Problem with React+Material-UI Layout, loosing features - reactjs

I'm new to react & material-UI. I'm trying to build an internal webpage with react.
For the dashboard, I want to use a theme from material-UI but split it up into different components.
So, I started to split the different parts into different components. The AppBar in <TopMenu /> and the Drawer in <LeftDrawer />, the main Content into <Dashboard />
If I do so, the content component will not resize on expanding the drawer. What am I doing wrong?
I uploaded my source to
It would be great if anyone can explain me my fault...
Thanks :)

You must set position: 'relative' the container of drawer, here's sandbox link.


How can I achieve a component across every screen that can be updated by the current screen?

Hi I'm looking to have a modal (likely react-native-modalize) that is visible on every screen, but can adapt based on what screen is currently showing.
I don't want to introduce redux or anything like that. I don't think it's a tab navigation issue either, as this is a modal that starts out at only around 100 pixels but can open to almost full screen.
I have the modal as a component like this:
<QuickAccess {...props} />
And currently I call it on screens, but it's not an immediate render/doesn't seem to be a core part of the app as it just sort of... shows up.
Any thoughts would be really appreciated, thank you!
You can create a Modal and just render it on your root screen navigator like below and store its reference globally on your utility class and can show it anywhere in the app on any screen.
<Provider store={store}>
<MainScreen />
<YourModal ref={(ref) => Utility.setModalRef(ref)} />

Why are there two <Toolbar/> components needed to render correctly in the Material-UI example documentation for scrolling app bars?

I'm trying to better understand how Material-UI works, and I was confused why I need to use the Toolbar component twice to get my scrolling toolbar to render properly as in this example code.
If I don't include the second Toolbar after the ElevationScroll, the menu I want to place below the app bar is rendered underneath the app bar. If I include it, my menu is pushed down and renders nicely. This works great, but I don't understand why I need to include an extra in my jsx in order to get things to look right, like in this simplified example:
function SettingsMenu() {
return (
I've checked in Google Devtools to figure out why this is happening, the second toolbar is rendered as a div with nearly identical css styles but with no child elements. When I delete it manually in Devtools, the menu gets pushed back up behind the app bar as before. Thanks for any help!
It's because AppBar have positon: fixed; which means it wont take space on the screen so you but another Toolbar which will be underneath the AppBar to push the content down and take the same space the Toolbar should take.

How to reproduce Material-UI card style

I am studying about Material-UI but I couldn't find in the Demo (example) anything similar with what they have in their website.
My problem is I want to copy this example, so I am trying to reproduce the container (not the content) using the <Card /> component, but it doesn't reproduce very well, so I want to know if there is a specific component to use.
If I understand your question correctly, you're looking for a way to emulate the collapsible demo container that reveals the code behind the demos in Material-UI's documentation (and you want to do so using Material-UI components).
That specific container is implemented in the docs site as an internal component and is composed of Material-UI components with a reliance on JSS for styling. It is also open-source, so looking at the code should help you.
Here is an excerpt from the render method:
<div className={classes.root}>
<IconButton onClick={this.handleCodeButtonClick} className={classes.codeButton}>
<CodeIcon />
<Collapse in={this.state.codeOpen}>
<MarkdownElement className={classes.code} text={`\`\`\`js\n${raw}\n\`\`\``} />
<div className={classes.demo} data-mui-demo={name}>
<DemoComponent />
This is a component that is used for demos in the Material-UI documentation. It is little more than a styled div with an IconButton.
The MarkdownElement contains the code that is toggled by the code button presented at the top-right of the container. It is wrapped in a Collapse component, which handles the animated transition that takes place when the visibility of that code is toggled.
The DemoComponent is where the demo is presented.
All style is handled using JSS, defined in a stylesheet object.
I'm sure you can build this into a Card by following this pattern. It should be pretty straight-forward, something like adding an action to the CardHeader that triggers a state change and toggles whatever you're looking to expand.

Pop over with React best practice

I'm trying to implement a pop over that can show on any screen in the web application, using React+Redux+React router
The popover is a container, that is triggered by the application state.
But how is the best practice to do such a thing, since the background is transparent, and it should just show on any screen that is currently presented.
Should it be on top of the router, on hidden, and unhide on present? I can seem to find any example for this senario...
Popover can sit inside Root component, something like this.
<HomePage />
{shouldShowPopOver && <PopOver />}
You can dispatch { type: TOGGLE_POPOVER } action anywhere, to alter shouldShowPopOver. The styling(transparent, whole page etc) should be done through css.
You ca use react-bootstrap popover. Checkout the link
I'm using react-modal component and it works pretty well.
I have used react-modal-dialog before and it works like a charm! The benefit of this library is that you can define your <Modal> component near where the source of trigger is (some button?) and it is easy to trace the condition that determines whether the modal is displayed since it is near the trigger source.
Using this library, technically it does not matter where you put the modal component among your markup as the CSS of the modal makes it appear above all other elements.

Bootstrap DropdownButton Styling

I have the following code:
header_contents.push(<DropdownButton bsSize='xsmall' bsStyle='link' pullRight={true} id={1} title='Menu'>
I want to have the styling in Bootstrap to be white lettering (currently blue) as I think the link option is defaulted to that. How can you change the styling for Bootstrap to pass link color, and other properties like if you want to move the link down a little on the page?
I should mention we do very little CSS styling as most of that is done within the ReactJS components.
Either override bootstrap CSS in a css file (that is what your seem to avoid I understand): it is the better way to ensure a global effect over every link in your application.
Or do no sent bsStyle='link' as DropdownButton property but instead, insert a style property with custom CSS. Yet you can insert style even if you don't remove bsStyle. You could then create your own component wrapping DropdownButton to ensure the same graphic chart in your application.
I figured it out with the help of an online chat room. Here's what I did.
I first made a style (dropDownLinkStyle) in the react component like this.
let dropDownLinkStyle = {
color: 'white'
Then I used it (dropDownLinkStyle) in the dropdownButton like this.
header_contents.push(<DropdownButton bsSize='large' style={dropDownLinkStyle} bsStyle='link' pullRight={true} id={1 /* avoids react warning */} title='Menu'>
I hope this helps. This allowed me to keep my bsStyle which is link (tells Bootstrap I want a link type on my screen instead of a button) and allows me to change that link to white lettering. I could also pass more styling by just adding it to the object -- dropDownLinkStyle
