I tried playing around with this example in the Julia documentation. My attempt was to make the cell split into two parts that have half of the amount of protein each.
using OrdinaryDiffEq
const α = 0.3
function f(du,u,p,t)
for i in 1:length(u)
du[i] = α*u[i]/length(u)
function condition(u,t,integrator) # Event when event_f(u,t) == 0
function affect!(integrator)
u = integrator.u
idxs = findall(x->x>=1-eps(eltype(u)),u)
u[idxs] ./ 2
u[end-idxs:end] = 0.5
callback = ContinuousCallback(condition,affect!)
u0 = [0.2]
tspan = (0.0,10.0)
prob = ODEProblem(f,u0,tspan)
sol = solve(prob,Tsit5(),callback=callback)
I get the error: MethodError: no method matching -(::Int64, ::Array{Int64,1}). I know there is a problem with idxs = findall(x->x>=1-eps(eltype(u)),u), and my attempt was to put a dot between the 1 and eps, but that didn't fix it. I am using Julia 1.1.1.
Running your code the stacktrace points to the line
u[end-idxs:end] = 0.5
The issue here is that findall returns an array even when it only finds one element, e.g.
julia> findall(x -> x > 2, [1,2,3])
1-element Array{Int64,1}:
and you can't subtract an array from end in your indexing expression.
I don't understand enough about your code to figure out what idxs should be, but if you expect this to only return one element you could either use first(idxs) (or even only(idxs) in Julia 1.4), or replace findall with findfirst, which returns the index as an Integer (rather than an array).
Let's say i have an array with 10 elments:
arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
Then I want to define a function that takes this arr as parameter to perform
a calculation, let's say for this example the calculation is the difference of means, for example:
If N=2 (That means group the elements of arr in groups of size 2 sequentially):
result_1 = 1+2/2 - 3+4/2
result_2 = 3+4/2 - 5+6/2
result_3 = 5+6/2 - 7+8/2
result_4 = 7+8/2 - 9+10/2
The output would be:
results = [-2,-2,-2,-2]
If N=3 (That means group the elements of arr in groups of size 3 sequentially):
result_1 = 1+2+3/3 - 4+5+6/3
result_2 = 4+5+6/3 - 7+8+9/3
The output would be:
results = [-3,-3]
I want to do this defining two functions:
Function 1 - Creates the arrays that will be used as input for 2nd function:
Parameters: array, N
returns: k groups of arrays -> seems to be ((length(arr)/N) - 1)
Function 2 - Will be the fucntion that gets the arrays (2 by 2) and perfoms the calculations, in this case, difference of means.
Parameters: array1,array2....arr..arr..
returns: list of the results
Important Note
My idea is to apply these fucntions to a stream of data and the calculation will be the PSI (Population Stability Index)
So, if my stream has 10k samples and I set the first function to N=1000, then the output to the second function will be 1k samples + next 1k samples.
The process will be repetead till the end of the datastream
I was trying to do this in python (I already have the PSI code ready) but now I decided to use Julia for it, but I am pretty new to Julia. So, if anyone can give me some light here will be very helpfull.
In Julia if you have a big Vector and you want to calculate some statistics on groups of 3 elements you could do:
julia> a = collect(1:15); #creates a Vector [1,2,...,15]
julia> mean.(eachcol(reshape(a,3,length(a)÷3)))
5-element Vector{Float64}:
Note that both reshape and eachcol are non-allocating so no data gets copied in the process.
If the length of a is not divisible by 3 you could truncate it before reshaping - to avoid allocation use view for that:
julia> a = collect(1:16);
julia> mean.(eachcol(reshape(view(a,1:(length(a)÷3)*3),3,length(a)÷3)))
5-element Vector{Float64}:
Depending on what you actually want to do you might also want to take a look at OnlineStats.jl https://github.com/joshday/OnlineStats.jl
Well, I use JavaScript instead Of Python, But it would be same thing in python...
You need a chunks function, that take array and chunk_size (N), lets say chunks([1,2,3,4], 2) -> [[1,2], [3,4]]
we have a sum method that add all element in array, sum([1,2]) -> 3;
Both JavaScript and python support corouting, that you can use for lazy evaluation, And its called Generator function, this type of function can pause its execution, and can resume on demand! This is useful for calculate stream of data.
let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
// Javascript Doesn't support `chunks` method yet, So we need to create one...
Array.prototype.chunks = function* (N) {
let chunk = [];
for (let value of this) {
if (chunk.length == N) {
yield chunk;
chunk = []
Array.prototype.sum = function () {
return this.reduce((a, b) => a + b)
function* fnName(arr, N) {
let chunks = arr.chunks(N);
let a = chunks.next().value.sum();
for (let b of chunks) {
yield (a / N) - ((a = b.sum()) / N)
console.log([...fnName(arr, 2)])
console.log([...fnName(arr, 3)])
With the Julia Language, I defined a function to sample points uniformly inside the sphere of radius 3.14 using rejection sampling as follows:
function spherical_sample(N::Int64)
# generate N points uniformly distributed inside sphere
# using rejection sampling:
points = pi*(2*rand(5*N,3).-1.0)
ind = sum(points.^2,dims=2) .<= pi^2
## ideally I wouldn't have to do this:
ind_ = dropdims(ind,dims=2)
return points[ind_,:][1:N,:]
I found a hack for subsetting arrays:
ind = sum(points.^2,dims=2) .<= pi^2
## ideally I wouldn't have to do this:
ind_ = dropdims(ind,dims=2)
But, in principle array indexing should be a one-liner. How could I do this better in Julia?
The problem is that you are creating a 2-dimensional index vector. You can avoid it by using eachrow:
ind = sum.(eachrow(points.^2)) .<= pi^2
So that your full answer would be:
function spherical_sample(N::Int64)
points = pi*(2*rand(5*N,3).-1.0)
ind = sum.(eachrow(points.^2)) .<= pi^2
return points[ind,:][1:N,:]
Here is a one-liner:
points[(sum(points.^2,dims=2) .<= pi^2)[:],:][1:N, :]
Note that [:] is dropping a dimension so the BitArray can be used for indexing.
This does not answer your question directly (as you already got two suggestions), but I rather thought to hint how you could implement the whole procedure differently if you want it to be efficient.
The first point is to avoid generating 5*N rows of data - the problem is that it is very likely that it will be not enough to generate N valid samples. The point is that the probability of a valid sample in your model is ~50%, so it is possible that there will not be enough points to choose from and [1:N, :] selection will throw an error.
Below is the code I would use that avoids this problem:
function spherical_sample(N::Integer) # no need to require Int64 only here
points = 2 .* pi .* rand(N, 3) .- 1.0 # note that all operations are vectorized to avoid excessive allocations
while N > 0 # we will run the code until we have N valid rows
v = #view points[N, :] # use view to avoid allocating
if sum(x -> x^2, v) <= pi^2 # sum accepts a transformation function as a first argument
N -= 1 # row is valid - move to the previous one
rand!(v) # row is invalid - resample it in place
#. v = 2 * pi * v - 1.0 # again - do the computation in place via broadcasting
return points
This one is pretty fast, and uses StaticArrays. You can probably also implement something similar with ordinary tuples:
using StaticArrays
function sphsample(N)
T = SVector{3, Float64}
v = Vector{T}(undef, N)
n = 1
while n <= N
p = rand(T) .- 0.5
#inbounds v[n] = p .* 2π
n += (sum(abs2, p) <= 0.25)
return v
On my laptop it is ~9x faster than the solution with views.
I am trying to initialize an array of Nullable Integers with a given size. My intend is to add elements to the array and to be able to count the number of Nullable elements in an array.
However I noticed the following behavior. Running the following code:
function main()
arr = Array{Nullable{Int}}(10)
res = 0
for i in 1:10
if isnull(arr[i])
res += 1
is expected to return 10, however the program returns different values almost every time that I run the code. Initializing just the array:
function main()
arr = Array{Nullable{Int}}(10)
this is the result:
Here one can see that not all elements are in fact not Null. Which would explain why the function isnull() does not recognize them as Null objects.
This is the desired effect:
function main()
arr = Array{Nullable{Int}}(10)
for i in 1:10
arr[i] = Nullable{Int}()
which indeed returns an array of Nullable elements. However, it seems a bit tedious to run this code for initialization.
Any ideas how this can be avoided?
In Julia 0.6 you can use arr = fill(Nullable{Int64}(),10).
Note however that Nullables are depreciated in Julia 0.7 (https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/master/NEWS.md), consider to use the Nothing or Missing types instead:
julia> vector_with_nothing_or_int = Vector{Union{Int64, Nothing}}(nothing,10)
10-element Array{Union{Nothing, Int64},1}:
julia> vector_with_missing_or_int = Vector{Union{Int64, Missing}}(missing,10)
10-element Array{Union{Missing, Int64},1}:
Check if a element is nothing or missing can be done with:
julia> vector_with_nothing_or_int[1] == nothing
julia> ismissing(vector_with_missing_or_int[1])
The Missing type also works in Julia 0.6 if you load the module Missings. This is the corresponding code for Julia 0.6:
using Missings
vector_with_missing_or_int = Vector{Union{Int64, Missing}}(10)
vector_with_missing_or_int .= missing
vector_with_nothing_or_int = Vector{Union{Int64, Nothing}}(10)
vector_with_nothing_or_int .= nothing
The operator .= replaces every element of the array with the element of the right. All these examples also work for multi-dimensional arrays if you replace Vector by Array when you specify also the number of dimensions.
type ExtendedJumpArray{T,T2} <: AbstractArray{Float64,1}
Base.length(A::ExtendedJumpArray) = length(A.u)
Base.size(A::ExtendedJumpArray) = (length(A),)
function Base.getindex(A::ExtendedJumpArray,i::Int)
i <= length(A.u) ? A.u[i] : A.jump_u[i-length(A.u)]
function Base.setindex!(A::ExtendedJumpArray,v,i::Int)
i <= length(A.u) ? (A.u[i] = v) : (A.jump_u[i-length(A.u)] = v)
similar(A::ExtendedJumpArray) = deepcopy(A)
indices(A::ExtendedJumpArray) = Base.OneTo(length(A.u) + length(A.jump_u))
I thought I was the cool kid on the block, creating an array which could index past its length (I am doing it for a specific reason). But Julia apparently doesn't like this:
julia> ExtendedJumpArray([0.2],[-2.0])
Error showing value of type ExtendedJumpArray{Array{Float64,1},Array{Float64,1}}:
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching inds2string(::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
inds2string(::Tuple{Vararg{AbstractUnitRange,N}}) at show.jl:1485
in _summary(::ExtendedJumpArray{Array{Float64,1},Array{Float64,1}}, ::Int64) at .\show.jl:1490
in #showarray#330(::Bool, ::Function, ::IOContext{Base.Terminals.TTYTerminal}, ::ExtendedJumpArray{Array{Float64,1},Array{Float64,1}}, ::Bool) at .\show.jl:1599
in display(::Base.REPL.REPLDisplay{Base.REPL.LineEditREPL}, ::MIME{Symbol("text/plain")}, ::ExtendedJumpArray{Array{Float64,1},Array{Float64,1}}) at .\REPL.jl:132
in display(::Base.REPL.REPLDisplay{Base.REPL.LineEditREPL}, ::ExtendedJumpArray{Array{Float64,1},Array{Float64,1}}) at .\REPL.jl:135
in display(::ExtendedJumpArray{Array{Float64,1},Array{Float64,1}}) at .\multimedia.jl:143
in print_response(::Base.Terminals.TTYTerminal, ::Any, ::Void, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Void) at .\REPL.jl:154
in print_response(::Base.REPL.LineEditREPL, ::Any, ::Void, ::Bool, ::Bool) at .\REPL.jl:139
in (::Base.REPL.##22#23{Bool,Base.REPL.##33#42{Base.REPL.LineEditREPL,Base.REPL.REPLHistoryProvider},Base.REPL.LineEditREPL,Base.LineEdit.Prompt})(::Base.LineEdit.MIState, ::Base.AbstractIOBuffer{Array{UInt8,1}}, ::Bool) at .\REPL.jl:652
in run_interface(::Base.Terminals.TTYTerminal, ::Base.LineEdit.ModalInterface) at .\LineEdit.jl:1579
in run_frontend(::Base.REPL.LineEditREPL, ::Base.REPL.REPLBackendRef) at .\REPL.jl:903
in run_repl(::Base.REPL.LineEditREPL, ::Base.##932#933) at .\REPL.jl:188
in _start() at .\client.jl:360
Is there an easy way to do this without breaking the show methods, and whatever else may be broken? Or is there a better way to do this in general?
Indices needs to return a tuple, just like size.
julia> Base.similar(A::ExtendedJumpArray) = deepcopy(A)
julia> Base.indices(A::ExtendedJumpArray) = (Base.OneTo(length(A.u) + length(A.jump_u)),)
julia> ExtendedJumpArray([0.2],[-2.0])
2-element ExtendedJumpArray{Array{Float64,1},Array{Float64,1}}:
julia> length(ans)
Having indices and size disagree in the dimensionality of an array, though, is likely to end with confusion and strife. Some functions use size, whereas others use indices. See display vs. length above.
Let's say I have an array of vectors:
""" simple line equation """
function getline(a::Array{Float64,1},b::Array{Float64,1})
line = Vector[]
for i=0:0.1:1
vector = (1-i)a+(i*b)
push!(line, vector)
return line
This function returns an array of vectors containing x-y positions
> Float64[2]
> Float64[2]
> Float64[2]
> Float64[2]
Now I want to seprate all x and y coordinates of these vectors to plot them with plotyjs.
I have already tested some approaches with no success!
What is a correct way in Julia to achive this?
You can broadcast getindex:
xs = getindex.(vv, 1)
ys = getindex.(vv, 2)
Edit 3:
Alternatively, use list comprehensions:
xs = [v[1] for v in vv]
ys = [v[2] for v in vv]
For performance reasons, you should use StaticArrays to represent 2D points. E.g.:
getline(a,b) = [(1-i)a+(i*b) for i=0:0.1:1]
p1 = SVector(1.,2.)
p2 = SVector(3.,4.)
vv = getline(p1,p2)
Broadcasting getindex and list comprehensions will still work, but you can also reinterpret the vector as a 2×11 matrix:
to_matrix{T<:SVector}(a::Vector{T}) = reinterpret(eltype(T), a, (size(T,1), length(a)))
m = to_matrix(vv)
Note that this does not copy the data. You can simply use m directly or define, e.g.,
xs = #view m[1,:]
ys = #view m[2,:]
Edit 2:
Btw., not restricting the type of the arguments of the getline function has many advantages and is preferred in general. The version above will work for any type that implements multiplication with a scalar and addition, e.g., a possible implementation of immutable Point ... end (making it fully generic will require a bit more work, though).