I have a class library project that requires a connection string be set:
var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["appDatabase"].ConnectionString;
If this was any other project then I would have just added an app.config to set this, but what is the code library equivalent?
Your class library must be being consumed by some host I.e. console app, web app, function app etc. All of those projects support app settings of some sort.
Without knowing the architecture of your solution it is very difficult to suggest the best route but generally your class library really should accept its inputs via its constructor either passed directly or managed via dependency injection.
I need to create a module that will be used by different applications.
Each application is using its own set of vars (application name, REST urls, ...).
How do I set inner variable, by the hosting application, in module (or in service)?
Need to init these parameters as soon as possible as the application loads.
In your module have a provider. That way the client application can bootstrap configuration.
Read the "Provider Recipe" section on angular's site for an example of this.
You should use the Provider recipe only when you want to expose an API for application-wide configuration that must be made before the application starts. This is usually interesting only for reusable services whose behavior might need to vary slightly between applications.
I am quite new to NancyFX and investigating its capabilities. Once thing I am trying to figure out is whether it's possible to compose a large site using multiple modules (classes derived from NancyModule) in a way that makes it possible to build routes from several module definitions.
For example, I have the following module, AbcModule:
public class AbcModule : NancyModule
public AbcModule() : base("/api/systems/abc")
Get["/"] = _ => "ABC API Host";
Get["/domains/"] = _ => Response.AsJson(Domains.All);
Get["/domains/{name}"] = x => Response.AsJson(Domains.All.Single(y => x.Name == y.Name));
What I don't want is to expose "api/systems/abc". I want this path to be defined in another module (i.e. RootModule) that defines "api/systems" and build a list of available systems at runtime. Then AbcModule is unaware of its container defines all its routes relative to some URL.
Is this possible in NancyFX?
UPDATE. Let me give you an example (and I am open to admit that I've misunderstood something, in this case please hint me where is the flaw). There is a Web service that is going to expose a potentially large collection of services or plugins. Each plugin is responsible for its own resource types and resource structure, but why should it know how its container's routing rules? Imagine that a developer is working with the plugin "music" wrapped in a Nancy MusicModule which defines routes "/rock", "/metal" and "disco". But on a production machine his code is deployed in a Web site where MusicModule becomes a part of a "Hobby" service that defines "music", "sports" and "films" routes. Finally, there is a root module that defines "api" route.
So here is the question: can MusicModule only deals with the routes that belong to its domain, with the rest of the full path be added by other modules, so on a development machine with only MusicModule available "rock" resource can be accessed directly at localhost:xxx/rock, and on a production machine it's exposed from other (chained) modules, so the access path is machinename:xxx/api/hobby/music/rock?
And if this is a bad idea, please elaborate why. What can be wrong with hiding from a module the full route path?
what you are asking for is running at a different root url, where /api/systems/ is not part of your application, but your hosting environment. Nancy does not understand the concept of global root path. It can be done quite easily by intercepting the incoming requests (using a Before hook on the application level) and re-writing the URL of the incoming URL.
I've split out my domain services into a separate WCF RIA Services Class Library project. However there now seems to be a problem with using the resource strings in the client side library.
The client project library has generated code like this:
[Display(Description="FullNameDescription", Name="FullNameLabel", Order=-1, ResourceType=typeof(MetadataStrings))]
[StringLength(255, ErrorMessageResourceName="BadFullNameLength", ErrorMessageResourceType=typeof(MetadataStrings))]
public string FullName
// ...
where MetadataStrings is a resource file in the class library. This class library is then referenced by the silverlight project.
But the meta attributes that use ResourceType cause the designer to throw an exception when opening a view and at runtime cause a MissingManifestResourceException.
If I comment out the attributes and rebuild it all works fine. So something is not right with the resources being in another assembly i'm guessing?
Edit: Nevermind finally got this working, problem was that i renamed my class library projects and the namespace of the resource file was wrong. 3 days wasted.
I have the following Ria Service define:
namespace SilverlightTest.Web
public class ContactService : LinqToEntitiesDomainService<AdventureWorksEntities>
public IQueryable<Contact> GetContactSearch(string lastName)
ContactRepository rep = new ContactRepository();
return rep.SearchByLastName(lastName);
When I compile the solution, my SilverlightTest project does create the SilverlightTest.Web.g.cs file and the appropriate Context objects are created when I look at it. However, when I attempt to import the SilverlightTest.Web namespace to access the Data Context class for the above service, it says it cannot find the Web namespace.
The only difference I can see between what I'm doing and many examples that are out there on the web is that my AdventureWorksEntities data context is located in a separate business object dll. I tried to query the context directly instead of using the Repository Pattern I'm attempting to do and it also isn't work working.
Any ideas? Is it possible to have Ria Services access a separate DLL handling data access or does it HAVE to be in the same project?
I've been able to put the Ria service in a separate project before, although I do remember having issues. Not sure exactly what it was, but I would check two things: your references and your web.config (in the hosting website). When you add a ria service to a web project it does some things behind the scenes that wire everything up correctly.
Could try adding a service to your web project temporarily and see what it adds.
It seems that Resharper does not recognize the .gs files and their name spaces. If you disable R# or just code without intelisense it works.
I have come across a bit of a problem while using Unity and WPF. The scenario is I have a WPF application which follows the MVVM design pattern. A have a module called ViewKDI. Within this module I have a service called ViewKDIService, the ViewKDIService service utilises another service called UserService.
Every time I load the module ViewKDI I want Unity to return me a new instance of both the ViewKDIService and the UserService.
I have put the below in the shell bootstrapper:
Container.RegisterType<IUserService, UserService>();
In the ViewKDI module I have put the following:
Container.RegisterType<IViewKDIService, ViewKDIService>();
Each time the ViewKDI module loads the ViewKDIService constructor is called. However the UserService constructor is only called the first time, this means that I am not getting a new instance of UserService.
I require unity to give me a new instance of UserService too so that I can manage this session separately from the rest of the application.
Any ideas?
Unity's default behaviour is to create a new instance of each object each time one is requested, so you shouldn't be seeing this behaviour.
From what I can gather from the source code and MSDN documentation (this is a good read), you can specify a "lifetime manager" object when you register a type to tell Unity how the type should be constructed and cached. Using the TransientLifetimeManager (which essentially does no caching) will cause Unity to re-create the class each time. So try this:
Container.RegisterType<IUserService, UserService>(new TransientLifetimeManager());
... and see if it creates a new UserService each time.