Bypassing an SQL Error 264 - column name is specified more than once in the SET clause - sql-server

I've been instaling one of our products on a new test server and it's not working due to an error 264 - the column name 'kod_novy' is specified more than once in the SET clause.
I know where the problem is and reported it to the development for a fix. But we have the same application deployed and it works just fine.
In the code you can see the 'kod_novy' is used twice in the insert. My question is - does anyone know, how did our customer manage to ignore this error and successfully complete the T-SQL? Is that a server setting?
insert into [server].db.dbo.prenos_c_banky (
cast('2B06FB0A-2664-4714-91F6-A6D39BDE5B5F' as UNIQUEIDENTIFIER),
from #c_banky


Mule:Database update failing although query works in Oracle

Maybe it is a case of me looking at this for too long. But I have this Oracle update query I am trying to run, I have verified the query works with hardcoded values on SQL Developer, howver when I run it from my flow Mule it fails.can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong?
Here is the query:
<db:update config-ref="DBConf" doc:name="abcd">
<db:dynamic-query><![CDATA[UPDATE myTable
SET TYPE= 'Entry',
ENTRY_BY= 2345,
WHERE ID = 'abcd1234']]>
the flowVars.entryDate value is '2017-05-10'
This throws the following Error:
Message : ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
(java.sql.SQLDataException). Message payload is of type: Integer
Now the same query works like I said in SQL Developer but not in Mule, Can anybody provide any input
You can find the same problem answer in the following link:
Oracle: year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
Try this once. TO_DATE('2012-05-12','yyyy-mm-dd').
Delete the quotes for the #[flowvar.entrydate]

MS Access ODBC Error 6623: A Winsock virtual circuit was aborted

I tried to create a query with multiple tables in it, all work fine except that when I add this one table, I got ODBC call failed error
6623: A Winsock virtual circuit was aborted.
I used Advantage SQL to link the external database to create reports from it.
The sql for the query that gives the error:
SELECT podetail.ItemPartNbr
,Sum(podetail.Qty) AS LastYearOrdQty
FROM poheader
LEFT JOIN podetail
ON poheader.PoNbr = podetail.PoNbr
WHERE poheader.PoDate >= DateSerial(Year(Date())-1,Month(Date()),1)
and poheader.PoDate <= Date()
GROUP BY podetail.ItemPartNbr
The main sql where I want to combine other tables with the query above:
, itemmast.Description
, Sum(iteminv.QtyOnHand) AS SumOfQtyOnHand
, itemmast.MinOrderQty
, itemmast.Cost
, Sum(iteminv.QtyAllocated) AS SumOfQtyAllocated
, itemmast.ReOrderQty
, QtyLastYearPurchase.LastYearOrdQty
LEFT JOIN iteminv ON itemmast.ItemPartNbr = iteminv.ItemPartNbr)
LEFT JOIN QtyLastYearPurchase ON (itemmast.Description = QtyLastYearPurchase.ItemDescription)
AND (itemmast.ItemPartNbr = QtyLastYearPurchase.ItemPartNbr)
, itemmast.Description
, itemmast.MinOrderQty
, itemmast.Cost
, itemmast.ReOrderQty
, QtyLastYearPurchase.LastYearOrdQty;
I set the joint fields by the ItemPartNbr and I just need the QtyLastYearPurchase.LastYearOrdQty from the first query above to be added into the second query.
I tried to open each one of the queries/tables including the one that gives error and they all open just fine individually, so it doesn't have anything to do with the connection.
If I remove WHERE (((poheader.PoDate)>=DateSerial(Year(Date())-1,Month(Date()),1) And (poheader.PoDate)<=Date())) from the first query, the second query can display the records just fine, but it takes extremely long to show the records.
Any recommendation to fix this? Thank you!
So I tried to create queries between the itemmast and the iteminv tables, and connect the itemmast table with the query i just created and the first query I posted. It works now for now, except that it is still taking forever to open.
This is a bit troublesome since I have to create multiple queries just to combine them all into one query. I have almost 20 queries just to create three reports.

How to resolve Application timeout issue due to SQL Query in 'Killed/ROLLBACK' Scenario

I've an application which has a database in SQL server 2012 and the application use entity framework to communicate with database. In the application, there is a functionality to update a record in a table based on a WHERE condition and the Primary Key field is the one used in the WHERE condition. So the update happens only to a single record (there is no loop or anything just an update to a single record). This is the background.
Here is the issue now I'm facing - I'm getting a timeout error message from the application when I invoke the functionality to update a record in the table (as mentioned above). I checked the query execution in the SQL server using 'Activity Monitor' and under the 'Processes' tab I could see that the Command of this query comes to 'KILLED/ROLLBACK' after some 'Wait Types' (like LOGBUFFER, pageiolatch_XX, etc...)
I tried to execute the update query directly in SQL server and that also not responding. So it's clear the issues is with the SQL server and it takes too much time to execute the update query. But the execution plan looks good and the PK field is used as the where condition. Is it something related with disk latency?
Note: This issues is not consistent, sometimes it works.
Here is the file stat. How can I interpret or reach a conclusion from these data...
DbId FileId TimeStamp NumberReads BytesRead IoStallReadMS NumberWrites BytesWritten IoStallWriteMS IoStallMS BytesOnDisk FileHandle
2 1 -1152466625 21199845 1351872315392 2528572322 21869447 1424883785728 10201419039 12729991361 28266332160 0x0000000000000C64
2 2 -1152466625 1063 45187072 87119 1013000 61628433920 178901888 178989007 6945505280 0x0000000000000CC4
DbId FileId TimeStamp NumberReads BytesRead IoStallReadMS NumberWrites BytesWritten IoStallWriteMS IoStallMS BytesOnDisk FileHandle
18 1 -1152466625 390905 27728437248 52640514 196501 6927843328 817347538 869988052 58378551296 0x0000000000001F3C
18 2 -1152466625 24840 1596173312 645024 56563 3335298048 2590871 3235895 938344448 0x00000000000012BC

'do_replace()' not working?

while trying ATK4 I've found a problem:
$this->api->db->dsql()->table('person')->set('id', 1)->set('name', 'Test user')->do_replace();
This is not working. Then I looked a little bit deeper in ATK4 source and found in /opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/DB/dsql.php the lines
public $sql_templates=array(
'select'=>"select [options] [field] [from] [table] [join] [where] [group] [having] [order] [limit]",
'insert'=>"insert [options_insert] into [table_noalias] ([set_fields]) values ([set_values])",
'replace'=>"replace [options_replace] into [table_noalias] ([set_fields]) values ([set_values])",
'update'=>"update [table_noalias] set [set] [where]",
'delete'=>"delete from [table_noalias] [where]",
'truncate'=>'truncate table [table_noalias]',
'describe'=>'desc [table_noalias]',
After changing the 'replace'-line into
'replace'=>"replace into [table_noalias] ([set_fields]) values ([set_values])",
it worked for me (removing the options_replace and appending a 's' to set_value). I'm using latest version from git with a MySQL database connection.
But I'm not sure, if I'm using 'do-replace()' in the wrong way?
By the way: Is there a way to send fixes, without creating an account on GitHub or somewhere?
Edit: Here is the output if the options_replace isn't removed from the template:
replace [options_replace] into `person` (`id`,`name`) values ("1","John Doe") [:a_2, :a]Application Error: Database Query Failed
Exception_DB, code: 0Additional information: pdo_error: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '[options_replace] into `person` (`id`,`name`) values ('1' at line 1 mode: replace params: :a: 1 :a_2: John Doe query: replace [options_replace] into `person` (`id`,`name`) values (:a,:a_2) template: replace [options_replace] into [table_noalias] ([set_fields]) values ([set_values])/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/DB/dsql.php:1519
Stack trace:
File Object NameStack Trace/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/BaseException.php:63 Exception_DBException_DB->collectBasicData(Null)
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/AbstractObject.php:545 Exception_DBException_DB->__construct("Database Query Failed", Null)
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/DB/dsql.php:1519 sample_project_db_db_dsql_mysqlDB_dsql_mysql->exception("Database Query Failed")
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/DB/dsql.php:1586 sample_project_db_db_dsql_mysqlDB_dsql_mysql->execute()
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/DB/dsql.php:1624 sample_project_db_db_dsql_mysqlDB_dsql_mysql->replace()
/opt/ipism/www/page/test.php:40 sample_project_db_db_dsql_mysqlDB_dsql_mysql->do_replace()
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/AbstractObject.php:306 sample_project_testpage_test->init()
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/ApiFrontend.php:130 sample_projectFrontend->add("page_test", "test", "Content")
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/ApiWeb.php:428 sample_projectFrontend->layout_Content()
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/ApiFrontend.php:39 sample_projectFrontend->addLayout("Content")
/opt/ipism/www/atk4/lib/ApiWeb.php:275 sample_projectFrontend->initLayout()
/opt/ipism/www/index.php:15 sample_projectFrontend->main()
Note: To hide this information from your users, add $config['logger']['web_output']=false to your config.php file. Refer to documentation on 'Logger' for alternative logging options
Replace is similar to "insert" by it's nature, but instead of failing when primary key is duplicated, it replaces the value.
Please add ->debug() to your line before do_replace and give me the output, which would help me understand why that parameter needs removing.
set_value seems to be a typo, I have changed and committed it into master:
the best way to submit changes is by creating a pull request. The best way to report issues is through "issues" in github currently.

Db2 select certain columns not working after set Integrity

Im learning DB2 and I had a problem while testing some options in my db.
I have 2 tables like this:
IdCountry -- PK
IdState -- PK
IdCountry -- FK to Country.IdCountry
And I am using queries like:
SELECT IdState, Name
FROM Tables.State
WHERE IdCountry = ?
Where ? is any working IdCountry, and everything worked fine.
Then I used set integrity in my db2 control center using the default info in the options and the process was successful but now my query isn't giving me any results.
I tried using :
FROM Tables.State
Where IdCountry = ?
and it gives me back results.
While making tests to the table I try adding new States and they appear in the query using column names instead of *, but old records still missing.
I have no clue about what's happening, does anyone have an idea?.
Thanks in advance, and sorry for my poor English.
I'm assuming here that you're on Linux/Unix/Windows DB2, since z/OS doesn't have a SET INTEGRITY command, and I couldn't find anything about it with a quick search on the iSeries Info Center.
It's possible that your table is still in "set integrity pending" state (previously known as CHECK PENDING). You could test this theory by checking SYSCAT.TABLES using this query:
WHEN 'C' THEN 'Integrity Check Pending'
WHEN 'N' THEN 'Normal'
WHEN 'X' THEN 'Inoperative'
END As TblStatus
If your table shows up, you will need to use the SET INTEGRITY command to bring your table into checked status:
