load `<select>` drop down default value using AngularJS - angularjs

i need to load default value for my drop downs.
first drop down
<select class="form-control pz" ng-model="newuser.title">
<option ng-repeat="x in titles" value="{{x}}">{{x}}</option>
data for first drop down
$scope.titles = ["MR","MRS","MS"];
I need to load "MR" as a default value in my first drop down.
second drop down with data.
<select class="form-control" ng-model="newuser.assessmentyear" required
ng-option="x in assessmentyears">
<option selected>--Select Year--</option>
<option ng-repeat="x in assessmentyears" value="{{x}}">{{x}}</option>
I need to load "--Select Year--" as a default value.
can you help

For the first one, you need to set ng-model value with the value of the first option:
$scope.newuser = {};
$scope.newuser.title = "MR";
For the second dropdown add value="" to set default option as selected:
<option value="">--Select Year--</option>
Note also that this is not needed:
ng-option="x in assessmentyears"
as you are adding options with ng-repeat.
You can see documentation and similar examples here: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/select


Show a select field with options YES/NO without having a default option selected

I'm working on angularjs and I have a field that has two options YES/NO.
When someone will fill this field I need to show the two options but non of them is selected. So it will look like an empty value, but this empty value should not be an option. I tried to add <option value="?"></option> in the following code, but then the empty value is an option.
Any ideas?
<div class="col-md-3" ng-if="obj.options.length > 0">
<select class="form-control" ng-model="patientReportedSymptomsUI[key]" ng-disabled="$root.newVisit">
<option value="?"></option>
<option ng-repeat="option in obj.options">{{option}}</option>

Default for ng-select not working

I have a form using a select. I'm trying to set a default value, which I want to disable, so the dropdown will show "-- select state --" as the first option and will force the user to make a selection.
My problem is it's not working and the select always starts out blank.
Here is my code:
<select ng-model="contactEditCtrl.addressData.state" style="width: 50%;">
<option ng-disabled="$index === 1" ng-selected="true">--Select State--</option>
<option value="{{state.abbreviation}}" ng-repeat="state in contactEditCtrl.states">{{state.name}}</option>
Check this one with default <option> and ng-options:
<select ng-model="contactEditCtrl.addressData.state"
ng-options="state.name as state.name for state in contactEditCtrl.states" >
<option value="" ng-disabled="true">-- select state --</option>
Demo fiddle
It will be converted to:
<select ng-model="addressData.state" style="width: 50%;"
ng-options="state.name as state.name for state in states" class="ng-valid ng-dirty">
<option value="" ng-disabled="true" class="" disabled="disabled">-- select state --</option>
<option value="0">CCCCC</option>
<option value="1">QQQQQQ</option>
The empty option is generated when a value referenced by ng-model doesn't exist in a set of options passed to ng-options. This happens to prevent accidental model selection: AngularJS can see that the initial model is either undefined or not in the set of options and don't want to decide model value on its own.
In short: the empty option means that no valid model is selected (by valid I mean: from the set of options). You need to select a valid model value to get rid of this empty option.
Taken from here
So I'd suggest writing it like this.
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
// Register MyController object to this app
app.controller('MyController', function MyController($scope) {
this.addressData = {state: "--Select State--"};
this.states = [{abbreviation: 'a', name:'ant'}, {abbreviation: 'b', name:'asd'}, {abbreviation: 'b', name:'asd2'}]
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.22/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app='myApp' ng-controller='MyController as contactEditCtrl'>
<select ng-model="contactEditCtrl.addressData.state" style="width: 50%;">
<option value="--Select State--">--Select State--</option>
<option ng-value="state.abbreviation" ng-repeat="state in contactEditCtrl.states">{{state.name}}</option>

angularjs ng-repeat selected option

How to get the object of selected option in angular js using ng-repeat? Sample fiddle is here where myself populating the dropdown as,
<select ng-model="id" ng-init="id = '-1'" ng-change="select(option)">
<option value="-1">--Select--</option>
<option ng-repeat="option in list" value="{{option.id}}">{{option.name}}</option>
If someone chose option with id=1, i want to get the object {id:1, name:'A' in $scope variable.
EDIT: Myself tried with ng-options but filtering is not happening as required based on previous dropdown selection. sample fiddle
Use option object in ng-value={{option}} and whenever u select an option your scope.id will have the desired object.
Basically ur ng-model gets populated with selected value.
Just you have to change your option to this
<option ng-repeat="option in list" value="{{'Id : ' + option.id + ' Name : ' + option.name }}">{{option.name}}</option>
Hope this will work for you and you were looking for the same result
You have 2 option to get as Object.
option 1 :
you can use Filter to get Object
<select ng-model="id" ng-init="id = '-1'" ng-change="select((list|filter:{id:id}))">
<option value="-1">--Select--</option>
<option ng-repeat="option in list" value="{{option.id}}">{{option.name}}</option>
updated fiddler here
option 2 :
set your value as Object (option)
<select ng-model="id" ng-init="id = '-1'" ng-change="select(option)">
<option value="-1">--Select--</option>
<option ng-repeat="option in list" value="{{option}}">{{option.name}}</option>

How to set default option for select in angularjs

Now I am trying to set a default value for a select dropdown. but couldn't get it down, code:
<div class='paymentmethods subcontent' ng-switch on="editpaymentmethod">{{editselection.selectedmethod=Memethods[paymethodindex]}}// This gives me what I need,but select doesn't. confused?
<select ng-model='editselection.selectedmethod' ng-init="editselection.selectedmethod=Memethods[paymethodindex]" id='methods' ng-switch-when='Y'>
<option ng-repeat="method in Memethods" value="{{method}}">{{method}}</option>
<select ng-model='editselection.selectedmethod' ng-init="editselection.selectedmethod=companies[paymethodindex]" ng-switch-when='N' style='float:left'>
<option ng-repeat='companyoption in companies' value="{{companyoption}}">{{companyoption}}</option>
$scope.paymethodindex = $scope.Memethods.indexOf(paymethod);
$scope.paymethodindex = $scope.companies.indexOf(paymethod);
I use paymethodindex to set default value for select dropdown. I can even print out in the page with {{editselection.selectedmethod=Memethods[paymethodindex]}}, I think the index part works fine, any idea?
Use ng-selected to default the selected option, see example in the doc.
Alternatively, use ng-options instead of ng-repeat to generate your options.

Default selected value not working using ng-init

Simply trying to make a default selected value in Angular but thus far I am having no luck.
HTML Before Compile:
<select ng-options="select.Value as select.Name for select in ruleSelect" ng-model="rule.MatchLogic" ng-init="rule.MatchLogic = 0" ></select>
HTML In Browser Source:
<select ng-options="select.Value as select.Name for select in ruleSelect" ng-model="rule.MatchLogic" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
<option value="?" selected="selected"></option>
<option value="0">All</option>
<option value="1">At Least</option>
<option value="2">At Most</option>
How do I make value=0 (All) the default selected value.
All you need to do is set your ng-model value rule.MatchLogic to equal the corresponding value in the options. The options you use are ruleSelect.
So for example, set rule.MatchLogic = ruleSelect[someSelector].Value; inside your controller.
