Can you get a sqlite3 database on AWS? - database

I made a website that uses a sqlite3 database, and I'm trying to get my program on AWS using elastic beanstalk. I've been googling, but can't find any instructions/tutorials on how to get a sqlite3 database running on AWS. Does AWS support sqlite3? Is there some trick to making it work? And if not, what do you recommend? Many thanks.

You can refer to the documentation below which will help you to get to the Beanstalk console and add the SQLite3 to the AWS. This is for the MySQL but you can change the database engine to SQLite3 from Database settings.

I am not entirely sure whether this is possible because I have not done it before, but I'll point you in the right direction.
There is documentation that shows you how to get started with a custom Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for your elastic beanstalk environment. So what I would recommend doing is:
install sqlite3 on an EC2 instance,
configure sqlite3 to your requirements,
ensure the instance starts the sqlite3 service on boot,
create an AMI of the instance,
follow this documentation:
Please let me know how you go and I may be able to help if you get stuck along the way.

It would be epic if AWS released a service/ intermediate server for it. I love SQLite.
However, the problem is that SQLite ~ does not support transactions over NFS. I actually tried storing SQLite on AWS EFS and then mounting EFS from both AWS Lambda & Batch, so I hit this wall organically.
Given that cloud environments are largely multi-machine/node, you really start to see the benefit of a server-based approach like PostgreSQL.


NoSQL Offline/Standalone - Query GraphDB File directly without exe application?

Every relationship database can be used without the need for installation of any software or tools, as most of the query read/write is all done to read a file that stores data in a specific format.
Can the same thing be done with a graph database (doesnt have to be neo4j, i wouldnt mind an alternative) without installing software, or having terminal endpoint running for access to database?
MySql is a db file you can query
MSSQL is a db file you can query
SqlCE is a db file you can query
Sqlite is a db file you can query
Neo4j: You need to download, install, have running and query through ip address?
OR... pay higher rates (2-5x cost?) for graph DB hosting in comparison to RDMS which is so inexpensive, it's practically given for free for most web hosting services.
Purpose and Reasoning for Question
I'm looking for some cost efficient solutions to run a graph database
with all the bells and whistles, that i can run from web host or
application (that only handle IIS and hard-file transfer services --
maybe it can do netcore, but dont know if you can run graphdb through
netcore as a module service).
Yeah, MSSQL is doing it now, but it's
limited in what it can do and handle, as well as the tutorials are
lacking in how to properly write NoSQL queries as fluent as the SQL
Well, i found the answer to my question, and it's "yes, you can create a standalone graph.db to query from (in neo4j)." However it's only limited to Java and not supported by other languages or frameworks.
Neo4j calls it an "embedded" database. Which is exactly what i was asking in my question, though i was hoping to be able to use the services in a .net application, which turns out to not be compatible.
If anyone has any alternate solutions that can work with netcore, i would love to see it posted here. I'm happy to know that i was right, and that it is possible to run queries on a hard file. Just disappointed that because neo4j is native to java, the technology is only available to java apps. Has no one written a c# port yet? (Not in-memory, but to and from hard file.)
Anyways, i'll continue to research and look more into all of this. Thank you.
Edit-1: Graph database for .NET

How to access my database in PHPMyAdmin from a different computer?

I am working on my Java application in Eclipse that connects to the database and makes some queries with the data. This database has been created and managed in PHPMyAdmin. The database is stored locally and now I would like to make it accessible not only from my computer, but for anyone who will run my application on his computer. Can anyone tell me what is the procedure? How can I make the database "online"? Should I store the database on some remote server? If so, what is the procedure?
I know this question is not so much straight-forward, but I hope you will give me some idea how to deal with it.
Thanks in advance!
In this situation you should store the database on an external server who are better at managing databases with more security/backups etc.
If you're looking for scalability as well you could get an Amazon AWS Micro Instance in the cloud for free for a year which includes a large amount (20GB) of RDS (their relational database service based on MySQL) for free.
There is a great Stack Overflow question on Using PHPMyAdmin to administer Amazon RDS as well to get you started with something you are familiar with.
You can use MySQLDump to copy your current database from your local machine to RDS if you needed.
(A, completely non-extensive, list of) Mysql Hosting Providers
Webfaction - Good web user interface. Does more than just database hosting. Lots of documentation.
Amazons RDS - Cloud based. Reliable. Offers free tier
Rackspace - Cloud based. Excellent customer service.
Or, host your own on something like these
Linode - Has lots of documentation of getting Mysql installed
Digital Ocean - SSDs for great speed. Again great documentation on getting Mysql installed

Connect to Microsoft Access Database from XCode

I've been tasked with writing a Mac App in xcode 4.3 that can search and display data from a publicly available MS Access Database that's updated regularly. For this reason, I can't just convert the file to a different database platform. I've searched the depths of Google and can't find anyone else attempting such a task.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
You may try to use 3rd party tools that provide connectivity like actualtech one.
I personally never tried this one, but it looks promising.
I believe there are no native Microsoft support for other platforms than Windows.
If the database is in an MDB file, you could try using this online MDB to MySQL converter.
You could write a daemon that fetches the latest SQL dump daily or even hourly and stores it in a local SQLite file. Then your client app just needs to query the local file.
I know it's not as convenient as connecting to the database directly, but this is a 'free' solution.

Sqlite db scheme to Django models

I am trying to get my local sqlite db up and running on GAE. According to this post, there is no way for me to get my local db up there directly. That's why I would like to do something like this:
I get the sqlite db up and running on my dev server with this:
Locally, I translate the db scheme into django model and migrate the db into GAE db.
I use google's way to get my data up to GAE.
So here comes my question. Is there any project that is able to directly translate sqlite db scheme into django model directly?
If not, I guess I will have to write up a code gen.
gae-sqlite (now superceded by built-in sqlite support) is designed to run the development appserver backend on sqlite for speed and reduced memory consumption. It doesn't let you import or use your own sqlite schema in App Engine.
You need to dump your data to CSV files, and use the App Engine bulkloader (which you linked to) to bulkload them into the dev_appserver and production environments. Alternately, it is possible to bulkload direct from the sqlite database, but that's a lot more involved, and probably not worth the effort.

Need info on Oracle database server

I am not sure If I'm correct in posting in this forum but I need info. I am doing University project which needs couple of oracle database server which are online. I have a cloud application which would access this servers. I tried to find online if I could rent database servers for a week for the test with no luck. Could somebody provide any info on where I could rent oracle database servers.
Another option is to commission an Oracle instance on Amazon's Elastic Cloud (EC2). I've done this myself. If you start with an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that already has Oracle installed, that's most of the work done for you already. Here's more info to get you started:
I imagine it would be difficult to find plain Oracle database hosting. It's an "Enterprise" thing, which means companies never bother to explain their services on their website. But you can find relatively cheap Oracle APEX hosting. (APEX is a rapid application development for Oracle.) It's probably much cheaper to rent that and use the Oracle functionality that comes with it.
Or you can always install your own system, although Oracle installation can be painful. If this is just for testing, you can download any version. You might want to start with 10g Express Edition:
If the Amazon EC solution is unacceptable, the easiest way to go is probably to start with a Linux+Oracle VM, and look for a provider who does VM hosting, or self-host if you have access to a machine somewhere with a permanent internet connection / address.
