: 'HotelID' },
{ field: 'Type.Description', displayName: 'Description' }],
multiSelect: false,
selectedItems: []
.success((hotels) => {
this.$ hotels;
All my hotels are of the same type. First row in the grid if fine.
10 - Best hotel
but the description in other rows is empty
11 -
12 -
When looking at what I get from my service I noticed I get an array of Hotels which is fine.
hotels[0].Type is a object with an $id = 2 and has all the properties (Description : "Best hotel" etc..)
But, hotels[1].Type only has one property $ref "2".
And it is the same with all other types in other hotels.
I believe this is the reason why ng grid is displaying a description in only first row.
Does anyone know how this can be fixed?
I would like to see description in all of the row of ng grid..
Thank you.
