How do you represent a function call as an if condition statement in Sequence Diagram? - c

I've been drawing a sequence diagram of a module recently, while reverse engineering.
I encountered a control statement, and it is like,
if (func_A() == True)
The problem is how to draw the condition?
As I mentioned, It is reverse engineering. The code cannot be modified now.
I drew two diagrams, and I don't know which way is right,
The first one is this, I think it's wrong because it doesn't show the function call as a message from A to B.
This is the second, It shows a message func_A.
What do you think about to do this right?

To complete the other answer there is anyway a problem in the second proposal because we do not know if in [func_A() == True] you reuse the value return by the previous call or you do a second call, to avoid that add the explicit return in your diagram :
Out of that do you know the activities ? A sequence diagram is "just" an interaction while an activity is a behavior and can be more adapted :

It depends. If func_A is an operation defined in Object2 the second representation would be correct. The first does not tell where the operation is defined. Most likely (!) one would interpret func_A as an operation local to ObjectA which your code seems to say. (Btw. you have two completely different object sets AB vs. 12 in your examples.) But that is uncertain. So the 2nd variant is more explicit (and correct).
In any case I advise to not overdo SDs with fragments as "graphical programming" doesn't make things easier to read (my practical experience). It's excellent to show message flows in various collaborations. But when it comes to conditions it's getting messy very soon. A better way is to create different sub-diagrams or even use pseudo code if there are too nested if conditions. In many cases such if clauses are a good fit for state machines.


Implementing Intelligent design sort

This might be frivolous question, so please have understanding for my poor soul.
After reading this article about Intelligent Design sort ( which is in no way made to be serious in any way, I started wondering whether this could be possible.
An excerpt from article says:
The probability of the original input list being in the exact order it's in is 1/(n!). There is such a small likelihood of this that it's clearly absurd to say that this happened by chance, so it must have been consciously put in that order by an intelligent Sorter.
Let's for a second forget about intelligent Sorter, and think about possibility that random occurrences of members in array are in some way sorted. Our algorithm should determine the pattern without changing array's structure.
Is there any way to do this? Speed is not a requirement.
The implementation is very easy actually. The entire point of the article is that you don't actually sort anything. In other words, a correct implementation is a simple NOP. As my preferred language is Java, I'll show a simple in-place implementation in Java as a lambda function:
Funny article, I had a good laugh.
If the only thing you're interested in is that whether your List is sorted, then you could simply keep an internal sorted flag (defaulted to true for an empty list) and override your add() method to check if the element you're adding fits the ordering of the List - that is, compare it to the adjacent elements and setting the sorted flag appropriately.

Terminate activity diagram from subactivity

I´m trying to draw an UML activity diagram for a fnction that is (highly simplified) represented by the following code snippet. My intention is to have a subactivity for the lines that check the mode parameter (if-else).
ErrorType DoSomething(int mode) {
if(mode==MODE1) {
else {
return NO_ERROR;
You can see, the return-Statement in the else-Block leads to termination of function DoSomething. So if it´s executed, there is no way for SomethingElse... to be executed.
As I mentioned, this else-block should be in a subactivity.
How do I visualize that an action in a subactivity (return MODE_NOT_AVAILABLE) has the consequence that it´s parental activity diagram has to be in a final state?
In the following picture you can see my try to solve it. Is this a correct solution?
Since you are dealing with some kind of exception, I'd model it with an exception handler like you see here Even though your concrete implementation uses if/else, that should be a way which makes it easy to understand what you want to achieve (prevent the subroutine from being executed in wrong mode).
You can see more details about the notation here:
It depends on how much you want to dictate the actual implementation. UML itself is langage-unaware, and so are most stakeholders.

Whats a Strong Argument against Variable Redundancy in c code

I work in safety critical application development. Recently as a code reviewer I complained against coding style shown below, but couldn't make a strong case against it. So what would be a good argument against such Variable redundancy/duplication, I am looking for cases where this might lead to problems or test cases which might fail, rather than just coding style.
//global data
// global data
int Block1Var;
int Block2Var;
Block1Var = someCondition; // someCondition is an logical expression
Block2Var = Block1Var; // Block2Var is an unconditional copy of Block1Var
I think a little more context would be helpful perhaps.
You could argue that the value of Block1Var is not guaranteed to stay the
same across concurrent access/modification. This is only valid if Block1Var
ever changes (ie is not only read). I don't know if you are concerned with
multi-threaded applications or not.
Readability is an important issue as well. Future code maintainers
don't want to have to trace around a bunch of trivial assignments.
Depends on what's done with those variables later, but one argument is that it's not future-proof. If, in the future, you change the code such that it changes the value of Block1Var, but Block2Var is used instead (without the additional change) later on, then this will result in erroneous behavior.
If the shown function context reaches a certain length (I'm assuming a lot of detail has been discarded to create the minimal reproducible example for this question), a good next step could be to create a new (sub-)function out of Block 2. This subfunction then should be started assigning Block1Var (-> actual parameter) to Block2Var (-> formal parameter). If there were no other coupling to the rest of the function, one could cut the rest of Block 2 and drop it as a function definition, and would only have to replace the assignment by the subfunction call.
My answer is fairly speculative, but I have seen many cases where this strategy helped me to mark useful points to split a complex function later during the development. Of course, this interpretation only applies to an intermediate stage of development and not to code that is stated to be "ready for release".

Infinite Loop caused by Append?

I have a bit of a question regarding why my code seems to hang when I run it. The code is for a project I have in a class, but we spent one class period going over Prolog so much of what I've learned is stuff I've searched around for and have taught myself. I do apologize if my code contains horrendous stylistic errors, but again, as we never formally learned how we 'should' use Prolog, this is based mostly on my own experimentation.
The goal of the segment of code I am writing is, more or less, to form a chain that connects one actor to another through a series of movies that they have been in.
I have a function I am calling that is meant to construct connections between a starting actor, all possible linked actors ending actor, and the list of movies that connects them. This is probably a horribly inefficient method of doing this, however implementing it this way solves two parts of the assignment with one segment of code.
The code that calls the function works, and for the sake of making this simpler to read, I will omit it unless asked to share it. In short, it asserts a globalStartingActor, and passes on two empty lists (ActorList = [] and MovieList = []) to a function doActorAssertions.
In turn, we have doActorAssertions. This is the revised version of it, which should be simplified and easier to read, but lacks the massive commenting that it had previously.
doActorAssertions(ActorsName,ActorList,MovieList) :-
isNotInList(ActorsName,ActorList) ->
findMoviesIn(ActorsName,MoviesIn),%finds all movies ActorsName is in
howLong(MoviesIn,LenMoviesIn),%Sees how many movies there are.
LenMoviesIn ==0;
append(ActorsName,ActorList,UpdatedActorList),%this causes errors!
globalStartingActor(GSAName),%asserted starting actor
assert(connectedActors(GSAName,ActorsName,MovieList)), %says that the GSAName is connected to ActorsName by a list of movies MovieList.
addAndTraverse(MoviesIn,UpdatedActorList,MovieList) %Goes to propegate all movies the actor is in, then actors in those movies, then recursively calls this function again.
As I said previously, the append tag seemed to be the source of the error! This indeed appears to be the case when I simplify the code to what it is above. I simply comment that append out, and the code body works.
Why, then, is append preventing the code from working properly? I need to have append (or similar function) in that part of the code!
Is ActorsName a list? The variable' name suggests it is, as well as the usage in append/3, but then what isNotInList(ActorsName,ActorList) means? Partial or full disjunction? This could be the cause of the endless loop, maybe you should use the difference of those sets to increment the ActorList.
You should try to avoid assert/1, and instead pass around the state in variables. See this other answer for a schema doing something very similar to what you are attempting here.
This is useless, could be a typo, but then I don't understand the ->
I think should read
); % note the semicolon!

How can I return more than one value through function in C?

I have been asked in an interview how one can return more than one value from function. I have answered saying by using pointers we can achieve(call by reference) this in C. Then he told me he is looking for some other way of returning more than one value. I said we can return a struct object but here also he didn't seem to be impressed.
I would like to know others ways to return more than one value from a function.
I have seen this questions being asked here on SO, but could not find anything C specific.
The tricky problem is that the interviewer has some solution they are particularly happy with in mind and they are likely grading you by whether you have the same clever trick as them or not.
You could just name a few ways such as you did, and still not fall upon their secret trick. And if you knew their secret trick, you could well not be impressed with it.
So in these situations, its to turn it from interview into conversation. Once you detect you're not moving towards their ego, you can avoid heading towards the intimidating "I don't know" "I give up" and instead try out the "so do you have any clever solution? Is there an in-house recipe for this at Xyz Inc?" etc.
Any glimpse at their obviously self-impressed solution and you are back on firm ground where you can talk about it and ask them if they have thought about various factors that come to mind and basically interview them.
Everyone loves a good listener, and getting them to talk about their tricks is a good way to get them to leave the interview throughly impressed with you! ;)
There are a few ways:
Return value using the return statement (as you already know)
Return via references.
Return values via the heap.
Return values via global variables.
That depends on what you consider a value. If a value is a piece of information for you, more values could be a struct of values. More values could be also passed via pointers or arrays, even a char* containing a list of (non-zero alphanumerical) values. If you consider a value to be a bit of information a single returned uint32_t may hold 32 values. You could even mess around with signals or sockets or pipes or files.
But for you do not even know the use case and the requirements it imposes on the solution, it's indeed a rather hard task to come up with the right solution (and you actually did come up with some proper solutions ...).
Return a pointer to a structure, or pack several small datatypes into one large datatype, or use global variables.
The first is probably the cleanest way to do it, the other two might have their uses in certain situations.
If we pass the address instead of the true value of the parameters.
Then whenever we refer those parameters we do it with the address.
returning a pointer to structure is the suitable answer.(Obviously, the objective of the program can decide what's the best that can be done). The interviewer might have wanted you to say 'I don't know' which would have shown your lack of confidence in the field. I think you provided good solutions, though not what he had in his mind. You could have asked him about a typical scenario where he wanted multiple values to be returned and then discuss how struct-pointer is a reasonable alternative.
