What operations are O(n) on the number of tables in PostgreSQL? - database

Let's say theoretically, I have database with an absurd number of tables (100,000+). Would that lead to any sort of performance issues? Provided most queries (99%+) will only run on 2-3 tables at a time.
Therefore, my question is this:
What operations are O(n) on the number of tables in PostgreSQL?
Please note, no answers about how this is bad design, or how I need to plan out more about what I am designing. Just assume that for my situation, having a huge number of tables is the best design.

pg_dump and pg_restore and pg_upgrade are actually worse than that, being O(N^2). That used to be a huge problem, although in recent versions, the constant on that N^2 has been reduced to so low that for 100,000 table it is probably not enough to be your biggest problem. However, there are worse cases, like dumping tables can be O(M^2) (maybe M^3, I don't recall the exact details anymore) for each table, where M is the number of columns in the table. This only applies when the columns have check constraints or defaults or other additional info beyond a name and type. All of these problems are particularly nasty when you have no operational problems to warn you, but then suddenly discover you can't upgrade within a reasonable time frame.
Some physical backup methods, like barman using rsync, are also O(N^2) in the number of files, which is at least as great as the number of tables.
During normal operations, the stats collector can be a big bottleneck. Everytime someone requests updated stats on some table, it has to write out a file covering all tables in that database. Writing this out is O(N) for the tables in that database. (It used to be worse, writing out one file for the while instance, not just the database). This can be made even worse on some filesystems, which when renaming one file over the top of an existing one, implicitly fsyncs the file, so putting it on a RAM disc can at least ameliorate that.
The autovacuum workers loop over every table (roughly once per autovacuum_naptime) to decide if they need to be vacuumed, so a huge number of tables can slow this down. This can also be worse than O(N), because for each table there is some possibility it will request updated stats on it. Worse, it could block all concurrent autovacuum workers while doing so (this last part fixed in a backpatch for all supported versions).
Another problem you might into is that each database backend maintains a cache of metadata on each table (or other object) it has accessed during its lifetime. There is no mechanism for expiring this cache, so if each connection touches a huge number of tables it will start consuming a lot of memory, and one copy for each backend as it is not shared. If you have a connection pooler which hold connections open indefinitely, this can really add up as each connection lives long enough to touch many tables.

pg_dump with some options, probably -s. Some other options make it depend more on size of data.


Cassandra - What is the reasonable maximum number of tables?

I am new to Cassandra. As I understand the maximum number of tables that can be stored per keyspace is Integer.Max_Value. However, what are the implications from the performance perspective (speed, storage, etc) of such a big number of tables? Is there any recommendation regarding that?
While there are legitimate use cases for having lots of tables in Cassandra, they are rare. Your use case might be one of them, but make sure that it is. Without knowning more about the problem you're trying to solve, it's obviously hard to give guidance. Many tables will require more resources, obviously. How much? That depends on the settings, and the usage.
For example, if you have a thousand tables and write to all of them at the same time there will be contention for RAM since there will be memtables for each of them, and there is a certain overhead for each memtable (how much depends on which version of Cassandra, your settings, etc.).
However, if you have a thousand tables but don't write to all of them at the same time, there will be less contention. There's still a per table overhead, but there will be more RAM to keep the active table's memtables around.
The same goes for disk IO. If you read and write to a lot of different tables at the same time the disk is going to do much more random IO.
Just having lots of tables isn't a big problem, even though there is a limit to how many you can have – you can have as many as you want provided you have enough RAM to keep the structures that keep track of them. Having lots of tables and reading and writing to them all at the same time will be a problem, though. It will require more resources than doing the same number of reads and writes to fewer tables.
In my opinion if you can split the data into multiple tables, even thousands, is beneficial.
Suppose you want to scale in future to 10+ nodes and with a RF of 2 will result in having the data evenly distributed across nodes, thus not salable.
Another point is random IO which will be big if you will read from many tables at the same time but I don't see why there is a difference when having just one table. Also you will seek for another partition key, so no difference in IO.
When the compactation takes place it will have to do less work if there is only one table. The values from SSTables must be loaded into memory, merged and saved back.
Having multiple tables will result in having multiple memtables. I think the difference added by this to the RAM is insignificant.
Also, check out the links, they helped me A LOT http://manuel.kiessling.net/2016/07/11/how-cassandras-inner-workings-relate-to-performance/
Please fell free to edit my post, I am kinda new to Big Data

Time to retrieve a single record via a SQL Server index in a large table

Short version of the question:
If you have a table with a large number of small rows and you want to retrieve a single record from this table via an index probably consisting of two columns is this likely to be something that wil be low cost and fast or high cost and slow
Longer version of question and background:
I am a consultant working with a software development company and I have an argument with them about the performance implications of a piece of functionality that I want to add to the application they are building (and I am designing).
At the moment, we write out a log record every time somebody retrieves a client record. I want to put the name and time of the last person prevously to access that record onto the client page each time that record is retrieved.
They are saying that the performance implications of this will be high but based on my reasonable but not expert knowledge of how B trees work, this doesn't seem right even if the table is very large.
If you create an index on the GUID of the client record and the date/time of access (descending), then you ought to be able to retrieve the required record via an index scan which would just need to find the first entry for that GUID and then stop? And that with a b-tree index, most of the index would be cached so the number of physical disc accesses needed would be very small and the query time therefore significantly less than 1s.
Or have I got this completely wrong
You will have problems with GUID index fragmentation but because your rows do not increase in size (as you said in the comments) you will not have page-splitting problems. The random insert issue is fixable by doing reorganizing and rebuilding.
Besides that, there is nothing wrong with your approach. If the table is larger than RAM you will likely have a single disk IO per access (the intermediate index levels will be cached). If your data fits in RAM you will pay about 0.2 to 0.5ms per query. If your data is on a magnetic disk a seek will likely require 8-12ms. On an SSD you are back to 0.2ms to 0.5ms (maybe 0.05ms more).
Why don't you just create some test data (by selecting a cross product from sys.object of 1M rows) and measure it. It takes little time and you will find out for sure.
should be low cost and fast since the columns are indexed and that would be O(n) I think
You say last person to access? You mean that for every read you will have a write?
And that write is going to change an indexed date time column?
Then I would be worried too.
Writing on each record read will cause you lots of extra disk writes. This will block reads and it might be bad to your caching too. You also need to update your index a lot, and since you change the indexed data your index will be very fragmented.
It depends.
A single retrieval will be low cost and fast
on a decent indexed table
running on decent hardware
over a decent network
On the other hand, it takes time nonetheless.
If we are talking about one retrieval per hour, don't sweat over it. If we are talking about thousands of retrievals per second (as opposed to currently none) it will start to add up to the point it would be noticable.
Some questions you need to adress
Is my hardware up to spec
Does adding two fields result in a page split (unlikely)
How many extra pages need to be read for your regular result sets
How many retrievals/sec will be made
How many inserts/sec (triggering an index update) will be made
After you've adressed these questions, you should be able to make the determination yourself. As far as my gut feelings go, I would be surprised you would notice the performance difference.

The best way to design a Reservation based table

One of my Clients has a reservation based system. Similar to air lines. Running on MS SQL 2005.
The way the previous company has designed it is to create an allocation as a set of rows.
Simple Example Being:
AllocationId | SeatNumber | IsSold
1234 | A01 | 0
1234 | A02 | 0
In the process of selling a seat the system will establish an update lock on the table.
We have a problem at the moment where the locking process is running slow and we are looking at ways to speed it up.
The table is already efficiently index, so we are looking at a hardware solution to speed up the process. The table is about 5 mil active rows and sits on a RAID 50 SAS array.
I am assuming hard disk seek time is going to be the limiting factor in speeding up update locks when you have 5mil rows and are updating 2-5 rows at a time (I could be wrong).
I've herd about people using index partition over several disk arrays, has anyone had similar experiences with trying to speed up locking? can anyone give me some advise onto a possible solution on what hardware might be able to be upgraded or what technology we can take advantage of in order to speed up the update locks (without moving to a cluster)?
One last try…
It is clear that there are too many locks hold for too long.
Once the system starts slowing down
due to too many locks there is no
point in starting more transactions.
Therefore you should benchmark the system to find out the optimal number of currant transaction, then use some queue system (or otherwise) to limit the number of currant transaction. Sql Server may have some setting (number of active connections etc) to help, otherwise you will have to write this in your application code.
Oracle is good at allowing reads to bypass writes, however SqlServer is not as standared...
Therefore I would split the stored proc to use two transactions, the first transaction should just:
be a SNAPSHOT (or READ UNCOMMITTED) transaction
find the “Id” of the rows for the seats you wish to sell.
You should then commit (or abort) this transaction,
and use a 2nd (hopefully very short) transaction that
Most likcly is READ COMMITTED, (or maybe SERIALIZABLE)
Selects each row for update (use a locking hint)
Check it has not been sold in the mean time (abort and start again if it has)
Set the “IsSold” flag on the row
(You may be able to the above in a single update statement using “in”, and then check that the expected number of rows were updated)
Sorry sometimes you do need to understant what each time of transaction does and how locking works in detail.
If the table is smaller, then the
update is shorter and the locks are
hold for less time.
Therefore consider splitting the table:
so you have a table that JUST contains “AllocationId” and “IsSold”.
This table could be stored as a single btree (index organized table on AllocationId)
As all the other indexes will be on the table that contrains the details of the seat, no indexes should be locked by the update.
I don't think you'd getting anything out of table partitioning -- the only improvement you'd get would be in fewer disk reads from a smaller (shorter) index trees (each read will hit each level of the index at least once, so the fewer levels the quicker the read.) However, I've got a table with a 4M+ row partition, indexed on 4 columns, net 10 byte key length. It fits in three index levels, with the topmost level 42.6% full. Assuming you had something similar, it seems reasonable that partitioning might only remove one level from the tree, and I doubt that's much of an improvement.
Some off the-cuff hardward ideas:
Raid 5 (and 50) can be slower on writes, because of the parity calculation. Not an issue (or so I'm told) if the disk I/O cache is large enough to handle the workload, but if that's flooded you might want to look at raid 10.
Partition the table across multiple drive arrays. Take two (or more) Raid arrays, distribute the table across the volumes[files/file groups, with or without table partitioning or partitioned views], and you've got twice the disk I/O speed, depending on where the data lies relative to the queries retrieving it. (If everythings on array #1 and array #2 is idle, you've gained nothing.)
Worst case, there's probably leading edge or bleeding edge technology out there that will blow your socks off. If it's critical to your business and you've got the budget, might be worth some serious research.
How long is the update lock hold for?
Why is the lock on the “table” not just the “rows” being sold?
If the lock is hold for more then a
faction of a second that is likely to
be your problem. SqlServer does not
like you holding locks while users
fill in web forms etc.
With SqlServer, you have to implement a “shopping cart” yourself, by temporary reserving the seat until the user pays for it. E.g add a “IsReserved” and “ReservedAt” colunn, then any seats that has been reserved for more then n minutes should be automatically unreserved.
This is a hard problem, as a shopper does not expect a seat that is in stock to be sold to someone else where he is checking out. However you don’t know if the shopper will ever complete the checkout. So how do you show it on a UI. Think about having a look at what other booking websites do then copy one that your users already know how to use.
(Oracle can sometimes cope with lock being kept for a long time, but even Oracle is a lot faster and happier if you keep your locking short.)
I would first try to figure out why the you are locking the table rather than just a row.
One thing to check out is the Execution plan of the Update statement to see what Indexes it causes to be updated and then make sure that row_level_lock and page_level_lock are enabled on those indexes.
You can do so with the following statement.
Select allow_row_locks, allow_page_locks from sys.indexes where name = 'IndexNameHere'
Here are a few ideas:
Make sure your data and logs are on separate spindles, to maximize write performance.
Configure your drives to only use the first 30% or so for data, and have the remainder be for backups (minimize seek / random access times).
Use RAID 10 for the log volume; add more spindles as needed for performance (write performance is driven by the speed of the log)
Make sure your server has enough RAM. Ideally, everything needed for a transaction should be in memory before the transaction starts, to minimize lock times (consider pre-caching). There are a bunch of performance counters you can check for this.
Partitioning may help, but it depends a lot on the details of your app and data...
I'm assuming that the T-SQL, indexes, transaction size, etc, have already been optimized.
In case it helps, I talk about this subject in detail in my book (including SSDs, disk array optimization, etc) -- Ultra-Fast ASP.NET.

Database scalability - performance vs. database size

I'm creating an app that will have to put at max 32 GB of data into my database. I am using B-tree indexing because the reads will have range queries (like from 0 < time < 1hr).
At the beginning (database size = 0GB), I will get 60 and 70 writes per millisecond. After say 5GB, the three databases I've tested (H2, berkeley DB, Sybase SQL Anywhere) have REALLY slowed down to like under 5 writes per millisecond.
Is this typical?
Would I still see this scalability issue if I REMOVED indexing?
What are the causes of this problem?
Each record consists of a few ints
Yes; indexing improves fetch times at the cost of insert times. Your numbers sound reasonable - without knowing more.
You can benchmark it. You'll need to have a reasonable amount of data stored. Consider whether or not to index based upon the queries - heavy fetch and light insert? index everywhere a where clause might use it. Light fetch, heavy inserts? Probably avoid indexes. Mixed workload; benchmark it!
When benchmarking, you want as real or realistic data as possible, both in volume and on data domain (distribution of data, not just all "henry smith" but all manner of names, for example).
It is typical for indexes to sacrifice insert speed for access speed. You can find that out from a database table (and I've seen these in the wild) that indexes every single column. There's nothing inherently wrong with that if the number of updates is small compared to the number of queries.
However, given that:
1/ You seem to be concerned that your writes slow down to 5/ms (that's still 5000/second),
2/ You're only writing a few integers per record; and
3/ You're queries are only based on time queries,
you may want to consider bypassing a regular database and rolling your own sort-of-database (my thoughts are that you're collecting real-time data such as device readings).
If you're only ever writing sequentially-timed data, you can just use a flat file and periodically write the 'index' information separately (say at the start of every minute).
This will greatly speed up your writes but still allow a relatively efficient read process - worst case is you'll have to find the start of the relevant period and do a scan from there.
This of course depends on my assumption of your storage being correct:
1/ You're writing records sequentially based on time.
2/ You only need to query on time ranges.
Yes, indexes will generally slow inserts down, while significantly speeding up selects (queries).
Do keep in mind that not all inserts into a B-tree are equal. It's a tree; if all you do is insert into it, it has to keep growing. The data structure allows for some padding, but if you keep inserting into it numbers that are growing sequentially, it has to keep adding new pages and/or shuffle things around to stay balanced. Make sure that your tests are inserting numbers that are well distributed (assuming that's how they will come in real life), and see if you can do anything to tell the B-tree how many items to expect from the beginning.
Totally agree with #Richard-t - it is quite common in offline/batch scenarios to remove indexes completely before bulk updates to a corpus, only to reapply them when update is complete.
The type of indices applied also influence insertion performance - for example with SQL Server clustered index update I/O is used for data distribution as well as index update, where as nonclustered indexes are updated in seperate (and therefore more expensive) I/O operations.
As with any engineering project - best advice is to measure with real datasets (skews page distribution, tearing etc.)
I think somewhere in the BDB docs they mention that page size greatly affects this behavior in btree's. Assuming you arent doing much in the way of concurrency and you have fixed record sizes, you should try increasing your page size

What slows down growing database performance?

I'm creating a database, and prototyping and benchmarking first. I am using H2, an open-source, commercially free, embeddable, relational, java database. I am not currently indexing on any column.
After the database grew to about 5GB, its batch write speed doubled (the rate of writing was slowed 2x the original rate). I was writing roughly 25 rows per milliseconds with a fresh, clean database and now at 7GB I'm writing roughly 7 rows/ms. My rows consist of a short, an int, a float, and a byte[5].
I do not know much about database internals or even how H2 was programmed. I would also like to note I'm not badmouthing H2, since this is a problem with other DBMSs I've tested.
What factors might slow down the database like this if there's no indexing overhead? Does it mainly have something to do with the file system structure? From my results, I assume the way windows XP and ntfs handle files makes it slower to append data to the end of a file as the file grows.
One factor that can complicate inserts as a database grows is the number of indexes on the table, and the depth of those indexes if they are B-trees or similar. There's simply more work to do, and it may be that you're causing index nodes to split, or you may simply have moved from, say, a 5-level B-tree to a 6-level one (or. more generally, from N to N+1 levels).
Another factor could be disk space usage -- if you are using cooked files (that's the normal kind for most people most of the time; some DBMS use 'raw files' on Unix, but it is unlikely that your embedded system would do so, and you'd know if it did because you'd have to tell it to do so), it could be that your bigger tables are now fragmented across the disk, leading to worse performance.
If the problem was on SELECT performance, there could be many other factors also affecting your system's performance.
This sounds about right. Database performance usually drops significantly as the data can no longer be held in memory and operations become disk bound. If you are using normal insert operations, and want a significant performance improvement, I suggest using some sort of a bulk load API if H2 supports it (like Oracle sqlldr, Sybase BCP, Mysql 'load data infile'). This type of API writes data directly to the data-file bypassing many of the database subsystems.
This is most likely caused by variable width fields. I don't know if H2 allows this, but in MySQL, you have to create your table with all fixed width fields, then explicitly declare it as a fixed width field table. This allows MySQL to calculate exactly where it needs to go in the database file to do the insert. If you aren't using a fixed width table, then it has to read through the table to find the end of the last row.
Appending data (if done right) is an O(n) operation, where n is the length of the data to be written. It doesn't depend on the file length, there are seek operations to skip over that easily.
For most databases, appending to a database file is definitely slower than pre-growing the file and then adding rows. See if H2 supports pre-growing the file.
Another cause is whether the entire database is held in memory or if the OS has to do a lot of disk swapping to find the location to store the record.
I would blame it on I/O, specially if you're running your database on a normal PC with a normal hard disk (by that I mean not in server with super fast hard drives, etc).
Many database engines create an implicit integer primary key for each update, so even if you haven't declared any indexes, your table is still indexed. This may be a factor.
Using H2 for 7G datafile is a wrong choice from technological point of view. As you said, embeddable. What kind of "embedded" application do you have, if you need to store so much data.
Are you performing incremental commits? Since H2 is an ACID compliant database, if you are not performing incremental commits, then there is some type of redo log so that in the case of some accidental failure (say, power outage) or rollback, the deletes can be rolled back.
In that case, your redo log may be growing large and overflowing memory buffers and needing to write out your redo log to disk, as well as your actual data, adding to your I/O overhead.
