How to share/split a Redux Store between multiple generic components? - reactjs

I have a generic component called "VendorResults". I am passing a string prop down to each of these generic components such as "Microsoft", "Apple", etc.
<VendorResults vendor={"microsoft"}/>
<VendorResults vendor={"oracle"}/>
Within this generic component, I am passing the vendor prop as a parameter to my Redux-Thunk actions as such:
componentDidMount() {
const {vendor} = this.props;
An API call kicks off, and Thunk actions are dispatched. The data eventually makes its way to the Reducer and store. However, When I have more than one generic Vendor component, whichever async call finishes last, appears to take precedent over all the others. For example, if oracle finishes loading last, the microsoft component's state will change and show oracle data.
export function getVendorInformation(vendor) {
const url = `${VENDOR_URL}api/search/${vendor}`;
return dispatch => {
.then(blob => blob.json())
.then(data => {
.catch(e => {
export default function(state=initialState, action){
switch (action.type){
case FETCHING_VENDOR: return {payload:[], fetching: true}
case FETCH_VENDOR_SUCCESS: return {payload:}
case VENDOR_ERROR: return {payload:[], error: true, ...state}
return state;
My Question:
I want to maintain this pattern of generic/reusable Vendor components - I do not want a new component for each vendor. The same goes for actions/reducers; unique vendor actions/reducers would get messy.
How can I share/split/partition a single Redux store into vendor specific chunks to maintain seperation of state but still benefit from one flow. Thank you!!

You need to pass vendor to reducer via action and re-do structure of your state. If list of vendors is pre-determined and not very long, it probably will be less messy to just create separate actions/reducers.
Otherwise, you need to have nested reducer:
const initialVendorState = {data:[], fetching: false, error: false};
const vendorReducer = (state = initialVendorState, action) => {
switch (action.type){
case FETCHING_VENDOR: return {data:[], fetching: true}
case FETCH_VENDOR_SUCCESS: return {data:}
case VENDOR_ERROR: return {...state, data:[], error: true}
return state;
const reducer = (state = {}, action) => {
if (supportedActions.includes(action.type)) {
const s = {};
s[action.payload.vendor] = vendorReducer(state[action.payload.vendor], action);
return {
return state
export default reducer;
And your action creators should take vendor as parameter and pass it to reducer:
const fetchVendorSuccess = (vendor, data) => ({
payload: {
In your connect function you will need to use smth like data: (state[vendor] || {}).data to avoid errors if state does not have any info about that vendor

However, When I have more than one generic Vendor component, whichever async call finishes last, appears to take precedent over all the others. For example, if oracle finishes loading last, the microsoft component's state will change and show oracle data.
You are seeing Oracle data because after fetching the vendor data you are overwriting the entire vendor state with the latest array of vendor items.
case FETCH_VENDOR_SUCCESS: return {payload:}
To avoid this, you would need to merge the previous state with the new state.
Solution depends on what each vendor response looks like. As Gennady suggested, you can use an object and make each vendor a property on the object.
Using a flat array to store all the different vendor items presents challenges. How would you determine if a vendor has already been fetched?
To avoid overwriting the previous vendor, you would need to merge the new state with previous state. E.g.
case FETCH_VENDOR_SUCCESS: return [,]


Component isn't reloading after deleting an object from the state, I'm using React-redux

I'm working on an online streaming app where the user can create, edit, delete, and host streams. The problem is when I try deleting the stream, it deletes it in the database but my main component where the streams are being displayed doesn't reload, although it reloads itself when the user creates or edits the stream.
Here's my action creator:
export const deleteStream = (id) => async dispatch => {
await streams.delete(`/streams/${id}`);
dispatch({ type:'DELETE_STREAMS', payload: id });
And here's the reducer:
const streamReducer = (state = {}, action) => {
return {...state, [action.payload]: undefined};
//I also used lodash to delete it alternatively as- return _.omit(state, action.payload);
return state;
Also, not to forget that the objects are key interpolated in my server i.e., instead of having an array of objects, I have an object of objects.
Plural problem! DELETE_STREAMS vs DELETE_STREAM. You dispatch the former and reduce on the latter.
This is why it's always a good idea to have your actions defined somewhere even of its just export const X = "X". Then always reference them instead of using string literals.
It wasn't an error updating your React rendering, but that redux was never updated. A great tool to debug this is redux devtools, you can see the state of redux and every dispatched action and it's impact.

How to use redux saga in editable table efficiently

I have a multi page react application in which one endpoint has to show data in tabular form. Show I take GET_INFO action on componentWillMount of that endpoint. Now I have a reducer called table_info which has table_data array and shouldTableUpdate boolean in it.
My table is editable with edit and delete icon in every row. I am facing problem in update, on update I call reducer with action UPDATE_TABLE_ROW and if success than I do something like following :
const initialState = {
table_data:{}, shouldTableUpdate:false;
export default function myReducer(state=initialState, action){
// how to handle edited row here?
// also when I print my state of this reducer
// state becomes nested, so if one does lots of updates
// it will be become very heavy...
return {...state, shouldTableUpdate:true}
Can you tell how to handle update, delete, add on table using redux saga efficiently ? On googling I get naive examples only, so came to SO.
Note: Can't show the actual code as it's for my company project. Sorry for that.
Can you tell how to handle update, delete, add on table using redux saga efficiently ?
Well you can plainly manipulate the state object using a reducer only.
table_data is a list and not an object.
I don't think you'll be needing shouldTableUpdate since state change in store will trigger a component update if state field is mapped in mapStateToProps.
So here's a basic template of adding, updating and deleting items via reducer.
const initialState = {
table_data: [],
export default function myReducer(state=initialState, action){
switch(action.type) {
case ADD_ITEM:
return {
table_data: [
action.item, // item to be added
let updatedItem = action.item;
// do something with updatedItem
return {
table_data: => ( === ? updatedItem : e
const index = state.table_data.findIndex(e => ===;
const numItems = state.table_data.length;
return {
table_data: [
// exclude index
...table_data.slice(0, index),
...table_data.slice(index+1, numItems),
return state;

React-redux - state overwrites itself

I am using react-redux (for the first time). I have a component into which users put a 'startDate' and an 'endDate'. These should then be stored in the redux store, so that they persist.
I have the following action creator:
export const setDates = dates => ({
type: "SET_DATES",
payload: dates
The following reducer:
const dates = (state = {}, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case "SET_DATES":
return action.payload;
return state;
export default dates;
The state is set conditionally (i.e. only if the start and end dates actually make sense) like this:
handleSubmit = () => {
if (this.state.startDate <= this.state.endDate) {
store.dispatch(setDates([this.state.startDate, this.state.endDate]));
window.location = `/search/${
} else {
console.log("HANDLE ERROR");
The problem, according to the chrome redux dev-tools, is that when the submit is triggered, the store does indeed change to the new dates, but it then seems to be immediately overwritten to the empty state. By modifying the reducer to take state = {dates: 'foo'} as its first argument, I can get the store to persist 'dates:foo'. This suggests to me that, for some reason, the reducer is being called twice - once with an action of type "SET_DATES", which works, and then again, immediately, with an action of unknown type (confirmed by console.log-ging action.type), which causes it to return the default state.
So I'm pretty sure I know what the problem is, but I have no idea why it would do this.
I Already commented, but anyways. The problem is that you reload the page. It reloads redux, and it boots up from initial state, which is probably an empty array. Here is a great video from one of the brains behind redux.
It all boils down to subscribing to the store state changes, and saving it / loading the state back from storage of your choise.
Try changing you reducer like this
const dates = (state = {}, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case "SET_DATES":
return Object.assign({}, state, {
return state;
export default dates;

Generate reducers dynamically (universal reducer for api calls)

In redux how can i make reducers dynamically based on api call passed as string to an action-creator to reduce the boilerplate (so for each api call there was a dedicated key inside the store)?
And should i even try to do that?
Example jsfiddle
The problem is here:
export function universalFetchReducer(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'FETCHING_DATA' + action.metadata:
return {
isFetching: true
case 'FETCHING_DATA_SUCCESS' + action.metadata:
return {
isFetching: false,
dataFetched: true
case 'FETCHING_DATA_FAILURE' + action.metadata:
return {
isFetching: false,
error: true
return state;
For now i can create actions and their names based on url passed to an action-creator, but cannot make a dedicated reducer.
Solved this by using redux-injector, followed its api to create an action creators and a simple async action creator (axios used):
export function getData(api) {
return {
type: `FETCHING_DATA_${api}`,
meta: api
export function universalFetchData(api) {
injectReducer(`universalFetch${api}`, universalFetchReducer);
return dispatch => {
dispatch(getData(api)) //Some initial action. Pass api to name actions
.then(response => {
dispatch(getDataSuccess(, api)) //Some success action
.catch(error => getDataFailure(error.response.status, api)) } } //Some failure action
Then just fired an universalFetchData('path_to_api') from component and got FETCHING_DATA_path_to_api action in redux-devtools.
Got data from store
and passed this state to render with e.g. ramda's pathOr to set unkown initial state.
Lesson learned: you will be able to make many simple lazy loading api calls fast, but do this only if you know what data you're getting. For more dangerous logic use regular reducers upfront. This solution nowhere near acceptable but it gets job done.

Accessing a reducer state from within another reducer

I have a reducer whereby I am retuning the appropriate state when an action is dispatched. Now I am calling an API at regular intervals so the result will trigger an action again and again. So what I want is that if the reducer state already has data then another reducer doesn't show the state as loading while the call is sent. It must maintain its loading state when receiving data the first time only. I hope I am able to explain it properly
Here are my code snippets
Loading state reducer
const loading = (state = false, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'GET_AUDIT_DATA': // here I want to return true only when there is no data available
return true
return false
return false
return state
Combining reducers
const allReducers = combineReducers({
auditData: AuditData,
auditLoading: AuditLoading,
modifiedOrders: ModifiedOrders
export default allReducers;
Reducer returning data on action triggered by superagent
const auditData = (state = [], action) => {
switch(action.type) {
return action.err;
default :
return state;
export default auditData;
So initially the auditData doesn't contain any data, only after the first success call it returns the data. When this is called at the same time loading state reducer is called and it should return true in GET_AUDIT_DATA action only when the audit data reducer doesn't contain any data.
Also is returning just the current obtained data from auditData the right way to go or I should do it differently. Basically I want to overwrite the current data with the new one.
You can call getState() over a store to get the list of reducers and the current state inside the reducers.
Import the store into auditLoading (use store to get values. Don't mutate the store)
store.getState().auditLoading will give you the state of auditLoading reducer.
This approach is similar to the callback provided by redux-thunk. In which (dispatch, getState) => {} will be returned to the action.
The best way to proceed is to send to Loading state reducer an information to know if the other reducer already have data. To have at the end:
const loading = (state = false, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return true
return false
return false
return state
You should have access from your action function to the application state and do:
dataAlreadyInitialized: appState.auditData.length > 0
The accepted answer is fine (pass in the data length through the action) but can get laborious if it's a piece of information that is widely used. There is another solution that is sometimes preferable for something like 'current user' that might be used by every action.
According to the Redux FAQ it is perfectly acceptable to add a third argument to the reducer function. I.e.:
Loading state reducer
const loading = (state = false, action, noData) => {
switch (action.type) {
return noData
return false
return false
return state
Combining reducers
Unfortunately it means we have to write code to combine the reducers, rather than use the combineReducers shortcut. But it's not too hard, you just call each reducer and create a new object if anything changed:
const allReducers = (state = null, action) => {
const auditData = AuditData(state?.auditData, action);
const auditLoading = AuditLoading(state?.auditLoading, action, !state?.auditData?.length);
const modifiedOrders = ModifiedOrders(state?.modifiedOrders, action);
return (auditData !== state?.auditData ||
auditLoading !== state?.auditLoading ||
modifiedOrders !== state?.modifiedOrders) ?
{ auditData, auditLoading, modifiedOrders } : state;
export default allReducers;
Notice the third argument passed to the AuditLoading reducer. No change is required to the other reducers, or to the code that invokes the action. Which is nice!
import store from '../../../redux/store'
Through this statement we will get state of accessToken
