Prevent user from pasting images into CKEditor 5 - reactjs

Our users are copy pasting images into the editor (CKEditor 5), which is something we don't want to support.
The suggested fix for CKEditor 4 does not seem to work in 5.
How can I change the editor to disable this feature?
This is my config:
const editorConfig = {
toolbar: ['heading', 'bold', 'italic', 'bulletedList', 'numberedList'],
removePlugins: ['Image', 'ImageToolbar', 'ImageStyle', 'ImageUpload', 'ImageCaption'],
heading: {
options: [
model: 'paragraph',
title: 'Paragraph',
class: 'ck-heading_paragraph',
model: 'heading2',
view: 'h2',
title: 'Heading',
class: 'ck-heading_heading2',

If you want to completely disable the image feature, this is – make it impossible for images to be inserted/loaded in any way to the editor, then you should remove the Image, ImageToolbar, ImageStyle, 'ImageUpload, and ImageCaption plugins from your editor. The easiest way to achieve that is to use config.removePlugins. You can also check how to install plugins cause uninstalling is just the opposite process.
If you want to disallow inserting images, but still keep support for those images which are already present in the content, you need to handle it a bit differently. You'd have to block pasting/dropping them which can be done with the features exposed by the clipboard integration. You may also want to remove the ImageUpload plugin in thi case too. Finally, you probably won't need the imageUpload button in the toolbar, so you have to reconfigure it.


Why is the Sencha Ext.List component not recognized

I'm trying to use the "Ext.dataview.List" in my sencha application, but I'm receiving the following error when loading the page that contains the component:
Uncaught Error: [Ext.create] Unrecognized class name / alias: Ext.List
I tried to add multiple requires to the page (Ext.dataview.List, the ones listed in the "Requires" of the component documentation..) but without success. I'm kinda lost on what could be happening, and I haven't found any specific information of what could be the problem. I've never had this problem with another components, just indicating the "xtype" works okay.
Someone has an idea of which can be the problem?
I'm creating the component like this, with sencha version 6.2:
var list = Ext.create('Ext.List', {
fullscreen: true,
itemTpl: '{title}',
data: [
{ title: 'Item 1' },
{ title: 'Item 2' },
{ title: 'Item 3' },
{ title: 'Item 4' }
There are Two toolkits for EXJS : Classic and Modern. The Classic Toolkit is essentially Ext JS 5’s view layer and is used to create Desktop applications.
The Modern Toolkit is for targeting modern browsers from Desktop to Mobile and, at this stage, is made up of Sencha Touch’s view layer.
Currently there is no "EXt.List" in Classic toolkit. To solve this problem make sure you're using the Modern version or change your approach to your desired result.

Golden layout popouts with AngularJS

I am using golden layout in single page application. Golden layout normal 'open in new window' works pretty well (
var myLayout = new GoldenLayout({
content: []
}, $('#layoutContainer'));
myLayout.registerComponent('example', function(container, state) {
container.getElement().html('<h2>Hello World</h2>');
myLayout.createDragSource($("#button"), {
type: 'component',
componentName: 'example',
componentState: {
text: 'Button'
But when I am trying to integrate it in SPA, when I popout any widget, the whole application gets loaded in popup window instead of the particular widget. Do I need to have some specific configurations to fix this behavior? How can I achieve the actual popout feature.
Any help on this?
Here is PR which fixed the issue with GL when used with SPA. Use latest js from github and try again

Add a CSS class to the TAB in TabBar, not the tab it self

Here is a screenshot to visualize what I want to do.
There is an extra tab which is iconless (between exit and project).
The blue highlighted line is the element itself in the inspector.
My goal is to set the tab's width in the tabbar and not in the tabpanel to 5px.
So That it would act has a spacer between tabs' icons.
I tried to manually add a CSS class so that I could create a very specific rule pointing to that element and inside this rule set the width to 5px with an !important tag.
.x-tab .x-tab-normal .x-item-disabled .x-iconalign-center .x-tab-icon .x-layout-box-item .x-stretched
width:5px !important;
Sadly I never found a way to add a class at that particular level of the component hierarchy.
So I tried to replace an existing CSS class of that component (.x-item-disabled).
I changed .x-item-disabled to .fake and than created a CSS rule accordingly...
It did not work and has in the first case, the component's css classes in the inspector did not changed at all..
I'm pretty sure I need to do it that way since it's not something sencha allows us to do.
Can someone help me out plz? and are private classes and does not seem to expose that feature, so I guess at the moment there is no simple way to do what you ask. Those tabs are built based on the Panel items configuration, but the data you pass in are not directly mapped to them. Indeed if you apply a cls or style property to an item configuration, that goes to the content of the panel, not to its associated tab. You can however modify the tab after your panel has been initialized:
Try this:
Ext.create('Ext.TabPanel', {
fullscreen: true,
tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
defaults: {
styleHtmlContent: true
items: [
title: 'Home',
iconCls: 'home',
html: 'Home Screen'
title: '',
iconCls: 'dummy',
html: ''
title: 'Contact',
iconCls: 'user',
html: 'Contact Screen'
initialize: function() {
// get spacer by position, it's ugly but it works
// without extending Sencha components
var spacer = this.getTabBar().getAt(1);
// of course here you could apply a CSS class
// if you prefer
spacer.setStyle('width:5px; min-width:5px;');
// let's also disable the button
// and remove the icon since it is mandatory in Panel
// config but we don't really want it
See the fiddle.
code in your initialize function in answer 1

how to wrap text of selectfield option in sencha touch 2

I'am trying to display Sencha Touch 2 selectfield with very long option text but text gets truncated with Ellipsis, like Very long option t....
How to display couple lines in one option?
xtype: 'selectfield',
text: 'Very long option I wish to splint into two separate lines',
value: 0
text: 'Another very long option I wish to splint into two separate lines',
value: 1
I've tried using \n and <br/> but is not working.
There are 3 two ways to do this.
use labelWrap config option set to true.
This will avoid truncating text that appears on selectfield initially. Later when you tap on selectfield; you've two choices. Using picker or list. picker will be used only if you set it to true in usePicker config. If you are on tablet, desktop or mobile default list will be shown containing options. Using labelWrap config will not be usefull if options are displayed in list after tap on selectfield.
Use following CSS override to avoid truncating.
height: 100% !important;
white-space: pre-wrap !important;
This override along with above mentioned labelWrap config set to true will make both list and selectfield display whole text neatly. But this will override styles that may affect appearance of other lists in your app.
Third approach that can be is to override Ext.field.Select and create custom select field. In this style, you need to just override following method - getTabletPicker that generated the list displayed on tap of selectfield. Code from ST source is as fallows -
getTabletPicker: function() {
var config = this.getDefaultTabletPickerConfig();
if (!this.listPanel) {
this.listPanel = Ext.create('Ext.Panel', Ext.apply({
centered: true,
modal: true,
cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'select-overlay',
layout: 'fit',
hideOnMaskTap: true,
items: {
xtype: 'list',
store: this.getStore(),
itemTpl: '<span class="x-list-label">{' + this.getDisplayField() + ':htmlEncode}</span>',
listeners: {
select : this.onListSelect,
itemtap: this.onListTap,
scope : this
}, config));
return this.listPanel;
Check out the line itemTpl and cls config. Here both options set styles that are defined for list. These will decide the appearance of list displayed on tap of selectfield. This approach might sound dirty. But it's useful, if you want to make some drastic changes in appearance and behaviour.

Problems setting up Extensible calendar

I'm trying to set up an Extensible Calendar Pro in my ExtJs 4.1 application, but I still get a name is undefined error.
I solved the original problem, but directly went in another.
Updated code:
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
id : 'zeusMainPanel',
alias : 'widget.zeus',
requires : [
autoShow : true,
layout : 'border',
border : false,
initComponent : function(){
this.items = [{
* Some other Ext Elements
}, {
region : 'east',
xtype : 'extensible.calendarpanel',
name : 'zeus-calendar',
width : 500,
eventStore: Ext.create('', {
data: Ext.create('',{
StartDate: '2101-01-12 12:00:00',
EndDate: '2101-01-12 13:30:00',
Title: 'My cool event',
Notes: 'Some notes'
Now it loads all classes correctly when the Extensible singleton is included, but nothing works. I just have a white screen and no functions in the controller or anywhere else are called. When I remove it from the requires list it comes up with this error: Extensible.log is not a function
Do I use the plugin at all right?
Any advice?
Extensible.log is defined on the Extensible singleton, so it should always be available if your dependencies and includes are set up correctly. You really should post in the Extensible forums with additonal details (Ext version, Extensible version, script include markup) as this is basically a product support question.
EDIT: By the way, there is no such thing as Extensible.Extensible, which might be part of your problem. Also you cannot use wildcard requires statements for non-Sencha classes. You might try getting a basic example working first before trying to create a complex layout with it.
