Cannot crop image using react-image-crop - reactjs

I trying to crop image using react-image-crop ( Actually I cannot move cropped area or stretch it. I also use there React DragZone to upload image. Could you explain what I'm doing wrong and what could be the problem ? React-image-crop css is also imported. Can anybody help?
import React, {useCallback} from 'react'
import {useDropzone} from 'react-dropzone'
import ReactCrop from 'react-image-crop'
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import 'react-image-crop/dist/ReactCrop.css';
import "../Styles/ImageUpload.css"
function ImageUpload(files, addFile) {
const crop = {
disabled: false,
locked: false,
unit: 'px', // default, can be 'px' or '%'
x: 130,
y: 50,
width: 200,
height: 200
const onCrop = (image, pixelCrop, fileName) => {
const onImageLoaded = (image) => {
const onCropComplete = async crop => {
const onDrop = useCallback((acceptedFiles, rejectedFiles) => {
if (Object.keys(rejectedFiles).length !== 0) {
else {
let popupBody = document.getElementsByClassName("popup-container")[0];
popupBody.innerHTML = "";
let cropElement = (<ReactCrop src = {URL.createObjectURL(acceptedFiles[0])} crop={crop}
onChange={onCrop} />);
ReactDOM.render(cropElement, popupBody);
}, [])
const {getRootProps, getInputProps, isDragActive} = useDropzone({onDrop, noKeyboard: true})
return (
<div className = "popup-container">
<p>Upload new photo</p>
(() => {
if (files.length == undefined) {
return (<div>
<input className = "testinput" {...getInputProps()} />
<div className = "popup-body" {...getRootProps()}>
<img src={require("../Resources/upload-image.png")} className = "image-upload-img"/>
<p style = {{'font-family':'Verdana'}}>Chouse a <b className = "file-manualy-
upload">file</b> or drag it here</p>
</div> </div>)
else {

I also face the same issue, Here you are trying to add disabled, locked in crop property but it is invalid because crop property takes following values:
unit: 'px', // default, can be 'px' or '%'
x: 130,
y: 50,
width: 200,
height: 200
To solve this add disabled, locked as a props in component instead of crop property.

I'm not sure sure why you would do a ReactDom.render from within the function. It seems to be counter to what React is and guessing that the library isn't binding events properly.
I would suggest, after the user drops the image, you load the image using a file reader and set it as state and change the display to show the <ReactCrop src=={this.state.img} />. The crop also needs to be in a state, so that when it changes, it updates the crop rectangle.
Here's a working example from the creator himself:


Framer motion Follow same duration on hover end

I have an animation that scales the div on hover with duration of 2 which is working correctly. I want same duration to be followed when the mouse leaves the div. Currently the div shrinks instantly to original size.
import "./styles.css";
import { motion } from "framer-motion";
const variants = {
hover: { scale: 2, transition: { duration: 2 } }
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
There is a onHoverEnd prop but it is a function instead. Do I have to manually start another animation in that function?
Codesandbox link
Achieved it by manually stating the start and ending animations with onHoverStart and onHoverEnd
const start = useCallback(() => {
}, [controls]);
const end = useCallback(() => {
}, [controls]);

gatsby-source-medium thumbnail image not showing

I'm using gatsby in my react project, to show my medium, articles inside the project.
below is my graphql query for that.
const BlogPost = () => {
const blogMediumQueryData = useStaticQuery(graphql`
query Medium {
allMediumPost(sort: { fields: [createdAt], order: DESC }) {
edges {
node {
createdAt(formatString: "MMM YYYY")
virtuals {
previewImage {
author {
const blogs = blogMediumQueryData.allMediumPost.edges
return (
this gives me the preview image ID. And I'm passing it to the child component as a prop. But when I try to show the image with the Img component from gatsby, the Image is not showing.
Here is my code for the child component
import React from "react"
import { Link } from "gatsby"
import { slugify } from "../utils/utilityFunctions"
import Image from "../elements/image"
const Blog = ({ image }) => {
return (
<div className="content-block">
<div className="post-thubnail">
{image && (
<Link to={postUrl} target='blank'>
<Image src={image} alt={title} />
export default Blog
Here is the code for the Image component
import React from "react";
import Img from "gatsby-image";
const NonStretchedImage = props => {
let normalizedProps = props
normalizedProps = {...normalizedProps.fluid, aspectRatio: 1}
let alignment;
if(props.align === 'right'){
alignment = '0 0 0 auto'
} else if(props.align === 'left'){
alignment = '0 auto 0 0'
alignment = '0 auto'
if (props.fluid && props.fluid.presentationWidth) {
normalizedProps = {
style: {
...( || {}),
maxWidth: props.fluid.presentationWidth,
margin: alignment,
return <Img {...normalizedProps} />
export default NonStretchedImage;
This is my first project with gatsby and graphql. Is there are anything that I have missed or is there anything that I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
A few caveats that I guess will put you on the track to fix the issue.
node, in the GraphQL query is an array, in the same way, I guess that virtuals it is. Check and test the response in the localhost:8000/___graphql playground.
So assuming that your query works as expected, your code should look like:
const BlogPost = () => {
const blogMediumQueryData = useStaticQuery(graphql`
query Medium {
allMediumPost(sort: { fields: [createdAt], order: DESC }) {
edges {
node {
createdAt(formatString: "MMM YYYY")
virtuals {
previewImage {
author {
const blogs = blogMediumQueryData.allMediumPost.edges
return (
Alternatively, you can loop through the array of nodes and use your previous Blog component since it will get each iterable variable.
I don't think your Image component be able to render a gatsby-image only using the imageId. Gatsby needs a bunch of data (given by its transformers and sharps) to render the image, not using an identifier but series of fields (that's why it usually renders query fragments, noted by ...). Your image component, in the end, should render something like:
<img src={`${blog.node[0].virtuals.previewImage.imageId}`}
Based on:
So summarizing, gatsby-source-medium by itself doesn't provide enough data to use gatsby-image or gatsby-image-plugin plugins so I'm afraid you won't be able to use the Img component. You have to use the standard img tag.

useState not behaving as expected

I have a problem with useState. editorDataOpen is updating correctly when set from openEditorData , but not when set from closeEditorData. The line console.log('Entering Profile > closeEditorData()') is reached without a problem.
The output I see in the console log is:
false (editorDataOpen set for the first time)
true (editorDataOpen set to true by a click, which opens Editor)
Entering Profile > closeEditorData() (triggered by a different click to close Editor, should set editorDataOpen to false, but doesn't)
and that's it, it never prints a last false, which would mean editorDataOpen is never set?
I've spent too much time on this today and I just cannot see where the bug is. Can someone help please? This is the code in question:
import React from 'react'
import {withTheme} from 'styled-components'
import {withContext} from '../../context/ContextHOC'
import withLoadingScreen from '../hocs/LoadingScreenHOC'
import {getEditorWidth} from '../../functions/funcEditor'
import {saveImagePlus} from '../../functions/funcDataSaver'
import Submodule from '../ui/Submodule'
import ImageCapsule from '../ui/ImageCapsule'
import EditorImage from '../editors/EditorImage'
import EditorProfileData from '../editors/EditorProfileData'
import Spacer from '../ui/Spacer'
import Table from '../ui/Table'
import ContainerGrid from '../ui/ContainerGrid'
import * as ops from '../../functions/funcStringMath'
import * as parse from '../../functions/funcDataParser'
const Profile = (props) => {
const s = props.theme.sizes
const c =
const {setLoadingOn, setLoadingOff} = props
const [image, setImage] = React.useState(
const [editorImageOpen, setEditorImageOpen] = React.useState(false)
const [editorDataOpen, setEditorDataOpen] = React.useState(false)
const openEditorImage = () => setEditorImageOpen(true)
const openEditorData = () => setEditorDataOpen(true)
const closeEditorImage = () => {
const closeEditorData = () => {
console.log('Entering Profile > closeEditorData()')
React.useEffect(() => console.log(editorDataOpen), [editorDataOpen])
const updateAfterSavingImage = (img) => {
url: img.url,
scale: img.scale,
position: img.position
const handleImageChanged = (img) => {
if (img != undefined){
const data = {
routeFile: props.context.routes.meProfileImage,
routeData: props.context.routes.meProfileImageData,
saveImagePlus(img, data, updateAfterSavingImage)
else {
console.log('Error: Image received is undefined, cannot save.')
const spacer =
width = '100%'
height = {s.spacing.default}
const unparsedData =
const parsedData = parse.profileData(
isMobile = {c.cardsPerRow == 1 ? true : false}
header = {{
text: 'Profile',
onClick = {openEditorImage}
id = {'container_imageprofile'}
width = '100%'
image = {image}
{editorImageOpen &&
open = {editorImageOpen}
closeSaving = {handleImageChanged}
closeWithoutSaving = {closeEditorImage}
image = {image}
width = {getEditorWidth(1, c.cardsPerRow, c.card.width, s.spacing.default)}
header = {{
text: 'Edit Profile Image',
// bgcolor = '#C43939'
width = '100%'
justify = {}
onClick = {openEditorData}
width = '100%'
data = {parsedData}
settings = {{
cell: {
padleft: s.spacing.default,
padright: s.spacing.default,
padtop: ops.round((ops.divide([s.spacing.default, 4]))),
padbottom: ops.round((ops.divide([s.spacing.default, 4]))),
columns: [
{type: 'defaultRight', width: '30%'},
{type: 'default', width: '70%'},
{editorDataOpen &&
open = {editorDataOpen}
close = {closeEditorData}
width = {getEditorWidth(1, c.cardsPerRow, c.card.width, s.spacing.default)}
header = {{
text: 'Edit Profile Data',
data = {unparsedData}
export default (
EDIT: This one has been solved by Dehan de Croos, many thanks!
So as Dehan mentions below, the event was bubbling up and triggering openEditorData in ContainerGrid. The whole thing was mistifying because editorImageOpen was working correctly while editorDataOpen was not, and they both do the same thing: open an Editor window.
Once Dehan solved the mistery, I realized that the differene between the 2 is that inside ImageCapsule there is a ClickLayer component, which is there just to catch the click and the callback.
I did not use a ClickLayer with ContainerGrid, and that is why the event was able to bubble up.
Following Dehan's advice, I solved just by adding a ClickLayer inside ContainerGrid, like this:
// bgcolor = '#C43939'
width = '100%'
justify = {}
// onClick = {openEditorData}
onClick = {openEditorData}
width = '100%'
data = {parsedData}
settings = {{
cell: {
padleft: s.spacing.default,
padright: s.spacing.default,
padtop: ops.round((ops.divide([s.spacing.default, 4]))),
padbottom: ops.round((ops.divide([s.spacing.default, 4]))),
columns: [
{type: 'defaultRight', width: '30%'},
{type: 'default', width: '70%'},
{editorDataOpen &&
open = {editorDataOpen}
close = {closeEditorData}
width = {getEditorWidth(1, c.cardsPerRow, c.card.width, s.spacing.default)}
header = {{
text: 'Edit Profile Data',
data = {unparsedData}
It would be better to have a working code snippet to diagnose this, but there is a good chance that the event might be bubbling up the component tree and triggering the openEditorData event here.
// bgcolor = '#C43939'
width = '100%'
justify = {}
onClick = {openEditorData}
To check this quickly move the component shown below outside the <ContainerGrid ... /> component. And check whether this fixes things.
To clarify here, The move of code should happen so that <
EditorProfileData ... /> will never appear as a child component of
<ContainerGrid ... />
{editorDataOpen &&
open = {editorDataOpen}
close = {closeEditorData}
width = {getEditorWidth(1, c.cardsPerRow, c.card.width, s.spacing.default)}
header = {{
text: 'Edit Profile Data',
data = {unparsedData}
If now it's working properly and you desperately need to maintain the above component hierarchy/structure. You can call
stopPropegation but you will need to have the native JS event with you. To explain how to do this I need to know what <EditorProfileData ... /> looks like. But assuming the close prop does return the native click event as a callback, the fix will look something like this.
{editorDataOpen &&
open = {editorDataOpen}
//close = {closeEditorData}
// If close provides the native event use following
close = { e => {
width = {getEditorWidth(1, c.cardsPerRow, c.card.width, s.spacing.default)}
header = {{
text: 'Edit Profile Data',
data = {unparsedData}
If not we need to find the original onClick event and pass up to that prop callback.

React TypeScript document.getElementById always selects the first instance

I've got 2 of the same components being rendered
<div><Modal title='Join'/></div>
<div><Modal title='Login'/></div>
the modal components is like this
import React, {useState} from 'react';
import {Join} from './join';
import {Login} from './login';
interface propsInterface {
title: string;
const Modal: React.FC<propsInterface> = (props) => {
const [state, setState] = useState({showLogin: props.title === "login" ? false : true});
let modalState = false;
function toggleLogin(event: any) {
setState({...state, showLogin: !state.showLogin});
function toggleModal(event: any) {
if ( !== 'modal') return;
modalState = !modalState;
const modal = document.getElementById('modal'); <<==this always selects the first one
const card = document.getElementById('card'); <<==this always selects the first one
if (modal && card && modalState === true) { = "flex";
modal.animate([{backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'}, {backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)'}], {duration: 200, easing: 'ease-in-out', fill: 'forwards'});
card.animate([{opacity: 0}, {opacity: 1}], {duration: 200, easing: 'ease-in-out', fill: 'forwards'});
card.animate([{transform: 'translateY(-200px)'}, {transform: 'translateY(0)'}], {duration: 200, easing: 'ease-in-out', fill: 'forwards'});
if (modal && card && modalState === false) {
modal.animate([{backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)'}, {backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'}], {duration: 200, easing: 'ease-in-out', fill: 'forwards'});
card.animate([{opacity: 1}, {opacity: 0}],{duration: 200, easing: 'ease-in-out', fill: 'forwards'});
card.animate([{transform: 'translateY(0)'}, {transform: 'translateY(-200px)'}], {duration: 200, easing: 'ease-in-out', fill: 'forwards'});
setTimeout(() => = "none", 200);
return (
<div className='modal' id='modal' onClick={toggleModal}>
<div className='card' id='card'>
? <Login toggleLogin={toggleLogin} toggleModal={toggleModal}/>
: <Join toggleLogin={toggleLogin} toggleModal={toggleModal}/>}
<div onClick={toggleModal} className='modal-title' id='modal'> {props.title}</div>
export {Modal};
Because there are 2 of this component now in the dom when I use
const modal = document.getElementById('modal');
the first instance of the component works as expected but the second instance is selecting the first instance not the second instance.
Is there a way to getElementById but only in this component?
You should only ever have one element with a given id in the same page, in your case you may want to use classes and use document.getElementsByClassName("classname") which is going to return an array of elements with the given class name.
Hope this helps
Instead of setting the Id as 'modal', you can pass id of your field as props and then set its id attribute.Then use getElementById for them.
Your can do like this:
<Modal title='Join' UniqId="modal1"/>
<Modal title='Login' UniqId="modal2"/>
Then in your component, you can do something like this:
<div className='modal' id={props.UniqId} onClick={toggleModal}>
After that, in your JS file, you can use this id:
const modal1 = document.getElementById('modal1');
const modal2 = document.getElementById('modal2');
The way that you are doing it looks like you are still using the mindset of using vanilla JavaScript to manipulate DOM elements after events.
Generally in the React world, you should be linking everything into your render() methods which are raised every time the state or the properties change within a react component.
So what I would do in your situation is remove all your code which is grabbing DOM elements, e.g. your document.getElementById code, and purely work from your state change. I am sorry that this won't be complete code, as I am not sure what your UI is supposed to look like.
const Modal: React.FC<propsInterface> = (props) => {
const [state, setState] = useState({ showLogin: props.title === "login" ? false : true, showModal: false, showCard: false });
function toggleLogin() {
setState({ showLogin: !state.showLogin });
function toggleModal() {
setState({ showModal: !state.showModal, showCard: !state.showCard });
const modalClassName = state.showModal ? 'modal show' : 'modal';
const cardClassName = state.showLogin ? 'card show' : 'card';
return (
<div className={modalClassName} onClick={toggleModal}>
<div className={cardClassName}>
? <Login toggleLogin={toggleLogin} toggleModal={toggleModal}/>
: <Join toggleLogin={toggleLogin} toggleModal={toggleModal}/>}
<div onClick={toggleModal} className='modal-title' id='modal'> {props.title}</div>
Effectively what happens is that when the toggleModal method is called, it just toggles the two state properties between true/false. This causes the component to re-render, and the class names change on the div elements.
From this, you will need to move all your animations into your css file and probably make use of animations in there (css animations are not my greatest skill). It's not a simple change to what you have, but I would always keep my styling and animations outside of a component and in a css file, and always work from rendering rather than trying to manipulate react nodes after render.

Cloning nodes and appending to separate Layers in React-Konva

I'm trying to recreate an effect similar to the hover effect found on this site:
Currently, what I'm doing is have the video playing on a layer with a second scaled up layer also playing the video with an additional Text object with a destination-in compositing operation. This is currently working well enough but I was curious if there would be a more efficient way to achieve this by either caching or cloning the first layer and sending that through to the second layer instead of having two separate video objects running in tandem.
Here is the relevant code, if it helps.
Main Render:
<Stage width={width} height={height} ref={ref => (this.stage = ref)}>
<Layer hitGraphEnabled={false}>
settings={{id: 'main', width: width, height: height }}
ref={(el) => this.main = el }
<Layer hitGraphEnabled={false} scaleX={hoverScale} scaleY={hoverScale} x={scaleOffsetX} y={scaleOffsetY}>
settings={{id: 'main2', width: width, height: height }}
ref={(el) => this.main2 = el }
Video Container Class:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Konva from 'konva';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Stage, Layer, Image } from 'react-konva';
class CanvasVideo extends Component {
constructor(props) {
const video = document.createElement('video');
video.muted = true;
video.autoplay = false;
video.loop = true;
video.src = props.src;
this.state = {
video: video
video.addEventListener('canplay', () => {;
requestUpdate = () => {
render() {
let { settings } = this.props
return (
ref={node => { this.image = node; }}
CanvasVideo.defaultProps = {
settings: null,
export default CanvasVideo;
Any explanations or insights would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Currently, there is no way to reuse Konva.Image or any other Konva.Node inside different parents. Konva.Node can have only one parent.
I see only one optimization here is to reuse <video> element you created in CanvasVideo component. It can be like this:
const cache = {};
function createVideo(url) {
if (cache[url]) {
return cache[url];
const video = document.createElement('video');
video.src = url;
cache[url] = video;
return video;
const video = createVideo(props.src);
