How do I generate a core dump to a file on a running process using gcore <PID> in macOS Catalina? Getting error "gcore: insufficient privilege" - pid

Currently I have a program that runs and sleeps for 60 seconds. I get the PID of the program and I run "sudo gcore (PID of process)". But I am getting the message "gcore: insufficient privilege" in the terminal. I am not sure why this is happening and how to resolve this..
when I run "info gcore" I see that the format is:
gcore [-s] [-v] [-b size] [-o path | -c pathformat] pid
Using the above format, can any one also give an example of a gcore command that generates a core dump on a running process using the process id and saves that core dump to a specific file path?
Note: I also installed the home-brew version of gcore as told in another stack overflow post but that didn't help


Remotely launching a process with LLDB

I'm trying to remotely launch and debug a new process with lldb without much success.
Attaching to an already launched process works well by running these commands:
process connect <url>
process attach -P gdb-remote --pid <pid>
But if I want debugserver to launch the executable by itself I'm running into troubles. Especially, I have no clue what arguments should I pass to target create.
According to this page LLDB "will transparently take care of [..] downloading the executable in order to be able to debug", yet target create seem to always require a local file. If I specify the remote file via -r I get either unable to open target file or remote --> local transfer without local path is not implemented yet errors. If I set the target to a local file (such as a local copy of the remote's loader executable) without using -r, then attempt to run process launch -p gdb-remote -s <remote path> LLDB will attempt running the local path on the remote machine and fail.
What are the correct commands I need to use in order to launch a remote process?
After contacting LLDB's mailing list Greg updated the documentation page, which now clearly explains what I have to do (Specifically I was missing the script lines, which appear to be the correct way to set the remote executable path)

posix_openpt() - error - Cant access tty, job control turned off

I'm using a psuedo terminal, /bin/sh -i, by calling normal commands for posix_openpty() then fork(), in language C.
When I run from command line GUI terminal like this
$ ./MyTerminal
$ sudo ./MyTerminal
or as root like this
# ./MyTerminal
all works very good and as expected, no problems.
However, when I make a systemd service file like this, it works fine
But when I try to get systemd to run it as normal user like this
THe first output for /bin/sh -i is
/bin/sh: 0: can't access tty; job control turned off $
And the terminal does not really work.
When I run /bin/bash, fork() w/posix_openpty() is returns me this, but the terminal generally works ok
bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
Is such a weird prolem because when running outside of systemd everything works perfect. I see this problem in 1 other question but no clear solution. So what I have to change to make systemd run my file perfectly? Thanks for your help.

Compile for Chromebook using Crouton

I currently have an Asus c300 chromebook. Since it doesn't have legacy boot, I'm using crouton to get a more standard command line environment. I was able to install gcc very easily in the chroot environment. It works very well under chroot.
Since the underlying hardware is the same, I thought the resulting executable should work for chromebook, without me being in the chroot environment. If true, I thought I could go into the chroot environment, compile whatever program I want/need, and exit back out to the regular environment and use it.
I tried it with a simple hello world program. When I tried to run the executable, I got the following error:
bash: ./a.out: Permission denied.
I tried to run it with sudo, and I get a similar error:
sudo: unable to execute ./a.out: Permission denied.
I even used su to login as root, and I still could not run the program (got the first error).
I thought su/sudo would override any kind of permission restriction. But, it's apparently not the case on the chromebook.
What am I missing? Is what I want to do possible?
EDIT: File permission was already set to 777.
You might simply have to change the permissions of the file or check the files ownership. umask determines weather or not a file that is created gets execute permissions by default. What does -ls -lat on the file reveal?
Also try running
chmod +x ./a.out
You can find more details of error with strace command
strace ./a.out and check output.
I suppose you have different env (path and LD_library_path) under the chroot.

How to run an external command from lldb prompt

Does lldb have an equivalent for gdb's shell command to run external commands from the prompt? (see How can I execute external commands from the gdb command prompt?)
This might be what you're looking for...
(lldb) help platform shell
Run a shell command on a the selected platform. This command takes 'raw'
input (no need to quote stuff).
Syntax: platform shell <shell-command>
Command Options Usage:
platform shell [-t <value>]
-t <value> ( --timeout <value> )
Seconds to wait for the remote host to finish running the command.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Because this command takes 'raw' input, if you use any
command options you must use ' -- ' between the end of the command options
and the beginning of the raw input.
(lldb) platform shell ls
If you get:
error: unable to run a remote command without a platform
Try this command to see if you need to give lldb more context:
(lldb) platform status
If you are debugging on a real iOS ARM device, this will show Platform: remote-ios. If you are on a simulator, you will get your macOS related info.

How to make nscd generate core dump files?

nscd service crashed without a core dump file.
ulimit -c is unlimited.
Someone says that that's because nscd use "setuid" when the "server-user" is set in /etc/nscd.conf.
Then I added a "#" to delete it at the beginning of the "server-user" line in /etc/nscd.conf then restart the service.
Now it runs as root which could be checked by "ps -ef | grep nscd".
However, the following commands still could not make nscd to generate a core dump file:
kill -ABRT nscd-pid
or kill -s SIGSEGV nscd-pid
Who can tell me why and how? Thanks in advance!
resolved it myself. That's because nscd is called with "daemon nscd ..." in /etc/init.d/nscd script, however the daemon function in /etc/init.d/functions modify the core dump file size to be 0, so even if issuing "ulimit -c unlimited" at the beginning of "/etc/init.d/nscd" could not make sence.
