I want to set "InOperator" value in a Verbal. This is my select Query.
DECLARE #i nvarchar(Max); set #i = '619, 618, 620, 2162, 2173, 3613, 2090';
select * from tbl_PharmacypurDetail where ItmCode in (CAST(#i as bigint))
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 2
Error converting data type nvarchar to bigint.
You can use STRING_SPLIT to splits a string into rows of substrings, based on a specified separator character.
DECLARE #i nvarchar(Max); set #i = '619, 618, 620, 2162, 2173, 3613, 2090';
select * from tbl_PharmacypurDetail where ItmCode in (SELECT value FROM STRING_SPLIT(#i, ','))
You can use split function :
select tp.*
from tbl_PharmacypurDetail tp cross apply
dbo.splitfn(#i, ',') as t(val)
where t.val = tp.itemcode;
If you are working with SQL Server 2016 or higher then you can use STRING_SPLIT.
You can use something like this instead in case your server doesn't support STRING_SPLIT:
DECLARE #i nvarchar(Max);
SET #i = '619, 618, 620, 2162, 2173, 3613, 2090';
FROM tbl_PharmacypurDetail
WHERE CHARINDEX(',' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), ItmCode) + ',', ',' + REPLACE(#i, ' ', '') + ',') > 0
I'm trying to execute a dynamic SQL query, but I'm getting an error Msg 105, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Unclosed quotation mark after the character string '2020-09-15 18:'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near '2020-09-15 18:'
There must be something wrong with the datetime variable.
Can anybody suggest how this should be done properly ?
declare #paramDailyOutput nvarchar(100), #retrieveDailyVal real
declare #paramDaily float
declare #retrieveDailyID varchar(100) = 'table_53'
declare #startTime datetime, #currTime datetime = GETDATE()
set #startTime = DATEADD(hour, -1, #currTime)
set #paramDailyOutput = 'SELECT #paramDaily = max(value) - min(value) FROM ' + #retrieveDailyID + ' where read_date between ''' + convert(nvarchar(200), #startTime, 120) + ''' and ''' + convert(nvarchar(200), #currTime, 120) + ''''
exec sp_executesql #paramDailyOutput, N' #paramDaily float OUTPUT', #paramDaily = #paramDaily output
select #paramDaily
You strings are too short, you're going way over 100 characters.
Try changing everything to 250 or even 300 characters. Or better yet, NVARCHAR(1000).
I've created a function to return a string of the points within a multi-point geography field in MS-SQL. I was wondering if there is a better way of doing this? What I want to is supply a list of points as a Lat/Long co-ordinates to an external client who does not use SQL geography data types (they are using SQL Lite).
Create FUNCTION [dbo].GetLatLongForPolygon
#Perimeter GEOGRAPHY
RETURNS Varchar(max)
declare #NumPoints as Int
declare #OutputString as varchar(max)
declare #latpoint as varchar(max)
declare #longpoint as varchar(max)
set #NumPoints = #Perimeter.STNumPoints()
while #NumPoints >0
set #LatPoint = #Perimeter.STPointN(#NumPoints).Lat
set #longpoint = #Perimeter.STPointN(#NumPoints).Long
set #OutputString = concat (#OutputString, '(' , #latpoint, ',', #longpoint , '), ')
set #NumPoints = #NumPoints -1
RETURN left (#OutputString, len(#outputstring)-1)
Yes. Yes there is. I'm using a tally table to eliminate the cursor and a standard idiom to emulate the missing string concatenation aggregate in T-SQL.
declare #g geography = geography::STLineFromText('LINESTRING(20 20, 21 21, 22 22)', 4236);
with cte as (
select #g.STPointN(n.Number) as [Point]
from dbadmin.dbo.Numbers as n
where n.Number <= #g.STNumPoints()
select stuff((
select ', ' + concat('(', Point.Lat, ', ', Point.Long, ')')
from cte
for xml path('')
), 1, 2, '')
Hi i have big problem with pivot ISNULL i try convert many topics to my code but i failed with this. Its my code with error:
DECLARE #PivotColumnHeaders VARCHAR(MAX);
SET #PivotColumnHeaders='';
SELECT #PivotColumnHeaders =#PivotColumnHeaders + '[' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,Magazyn1) + '],'
Select DISTINCT Pro.SC03002 as Magazyn1
From SC030700 as Pro
) as Topa
SET #PivotColumnHeaders = LEFT(ISNULL(#PivotColumnHeaders,0),LEN(#PivotColumnHeaders)-1)
set #Column =SUBSTRING(( select distinct ',IsNull(['+SC03003+'],0) as ['+SC03003+']' from SC030700 for xml path('')),2,8000)
-Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 284(set #column)
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
SET #cmd='
SELECT Pro.SC03001 , '+#Column+'
Select Pro.SC03001 , Pro.SC03002, Pro.SC03003
From SC030700 as Pro
) AS myProducts
PIVOT (SUM(SC03003) FOR SC03002 IN ('+#PivotColumnHeaders+')) dynamicpivot '
EXECUTE (#cmd)
try casting column SC03003 to a varchar since you're adding it to a string value.
set #Column =SUBSTRING(( select distinct ',IsNull(['+ CONVERT(VARCHAR, SC03003)+'],0) as [' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, SC03003) +']' from SC030700 for xml path('')),2,8000)
You need to cast those numeric columns to varchar explicitly so you can concatenate them to your string:
set #Column =SUBSTRING(( select distinct ',IsNull(['+CAST(SC03003 AS varchar(31))+'],0) as [SC03003]' from SC030700 for xml path('')),2,8000)
Result of a query is table,is it possible to write a query that convert this result to a text (for example imagine that result is a table with 4 rows with value 1 to 4 and convert it to 1,2,3,4)
Yes, you can do that using FOR XML PATH(''). For example:
create table test(col varchar(10))
insert into test values ('1'),('2'),('3'),('4')
select STUFF( (select ',' + col
from test
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '')
Try the below query
declare #Var varchar(1000);
set #var = ''
select #Var = #var + CONVERT(varchar, Column1) + ','
from Table1
select #var
Try this
DECLARE #result varchar(1000)
SET #result = ''
SELECT #result = #result + StudentId + ',' FROM Student WHERE condition = xyz
select substring(#result, 1, len(#result) -1 --trim extra "," at end
Op like
Happy Coding
I have a string like this "Planck, Albert, Bohr"
I want the output as "Bohr Albert Planck"
I want this done using SQL server. I saw many string split functions all return the data as a table and in the forward order. These don't server my purpose.
Any pointers will be helpful.
This what you want:
SET #source = 'Planck, Albert, Bohr'
SET #dest = ''
WHILE LEN(#source) > 0
IF CHARINDEX(' ', #source) > 0
SET #dest = SUBSTRING(#source,0,CHARINDEX(' ', #source)) + ' ' + #dest
SET #dest = #source + ' ' + #dest
SET #source = ''
SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(#dest,Char(44),''),Char(13), '')
Char(44) is the ASCII value for , so at last I am just replacing that character.
This will print Bohr Albert Planck.
If you use a split string function like this you can do something like this.
declare #S varchar(20) = 'Planck, Albert, Bohr'
select ltrim(s)+' '
from dbo.Split(',', #S)
order by pn desc
for xml path(''), type
).value('.', 'varchar(max)')
SQL Fiddle
Declare #inStr varchar(1000)='Planck, Albert, Bohr'
select ltrim(rtrim(reverse(left(reverse(#instr),CHARINDEX(',',reverse(#instr),1)-1)))) as strg,RIGHT(reverse(#instr),LEN(reverse(#instr))-CHARINDEX(',',reverse(#instr),1)) as rem
union all
select CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(',',c.rem,1)>0 then ltrim(rtrim(reverse(left(rem,CHARINDEX(',',rem,1)-1)))) else reverse(rem) end,
CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(',',c.rem,1)>0 then RIGHT(c.rem,LEN(rem)-CHARINDEX(',',rem,1)) else '' end
from CTE c
where len(rem) > 0 --CHARINDEX(',',c.rem,1)>0
select stuff((select ' '+strg from CTE for xml path('')),1,1,'')