Salesforce SSO setup with ADFS for specific User groups in AD - active-directory

So here is my dilemma or my somewhat up in the air question .
I have set my self with with a scenario in such that I've enabled SSO on Salesforce using ADFS certs, but currently all users have access to go through salesforce using SSO. I'd like to limit SSO to only three groups "user groups defined in AD" to be the only ones to be able to use SSO in salesforce.
I know i need to delegate access but not sure if i need to do this on the ADFS side or the salesforce end.... on ADFS the only thing i've done is create the certificate and brought them in salesforce and then taken the XML generated and bring that into ADFS.
Any help would be greatly appreciated it .
After Searching the web and this form i came to realise that there is a Delegated Authentication and i might need to install a Delegated Authentication WSDL not sure if this step is necessary for ADFS 3.0 .
Many people seem to point to using Delegated Authentication , but i'm wondering if there is any way to get the same functionality using claim tickets on the adfs server.
Thank You Again :)

You seem to describe something doable via AD FS authorization rules. Read
Essentially what you do is on the relying party for Salesforce in AD FS, you create authorization rules to permit/deny based on AD group membership. Therefore, if user is in group, AD FS issues token. if not, they get a deny which means no token that would allow access to Salesforce.
Also see because based on your AD FS version you may be able to do this via an access control policy instead of issuance authorization rules.


How to include roles into access token using Azure AD MSAL library

My web api services are protected by roles based authorization. So, my access token requesting from Azure AD doesn't include any roles in access token. Is it possible to add assigned roles(defined in manifest file and adding it on user) into access token?
would you please guide me with links and examples because I am not able to find any documentations?
Definitely possible, I've written an older article on the topic:
Make sure you define the roles in the manifest of the API.
Do note though that if a user has many roles and you use the implicit flow to get tokens in the front-end, they might not appear in the token.
If that happens to you, upgrading to MSAL.js 2.x and using authorization code flow with PKCE in the front-end should help with this.

Why Saml is the default option for registering Salesforce as an Enterprise Application is AAD

I am trying to integrate Salesforce with AAD, so I see two available options, either Saml or OpenId Connect.. I do not know which one is better, but I prefer OpenId Connect since it seems to be more modern. So I tried to register Salesforce App in AAD and Saml was the default options, so why is Saml the default option ?! is it better or what? Please note that I am building an API and I need to allow authentication and authorization with Single Sign On.
The Azure AD app gallery contains many popular applications that are already pre-configured to work with Azure AD as an identity provider. These applications will be available in the Enterprise applications and have SAML to perform SSO. Any application which is added directly from the Gallery the default method is SAML based SSO , password based SSO etc.. which depends upon the applications.
Kindly check the difference between the App Registration and Gallery application in Azure portal from the link
In order to get more detailed explanation about SSO types and protocols kindly check the document to get more detailed explanation.
If you have any further queries kindly let me know.

Combining custom registration and Azure AD?

I'm in a pickle, lacking the experiences that would provide me with guidance in my project and am seeking pointers from those for whom have Azure AD, SSO and Federation experience.
I am building an employee self service system and using Azure AD for identity management. I would like the user to be able to sign in using their employee ID # and password, not their email address; there should also be an option for the user to register for online access using their employee ID # and other personal information - their Azure Identity already having been established by humane resources.
The sign in flow would take the user to the Microsoft login page which would in turn detect that the user needs to sign in via a custom login page and redirect them there. Once they are signed in, my server would transmit their identity to Azure AD and grant them access based on the Azure Application permissions.
I'm simply really confused about how to start setting this up, if it's even possible. I'm aware of XSS but isn't Federation and SSO with SAML2 secure?
Do I need to use a federation application as a middle-man such as Ping Identity?
Thanks for any help!
Using e.g. Ping as an IDP generally won't help because Azure AD is already an IDP.
Microsoft Azure AD login pages can't be accessed by API and can't be customised to the extent you want.
And you can only sign-in with an email address because it's designed for domain-joined corporate customers.
You can do a lot of what you require with Azure AD B2C and custom policies. That will allow you to sign-in with a user name (= employee id) and you can create workflows.
You could then federate Azure AD and Azure AD B2C.
Your other option is to use an IDP that does allow authentication via an API e.g. Auth0.
Then you could have a custom login page that authenticates as appropriate.
Using Ping ID and other similar products is the fastest way to utilize SSO.

Lock Microsoft Graph access to only one domain

I have searched far and wide to find out how I can change the settings of my Microsoft Graph app so I only allow login from my own domain.
Since the login from Graph takes all Microsoft accounts i've been looking into different solutions, all from finding custom token endpoints to changing the application manifest.
In my manifest I can find this "signInAudience": "AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount" - but I can't find in the documentation what other options there are.
also on this Microsoft page I can find this information
The overall solution comprises the following components:
Azure AD – If the Restrict-Access-To-Tenants: <permitted tenant list> is present, Azure AD only issues security tokens for the permitted tenants.
Is there any good guides online or anyone who knows how i can restrict access to people signing in either with #xxxxx.comonly or accounts?
I think you're misunderstanding how Microsoft Graph works. It connects to the tenant/domain of the user authenticating. So if I authenticate with, the application will only have access to the tenant.
In terms of the authentication process itself, this is handled by Azure AD. Microsoft Graph simply accepts the token AAD returns. You can limit this process to users from a given tenant by changing the /Authorization and /Token URLs your app is using.
In most cases, apps use the /common tenant. When a user authenticates against /common, AAD handles discovering the user's actual tenant/domain and routes the request to that AAD instance for processing. These URLs look like this:
If you want to limit authentication to a single tenant, you can skip the discovery process and force AAD/OAuth to authenticate against a single AAD tenant. Only users that exist in that tenant will be able to authenticate. This is done by swapping /common with tenant's id:

Querying a tenants Azure AD from a multi-tenant Application

We have a multi-tenant Saas application providing sign in using our username/pwd authentication system and using Azure AD (OAuth 2.0 flows). When a user signs in using Azure AD, we can get the user's profile using{tenantid}/me. We want however to get more information using the memberOf or getMemberGroups operations to retrieve the user's groups in the tenants directory, to map specific groups from the tenant to an organizational structure in our application. However these operations always fail with a Forbidden statuscode. Are we missing required permissions or is it just not possible to query for the groups and roles of another tenant.
Thanks in advance
This is totally possible, but today requires that you request the "Read Directory" permission. This permission does require and admin of the tenant to consent. We are looking at adding some additional fine grained permissions for Graph API that will allow users to consent (to get group membership information).
Another option for you is to configure your application to request group membership claims (which should appear in any user or JWT token). You can do this by going to the azure management portal and getting to your app's config page. From there download the application manifest file and update the groupMembershipClaims property. You can see most of the properties in the application manifest described here: Once updated, you can upload this app manifest file, and this will configure your application accordingly. Once done, AAD will issue group membership claims in the token. Dushyant has written a nice blog about authorizing access to a web app, using group membership claims or app roles. You can find it via Alex Simons blog post here:
