I’m trying to query a integer on Cassandra table and get the error Only EQ and IN relation are supported on the partition key(unless you use the token()function) My table is setup Is below with the query I ran. Be aware I did not setup the table nor can I change it currently.
accName text,
accContext text,
accNumber int,
accCount int,
accHost text,
PRIMARY KEY (accName,accContext,accNumber)
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE accName = 'tear' and accContext = 'db1'
and accNumber> 20200101 and accNumber<= 202002018;
It looks like your post-edit query:
WHERE accName = 'tear' and accContext = 'db1'
and accNumber> 20200101 and accNumber<= 202002018;
...works just fine. If you specify accName (partition key) and accContext (1st clustering key), you absolutely can run a range query on an integer, assuming that it is the next clustering key. However, if you were to eliminate accContext from your query, this would fail because you're not giving Cassandra enough information to efficiently retrieve the desired data.
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE accNumber> 20200101 and accNumber<= 202002018;
So this was your query before being edited with a working solution. And of course, you saw the error stating that range queries on partition keys only work with the token function.
Why is that?
You've probably heard that Cassandra requires a "query based" approach to data modeling. This is because all data usually does not reside on a single node.
Cross-node queries are expensive. Forcing range queries on partition keys via token gives you the tools to limit your query to a node that is responsible for a specific token range. In your case, this works:
aaron#cqlsh:stackoverflow> SELECT token(accname),accname FROM Users
WHERE token(accname) <= -6425313154088713591
AND token(accname) > -7367992452875979971;
system.token(accname) | accname
-6611994791738996364 | tear
(1 rows)
Deconstructing what I did here, by using the token function in my SELECT, I can see what the token of the string "tear" is. Next, I can query system.peers to see which node(s) are responsible for that token, as well as to get an idea of the exact token ranges the target nodes are responsible for.
I have a table named DocumentItem with Id column was clustered index (primary key).
Please see these two query strings:
Query 1 (not use order by):
select *
from DocumentItem
where (HistoryCreateDate >= '2019-09-04 05:00:00' AND HistoryCreateDate <= '2019-12-04 05:00:00') and ActNodeState>140100
The result took: 00:00:09 with 168.357 rows.
Query 2 (used order by):
select *
from DocumentItem
where (HistoryCreateDate >= '2019-09-04 05:00:00' AND HistoryCreateDate <= '2019-12-04 05:00:00') and ActNodeState>140100 order by Id
The result took: 00:02:41 with 168.357 rows.
Here is the actual execution plan:
Why it took so long in the 2nd query?
SQL Server has decided that your index IX_HistoryCreateDate (not sure of the full name) is sufficiently selective that it will use it to find the rows that it needs. However, that index isn't sorted on the ID column. It does include the ID column already (whether you specified it or not) because it's the clustering key.
I'd suggest recreating your IX_HistoryCreateDate index like this:
CREATE INDEX IX_HistoryCreateDate ON DocumentItem
( HistoryCreateDate, ID)
INCLUDE (ActNodeState);
And I think you'll be fine. It's still not going to be great and it will have to do a large number of lookups, because your query uses SELECT *. Do you really need all columns returned? If so, and you do this all the time, you might consider reclustering the table in the order that you need.
For sync purposes, I am trying to get a subset of the existing objects in a table.
The table has two fields, [Group] and Member, which are both stringified Guids.
All rows together may be to large to fit into a datatable; I already encountered an OutOfMemory exception. But I have to check that everything I need right now is in the datatable. So I take the Guids I want to check (they come in chunks of 1000), and query only for the related objects.
So, instead of filling my datatable once with all
SELECT * FROM Group_Membership
I am running the following SQL query against my SQL database to get related objects for one thousand Guids at a time:
FROM Group_Membership
[Group] IN (#Guid0, #Guid1, #Guid2, #Guid3, #Guid4, #Guid5, ..., #Guid999)
The table in question now contains a total of 142 entries, and the query already times out (CommandTimeout = 30 seconds). On other tables, which are not as sparsely populated, similar queries don't time out.
Could someone shed some light on the logic of SQL Server and whether/how I could hint it into the right direction?
I already tried to add a nonclustered index on the column Group, but it didn't help.
I'm not sure that WHERE IN will be able to maximally use an index on [Group], or if at all. However, if you had a second table containing the GUID values, and furthermore if that column had an index, then a join might perform very fast.
Create a temporary table for the GUIDs and populate it:
Guid varchar(255)
INSERT INTO #Guids (Guid)
(#Guid0, #Guid1, #Guid2, #Guid3, #Guid4, ...)
CREATE INDEX Idx_Guid ON #Guids (Guid);
Now try rephrasing your current query using a join instead of a WHERE IN (...):
FROM Group_Membership t1
INNER JOIN #Guids t2
ON t1.[Group] = t2.Guid;
As a disclaimer, if this doesn't improve the performance, it could be because your table has low cardinality. In such a case, an index might not be very effective.
I have a table [Documents] with the following columns:
Name (string)
Status (string)
DateCreated [datetime]
This table has around 1 million records. All three of these columns have an index (a single index for each one).
When I run this query:
select top 50 *
from [Documents]
where (Name = 'None' OR Name is null OR Name = '')
and Status = 'New';
Execution is really fast (300 ms.)
If I run the same query but with the ORDER BY clause, it's really slow (3000 ms)
select top 50 *
from [Documents]
where (Name = 'None' OR Name is null OR Name = '')
and Status = 'New'
order by DateCreated;
I understand that its searching in another index (DateCreated), but should it really be that much slower? If so, why? Anything I can do to speed this query up (a composite index)?
BTW: All Indexes including DateCreated have really low fragmentation, in fact I ran a reorganize and it didn't change a thing.
As far as why the query is slower, the query is required to return the rows "in order", so it either needs to do a sort, or it needs to use an index.
Using the index with a leading column of CreatedDate, SQL Server can avoid a sort. But SQL Server would also have to visit the pages in the underlying table to evaluate whether the row is to be returned, looking at the values in Status and Name columns.
If the optimizer chooses not to use the index with CreatedDate as the leading column, then it needs to first locate all of the rows that satisfy the predicates, and then perform a sort operation to get those rows in order. Then it can return the first fifty rows from the sorted set. (SQL Server wouldn't necessarily need to sort the entire set, but it would need to go through that whole set, and do sufficient sorting to guarantee that it's got the "first fifty" that need to be returned.
NOTE: I suspect you already know this, but to clarify: SQL Server honors the ORDER BY before the TOP 50. If you wanted any 50 rows that satisfied the predicates, but not necessarily the 50 rows with the lowest values of DateCreated,you could restructure/rewrite your query, to get (at most) 50 rows, and then perform the sort of just those.
A couple of ideas to improve performance
Adding a composite index (as other answers have suggested) may offer some improvement, for example:
ON Documents (Status, DateCreated, Name)
SQL Server might be able to use that index to satisfy the equality predicate on Status, and also return the rows in DateCreated order without a sort operation. SQL server may also be able to satisfy the predicate on Name from the index, limiting the number of lookups to pages in the underlying table, which it needs to do for rows to be returned, to get "all" of the columns for the row.
For SQL Server 2008 or later, I'd consider a filtered index... dependent on the cardinality of Status='New' (that is, if rows that satisfy the predicate Status='New' is a relatively small subset of the table.
ON Documents (Status, DateCreated, Name)
WHERE Status = 'New'
I would also modify the query to specify ORDER BY Status, DateCreated, Name
so that the order by clause matches the index, it doesn't really change the order that the rows are returned in.
As a more complicated alternative, I would consider adding a persisted computed column and adding a filtered index on that
ADD new_none_date_created AS
WHEN Status = 'New' AND COALESCE(Name,'') IN ('','None') THEN DateCreated
ON Documents (new_none_date_created)
WHERE new_none_date_created IS NOT NULL
Then the query could be re-written:
FROM Documents
WHERE new_none_date_created IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY new_none_date_created
If DateCreated field means insertion time to table, you can create an integer id field and order by that integer field.
You need an index by 2 columns: (Name, DateCreated). The order of fields in the index is important. So, replace your index for just Name with a new index for two columns (Name, DateCreated).
I have benefited from this website for a long time now. This is my first question on the site. It is regarding performance tuning a reporting query. Here it goes.
SELECT Count(b1.primkey)
from tableA b1 --WITH (NOLOCK)
join tableA b2 --WITH (NOLOCK)
on b1.email = b2.email
and DateDiff(day, b2.BookedDate , b1.BookedDate) > 1
tableA has around 7 million rows. Email is a varchar(100) field. Bookeddate is a datetime field. primkey is a primary key column that is an int.
My purpose of writing this query is to find out the count entries that have same email ids but have come in one day late. This query take about 45 minutes to run. I really want to reduce the time it takes to execute.
Since this is for reporting, i tried in vain to use --WITH (NOLOCK) option to improve the read time. I have a column store index on tableA and I know that it is being used by the SQL optimizer - can see in the execution plan. I am using SQL Server 2012.
Can someone tell me in such a case, what would be better? Using a nonclustered index on email or a nonclustered columnstore index on tableA?
Please help me.
Your query is relatively complex. You are essentially joining two tables that have 7 million records each on a column that is not unique.
How about the following query instead:
select Email
from TableA
group by Email
having MAX(BookedDate) > MIN(BookedDate) + 1
Also make sure you have an index with Email and BookedDate.
Hope this helps.
You have 3 options here:
Create clustered index on email field at least for a larger table.
But I suppose there are other queries running on these tables, and
clustered index is needed on other fields
Move emails to another table, and store email id's in TableA and
TableB; join on int field would be much faster than on varchar
Create indexes on email fields with included columns BookedDate (no
need to include primkey, you can count on another field, or count(*). Code: create index idx_email on TableA include(BoodedDate)
I think that third option is the one you should go with. There's not much work to be done, and there will be great performance gain. The only problem is that index on varchar field will take a lot of space and impact insert/update operations; but you said that this is a reporting db, so I think you can allow that.
I'm in the process of writing a Membership Provider for use with our existing membership base. I use EF4.1 for all of my database access and one of the issued that I'm running into is when the DB was originally setup the relationships were done programmatically instead of in the db. One if the relationships needs to be made on a column that isn't required for all of our users, but in order to make the relationships does need to be unique (from my understanding).
My solution that I believe will work is to do an MD5 hash on the userid field (which is unique ...which would/should guarantee a unique value in that field). The part that I'm having issues with on sql server is the query that would do this WITHOUT replacing the existing values stored in the employeeNum field (the one in question).
So in a nutshell my question is. What is the best way to get a unique value in the employeeNum field (possibly based on an md5 hash of the userid field) on all the rows in which a value isn't already present. Also, to a minor/major extent...does this sound like a good plan?
If your question is just how to generate a hash value for userid, you can do it this way using a computed column (or generate this value as part of the insert process). It isn't clear to me whether you know about the HASHBYTES function or what other criteria you're looking at when you say "best."
userid INT,
hash1 AS HASHBYTES('MD5', CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), userid)),
hash2 AS HASHBYTES('SHA1', CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), userid))
SELECT userid, hash1, hash2 FROM #foo;
userid hash1 hash2
------ ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
1 0xC4CA4238A0B923820DCC509A6F75849B 0x356A192B7913B04C54574D18C28D46E6395428AB
2 0xC81E728D9D4C2F636F067F89CC14862C 0xDA4B9237BACCCDF19C0760CAB7AEC4A8359010B0
500 0xCEE631121C2EC9232F3A2F028AD5C89B 0xF83A383C0FA81F295D057F8F5ED0BA4610947817
In SQL Server 2012, I highly recommend at least SHA2_256 instead of either of the above. (You forgot to mention what version you're using - always useful information.)
All that said, I still want to call attention to the point I made in the comments: the "best" solution here is to fix the model. If employeeNum is optional, EF shouldn't be made to think it is required or unique, and it shouldn't be used in relationships if it is not, in fact, some kind of identifier. Why would a user care about collisions between employeeNum and userid if you're using the right attribute for the relationship in the first place?
EDIT as requested by OP
So what is wrong with saying UPDATE table SET EmployeeNum = 1000000 + UserID WHERE EmployeeNum IS NULL? If EmployeeNum will stay below 1000000 then you've guaranteed no collisions and you've avoided hashing altogether.
You could generate similar padding if employeeNum might contain a string, but again is it EF that promotes these horrible column names? Why would a column with a Num suffix contain anything but a number?
You could also use a uniqueidentifier setting the default value to (newid())
Create a new column EmployeeNum as uniqueidentifer, then:
UPDATE Employees SET EmployeeNum = newid()
Then set as primary key.