Ant design page reloading css rendering delay - reactjs

I used my react TypeScript project for ant-design, I have some issue when I reload the page, css loading delay, any reason for this?
I imported my main.css to
#import './../node_modules/antd/dist/antd.css';

Actually, based on And Design Doc about getting a start, You could use babel plugin for automatic loading used components like below, it is a recommended way:
// .babelrc or babel-loader option
"plugins": [
["import", { "libraryName": "antd", "libraryDirectory": "es", "style": "css" }] // `style: true` for less
By using this way (from docs):
This allows you to import components from antd without having to manually import the corresponding stylesheet. The antd babel plugin will automatically import stylesheets.
So you can import the component easily and there is no need to load CSS manually, just like below:
import { Button } from 'antd';
But if you don't want to use the above plugin, you can use Ant Desing component by importing its CSS inside each component like below:
import React from 'react';
import Button from 'antd/es/button';
import 'antd/es/button/style/css'; // <<=== this way
import './CustomButton.css';
const CustomButton = () => (
<div className="custom-button">
<Button type="primary">
And there is another way, use your own CSS or SCSS or LESS, but import the component CSS at the top of your component CSS system, just like below exactly like docs:
// the custom component
import React from 'react';
import Button from 'antd/es/button';
import './CustomButton.css';
const CustomButton = () => (
<div className="custom-button">
<Button type="primary">
// the CustomButton.css file
#import '~antd/es/button/style/css';
.custom-button {
background-color: red; // for example
Also, you can use the whole Ant Design CSS instead of using separately each component. I mean this:
import 'antd/dist/antd.css';
Instead of this:
import 'antd/es/button/style/css';
For this way of loading CSS, it is better to import it once at the root of the project or the CSS system.
HINT: I prefer the first, using babel plugin, it is safe, more clear and more readable.

#import './../node_modules/antd/dist/antd.css';
#import '~antd/dist/antd.css';
This is given in the documentation you linked.


how to use antd in electron react boilerplate?

I created a project using electron react boilerplate
Everything works, but I decided to add antd (ant design)
yarn add antd
Then I import the antd styles
import "./styles/global.css";
import "./styles/fonts.css";
import "antd/dist/antd.css"
Next I used a button of type primary
import React from "react";
import s from './someComponent.module.scss'
import { Button } from "antd";
export const SomeComponent: React.FC = () => {
return <div className={s.root}>
<Button type={'primary'}> button text </Button>
But the style of the button remains the same (with standard styles)
I tried importing the component styles directly into my global.css, also tried adding to the component style, but that didn't change anything
#import "~antd/dist/antd.css";
I have looked into the following repository where it works, however I didn’t figure out how to add it to my project. I don't want to use this repository as it works crookedly and doesn't use typescript
you can add this import in or create new one
copy this line
#import '~antd/dist/antd.css';
then import this scss into your App.tsx
import './';
This should work

FontAwesome Icons not working properly in react/next app

Solved - TLDR; Adding import '#fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core/styles.css' to the _app.js / index.js file fixes the issue and FontAwesome works as intended. My issue was caused by npx-create-next-app including purgeCSS by default, which in turn stripped out the FontAwesome required styles.
I'm using FontAwesome in my Next app. I followed the React guide on the FA website and the icon SVG's are being output on the page. Problem is, none of the features work and they don't scale with font-size as they're meant to.
I don't want to hack it together by manually targeting the SVG's and adding size etc. as it's not ideal when it comes to responsiveness. i.e. it would be nice to have icons scale with accompanying text and the ability to add 'spinner', 'fixedWidth' etc.
Strangely, they have started working once or twice but then break again and I can't seem to reproduce.
// package.json
"dependencies": {
"#fortawesome/react-fontawesome": "^0.1.14",
"#fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core": "^1.2.34",
"#fortawesome/pro-regular-svg-icons": "^5.15.2",
// _app.js
import { library } from '#fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'
import { faHeart } from '#fortawesome/pro-regular-svg-icons'
library.add( faHeart )
// header.js
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '#fortawesome/react-fontawesome'
export default function Header() {
return (
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={['far', 'heart']} spin />
// style.css
header {
font-size: 20px; (does nothing to the icon)
svg {
width: 20px; (works, but this shouldn't be required according to FA docs)
I've also tried individual use (importing icons into individual components, rather than utilising the library function) to the same effect. Like so:
// header.js
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '#fortawesome/react-fontawesome'
import { faHeart } from '#fortawesome/pro-regular-svg-icons'
export default function Header() {
return (
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faHeart} spin />
Fixed it. The issue was purgeCSS which was added to the project when using npx-create-next-app. purgeCSS was purging the required FontAwesome styles.
Explicitly importing the FontAwesome styles fixed the issue.
Specifically, I added import '#fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core/styles.css' to _app.js.
According to the doc, The react-fontawesome component integrates well with Next.js but there is one caveat you need to solve. Since Next.js manages CSS differently
In your project entry, probably App.js
import { config } from '#fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'
import '#fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core/styles.css'
config.autoAddCss = false
Next.js allows you to import CSS directly in .js files. It handles optimization and all the necessary Webpack configuration to make this work.
import '#fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core/styles.css'
You change this configuration value to false so that the Font Awesome core SVG library will not try and insert elements into the of the page. Next.js blocks this from happening anyway so you might as well not even try.
config.autoAddCss = false
I use FontAwesomeIcon in my React apps like this and it works:
import { faHeart} from "#fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons";
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "#fortawesome/react-fontawesome";
in the code:
<FontAwesomeIcon className="icon" icon={faHeart} />
and in css:
color: ; / if you want to change color
font-size: 36px;
Essentially, all you need to do is:
import the icon:
import { yourIcon} from "#fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons";
and use it:
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={yourIcon} />
You can add a classname to the icon and use that class to style it.
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={yourIcon} className="styled-icon" />
Here is a good video on adding font awesome icons to next.js:

Use antd for React together with Storybook v5

Now, I am stuck for several hours trying to make Storybook work with antd in my new React application (created with create-react-app), without success.
Whatever I do, Storybook does not take the styling of antd.
For example, I created a menu item with antd:
import React from "react";
import {Menu} from 'antd';
import "antd/dist/antd.less";
const MenuNav = () => {
return (
<Menu mode="horizontal">
<Menu.Item key="menu1">
This is my menu title
export default MenuNav;
But the result looks like this, no styling at all, but a list:
And as you can see here, it understands that the menu is created by the UI library, but there is no antd styling applied:
This is the story file of MenuNav, 3-Menu.stories.js:
import React from "react";
import MenuNav from '../components/MenuNav';
export default {
title: "MenuNav",
component: MenuNav,
export const Text = () => <MenuNav></MenuNav>
I already tried to add a config.js inside ./storybook as suggested here, with no success. Furthermore, I tried adding a webpack.config.js in the same directory as recommended here, same result.
What am I doing wrong?
try adding #import '~antd/dist/antd.css'; to your applications main file, let say index.css which for example is placed in src folder and then add import '../src/index.css'; to .storybook/preview.js

I'm trying to use this css style to styling my react app. But the css didn't work in my element, how to solve it ? I also using webpack and css-loader

I'm trying to use this css style to styling my react app. But the css didn't work in my element, how to solve it ?
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import style from './styles/css/bootstrap.css';
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<button className={style['btn', 'btn-primary']}>test button</button>
export default App;
import style from './styles/css/bootstrap.css';
What are you expecting the import to do? If it is to just include the css, then you don't need to give it a name.
import './styles/css/bootstrap.css';
Should be enough.
style['btn', 'btn-primary']
Styling in react comes in various flavours. I would recommend reading the official documentation for it. Assuming you just want to use the classes: btn and btn-primary, you can just pass them to react as:
<button className="btn btn-primary">test button</button>

React with react-bootstrap-4

I'm trying to get my hands on writing my first component using bootstrap 4.
import React,{Component} from 'react';
import {Button} from 'react-bootstrap-4';
class TextField extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Button bsStyle="primary" bsSize="large">Default</Button>
export default TextField;
In my index.js I call it as follows:
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import TextField from './components/custom/text_field';
class App extends Component{
return (
Helo World1
<TextField id="test" />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector('.container'));
When I run the app I don't get any errors but the button is not looking like its suppose to
Am I missing something?
You're responsible for including Bootstrap's CSS yourself with react-bootstrap, which react-bootstrap-4 is a (temporary) fork of.
As per its Getting Started guide:
Because React-Bootstrap doesn't depend on a very precise version of Bootstrap, we don't ship with any included css. However, some stylesheet is required to use these components. How and which bootstrap styles you include is up to you, but the simplest way is to include the latest styles from the CDN.
<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<!-- Optional theme -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
For more advanced use cases you can also use a bundler like Webpack or Browserify to include the css files for you as part of your build process but that is beyond the scope of this guide.
You would need to do the equivalent for Bootstrap 4.
by including Bootstrap 4 via CDN as above you only get css and any JS dependent component will not work. I've been facing this problems with React on Meteor.js.
What I did was to npm install:
"bootstrap": "^4.0.0-alpha.6",
"tether": "^1.4.0" // Tether is required by bootstrap.js
Import the css through the main js file:
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'
The only way I got full Bootstrap with JS was to grab a copy of bootstrap.js into my libs folder (any front end folder), modify it to import Tether at the top:
import tether from 'tether'
global.Tether = tether
For some reasons I couldn't find another way to resolve the Tether dependency.
Meteor does its own minification so I was not really bothered with the .min.js, however, you cannot import tether into a minified bootstrap.js.
Like many others I am waiting for a more "final" release of bootstrap 4 and possibly a simple npm i bootstrap --save procedure.
