What is a watermark in Flink with respect to Event time processing? Why is it needed.? - apache-flink

What is a watermark in Flink with respect to Event time processing? Why is it needed.?
Why is it needed in all cases of event time being used. By all cases I mean if i dont do a window opeation
then why do we still need a water mark.
I come from spark background. In spark we need watermarks only when we use windows on the incoming events.
I have read few articles and it seems to me that watermarks and windows seems same.If there are differences please explain and point it put
Post your reply I did some more reading. Below is a query that is more specific.
Main Question:- Why do we need outoforder when we have acceptedlateness.
Given below example:
Assume you have a BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor with a 2 minute bound and a 10 minute tumbling window that starts at 12:00 and ends at 12:10:
12:01, A
12:04, B
WM, 12:02 // 12:04 - 2 minutes
12:02, C
12:08, D
12:14, E
WM, 12:12
12:16, F
WM, 12:14 // 12:16 - 2 minutes
12:09, G
In the above example [12:02, C] record is not dropped but included into the window 12:00 -12:10 and later evaluated.- Hence the watermark could as well be the event timestamp
The record [12:09, G] is included into the window 12:00 - 12:10 only when there is a acceptedlateness of 5mins configured. This takes care of late and out of order events
So now adding to my previous question above, what is the necessary of outoforder option to be BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor of some value(other than 0) instead of the event timestamp istelf ?
What is that outoforder can achieve which allowedlateness cannot and in what scenario it does?

Watermarks and windows are closely related but they are very different concepts.
Watermarks are needed for any kind of event-based aggregation to cut off late events. Windows can only close when they receive an appropriate watermark and that's when results of aggregations are published.
If you have no out of order events, you can set watermarks to be equivalent to the timestamps of input events. But that's usually a luxury.
edit to address questions in comment.
is it a rule of thumb to keep the watermarks duration equal to window duration because by only doing so the result is calculated and emitted.
No, the durations are independent, but add up the lag on a given event.
Your watermark duration depends on your data and how much lag you can take for your application. Let's say most events are in order, 10% are coming up to 1s late, an additional 5% up to 10s, and 1% up to 1h.
If you set watermark duration to 0, then 16% of your data points are discarded, but Flink will receive no additional lag. If your watermark trails 1s behind your events, you will lose 6% of your data, but the results will have 1s more lag. If you want to retain all data, Flink will need to wait for 1h on each aggregation until Flink can be sure that no data is missing.
But then what is the role of trigger? and how does sliding windows coordinate with water marks and triggers. Can you please explain as how they work with each other ?
Let's say, you have a window of 1 min and a watermark delay of 5 s. A window will only trigger when it is sure that all relevant data has been seen. In this case, it needs to wait 1 min 5 s to trigger, such that the last event of the window has surely arrived.
Btw events later as watermark are discarded by default. You can change that behavior.


Apache Flink Is Windowing dependent on Timestamp assignment of EventTime Events

I am new to apache flink and am trying to understand how the concept of EventTime and Windowing is handled by flink.
So here's my scenario :
I have a program that runs as a thread and creates a files with 3
fields every second of which the 3rd field is the timestamp.
There is a little tweak though every 5 seconds I enter an older timestamp (t-5 you could say) into the new file created.
Now I run the stream processing job which reads the 3 fields above
into a tuple.
Now I have defined the following code for watermarking and timestamp generation:
.<Tuple3<String, Integer, Long>>forBoundedOutOfOrderness(Duration.ofSeconds(4))
.withTimestampAssigner((event, timestamp) -> event.f2);
And then I use the following code for windowing the above and trying to get the aggregation :
.reduce((x,y) -> new Tuple3<String, Integer, Long>(x.f0, x.f1 + y.f1,y.f2))
It is clear that I am trying to aggregate the numbers within each field.(a little more context, the field(f2) that I am trying to aggregate are all 1s)
Hence I have the following questions :
That is the window is just 4 seconds wide, and every fifth entry is
an older timestamp, so I am expecting that the next window to have
lesser counts. Is my understanding wrong here ?
If my understanding is right - I do not see any aggregation when running both programs in parallel, Is there something wrong with my code ?
Another one that is bothering me is on what fields or on what parameters do the windows start time and end time really dependent ? Is it on the timestamp extracted from Events or is it from processing time
You have to configure the allowed lateness: https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.2/dev/windows.html#allowed-lateness. If not configured, Flink will drop the late message. So for the next window, there will be less elements than previous window.
Window is assigned by the following calculation:
return timestamp - (timestamp - offset + windowSize) % windowSize
In your case, offset is 0(default). For event time window, the timestamp is the event time. For processing time window, the timestamp is the processing time from Flink operator. E.g. if windowSize=3, timestamp=122, then the element will be assigned to the window [120, 123).

Fraud Detection DataStream API tutorial questions

I am following the tutorial here.
Q1: Why in the final application do we clear all states and delete timer whenever flagState = true regardless of the current transaction amount? I refer to this part of the code:
// Check if the flag is set
if (lastTransactionWasSmall != null) {
if (transaction.getAmount() > LARGE_AMOUNT) {
//Output an alert downstream
Alert alert = new Alert();
// Clean up our state [WHY HERE?]
If the datastream for a transaction was 0.5, 10, 600, then flagState would be set for 0.5 then cleared for 10. So for 600, we skip the code block above and don't check for large amount. But if 0.5 and 600 transactions occurred within a minute, we should have sent an alert but we didn't.
Q2: Why do we use processing time to determine whether two transactions are 1 minute apart? The transaction class has a timeStamp field so isn't it better to use event time? Since processing time will be affected by the speed of the application, so two transactions with event times within 1 minute of each other could be processed > 1 minute apart due to lag.
A1: The fraud model being used in this example is explained by this figure:
In your example, the transaction 600 must immediately follow the transaction for 0.5 to be considered fraud. Because of the intervening transaction for 10, it is not fraud, even if all three transactions occur within a minute. It's just a matter of how the use case was framed.
A2: Doing this with event time would be a very valid choice, but would make the example much more complex. Not only would watermarks be required, but we would also have to sort the stream by event time, since a realistic example would have to consider that the events might be out-of-order.
At that point, implementing this with a process function would no longer be the best choice. Using the temporal pattern matching capabilities of either Flink's CEP library or Flink SQL with MATCH_RECOGNIZE would be the way to go.

FLINK - will SQL window flush the element on regular interval for processing

I am confused if TUMBLE window will get calculated on regular interval and emit the elements for processing. example I have a query that is expected to work on interval 10 second.
select id, key from eventTable GROUP BY TUMBLE(rowTime, INTERVAL '10' SECOND), id, key ;
Now lets say: application receive event
E1 #10:00:00
E2 #10:00:05
E3 #12:00:10
As you can see E1 and E2 are reached within 5 sec and E3 reached at #12:00:15.
Can you please help me when E1 & E2 will get emitted for processing? will it be #10:00:11? or when E3 will come and then query will evaluate the window and will emit?
If it is after E3 then is there any way to make sure query executed in every 10 sec?
Appreciate your help on this.
If you are using event time processing, then the window that ends at 10:00:10 will be emitted when the watermark passes 10:00:10. If the watermarking is done in the usual bounded-out-of-orderness fashion, and if there are no other events, then the watermark won't advance until E3 is processed.
If you require a watermarking strategy that takes idleness into account, I believe your only option is to use the DataStream API to create the stream and apply watermarking that deals with idle sources, and then convert the DataStream to a Table.
Note that what .withIdleness(...) does is to mark a stream as idle, which keeps that stream from holding back the watermark. This solves the problem of one idle stream holding back the entire job if there are other, active streams. If you want the watermark to progress when absolutely nothing is happening, you'll need to do something more drastic.
The ideal solution is to have keepalive messages that originate from the same source, so that you know that the idleness is genuine, rather than an outage. Failing that, see ProcessingTimeTrailingBoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor for an example of how to use a timer to detect idleness and advance the watermark based on the passage of time, rather than the arrival of new events. (Note that this example has not been updated to use the new WatermarkStrategy interface.)
you can config tableEnv let table emit early:
TableConfig config = bbTableEnv.getConfig();
config.getConfiguration().setBoolean("table.exec.emit.early-fire.enabled", true);
config.getConfiguration().setString("table.exec.emit.early-fire.delay", "1s");

Apache Flink: Watermarks, Dropping Late Events, and Allowed Lateness

I am having trouble understanding the concept of watermarks and allowed lateness.
Following is an excerpt from the [mail archive|https://www.mail-archive.com/user#flink.apache.org/msg08758.html] that talks about Watermarks but I have a couple of questions still. The following is the example quoted.:
Assume you have a BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor with a 2 minute bound and a 10 minute tumbling window that starts at 12:00 and ends at 12:10:
If you have the following stream sequence:
12:01, A
12:04, B
WM, 12:02 // 12:04 - 2 minutes
12:02, C
12:08, D
12:14, E
WM, 12:12
12:16, F
WM, 12:14 // 12:16 - 2 minutes
12:09, G
no allowed lateness
The window operator forwards the logical time to 12:12 when it receives <WM, 12:12> and evaluates the window which contains [A, B, C, D] at this time and finally purges its state. <12:09, G> is later ignored.
allowed lateness of 3 minutes
The window operator evaluates the window when <WM, 12:12> is received, but its state is not purged yet. The state is purged when <WM, 12:14> is received (window fire time 12:10 + 3mins allowed lateness). <12:09, G> is again ignored.
allowed lateness of 5 minutes
The window operator evaluates the window when <WM, 12:12> is received, but its state is not purged yet. When <12:09, G> is received, the window is again evaluated but this time with [A, B, C, D, G] and an update is sent out. The state is purged when a watermark of >= 12:15 is received.
As I understand:
A watermark is supposed to tell that any element that arrives with an event timestamp less than that of the watermark will be dropped. So a watermark of 12:02 means that Flink has seen all that it had to see till event time 12:02. Any element having an event timesatamp lesser than this watermark e.g. 12:01 would be dropped.
The concept of Allowed lateness applies only after the last watermark that marks the end of a window
My questions based on the understanding:
How is message "12:02,C" being entertained considering Flink, with the previous watermark (WM, 12:02), has already said "I have seen everything till event time 12:02"?
I have tweaked the stream sequence and inserted another record 12:01,CCC at a point as shown below in bold in the stream sequence.
If you have the following stream sequence:
12:01, A
12:04, B
WM, 12:02 // 12:04 - 2 minutes
12:02, C
12:01, CCC // Inserted by Sheel
12:08, D
12:14, E
WM, 12:12
12:16, F
WM, 12:14 // 12:16 - 2 minutes
12:09, G
This is still in the 12:00-12:10 window but behind the watermark WM, 12:02. Lets say the allowed lateness is 5 mins. Will this record be accepted "somehow" bringing in the allowed lateness into picture or would this be dropped considering the watermark 12:02 has already crossed?
The Watermarks control the lifetime of a window but not directly whether a record is dropped or not. When Flink's WindowOperator receives a new record, it will calculate the set of windows it falls into. If this set contains at least one active window, meaning that there is no watermark with a higher value than the window's end time + allowed lateness, the record will be assigned to this window and will become part of the window computation (even if the record's timestamp is lower than the last seen watermark). Hence, one could say that windows reduce the resolution of watermarks with respect to the individual records.
In your case, this means that both C and CCC will become part of the window 12:00 - 12:10 since the system hasn't seen a Watermark with >= 12:10, yet.

Apache flink - Time characterstics

How can i use the Ingestion time characteristics in Apache flink. I know we need to set the environment time characteristics. But how can i collect the data with timestamps which can be referred as ingestion time. Currently when i am using it, it is processing the window based on system clock time. I want to do the processing based on the time at which data enters the flink environment.
A little code extract which may help to understand it clearly :
Time characteristics for environment :
Window time :
Collection in source :
If the data collection starts at let say 11:03, I want to end it at 11:08 i.e. for 5 minutes. But it stops at 11:05 ( somehow behaving like processing time ).
Thanks in advance for your help.
Tumbling and sliding windows in Flink are always aligned to the clock (either the event time clock defined by the events and watermarks, or the system clock); time windows are not aligned to first event. So if you have windows that are 5 minutes long, there will be a window for the interval from 11:00 to 11:05, for example, regardless of the TimeCharacteristic.
Tumbling windows do, however, take an optional offset parameter that can be used to shift this alignment. So you could specify TumblingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.minutes(5), Time.minutes(3)), for example to shift the intervals by 3 minutes.
