What is the best way to merge styles when wrapping Fabric components? - reactjs

Consider I am wrapping a Fabric component where I apply some styles and want to merge any passed in styles from its props.
The best I could come up with is:
const { TextField, Fabric , IButtonProps, mergeStyleSets } = window.Fabric;
const MyTextField = (props: IButtonProps) => {
const { styles, ...otherProps } = props;
const myStyles = stylesProps => {
// props.styles can be a function, an object or undefined
const stylesAsObject = typeof (styles) === "function" ? styles(stylesProps) : styles;
return mergeStyleSets({ root: { maxWidth: 250 }, field: { backgroundColor: "pink"}}, stylesAsObject);
return <TextField styles={myStyles} {...otherProps} />;
const TextFieldExample () => (<MyTextField readOnly value="My text field" styles={{field: { fontWeight: 600}}} />
ReactDOM.render(<Fabric><TextFieldExample /></Fabric>, document.getElementById('content'));
This works but is a bit verbose.
Is there some version of mergeStylesets where I could instead write:
const myStyles = mergeStylesets({ root: { maxWidth: 250 }, field: { backgroundColor: "pink"}}, props.styles);

I discovered concatStyleSetsWithProps :
const { TextField, Fabric , IButtonProps, concatStyleSetsWithProps } = window.Fabric;
const MyTextField = (props: IButtonProps) => {
return <TextField {...props} styles={stylesProps => concatStyleSetsWithProps(props, { root: { maxWidth: 250 }, field: { backgroundColor: "pink"}}, props.styles)} />;
const TextFieldExample= () => (<MyTextField readOnly value="My text field" styles={{field: { fontWeight: 600}}} />);
const ExampleWrapper = () => <Fabric><TextFieldExample /></Fabric>;
ReactDOM.render(<ExampleWrapper />, document.getElementById('content'))


react-select, AsyncSelect only able to select one option even i added isMulti after that it display no options

I can select first option successfully, but after that it doesn't display any option, can't add second option and I even added isMulti.
import React from "react";
import AsyncSelect from "react-select/async";
import makeAnimated from "react-select/animated";
import { options } from "../colorOptions";
import chroma from "chroma-js";
const animatedComponents = makeAnimated();
export const SelectBox = () => {
const loadOptions = (searchValue, callback) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const filteredOptions = options.filter((option) =>
}, 1000);
const colorStyles = {
control: (styles) => ({ ...styles, backgroundColor: "white" }),
option: (styles, { data, isDesable, isFocused, isSelected }) => {
return { ...styles, color: data.colorCode };
multiValue: (styles, { data }) => {
const color = chroma(data.colorCode);
return {
backgroundColor: color.alpha(0.1).css(),
color: data.colorCode
multiValueLabel: (styles, { data }) => ({
color: data.colorCode
return (
code sandbox link:
code sandbox link:
my mistake
i should provide my collection of option in this format
export const options = [ { id: 1, value: "Red", colorCode: "#FF0000", label: "Red" }, ];
when i change to this format the code works

Using DraftJS in a Functional Component

I am trying to implement DraftJS within an existing functional component and I am unable to figure out how to do this. It appears that all of the documentation and user-submitted content refers to class components.
I try to set it up using the following:
import { Editor } from "react-draft-wysiwyg";
import { EditorState } from 'draft-js'
export default function myFunctionalComponent() {
const [editorState, setEditorState] = useState(EditorState.createEmpty())
However, unfortunately, I get this error in the console:
Warning: Can't call setState on a component that is not yet mounted.
This is a no-op, but it might indicate a bug in your application.
Instead, assign to this.state directly or define a state = {};
class property with the desired state in the r component.
Is there a way to make this work in a functional component?
As my very first answer in StackOverflow. :)
I took the example from https://github.com/facebook/draft-js/blob/main/examples/draft-0-10-0/rich/rich.html and converted it into a functional components 'RTEditor', .. .
Use the component with setContent as a prop. It takes the function to update parent elements state from useState
const [content, setContent] = useState<any>({})
<RTEditor setContent={setContent} />
import React, { useState, useRef } from 'react'
import {
} from 'draft-js'
import 'draft-js/dist/Draft.css'
import BlockStyleControls from './BlockStyleControls'
import InlineStyleControls from './InlineStyleControls'
type Props = {
setContent: (state: RawDraftContentState) => void
const RTEditor = ({ setContent }: Props) => {
const editorRef = useRef(null)
const [editorState, setEditorState] = useState(EditorState.createEmpty())
const styleMap = {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)',
fontFamily: '"Inconsolata", "Menlo", "Consolas", monospace',
fontSize: 16,
padding: 2,
const getBlockStyle = (block: ContentBlock) => {
switch (block.getType()) {
case 'blockquote':
return 'RichEditor-blockquote'
return ''
const onChange = (state: EditorState) => {
const mapKeyToEditorCommand = (e: any): string | null => {
if (e.keyCode === 9 /* TAB */) {
const newEditorState = RichUtils.onTab(e, editorState, 4 /* maxDepth */)
if (newEditorState !== editorState) {
return null
return getDefaultKeyBinding(e)
const handleKeyCommand = (
command: string,
editorState: EditorState,
eventTimeStamp: number
): DraftHandleValue => {
const newState = RichUtils.handleKeyCommand(editorState, command)
if (newState) {
return 'handled'
return 'not-handled'
const toggleBlockType = (blockType: string) => {
onChange(RichUtils.toggleBlockType(editorState, blockType))
const toggleInlineStyle = (inlineStyle: string) => {
onChange(RichUtils.toggleInlineStyle(editorState, inlineStyle))
return (
placeholder='Tell a story...'
blockStyleFn={(block: ContentBlock) => getBlockStyle(block)}
keyBindingFn={(e) => mapKeyToEditorCommand(e)}
export default React.memo(RTEditor)
import React from 'react'
import { EditorState } from 'draft-js'
import StyleButton from './StyleButton'
const BLOCK_TYPES = [
{ label: 'H1', style: 'header-one' },
{ label: 'H2', style: 'header-two' },
{ label: 'H3', style: 'header-three' },
{ label: 'H4', style: 'header-four' },
{ label: 'H5', style: 'header-five' },
{ label: 'H6', style: 'header-six' },
{ label: 'Blockquote', style: 'blockquote' },
{ label: 'UL', style: 'unordered-list-item' },
{ label: 'OL', style: 'ordered-list-item' },
{ label: 'Code Block', style: 'code-block' },
type Props = {
editorState: EditorState
onToggle: (bockType: string) => void
const BlockStyleControls = ({ editorState, onToggle }: Props) => {
const selection = editorState.getSelection()
const blockType = editorState
return (
<div className='RichEditor-controls'>
{BLOCK_TYPES.map((type) => (
active={type.style === blockType}
export default React.memo(BlockStyleControls)
import React from 'react'
import { EditorState } from 'draft-js'
import StyleButton from './StyleButton'
{ label: 'Bold', style: 'BOLD' },
{ label: 'Italic', style: 'ITALIC' },
{ label: 'Underline', style: 'UNDERLINE' },
{ label: 'Monospace', style: 'CODE' },
type Props = {
editorState: EditorState
onToggle: (bockType: string) => void
const InlineStyleControls = ({ editorState, onToggle }: Props) => {
const currentStyle = editorState.getCurrentInlineStyle()
return (
<div className='RichEditor-controls'>
{INLINE_STYLES.map((type) => (
export default React.memo(InlineStyleControls)
import React from 'react'
type Props = {
active: boolean
style: string
label: string
onToggle: (bockType: string) => void
const StyleButton = ({ active, style, label, onToggle }: Props) => {
const _onToggle = (e: any) => {
const className = 'RichEditor-styleButton'
return (
className={className + `${active ? ' RichEditor-activeButton' : ''}`}
export default React.memo(StyleButton)
Sry for not covering all typings. Hope that helps.
I was able to solve this using React useCallback hook and it works for me.
import { EditorState } from 'draft-js'
export default function myFunctionalComponent() {
const [editorState, setEditorState] = useState(EditorState.createEmpty())
const onEditorStateChange = useCallback(
(rawcontent) => {
placeholder="Tell a story..."

Dynamically updating dropdown menu in React

Using fetch, I want to dynamically populate the City material-ui dropdwon (Select) when I select a value from the State dropdown, but could not do so. When I do the same without using the fetch, it works fine. I think the problem is with the promise being returned by the fetch call. There is no problem in the fetch call as I can see the list of cities in return. Please suggest how to do it.
import React from 'react';
import { createStyles, makeStyles, Theme } from '#material-ui/core/styles';
import InputLabel from '#material-ui/core/InputLabel';
import FormHelperText from '#material-ui/core/FormHelperText';
import FormControl from '#material-ui/core/FormControl';
import {Select, MenuItem} from '#material-ui/core';
import './App.css';
export function getStates() {
return [
{name: 'California', id: "1"},
{name: 'New York', id: "2"},
function Home() {
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme: Theme) =>
formControl: {
margin: theme.spacing(1),
minWidth: 120,
selectEmpty: {
marginTop: theme.spacing(2),
const [State, setState] = React.useState([]);
const [cities, setCities] = React.useState([]);
const selectStyle = makeStyles(theme => ({
root: {
textDecoration: 'none',
color: 'red',
alignItems: 'center',
fontWeight: "bold",
display: "flex",
justifyContent: "space-around",
fontSize: 18,
margin: 0,
'&:hover': {
textDecoration: 'none'
function getCities() {
var s = '' // JSON body goes here
const fetchData = async () => {
const cities = [];
try {
const res = await fetch('',
method : "POST",
headers: {"content-type": "text/plain"},
body: s
const data = await res.json();
console.log("state response status: " + res.status)
for(var key in data.cities) {
cities.push({id: key, name: data.cities[key]})
return cities;
catch (err) {
console.log("Fetch Exception: " + err)
const cities = fetchData();
return cities;
const handleStateChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent< { value: unknown} >) => {
const r = getCities();
const fixed_states = getStates();
const classes = useStyles()
const selectClass = selectStyle()
return (
<div className="main-select">
<FormControl required className={classes.formControl}>
<InputLabel id="sel">State</InputLabel>
<Select labelId="state_select_labelid" id="state_select_id" name="state_select_name" onChange={handleStateChange} className={selectClass.root}>
{fixed_states.map(({id, name}, index) => (
< MenuItem key={id} value={name}>
)) }
<FormControl required className={classes.formControl}>
<InputLabel id="city_input_label_id">City</InputLabel>
<Select labelId="city_select_labelid" id="city_select_id" name="city_select_name">
{cities.map(({id, name}, index) => (
< MenuItem key={id} value={name}>
export default Home;
You code:
const handleStateChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent< { value: unknown} >) => {
const r = getCities();
but getCities return array of cities and then you set array cities in state like array of array.
So just update argument in setCities row to
const handleStateChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent< { value: unknown} >) => {
const r = getCities();

Find element has className in enzyme not found with renderoption autocompleted material

I'm testing react component use enzyme and jest test. I'm try use find method in enzyme but it not found, i'm sure this element have been render because when I print actionClass const it return value "ts-cbb-item".
I have a combobox component:
/* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */
import Autocomplete from '#material-ui/lab/Autocomplete';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React, { useState, useRef } from 'react';
import './index.scss';
import InputCombobox from './input-combobox';
const ComboBox = (props) => {
const {
clearOnBlur = false,
} = props;
const currentSearch = useRef();
const [currentOption, setOption] = useState(null);
const [isInput, setIsInput] = useState(false);
const handleInputChange = (_, value, reason) => {
const isReasonInput = reason === 'input';
if (isReasonInput) {
if (onInputChange)
currentSearch.current = value;
if (value?.length < 3) return;
if (isReasonInput) onDataBinding(value);
const handleChangeOpt = (opt) => {
if (onChange) onChange(opt);
return (
getOptionLabel={(option) => customGetOptionLabel
? customGetOptionLabel(option)
: option.label}
getOptionSelected={option => {
if (!currentOption || !currentOption.value) return false;
return option.value === currentOption.value;
style={style ? style : { width: '100%' }}
renderOption={(option, state) => {
const actionClass = state?.selected ? "ts-ccb-item active" : "ts-ccb-item";
console.log('class:', actionClass);
return <div
onClick={() => {
{ customRenderItem
? customRenderItem(option, currentSearch)
: option.label }
export default ComboBox;
This is my test :
let initProps = {
loading: false,
options: [],
onDataBinding: () => {},
onChange: () => {},
customRenderItem: () => {},
renderStartAdornment: () => {},
closeIcon: null,
disabled: false,
customGetOptionLabel: () => {},
onInputChange: () => {},
style: null,
clearOnBlur: false,
placeholder: '',
defaultValue: null
const options = [
label: 'Cristiano Ronaldo',
value: 'Portugal'
label : 'Leo Messi',
value : 'Argentina'
label : 'Jesse Lingard',
value : 'England'
const event = {
preventDefault() {},
const onInputChangeMockFn = jest.fn((value) => value);
const onDataBindingMockFn = jest.fn( (value) => value? true: false);
const renderStartAdornmentMockFn = jest.fn((option) => option ? option.value : null );
const customGetOptionLabelMockFn = jest.fn((option) => option? option.label : null)
const renderInputParams = {
id: '',
disabled: false,
fullWidth: true,
size: 'small',
InputLabelProps: {},
InputProps: {},
inputProps: {}
it("Test_Comobox_With_RenderInput_Active(RenderStartAdornment_Have_Value)", () => {
initProps.renderStartAdornment = renderStartAdornmentMockFn;
initProps.customGetOptionLabel = customGetOptionLabelMockFn;
initProps.options = options;
const wrapper = mount(
<ComboBox {...initProps} />
const autoCompleted = wrapper.find(Autocomplete);
autoCompleted.props().renderOption(options[1], autoCompletedRenderOptionState);
expect(autoCompleted.find('div .ts-cbb-item')).toHaveLength(1);
const inputCombobox = wrapper.find(InputCombobox);
How can I find exactly element div has ClassName 'ts-cbb-item' in this case?

Passing props to MUI styles

Given the Card code as in here. How can I update the card style or any material UI style as from:
const styles = theme => ({
card: {
minWidth: 275,
To such follows:
const styles = theme => ({
card: {
minWidth: 275, backgroundColor: props.color
when I tried the latest one, I got
Line 15: 'props' is not defined no-undef
when I updated code to be :
const styles = theme => (props) => ({
card: {
minWidth: 275, backgroundColor: props.color
const styles = (theme ,props) => ({
card: {
minWidth: 275, backgroundColor: props.color
Instead of
const styles = theme => ({
card: {
minWidth: 275, backgroundColor: props.color
I got the component card style at the web page messy.
By the way, I pass props as follows:
<SimpleCard backgroundColor="#f5f2ff" />
please help!
Deleted the old answer, because it's no reason for existence.
Here's what you want:
import React from 'react';
import { makeStyles } from '#material-ui/core';
const useStyles = makeStyles({
firstStyle: {
backgroundColor: props => props.backgroundColor,
secondStyle: {
color: props => props.color,
const MyComponent = ({children, ...props}) =>{
const { firstStyle, secondStyle } = useStyles(props);
<div className={`${firstStyle} ${secondStyle}`}>
export default MyComponent;
Now you can use it like:
<MyComponent color="yellow" backgroundColor="purple">
Well done
Official Documentation
Solution for how to use both props and theme in material ui :
const useStyles = props => makeStyles( theme => ({
div: {
width: theme.spacing(props.units || 0)
export default function ComponentExample({ children, ...props }){
const { div } = useStyles(props)();
return (
<div className={div}>{children}</div>
Here the Typescript solution:
import React from 'react';
import { makeStyles } from '#material-ui/core/styles';
import Button from '#material-ui/core/Button';
import {Theme} from '#material-ui/core';
export interface StyleProps {
height: number;
const useStyles = makeStyles<Theme, StyleProps>(theme => ({
root: {
background: 'green',
height: ({height}) => height,
export default function Hook() {
const props = {
height: 48
const classes = useStyles(props);
return <Button className={classes.root}>Styled with Hook API</Button>;
If you want to play with it, try it in this CodeSandbox
In MUI v5, this is how you access the props when creating the style object using styled():
import { styled } from "#mui/material";
const StyledBox = styled(Box)(({ theme, myColor }) => ({
backgroundColor: myColor,
width: 30,
height: 30
For folks who use typescript, you also need to add the prop type to the CreateStyledComponent:
type DivProps = {
myColor: string;
const Div = styled(Box)<DivProps>(({ theme, myColor }) => ({
backgroundColor: myColor,
width: 30,
height: 30
<StyledBox myColor="pink" />
If you want to use system props in your custom component like Box and Typography, you can use extendSxProp like the example below:
import { unstable_extendSxProp as extendSxProp } from "#mui/system";
const StyledDiv = styled("div")({});
function DivWithSystemProps(inProps) {
const { sx } = extendSxProp(inProps);
return <StyledDiv sx={sx} />;
border="solid 1px red"
styled("div")(): Add the sx props to your custom component
extendSxProp(props): Gather the top level system props and put it inside the sx property:
const props = { notSystemProps: true, color: 'green', bgcolor: 'red' };
const finalProps = extendSxProp(props);
// finalProps = {
// notSystemProps: true,
// sx: { color: 'green', bgcolor: 'red' }
// }
To use with typescript, you need to add the type for all system properties:
type DivSystemProps = SystemProps<Theme> & {
sx?: SxProps<Theme>;
function DivWithSystemProps(inProps: DivSystemProps) {
const { sx, ...other } = extendSxProp(inProps);
return <StyledDiv sx={sx} {...other} />;
Here's the official Material-UI demo.
And here's a very simple example. It uses syntax similar to Styled Components:
import React from "react";
import { makeStyles, Button } from "#material-ui/core";
const useStyles = makeStyles({
root: {
background: props => props.color,
"&:hover": {
background: props => props.hover
label: { fontFamily: props => props.font }
export function MyButton(props) {
const classes = useStyles(props);
return <Button className={classes.root} classes={{ label: classes.label }}>My Button</Button>;
// and the JSX...
<MyButton color="red" hover="blue" font="Comic Sans MS" />
This demo uses makeStyles, but this feature is also available in styled and withStyles.
This was first introduced in #material-ui/styles on Nov 3, 2018 and was included in #material-ui/core starting with version 4.
This answer was written prior to version 4.0 severely out of date!
Seriously, if you're styling a function component, use makeStyles.
The answer from James Tan is the best answer for version 4.x
Anything below here is ancient:
When you're using withStyles, you have access to the theme, but not props.
Please note that there is an open issue on Github requesting this feature and some of the comments may point you to an alternative solution that may interest you.
One way to change the background color of a card using props would be to set this property using inline styles. I've forked your original codesandbox with a few changes, you can view the modified version to see this in action.
Here's what I did:
Render the component with a backgroundColor prop:
// in index.js
if (rootElement) {
render(<Demo backgroundColor="#f00" />, rootElement);
Use this prop to apply an inline style to the card:
function SimpleCard(props) {
// in demo.js
const { classes, backgroundColor } = props;
const bull = <span className={classes.bullet}>•</span>;
return (
<Card className={classes.card} style={{ backgroundColor }}>
// etc
Now the rendered Card component has a red (#F00) background
Take a look at the Overrides section of the documentation for other options.
#mui v5
You can use styled() utility (Make sure that you're importing the correct one) and shouldForwardProp option.
In the following example SomeProps passed to a div component
import { styled } from '#mui/material'
interface SomeProps {
backgroundColor: 'red'|'blue',
width: number
const CustomDiv = styled('div', { shouldForwardProp: (prop) => prop !== 'someProps' })<{
someProps: SomeProps;
}>(({ theme, someProps }) => {
return ({
backgroundColor: someProps.backgroundColor,
width: `${someProps.width}em`,
import React from "react";
import { makeStyles } from "#material-ui/styles";
import Button from "#material-ui/core/Button";
const useStyles = makeStyles({
root: {
background: props => props.color,
"&:hover": {
background: props => props.hover
export function MyButton(props) {
const classes = useStyles({color: 'red', hover: 'green'});
return <Button className={classes.root}>My Button</Button>;
Was missing from this thread a props use within withStyles (and lead to think it wasn't supported)
But this worked for me (say for styling a MenuItem):
const StyledMenuItem = withStyles((theme) => ({
root: {
'&:focus': {
backgroundColor: props => props.focusBackground,
'& .MuiListItemIcon-root, & .MuiListItemText-primary': {
color: props => props.focusColor,
And then use it as so:
<StyledMenuItem focusColor={'red'} focusBackground={'green'}... >...</StyledMenuItem>
I spent a couple of hours trying to get withStyles to work with passing properties in Typescript. None of the solutions I found online worked with what I was trying to do, so I ended up knitting my own solution together, with snippets from here and there.
This should work if you have external components from, lets say Material UI, that you want to give a default style, but you also want to reuse it by passing different styling options to the component:
import * as React from 'react';
import { Theme, createStyles, makeStyles } from '#material-ui/core/styles';
import { TableCell, TableCellProps } from '#material-ui/core';
type Props = {
backgroundColor?: string
const useStyles = makeStyles<Theme, Props>(theme =>
head: {
backgroundColor: ({ backgroundColor }) => backgroundColor || theme.palette.common.black,
color: theme.palette.common.white,
fontSize: 13
body: {
fontSize: 12,
export function StyledTableCell(props: Props & Omit<TableCellProps, keyof Props>) {
const classes = useStyles(props);
return <TableCell classes={classes} {...props} />;
It may not be the perfect solution, but it seems to work. It's a real bugger that they haven't just amended withStyles to accept properties. It would make things a lot easier.
Solution for TypeScript with Class Component:
type PropsBeforeStyle = {
propA: string;
propB: number;
const styles = (theme: Theme) => createStyles({
root: {
color: (props: PropsBeforeStyle) => {}
type Props = PropsBeforeStyle & WithStyles<typeof styles>;
class MyClassComponent extends Component<Props> {...}
export default withStyles(styles)(MyClassComponent);
export const renderButton = (tag, method, color) => {
const OkButton = withStyles({
root: {
"color": `${color}`,
"filter": "opacity(0.5)",
"textShadow": "0 0 3px #24fda39a",
"backgroundColor": "none",
"borderRadius": "2px solid #24fda3c9",
"outline": "none",
"border": "2px solid #24fda3c9",
"&:hover": {
color: "#24fda3c9",
border: "2px solid #24fda3c9",
filter: "opacity(1)",
"&:active": {
outline: "none",
"&:focus": {
outline: "none",
return (
<OkButton tag={tag} color={color} fullWidth onClick={method}>
renderButton('Submit', toggleAlert, 'red')
Here's another way of dynamically passing props to hook's API in MUI v5
import React from "react";
import { makeStyles } from "#mui/styles";
import { Theme } from "#mui/material";
interface StyleProps {
height: number;
backgroundColor: string;
const useStyles = makeStyles<Theme>((theme) => ({
root: ({ height, backgroundColor }: StyleProps) => ({
background: backgroundColor,
height: height
export default function Hook() {
const props = {
height: 58,
backgroundColor: "red"
const classes = useStyles(props);
return (
<button className={classes.root}>
another way of passing props to useStyle hooks
here's the codesandbox https://codesandbox.io/s/styles-with-props-forked-gx3bf?file=/demo.tsx:0-607
Here's 2 full working examples of how to pass props to MUI v5 styles. Either using css or javascript object syntax.
With css syntax:
import { styled } from '#mui/system'
interface Props {
myColor: string
const MyComponent = ({ myColor }: Props) => {
const MyStyledComponent = styled('div')`
background-color: ${myColor};
.my-paragraph {
color: white;
return (
<MyStyledComponent >
<p className="my-paragraph">Hello there</p>
</MyStyledComponent >
export default MyComponent
Note that we define MyStyledComponent within MyComponent, making the scoped props available to use in the template string of the styled() function.
Same thing with javascript object syntax:
import { styled } from '#mui/system'
const MyComponent = ({ className }: any) => {
return (
<div className={className}>
<p className="my-paragraph">Hello there</p>
interface Props {
myColor: string
const MyStyledComponent = styled(MyComponent)((props: Props) => ({
backgroundColor: props.myColor,
'.my-paragraph': { color: 'white' },
export default MyStyledComponent
For this second example, please note how we pass the className to the component we want to apply the styles to. The styled() function will pass a className prop with the styles you define. You typically want to apply that to your root element. In this case the div.
I'm sure there's other variations of how to do this, but these two are easy to implement and understand.
You might need to memoize the calculated styles, and maybe not use this approach if your props changes a lot. I don't think it's very performant.
Using styled-components, sometimes you only want to apply styles if the prop is passed, in such cases you can do something like this (remove : {foo: boolean} if not using TypeScript):
const SAnchor = styled("a", {
shouldForwardProp: prop => prop !== "foo",
})(({foo = false}: {foo: boolean}) => ({
...(foo && {
color: "inherit",
textDecoration: "none",
Object spread source
shouldForwardProp docs
#mui v5
I use theme and prop from JSON object
const Answerdiv = styled((props) => {
const { item_style, ...other } = props;
return <div {...other}></div>;
})(({ theme, item_style }) => {
for(var i of Object.keys(item_style)){
item_style[i] =Object.byString(theme,item_style[i])|| item_style[i];
return (item_style)
component use
<Answerdiv item_style={(item_style ? JSON.parse(item_style) : {})}>
for Object.byString
Object.byString = function(o, s) {
s = s.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, '.$1'); // convert indexes to properties
s = s.replace(/^\./, ''); // strip a leading dot
var a = s.split('.');
for (var i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; ++i) {
var k = a[i];
if (k in o) {
o = o[k];
} else {
return o;
