Which mechanism knows the entry point of a program is main() - c

How does an application program know its entry point is the main() function?
I know an application doesn't know its entry point is main() -- it is directed to main() function by means of the language specification whatever it is.
At that point, where is the specification actually declared? For example in C, entry point shall be main() function. Who provides this mechanism to the program? An operating system or compiler?
I came to the question after disassembling a canonical simple "Hello World" example in Visual Studio.
In this code there are only a few lines and a function main().
But after disassembling it, there are lots of definitions and macro in the memory space and main() is not the only declaration and definiton.
Here below disassembling part's screenshot. I also know there is a strict rule in language definition which is only one main() function must be defined and exist.
To summarize my question: I wonder which mechanism directs or sets main() function as an entry point of an application program.

The application does not know that main() is the entry point. Firstly, we assume C not C++ here despite your picture.
For C the "C" entry point is main(). But you cant just start execution there as we have assumptions, more than that, rules, in C that for example .data needs to be initialized and .bss zeroed.
unsigned x = 1;
unsigned int y;
We expect that when main() is hit that x=1. and most folks assume and perhaps it is specified that y = 0 at that time, I wouldn't make that assumption, but anyway.
We also need a stack pointer and need to deal with argc/argv. If C++ then other stuff has to be done. Even for C depending.
The APPLICATION does not generally know any of this. You are likely working with a C library and that library is/should be responsible for bootstrap code that preceeds main() as well as a linker script for the linker as bootstrap and linker script are intimately related. And one could argue based on some implementations that the C library is separable from the toolchain as we know with gnu you can choose from different ones and those have different bootstraps and linker scripts. But I am sure there are many that are intimately related, there is also a relationship of the library and the operating system as so many C library calls end up in one or countless system calls.
You design an operating system, part of the design of the operating system assuming it supports runtime loadable applications is a file format that the operating systems loader supports, features that the operating system loader wants to support and how they overlap with the file format, not uncommon for the OS to define the file format, but with elf and others (not accidentally/independently created no doubt) you have opportunities for a new OS to use an existing container like elf. The OS design and its loader determines a lot of things, and the C library that mates up with all of that has to follow all of those rules, if integrated into the compiler then the compiler has to play along as well.
It is not the application that knows it is part of the system design and the application is simply a slave to all of that, when you compile on that platform for that platform all of these rules and relationships are in play, you are putting in a very small part of the puzzle, the rest is already in place, what file formats are supported, per format what information is required, what rules are required that the compiler/library solution must provide. The system design dictates if .data and .bss are zeroed by the loader or by the application and what I mean by that is by the bootstrap not the user's portion of the program, you cant bootstrap C in C because that C would need a bootstrap and if that bootstrap were in C that C would need a bootstrap and so on.
int main ( void )
return 0;
there are a lot of things going on in the background when you compile that program not just the few instructions that might be needed to implement that code.
compile that program on windows and Linux and mac and different versions of each with different compilers for each or C libraries, and different versions of each, etc. And what you should expect to see is perhaps even if the same target ISA, same computer even, some percentage of the combinations MIGHT choose the same few instructions for the function, what is wrapped around it is expected to be maybe similar but not the same. Would be no reason to be surprised if some of the implementations are very different from each other.
And this is all for full blown operating systems that load programs into ram and run them, for embedded things don't be surprised if the differences are even bigger. Within a full blown os you would expect to see an mmu and the application gets a perhaps zero based address space for .text, .data, .bss at a minimum so all the solutions might have a favorite place or favorite number of sections in the same order in the binary but the size of each may be specific to the implementation. The order/size might vary by C library version or compiler version, etc.
The magic is in the system design. and that is not magic, that is design. main() cannot be entered directly and still have various parts of the language still work like .data and .bss init, stack pointer can be solved before the entry but how and where .data and .bss are is application specific so cant be handled by a simple branch to main from the OS.
The linker for your toolchain can be told in various ways where the entry point is it could be assumed/dictated for that tool/target or a command line option or a linker script option, or some special symbol you put on a label or whatever the designers choose. main is assumed to be the C entry point, although that doesn't actually mean it is there might be some C code that precedes it but in general there is some amount of asm (cant bootstrap C with C) and then one or more steps to main().


C startup code is only written in assembly confusion

I understand that the C startup code is for initializing the C runtime environment, initializes static variables, sets up the stack pointer etc. and finally branches to main().
They say that this can only be written in assembly language as it's platform-specific. However, can't this still be written in C and compiled for the specific platform?
Function calls of course would be not possible because we "more than likely" don't have the stack pointer set up at that stage. I still can't see other main reasons. Thanks in advance.
Startup code can be written in C language only if:
Implementation provides all necessary intrinsic functions to set hardware features that cannot be set using standard C
Provides mechanism of placing fragments of code and data in the specific place and in specific order (gcc support for ld linker scripts for example).
If both conditions are met you can write the startup code in C language.
I use my own startup code written in C (instead of one provided by the chip vendors) for Cortex-M microcontrollers as ARM provides CMSIS header files with all needed inline assembly functions and gcc based toolchain gives me full memory layout control.
Most of the problem with writing early startup code in C is, in fact, the absence of a properly structured stack. It's worse than just not being able to make function calls. All of a C compiler's generated machine code assumes the existence of a stack, pointed to by the ABI-specified register, that can be used for scratch storage at any time. Changing this assumption would be so much work as to amount to a complete second "back end" for the compiler—way more work than continuing to write early startup code by hand in assembly.
Early bootstrap code, bringing up the machine from power-on, also has to do a bunch of special operations that can't usually be accessed from C, like configuring interrupts and virtual memory. And it may have to deal with the code not having been loaded at the address it was linked for, or the relocation table not having been processed, or other similar problems; these also break pervasive assumptions made by the C compiler (e.g. that it can inject a call to memcpy whenever it wants).
Despite all that, most of a user mode C library's startup code will, in fact, be written in C, for exactly the reason you are thinking. Nobody wants to write more code in assembly, over and over for each supported ISA, than absolutely necessary.
A minimal C runtime environment requires a stack, and a jump to a start address. Setting the stack pointer on most architectures requires assembly code. Once a stack is available it is possible to run code generated from C source.
ARM Cortex-M devices load the stack pointer and start address from the vector table on reset, so can in fact boot directly into code generated from C source.
On other architectures, the minimal assembly requires is to set a stack pointer, and jump to the start address. Thereafter it is possible to write other start-up tasks in C ( or C++ even). Such startup code is responsible for establishing the full C runtime, so must not assume static initialisation or library initialisation (no heap or filesystem for example), which are things that must be done by the startup code.
In that sense you can run code generated from C source, but the environment is not strictly conforming until main() has been called, so there are some constraints.
Even where assembly code is used, it need not be the whole start-up code that is in assembly.

What remains in C if I exclude libraries and compiler extensions?

Imagine a situation where you can't or don't want to use any of the libraries provided by the compiler as "standard", nor any external library. You can't use even the compiler extensions (such as gcc extensions).
What is the remaining part you get if you strip C language of all the things a lot of people use as a matter of course?
In such a way, probably a list of every callable function supported by any big C compiler (not only ANSI C) out-of-box would be satisfying as as answer as it'd at least approximately show the use-case of the language.
First I thought about sizeof() and printf() (those were already clarified in the comments - operator + stdio), so... what remains? In-line assembly seem like an extension too, so that pretty much strips even the option to use assembly with C if I'm right.
Probably in the matter of code it'd be easier to understand. Imagine a code compiled with only e.g. gcc main.c (output flag permitted) that has no #include, nor extern.
int main() {
// replace_me
return 0;
What can I call to actually do something else than "boring" type math and casting from type to type?
Note that switch, goto, if, loops and other constructs that do nothing and only allow repeating a piece of code aren't the thing I'm looking for (if it isn't obvious).
(Hopefully the edit clarified wtf I'm actually asking, but Matteo's answer pretty much did it.)
If you remove all libraries essentially you have something similar to a freestanding implementation of C (which still has to provide some libraries - say, string.h, but that's nothing you couldn't easily implement yourself in portable C), and that's what normally you start with when programming microcontrollers and other computers that don't have a ready-made operating system - and what operating system writers in general use when they compile their operating systems.
There you typically have two ways of doing stuff besides "raw" computation:
assembly blocks (where you can do literally anything the underlying machine can do);
memory mapped IO (you set a volatile pointer to some hardware dependent location and read/write from it; that affects hardware stuff).
That's really all you need to build anything - and after all, it all boils down to that stuff anyway, the C library of a regular hosted implementation is normally written in C itself, with some assembly used either for speed or to communicate with the operating system1 (typically the syscalls are invoked through some kind of interrupt).
Again, it's nothing you couldn't implement yourself. But the point of having a standard library is both to avoid to continuously reinvent the wheel, and to have a set of portable functions that spare you to have to rewrite everything knowing the details of each target platform.
And mainstream operating systems, in turn, are generally written in a mix or C and assembly as well.
C has no "built-in" functions as such. A compiler implementation may include "intrinsic" functions that are implemented directly by the compiler without provision of an external library, although a prototype declaration is still required for intrinsics, so you would still normally include a header file for such declarations.
C is a systems-level language with a minimal run-time and start-up requirement. Because it can directly access memory and memory mapped I/O there is very little that it cannot do (and what it cannot do is what you use assembly, in-line assembly or intrinsics for). For example, much of the library code you are wondering what you can do without is written in C. When running in an OS environment however (using C as an application-level rather then system-level language), you cannot practically use C in that manner - the OS has control over such things as I/O and memory-management and in modern systems will normally prevent unmediated access to such resources. Of course that OS itself is likely to largely written in C (and/or C++).
In a standalone of bare-metal environment with no OS, C is often used very early in the bootstrap process initialising hardware and establishing an application execution environment. In fact on ARM Cortex-M processors it is possible to boot directly into C code from reset, since the hardware loads an initial stack-pointer and start address from the vector table on start-up; this being enough to run C code that does not rely on library or static data initialisation - such initialisation can however be written in C before calling main().
Note that sizeof is not a function, it is an operator.
I don't think you really understand the situation.
You don't need a header to call a function in C. You can call with unchecked parameters - a bad idea and an obsolete feature, but still supported. And if a compiler links a library by default instead of only when you explicitly tell it to, that's only a little switch within the compiler to "link libc". Notoriously Unix compilers need to be told to link the math library, it wasn't linked by default because some very early programs didn't use floating point.
To be fair, some standard library functions like memcpy tend to be special-cased these days as they lend themselves to inlining and optimisation.
The standard library is documented and is usually available, though in effect deprecated by Microsoft for security reasons. You can write pretty much any function quite easily with only stdlib functions, what you can't do is fancy IO.

MpLab, ASM, C, Building To accommodate both

I have a large and substantial ASM project for a PIC24 chip. (The specific chip is the PIC24FJ256GB210)
I now have some other routines in C.
I want to incorporate these into my project.
The C routines are in a project of 5 or so files, one of which contains the int main(void) statement as the starting point. This was for the purpose of testing them and giving us the confidence that they work. We are now ready to move that code and incorporate it into the larger existing system.
The assembly language stuff starts with the __reset: instruction.
How do I arrange the project and build options so that I can do these next three things ?
Keep starting with my __reset instruction
(Or at least make sure that my existing __reset and the int main(void) at least cooperate with each other)
Call his routines from the ASM code
Use the same data buffers that the C code sets up
Interestingly enough, Microchip's User forums and sample code sections seem to miss this idea (or, more likely, I haven't figured out how to find them).
I would think this question has been asked a lot, and I hope I'm not duplicating a previous question, but I don't see it here nor on MicroChip's site. Links to helpful websites on this topic are welcome.
If I just need to learn how to search this and other sites better, that will be a useful and workable answer in and of itself. Again, hope I'm not asking a duplicate question.
I recommend you to read DS51284H ("MPLAB® C COMPILER FOR PIC24 MCUs AND dsPIC® DSCs USER’S GUIDE") (PDF).
In particular see section 4.4 STARTUP AND INITIALIZATION
"Two C run-time startup modules are included in the libpic30.a archive/library. The
entry point for both startup modules is __reset. The linker scripts construct a GOTO
__reset instruction at location 0 in program memory, which transfers control upon
device reset.
5. The function main is called with no parameters."
Your __reset label and the one in the CRT (C run-time) would appear to conflict. If you have the source for the CRT you could change that by renaming the __reset label in the CRT to something else so that your own __reset always is called first.
Another point is that it sounds like you want to take a stand-alone program and use it as a library from within your own program. Since stand-alone programs often are designed to perform one or more specific tasks and exit once that task is finished you might want to refactor your C code a bit to make it more library-ish (like getting rid of the main() function and perhaps replace it with some sort of init() function).
"The first eight working registers (W0-W7) are used for function parameters. Parameters
are allocated to registers in left-to-right order, and a parameter is assigned to the first
available register that is suitably aligned.
Function return values are returned in W0 for 8- or 16-bit scalars, W1:W0 for 32-bit
scalars, and W3:W2:W1:W0 for 64-bit scalars."
Michael gave you a good answer. The only thing I would like to add is that you should make the project in C and cut the assembly functions within it.
This way you keep the speedy and functional asm code and can mantain the project in C, which is much easier.
It is not in your interest to convert the C code into assembly and have a large assembly code to mantain, its the other way around.
Once you read the docs you will see it is not so hard to use an assembly function in C, but to get you started, you can take a look at this:
C:\ ...bla bla... \Microchip\MPLAB C30\src\dsp\include\dsp.h
contains function declaration in C for the actual assembly functions located in this folder:
C:\ ...bla bla... \Microchip\MPLAB C30\src\dsp\asm
You can begin with the function _VectorAdd: Vector Addition, file "vadd.s"
Note that the assembly function _VectorAdd is defined as VectorAdd in the header file.
This example files are for the dsp engine in the DSPIC, something the PIC24 does not feature. But it is still ilustrative enough to extract the principle.

hidden routines linked in c program

When one disasembly some win32 exe prog compiled by c compiler it
shows that some compilers links some 'hidden' routines in it -
i think even if c program is an empty one and has a 5 bytes or so.
I understand that such 5 bytes is enveloped in PE .exe format but
why to put some routines - it seem not necessary for me and even
somewhat annoys me. What is that? Can it be omitted? As i understand
c program (not speaking about c++ right now which i know has some
initial routines) should not need such complementary hidden functions..
Much tnx for answer, maybe even some extended info link, cause this
topic interests me much
ok here it is some disasembly Ive done way back then
(digital mars and old borland commandline (i have tested also)
both make much more code, (and Im specialli interested in bcc32)
but they do not include readable names/symbols in such dissassembly
so i will not post them here
thesse are somewhat readable - but i am not experienced in understending
what it is ;-)
some explanatory comments whats that heere?
(I am afraid maybe there is some c++ sh*t here, I am
interested in pure c addons not c++ though,
but too tired now to assure that it was compiled in c
mode, extension of compiled empty-main prog was c
so I was thinking it will be output in c not c++)
tnx for longer explanations what it is
Since your win32 exe file is a dynamically linked object file, it will contain the necessary data needed by the dynamic linker to do its job, such as names of libraries to link to, and symbols that need resolving.
Even a program with an empty main() will link with the c-runtime and kernel32.dll libraries (and probably others? - a while since I last did Win32 dev).
You should also be aware that main() is only the entry point of your program - quite a bit has already gone on before this point such as retrieving and tokening the command-line, setting up the locale, creating stderr, stdin, and stdout and setting up the other mechanism required by the c-runtime library such a at_exit(). Similarly, when your main() returns, the runtime does some clean-up - and at the very least needs to call the kernel to tell it that you're done.
As to whether it's necessary? Yes, unless you fancy writing your own program prologue and epilogue each time. There are probably are ways of writing minimal, statically linked applications if you're sufficiently masochistic.
As for storage overhead, why are you getting so worked up? It's not enough to worry about.
There are several initialization functions that load whenever you run a program on Windows. These functions, among other things, call the main() function that you write - which is why you need either a main() or WinMain() function for your program to run. I'm not aware of other included functions though. Do you have some disassembly to show?
You don't have much detail to go on but I think most of what you're seeing is probably the routines of the specific C runtime library that your compiler works with.
For instance there will be code enabling it to run from the entry point 'main' which portable executable format understands to call the main(char ** args) that you wrote in your C program.

Arm Rom.ld ,Ram.ld ,scatterfile ,startup.s ,what all these files do?

I have programmed avr microcontroller , but new to arm.I just looked a sample code for sam7s64 that comes with winarm.I am confused about these files rom.ld , ram.ld , scatter file , cstartup.s file. I never saw these kind of files when i programmed avr .Please clarify my doubts what each of them file do.
I have even more samples for you to ponder over http://github.com/dwelch67
Assume you have a toolchain that supports a specific instruction set. Tools often try to support different implementations. You might have a microcontroller with X amount of flash and Y amount of ram. One chip might have the ram at a different place than another, etc. The instruction set may be the same (or itself may have subtle changes) in order for the toolchain to encode some of the instructions it eventually wants to know what your memory layout is. It is possible to write code for some processors that is purely position independent, in general though that is not necessarily a goal as it has a cost. tools also tend to have a unix approach to things. From source language to object file, which doesnt know the memory layout yet, it leaves some holes to be filled in later. You can get from different languages depending on the toolchain and instruction set, maybe mixing ada and C and other languages that compile to object. Then the linker needs to combine all of those things. You as the programmer can and sometimes have to control what goes where. You want the vector table to be at the right place, you want your entry code perhaps to be at a certain place, you definitely want .data in ram ultimately and .text in flash.
For the gnu tools you tell the linker where things go using a linker script, other toolchains may have other methods. With gnu ld you can also use the ld command line...the .ld files you are seeing are there to control this. Now sometimes this is buried in the bowels of the toolchain install, there is a default place where the default linker script will be found, if that is fine then you dont need to craft a linker script and carry it around with the project. Depending on the tools you were using on the avr, you either didnt need to mess with it (were using assembly, avra or something where you control this with .org or other similar statements) or the toolchain/sandbox took care of it for you, it was buried (for example with the arduino sandbox). For example if you write a hello world program
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( void )
printf("Hello World!\n");
and compile that on your desktop/laptop
gcc hello.c -o hello
there was a linker script involved, likely a nasty, scary, ugly one. But since you are content with the default linker script and layout for your operating system, you dont need to mess with it it just works. For these microcontrollers where one toolchain can support a vast array of chips and vendors, you start to have to deal with this. It is a good idea to keep the linker script with the project as you dont know from one machine or person to the next what exact gnu cross compiler they have, it is not difficult to create projects that work on many gnu cross compiler installs if you keep a few things with the project rather than force them into the toolchain.
The other half of this, in particular with the gnu tools an intimate relationship with the linker script is the startup code. Before your C program is called there are some expectations. for example the .data is in place and .bss has been zeroed. For a microcontroller you want .data saved in non volatile memory so it is there when you start your C program, so it needs to be in flash, but it cant run from there as .data is read/write, so before the entry point of the C code is called you need to copy .data from flash to the proper place in ram. The linker script describes both where in flash to keep .data and where in ram to copy it. The startup code, which you can name whatever you want startup.s, start.s, crt0.s, etc, gets variables filled in during the link stage so that code can copy .data to ram, can zero out .bss, can set the stack pointer so you have a stack (another item you need for C to work), then that code calls the C entry point. This is true for any other high level language as well, if nothing else everyone needs a stack pointer so you need some startup code.
If you look at some of my examples you will see me doing linker scripts and startup code for avr processors as well.
It's hard to know exactly what the content of each of the files (rom.ld , ram.ld , scatter file , cstartup.s) are in your specific case. However assuming their names are descriptive enough I will give you an idea of what they are intended to do:
1- rom.ld/ram.ld: by the files extensions these are "linker scripts". These files tell the linker how where to put each of the memory sections of the object files (see GNU LD to learn all about linker scripts and their syntax)
2- cstartup.s: Again, from the extension of this file. It appears to be code written in assembly. Generally in this file the software developer will initialize that microcontroller before passing control to the your main application. Examples of actions performed by this file are:
Setup the ARM vectors
Configure the oscillator frequency
Initialize volatile memory
Call main()
3- Scatter : Personally I have never used this file. However it appears to be a file used to control the memory layout of your application and how that is laid out in your micro (see reference). This appears to be a Keil specific file no different from any other linker script.
