How to refresh child component from parent component - reactjs

I have a page that allows the user to upload and display a photo. The backend API is all built out. My problem is after I successfully upload the photo, I need to refresh the page in order to see the new photo at the bottom of the page. Here's the relevant code:
Parent Component
refreshPage = (value) => {
//this refreshes the API call to get the new photo
async componentDidMount(){
const url = <the url of my API>;
const response = await fetch(url);
const data = await response.json();
var i = 0;
for(i = 0; i <; i++)
<PhotoSelectorComponent eventdata={this.state.eventdata} refreshPage={this.refreshPage}></PhotoSelectorComponent>
<PhotoDisplayComponent photos={} eventdata={this.state.eventdata} refreshPage={this.refreshPage}></PhotoDisplayComponent>
I have the PhotoSelectorComponent notifying the Parent Component when a Photo has been uploaded. It calls the RefreshPage function, which calls componentDidMount(), which makes the api call an additional time, and I see the new photo in my photos array. I'm not even sure if this is the best way to do this, but it's an idea that I tried based on what I've read, and it's working. But I'm not sure how to re-render the PhotoDisplayComponent at this point. I'm updating the state, but it's not refreshing the page. I'm very close to making this work, but I'm not sure if they way that I have it setup currently is best practice or not. I feel like the page should just refresh itself if I have everything wired correctly.

You have some basic React mistakes there, like directly mutating state and calling setState few times in the same function. Try this:
async componentDidMount() {
const url = 'someurl';
const response = await fetch(url);
const data = await response.json();
const newPhotos = => {
return { "url": photo.url }
loading: false,
photos:[,...newPhotos],//I dont think you actually get only new photos, but following your code...
eventdata: data
Also i think your architecture doesn't make much sense, because i've never seen a direct call to componentDidMount.


How to manage global states with React Query

i have a project that's using Nextjs and Supabase. I was using context API and now i'm trying to replace it for React Query, but i'm having a hard time doing it. First of all, can i replace context completely by React Query?
I created this hook to get the current user
export const getUser = async (): Promise<Profile> => {
const onFetch = await supabase.auth.getUser();
const userId =;
let { data, error } = await supabase
.eq("id", userId)
return data;
export const useUser = () => {
return useQuery(["user"], () => getUser());
I'm not sure how to trigger it. When i was using context i was getting the user as this. If data, then it would redirect to the HomePage
let { data, error, status } = await supabase
.eq("id", id)
if (data) {
return true;
Since i was getting the user before redirecting to any page, when i navigated to profile page, the user was already defined. How can i get the user before anything and keep this state? I suppose that once the user is already defined, at the profile component i can call useUser and just use it's data. But it's giving me undefined when i navigate to profile, i suppose that it's fetching again.
const { data, isLoading } = useUser();
But it's giving me undefined when i navigate to profile, i suppose that it's fetching again.
Once data is fetched when you call useUser, it will not be removed anymore (unless it can be garbage collected after it has been unused for some time). So if you do a client side navigation (that is not a full page reload) to another route, and you call useUser there again, you should get data back immediately, potentially with a background refetch, depending on your staleTime setting).
If you're still getting undefined, one likely error is that you are creating your QueryClient inside your app and it thus gets re-created, throwing the previous cache away. You're not showing how you do that so it's hard to say. Maybe have a look at these FAQs:

MobX not hydrating in next.js state when fetching async data

I have a MobX store where I have a function doing an API call. It works fine it's getting the data but it doesn't update the already rendered page. I'm following this tutorial
My store looks like this
const isServer = typeof window === "undefined";
interface SerializedStore {
PageTitle: string;
content: string;
isOpen: boolean;
companiesDto: CompanyDto[],
companyCats: string[]
export class AwardStore {
PageTitle: string = 'Client Experience Awards';
companiesDto : CompanyDto[] = [];
companyCats: string[] = [];
loadingInitial: boolean = true
constructor() {
hydrate(serializedStore: SerializedStore) {
this.PageTitle = serializedStore.PageTitle != null ? serializedStore.PageTitle : "Client Experience Awards";
this.companyCats = serializedStore.companyCats != null ? serializedStore.companyCats : [];
this.companiesDto = serializedStore.companiesDto != null ? serializedStore.companiesDto : [];
changeTitle = (newTitle: string) => {
this.PageTitle = newTitle;
loadCompanies = async () => {
.then((response) => {
runInAction(() => {
this.companiesDto =, b) =>; : CompanyDto) => {
if (company.categories !== null ) {
company.categories?.forEach(cat => {
.catch(errors => {
console.log('There was an error getting the data: ' + errors);
addNewCateogry = (cat : string) => {
setLoadingInitial = (state: boolean) => {
this.loadingInitial = state;
export async function fetchInitialStoreState() {
// You can do anything to fetch initial store state
return {};
I'm trying to call the loadcompanies from the _app.js file. It calls it and I can see in the console.log the companies etc but the state doesn't update and I don't get to see the actual result. Here's the _app.js
class MyApp extends App {
constructor(props) {
// Don't call this.setState() here!
this.state = {
awardStore: new AwardStore()
// Fetching serialized(JSON) store state
static async getInitialProps(appContext) {
const appProps = await App.getInitialProps(appContext);
const initialStoreState = await fetchInitialStoreState();
return {
// Hydrate serialized state to store
static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
return state;
render() {
const { Component, pageProps } = this.props;
return (
<Provider awardStore={this.state.awardStore}>
<Component {...pageProps} />
export default MyApp;
In the console.log I can see that this.companyCat is update but nothing is changed in the browser. Any ideas how I can do this? Thank you!
When you do SSR you can't load data through the constructor of the store because:
It's does not handle async stuff, so you can't really wait until the data is loaded
Store is created both on the server side and on the client too, so if theoretically constructor could work with async then it still would not make sense to do it here because it would load data twice, and with SSR you generally want to avoid this kind of situations, you want to load data once and reuse data, that was fetched on the server, on the client.
With Next.js the flow is quite simple:
On the server you load all the data that is needed, in your case it's loaded on the App level, but maybe in the future you might want to have loader for each page to load data more granularly. Overall it does not change the flow though
Once the data is loaded (through getInitialProps method or any other Next.js data fetching methods), you hydrate your stores and render the application on the server side and send html to the client, that's SSR
On the client the app is initialized again, though this time you don't want to load the data, but use the data which server already fetched and used. This data is provided through props to your page component (or in this case App component). So you grab the data and just hydrate the store (in this case it's done with getDerivedStateFromProps).
Based on that, everything you want to fetch should happen inside getInitialProps. And you already have fetchInitialStoreState method for that, so all you need to do is remove data fetching from store constructor and move it to fetchInitialStoreState and only return the data from it. This data will then go to the hydrate method of your store.
I've made a quick reproduction of your code here:
The huge downside if App.getInitialProps is that it runs on every page navigation, which is probably not what you want to do. I've added console.log("api call") and you can see in the console that it is logged every time you navigate to any other page, so the api will be called every time too, but you already have the data so it's kinda useless. So I recommend in the future to use more granular way of loading data, for example with Next.js getServerSideProps function instead (docs).
But the general flow won't change much anyway!
Calling awardStore.loadCompanies in the constructor of MyApp is problematic because the loadCompanies method is populating the store class. What you want is to hydrate the store with the companyCats data. Since server and client stores are distinct, you want to load the data you need on the server side i.e. fetchInitialStoreState (or load it from a page's getStaticProps/getServerSideProps method) so that you can pass it into the hydrate store method from page/app props.
Note loadCompanies is async so it'll be [] when getDerivedStateFromProps is called so there's nothing to hydrate. For your existing hydrate method to work you need initialStoreState to be something like the fetchInitialStoreState method below. Alternatively if it's fetched on the page level, the hydrate may be closer to initialData?.pageProps?.companyCats
It's common to see the store hydration as needed for each page though it's still valid to call loadCompanies() from the client side. There's a lot I didn't get a chance to touch on but hopefully this was somewhat helpful.
export const fetchInitialStoreState = async() => {
let companyCats = [];
try {
const response = await axios.get < CompanyDto[] > ('MyAPICall') CompanyDto) => {
if (Array.isArray(company.categories) && company.categories.length > 0) {
} catch (error) {
// Uh oh...
return {
serializedStore: {
// PageTitle/etc

Why is the initial state getting printed along with the data?

I am fetching data from a backend api.
const Home = () => {
const [posts,setPosts]=useState([]);
const fetchPosts= async ()=>{
const res = await axios.get("/posts")
However in doing this, the initial state of posts which is [] is also getting printed.
Why is this happening and how can I avoid this and only get the data?
that is the reason why you see loading in real-world App because communication between server and client takes time so we show loading or show error if API gets error the same logic goes to component or element whatever your are trying to show as well
if(posts.length > 0) {
} else {

How to fetch data each time user opens the screen and update the state only if the fetched data is different than the current data in state

I am relatively new to react, react native and redux and I have one question about fetching the data from the api and updating the state.
What I want to do is:
- each time a user opens the screen (i.e Posts) I want to fetch data from the api and update the state.
So that:
- I always have newly fetched data in the state and rendered on the screen.
If I fetch the data only in componentDidMount lifecycle method then I won't always have fresh data.
There are two screens Post and Posts. If a user opens posts screen for the first time then componentDidMount is triggered and posts are fetched and rendered. Then he goes to Post screen adds a new post and goes back to Posts screen then he will not see that new post because the posts will be displayed from the state fetched in componentDidMount method.
What is the best way to handle this and always have latest data?
class Posts extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
render () { ... }
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
posts: state.posts.posts,
loading: state.posts.loading,
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
fetchPosts: () => dispatch(actions.fetchPosts()),
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Posts)
export const fetchPosts = () => {
return dispatch => {
.then(({data}) => {
const posts =;
.catch(error => {
const fetchStarted = () => {
return {
type: actionTypes.POSTS_FETCH_START,
const fetched = (posts) => {
return {
type: actionTypes.POSTS_FETCH_SUCCESS,
const fetchFailed = (error) => {
return {
type: actionTypes.POSTS_FETCH_FAILED,
Update as you go
In your case, you should be sending a POST request to insert a new post. That request should have the newly created post as a response. You should use that response to update the list of posts you have in the redux state. Simply add the new post to the list.
The same goes for removing posts, once you send a DELETE request, you should also remove that post from the state.
Add timed cache
If you want to refetch the posts when you haven't fetched it for a while, you should implement some kind of caching solution:
When you fetch the posts for the first time you can also store the timestamp of the request. When the user visits the Posts page, you can check if the timestamp is too old e.g. 5 minutes in the past, and refetch it accordingly.
Refetch everytime
If you want to simply refetch the posts every time the user visits that page, you can use the useEffect hook or a combination of componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate.
Please note:
You may call setState() immediately in componentDidUpdate() but note that it must be wrapped in a condition like in the example above, or you’ll cause an infinite loop.
You could use componentDidUpdate

Value of state variable is lost - React

I want to build a CRUD in React with Laravel and Firebase. Everything is perfect when I'm working with text, but I got trouble when I try to upload an image to Firebase Storage. I can save it but I can't get its URL.
I wrote 2 "console.log". In the first one the URL is there, but the second one (when I try to get the URL from the state variable) doesn't return anything.
handleSubmit = event =>{
const {imagen} = this.state;
const uploadTask = storage.ref(`imagenes/${}`).put(imagen);
(snapshot) => {
const progress = Math.round((snapshot.bytesTransferred / snapshot.totalBytes) * 100);
(error) => {
() => {
storage.ref('imagenes').child( => {
console.log(this.state.url); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<SHOW URL (IT'S OK!)
var direccion = null;
const form =;
let data = new FormData(form);
data.append('url', this.state.url);
console.log(this.state.url); //<<<<<<<DOESN'T SHOW URL !! (HERE'S THE TROUBLE)
If you want to check the entire file:
I'm not a professional, so please don't be rude :D
this.setState is asynchronous
If you want to get the updated state value, add a callback and access the new state there like
this.setState({ url: 'some url'}, () => {
Data is loaded from Firebase asynchronously. By the time your console.log(this.state.url); //<<<<<<<DOESN'T SHOW URL !! (HERE'S THE TROUBLE) the data hasn't been loaded from Firebase yet, and the then hasn't been called yet.
Any code that needs the data from Firebase needs to either be inside the then() callback (such as console.log(this.state.url); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<SHOW URL (IT'S OK!)) or be called from there (such as this.setState({url})).
