How to validate input in batch - batch-file

So i made a menu in batch and you have options to select what you would want to do, but if u enter a option thats not on the menu it selects the first option. how would i make it echo invalid input please try again.
echo Please select what you would like to do!
echo =========================================
echo 1)Example 1
echo 2)Example 2
echo 3)Example 3
echo 4)Example 4
echo 5)Example 5
echo 6)Example 6
echo =========================================
set /p ans="Please enter your selection:"
if %ans%==1 (
goto a
if %ans%==2 (
goto b
if %ans%==3 (
goto c
if %ans%==4 (
goto f
if %ans%==5 (
goto g
if %ans%==6 (
goto h

Use choice. Much simpler. Here is an example
#echo off
Choice /c 123456 /m "select choice"
If not %errorlevel% equ 0 Echo you chose %errorlevel%
You can then use it to goto by creating easy manageable labels.
#echo off
Choice /c 123 /m "select choice"
Goto opt%errorlevel%
Echo do something here for option 3
Goto :eof
Echo do something here for option 2
Goto :eof
Echo do something for oprion 1
Exho You pressed ctrl+c and selected N
You get the idea..


What am i doing wrong using the Choice command with batch?

This is not the full code, since its about 1000 lines long, but here's the problem, when i come to this section of the game
choice /c abc1 /n
when i press "a" it's supposed to "medicalbag" and instead it acts like if i were to press "1" and goes back to start
when i press "b,c,1" they all go to "medicalbag".
i can't find a solution to this, i read about the command and apparently it supports these letters and numbers, when i change them out with just numbers they work just fine, but im really not sure what im doing wrong here.
echo *****************************
echo a) Medical supplies
echo b) Consumables
echo c) Weaponry
echo -----------------------------
echo 1) back
echo -----------------------------
choice /c abc1 /n
if %errorlevel% == a goto medicalbag
if %errorlevel% == b goto consumablebag
if %errorlevel% == c goto weaponrybag
if %errorlevel% == 1 goto start
echo *****************************
echo Bandages: %bandagecount%
echo -----------------------------
echo 1) back
echo -----------------------------
choice /c 1 /n
if %errorlevel% == 1 goto bag
echo *****************************
echo Canned food: %cannedfoodcount%
echo Purified water: %purifiedwatercount%
echo Dirty water: %dirtywatercount%
echo -----------------------------
echo 1) back
echo -----------------------------
choice /c 1 /n
if %errorlevel% == 1 goto bag
echo *****************************
echo a) combatknife: %combatknifecount%
echo -----------------------------
echo 1) back
echo -----------------------------
choice /c a1 /n
if %errorlevel% == a goto combatknifecheck
if %errorlevel% == 1 goto bag
the errorlevel of the choice keys defined using the /c switch is returned according to the keys position in the list.
with /c abc1:
keypress: errorlevels reuturned:
a 1
b 2
c 3
1 4
To get the literal keypress, you need to use a for /f loop to capture the keypress:
For /f "delims=" %%G in ('choice /n /c abc1')Do Echo(You pressed: %%G
Note - the /n switch MUST be used when using a for loop to capture the pressed key.
Here is an example of a dynamic menu system that will return the user selected value and the description of that value.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
CALL :MENU "Medical supplies" "Consumables" "Weaponry" "Back"
goto :eof
set /a "OptionNo=0"
set "choices="
FOR %%I IN (%*) do (
set /a OptionNo+=1
call :ResolveChar !OptionNo!
set "Option!retval!=%%~I"
set "choices=!choices!!retval!"
echo [!retval!] %%~I
set "_startchar=%1"
CALL SET "char=%%keys:~%_startchar%,1%%"
ENDLOCAL & SET "retval=%char%"
goto :eof
choice /c !choices! /cs /m "Select Your Option: " /n
call :ResolveChar %errorlevel%
set "Option=!Option%retval%!"
echo You Selected: %retval% - %Option%

Multiple possible text inputs with if statements

I am trying to make a fully immersive text adventure using a batch file.
Here is my problem: I want the answers to be a text input, so that the players type in a response which dictates where they will go.
For a lot of questions I need there to be multiple possible inputs. For example when you get to an enemy there are tons of different things you could do, however I can only figure out how to get it to recognise one input.
With other words, I want system to take user input and do actions accordingly.
Here is my code for this section so far:
echo you awake in a forest, you do not know where you are or why you are there.
echo infront of you is a small goblin like creature
echo What do you do?
set /p answer=
if %answer%==run (
goto run1
) else (
if %answer%==attack (
goto attack1
) else (
if %answer%==befriend(
goto befriend1
) else (
if %answer%==scream(
goto scream1
) else (
if %answer%==dance (
goto dance1
) else (
echo Nothing happened
timeout /t 1
goto forest1
Your way should be modified like this to work:
#echo off
rem Your code before the code you provided above ^^
echo You awake in a forest, you do not know where you are or why you are there.
echo In front of you is a small goblin like creature
goto :recoil1
set /p "answer=What do you do? "
if "%answer%" == "run" (
goto :run1
) else (
if "%answer%" == "attack" (
goto :attack1
) else (
if "%answer%" == "befriend" (
goto :befriend1
) else (
if "%answer%" == "scream" (
goto :scream1
) else (
if "%answer%" == "dance" (
goto :dance1
) else (
echo Nothing happened.
timeout /t 1
goto :forest1
You see: this is complicated a bit; you missed lots of parenthesis!
So, use choice command with some modifications:
#echo off
rem Your code before the code you provided above ^^
echo You awake in a forest, you do not know where you are or why you are there.
echo In front of you is a small goblin like creature
goto :recoil1
echo What do you do? Here is a list of options:
echo r - run away
echo a - attack the goblin
echo b - be friend with the goblin
echo s - scream
echo d - dance
echo n - do nothing
choice /C:rabsdn /N
if errorlevel 6 (
echo Nothing happened.
timeout /t 1
goto :forest1
if errorlevel 5 goto :dance1
if errorlevel 4 goto :scream1
if errorlevel 3 goto :befriend1
if errorlevel 2 goto :attack1
if errorlevel 1 goto :run1
which is clearer, faster and more readable, isn't it?
Note: the if with the errorlevel should be in descending order because if errorlevel n means if the errorlevel is greater than or equal to n!
Modify the options to better suit for you.
Why not try use if in the for looping to do this job?
#echo off
cls & echo/ & if defined answer set answer=<nul
echo/ you awake in a forest, you do not know where you are or why you are there.
echo/ infront of you is a small goblin like creature
set /p "answer= What do you do? "
for %%i in (run attack befriend scream dance) do if /i "%answer%" == "%%i" goto :%answer%1
echo/ Nothing happened
timeout /t 1 & goto forest1
echo/ Here I'm in Label run1 & exit /b
echo/ Here I'm in Label attack1 & exit /b
echo/ Here I'm in Label befriend1 & exit /b
echo/ Here I'm in Label scream1 & exit /b
echo/ Here I'm in Label dance1 & exit /b

Why is this Choice command not working (batch-file)

I have this
#echo off
echo Navigation: W-Up, S-Down, E-Enter
echo _________________________________
echo -(Option 1)
echo Option 2
echo Option 3
choice /c WSE /n
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto 3
if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto 2
if ERRORLEVEL 3 goto opt1
echo Navigation: W-Up, S-Down, E-Enter
echo _________________________________
echo Option 1
echo -(Option 2)
echo Option 3
choice /c WSE /n
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto 1
if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto 2
if ERRORLEVEL 3 goto opt2
echo Navigation: W-Up, S-Down, E-Enter
echo _________________________________
echo Option 1
echo Option 2
echo -(Option 3)
choice /c WSE /n
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto 2
if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto 1
if ERRORLEVEL 3 goto opt3
echo You chose Option 1
pause >nul
echo You chose Option 2
pause >nul
echo You chose Option 3
pause >nul
What it is supposed to do is look like a selection menu, but for some reason it just constantly loops through ":1" from lines 2 to 9 it just loops over and over again, why is it doing this? How do I make it not do this?
Read choice /?.
According to that help page, errorlevel(s) are supposed to be checked in reversed order.
choice /c WSE /n
if ERRORLEVEL 3 goto opt3
if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto 2
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto 1
Why? Because if ERRORLEVEL 1 means if %errorlevel% geq 1. Alternatively, you can do:
if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto 1
if %errorlevel% equ 2 goto 2
if %errorlevel% equ 3 goto opt3
Or even crazier(but safer) with findstr.
set errlvl=%errorlevel:~-1%
echo "%errlvl%"| findstr /l /x /i """1""" && goto :1
echo "%errlvl%"| findstr /l /x /i """2""" && goto :2
echo "%errlvl%"| findstr /l /x /i """3""" && goto :opt3
We do not really need that set statement, but a precaution
Just another reminder, if the user pressed key(s) out of the "WSE", an annoyingly loud beep will occur. You may want to check out my poorly title question to find out methods of silencing them.

goto Was Unexpected At This Time {BATCH}

Im am trying to make a simple coin game in batch. The problem I have is once the delay is completed (ping) "goto was unexpected at this time" is all I get before the window closes. Any help would be appreciated!
#echo off
color f0
title Nim In Batch
::: Main Menu
set /a coins=12
set /a time=0
echo Nim In Batch!
choice /n /c pr /m "Play Or See Rules?"
if %errorlevel%==1 (
goto play
if %errorlevel%==2 (
goto rules
::: Rules
echo Objective: Be the one to claim the last coin
echo Rules:
echo -You Play First
echo -You Must Remove 1,2 Or 3 Coins Each Turn
echo -Turns Switch Once Coins Are Removed
echo -Coins Must Be Removed In Order
echo Ready?
goto main
::: Game
echo (%coins%) Coins
choice /n /c 123 /m "How Many Coins Do You Wish To Remove?"
if %errorlevel%==1 (
set /a Coins=%coins%-1
if %errorlevel%==2 (
set /a Coins=%coins%-2
if %errorlevel%==3 (
set /a Coins=%coins%-3
echo (%coins%) Coins
echo Computer Is Thinking
ping -n 1 -w 3250 >NUL
if %errorlevel%==1 (
set /a Coins=%coins%-3
if %errorlevel%==2 (
set /a Coins=%coins%-2
if %errorlevel%==3 (
set /a Coins=%coins%-1
if %coin%==0 (
goto end
) else (
goto play
echo Computer Wins!
echo He Collected The Final Coin!
goto main
You forget an s in %coins% here :
if %coins%==0 (
goto end
) else (
goto play

Switch statement equivalent in Windows batch file

I wonder if there is a simple way to branch execution in a Windows batch file depending on the value of one single expression. Something akin to switch/case blocks in C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, PHP, and other real programming languages.
My only workaround is a plain if/else block where the same expression is repeatedly checked for equality against different values:
IF "%ID%"=="0" (
REM do something
) ELSE IF "%ID%"=="1" (
REM do something else
) ELSE IF "%ID%"=="2" (
REM do another thing
) ELSE (
REM default case...
So dumb. Is there a better solution?
I ended up using label names containing the values for the case expressions as suggested by AjV Jsy. Anyway, I use CALL instead of GOTO to jump into the correct case block and GOTO :EOF to jump back. The following sample code is a complete batch script illustrating the idea.
SET /P COLOR="Choose a background color (type red, blue or black): "
2>NUL CALL :CASE_%COLOR% # jump to :CASE_red, :CASE_blue, etc.
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 CALL :DEFAULT_CASE # If label doesn't exist
ECHO Done.
ECHO Unknown color "%COLOR%"
GOTO :EOF # return from CALL
This is simpler to read:
IF "%ID%"=="0" REM do something
IF "%ID%"=="1" REM do something else
IF "%ID%"=="2" REM do another thing
IF %ID% GTR 2 REM default case...
Compact form for short commands (no 'echo'):
IF "%ID%"=="0" ( ... & ... & ... ) ELSE ^
IF "%ID%"=="1" ( ... ) ELSE ^
IF "%ID%"=="2" ( ... ) ELSE ^
REM default case...
After ^ must be an immediate line end, no spaces.
I guess all other options would be more cryptic. For those who like readable and non-cryptic code:
IF "%ID%"=="0" (
REM do something
) ELSE IF "%ID%"=="1" (
REM do something else
) ELSE IF "%ID%"=="2" (
REM do another thing
) ELSE (
REM default case...
It's like an anecdote:
Magician: Put the egg under the hat, do the magic passes ... Remove the hat and ... get the same egg but in the side view ...
The IF ELSE solution isn't that bad. It's almost as good as python's if elif else. More cryptic 'eggs' can be found here.
I searched switch / case in batch files today and stumbled upon this. I used this solution and extended it with a goto exit.
IF "%1"=="red" echo "one selected" & goto exit
IF "%1"=="two" echo "two selected" & goto exit
echo "Options: [one | two | ...]
Which brings in the default state (echo line) and no extra if's when the choice is found.
Hariprasad didupe suggested a solution provided by Batchography, but it could be improved a bit. Unlike with other cases getting into default case will set ERRORLEVEL to 1 and, if that is not desired, you should manually set ERRORLEVEL to 0:
goto :switch-case-N-%N% 2>nul || (
rem Default case
rem Manually set ERRORLEVEL to 0
type nul>nul
echo Something else
The readability could be improved for the price of a call overhead:
call:Switch SwitchLabel %N% || (
echo One
echo Two
echo Three
echo Default case
goto:%1-%2 2>nul || (
type nul>nul
exit /b
Few things to note:
As stated before, this has a call overhead;
Default case is required. If no action is needed put rem inside to
avoid parenthesis error;
All cases except the default one are executed in the sub-context. If
you want to exit parent context (usually script) you may use this;
Default case is executed in a parent context, so it cannot be
combined with other cases (as reaching goto:EOF will exit parent
context). This could be circumvented by replacing goto:%1- in
subroutine with call:%1- for the price of additional call overhead;
Subroutine takes label prefix (sans hyphen) and control variable. Without label
prefix switch will look for labels with :- prefix (which are valid) and
not passing a control variable will lead to default case.
Try by this way. To perform some list of operations like
Switch case has been used.
Checking the conditional statements.
Invoking the function with more than two arguments.
#echo off
goto Start
echo --------------------------------------
echo Welcome to the Shortcut tool
echo --------------------------------------
echo Choose from the list given below:
echo [1] 2017
echo [2] 2018
echo [3] Task
set /a one=1
set /a two=2
set /a three=3
set /a four=4
set input=
set /p input= Enter your choice:
if %input% equ %one% goto Z if NOT goto Start2
if %input% equ %two% goto X if NOT goto Start2
if %input% equ %three% goto C if NOT goto Start2
if %input% geq %four% goto N
echo You have selected year : 2017
set year=2017
echo %year%
call:branches year
echo You have selected year : 2018
set year=2018
echo %year%
call:branches year
echo You have selected Task
echo Invalid Selection! Try again
goto :start2
echo Choose from the list of Branches given below:
echo [1] January
echo [2] Feburary
echo [3] March
set /a "Number1=%~1"
set input=
set /p input= Enter your choice:
set /a b=0
set /a bd=3
set /a bdd=4
if %input% equ %b% goto N
if %input% leq %bd% call:Z1 Number1,input if NOT goto Start2
if %input% geq %bdd% goto N
set /a "Number1=%~1"
echo year = %Number1%
set /a "Number2=%~2"
echo branch = %Number2%
call:operation Number1,Number2
echo Choose from the list of Operation given below:
echo [1] UB
echo [3] B
echo [4] C
echo [5] l
echo [6] R
echo [7] JT
echo [8] CT
echo [9] JT
set /a "year=%~1"
echo Your have selected year = %year%
set /a "month=%~2"
echo You have selected Branch = %month%
set operation=
set /p operation= Enter your choice:
set /a b=0
set /a bd=9
set /a bdd=10
if %input% equ %b% goto N
if %operation% leq %bd% goto :switch-case-N-%operation% if NOT goto Start2
if %input% geq %bdd% goto N
echo Januray
echo %year%,%month%,%operation%
goto :switch-case-end
echo Feburary
echo %year%,%month%,%operation%
goto :switch-case-end
echo march
echo %year%,%month%,%operation%
goto :switch-case-end
echo Task Completed
goto :start2
echo Choose from the list of Operation given below:
echo [1] UB
echo [3] B
echo [4] C
echo [5] l
echo [6] R
echo [7] JT
echo [8] CT
echo [9] JT
set operation=
set /p operation= Enter your choice:
set /a b=0
set /a bd=9
set /a bdd=10
if %input% equ %b% goto N
if %operation% leq %bd% goto :switch-case-N-%operation% if NOT goto Start2
if %input% geq %bdd% goto N
echo Januray
echo %operation%
goto :switch-case-end
echo Feburary
echo %year%,%month%,%operation%
goto :switch-case-end
echo march
echo %year%,%month%,%operation%
goto :switch-case-end
echo Task Completed
goto :start2
If if is not working you use:
:switch case %n%=1
goto :switch case end
It might be a bit late, but this does it:
set "case1=operation1"
set "case2=operation2"
set "case3=operation3"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
%switch% gets replaced before line execution. Serious downsides:
You override the case variables
It needs DelayedExpansion
Might eventually be usefull in some cases.
