Perl array loop - arrays

I have an array in which I want to check if the element in the following check returns a certain value, remove it from the array if matches condition. Continue looping trough array, until all elements are gone.
foreach $temp (#inputs);
my $check = &checkStatus($temp, $server);
if ($check ne "Z");
print "$temp failed!\n";

It would be best if you had a way to wait for the status of any of the items to change.
For example, if you were dealing with processes, you could use.
my %children = map { $_ => 1 } #pids;
while (%children) {
my $pid = wait();
my $status = $?;
if ( $status & 0x7F ) { warn("Child $pid killed by signal ".( $status & 0x7F )."\n"); }
elsif ( $status >> 8 ) { warn("Child $pid exited with error ".( $status >> 8 )."\n"); }
else { print("Child $pid exited successfully\n"); }
Otherwise, you will need to poll.
use Time::HiRes qw( sleep ); # Time::HiRes::sleep supports fractional durations.
my %foos = map { $_ => 1 } #foo_ids;
while (%foos) {
for my $foo_id (keys(%foos)) {
if (checkStatus($foo_id, $server) eq 'Z') {
# ...?
sleep(0.1); # To avoid using 100% CPU.
Note that in both cases, you can use the value of the hash elements to contain information about the thing.
# When creating the foos.
$foos{$foo_id} = $foo;
# When waiting the foos.
my $foo = delete($foos{$foo_id});

You can use grep, as suggested by #Shawn:
#inputs_wo_z = grep { checkStatus($_, $server) ne "Z" } #inputs;
Here, grep evaluates the last expression supplied to it, which is whether checkStatus(...) returns non-Z. By default, each element of the #inputs array is assigned to $_ inside. grep returns all elements of the array for which the condition is true.
Note that it is not necessary to use & before the method call here, because you are using parenthesis. See perlsub for details, and also explained by #ikegami here.

Oleg, the description of the problem is not very clear.
Your code does not delete anything from array. I assume that you want to iterate through array and only print data when element meets some condition.
Please see the following example where I imitate in an array storing temperature reported by farm of servers
#!/usr/bin/perl -CS
# vim: ai:ts=4:sw=4
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
my $max_temp = 36; # maximum permited termperature
my #data = <DATA>; # fill array with some data
for (#data) {
next if /^\s*$/; # skip empty lines
my($s,$t) = split ',';
say chr(0x267F) . " $s temp=$t" if $t > $max_temp;
♿ server3 temp=42
♿ server5 temp=37


Perl : matching the contents of a file with the contents of an array

I have an array #arr1 where each element is of the form #define A B.
I have another file, f1 with contents:
and so on. I need to check if the second value of every line (y, q etc) matches the first value in any element of the array. Example: say the array has an element #define abc 123 and the file has a line #define,hij,abc.
When such a match occurs, I need to add the line #define hij 123 to the array.
while(<$fhDef>) #Reading the file
$_ =~ tr/\r//d;
my $newLabel = $1;
my $oldLabel = $2;
push #oldLabels, $oldLabel;
push #newLabels, $newLabel;
foreach my $x(#tempX) #Reading the array
chomp $x;
if($x =~ /#define\h{1}\w+\h*0x(\w+)\h*/)
my $addr = $1;
unless(grep { $x =~ /$_/ } #oldLabels)
my $index = grep { $oldLabels[$_] eq $_ } 0..$#oldLabels;
my $new1 = $newLabels[$index];
my $headerLabel1 = $headerLabel."X_".$new1;
chomp $headerLabel1;
my $headerLine = "#define ".$headerLabel1."0x".$addr;
push #tempX, $headerLine;
This just hangs. No doubt I'm missing something right in front of me, but what??
The canonical way is to use a hash. Hash the array, using the first argument as the key. Then walk the file and check for existence of the key in the hash. I used a HoA (hash of arrays) to handle multiple values for each key (see the last two lines).
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
my #arr1 = ( '#define y x',
'#define abc 123',
my %hash;
for (#arr1) {
my ($arg1, $arg2) = (split ' ')[1, 2];
push #{ $hash{$arg1} }, $arg2;
while (<DATA>) {
my ($arg1, $arg2) = (split /,/)[1, 2];
if ($hash{$arg2}) {
print "#define $arg1 $_\n" for #{ $hash{$arg2} };
As the other answer said, it's better to use a hash. Also, keep in mind that you're doing a
foreach my $x(#tempX)
but you're also doing a
push #tempX, $headerLine;
which means that you're modifying the array on which you're iterating. This is not just bad practice, this also means that you're most likely going to have an infinite loop because of it.

Perl Script -: Useless use of array element in void context at lin 38 and 44

this is first my perl script
#This program will take a user's input and then count how many letters there are. Whereupon it will count the number of unique letters before printing all the data
#back to the user.
use strict;
use warnings;
# This section is to collect and spit back the input to the user.
print "\n\nHello, please enter a word, a phrase, or a sentence. Press Enter when you are done.\n";
my $input = <>; #Collecting the input from the user.
chomp $input; #Chomping, or removing, the \n from the end of the input.
print "\nYou typed -:[$input]\n";
#This section will find how many unique characters there are.
my #uniqueArray;
my #stringArray = split(// , $input);
my $x = 0;
my $string_max_index = $#stringArray;
my $found = 0;
my $test = $stringArray[$x];
my $y = 0;
if($test eq $uniqueArray[$y])
if($found eq 1)
$uniqueArray[$#uniqueArray] = $stringArray[$x];
# This section will determine how many ascii characters are in the $input variable and output the results of this
# program.
my $numOfLet = 0;
while ( $input ne "" )
$numOfLet = $numOfLet + 1;
chop $input
print "Total Characters -: $numOfLet";
print "Total of Unique Characters -: $#uniqueArray \n\n\n";
I was able to get rid of all the errors except for these two,
Useless use of array element in void context at line 38
Useless use of array element in void context at line 44
What is confusing me is that There is nothing at those lines, just the closing brackets for my for loop, which leads me to believe that the issue is an element I called in each for loop.
The initialization block of your for loop is the immediate culprit. Adjusting to something like this resolves the warning:
Otherwise you're accessing a value, but doing... nothing with it? That's what the warning is for.
I spot a few other problems, though:
Your for loops are... a little funny, I don't know how else to put that.
Array length is usually easiest to read with the scalar keyword.
Adding members to an array is usually done with the push keyword.
Using the above in combination:
for(my $x = 0; $x < scalar #stringArray;$x++)
my $found = 0;
my $test = $stringArray[$x];
my $y = 0;
for (my $y = 0; !$found && $y < scalar #uniqueArray;$y++)
if($test eq $uniqueArray[$y])
unless ($found)
push #uniqueArray, $stringArray[$x];
If the above for loops don't look sensible to you, now is a good time to look up some tutorials.
This could be simplified with foreach loops:
foreach my $letter (#stringArray) {
Or with grep searches:
my $found = grep { $_ eq $letter } #uniqueArray;
But, in the particular case of counting unique values, it's often simplest to assign to a hash:
my %uniques;
$uniques{$_} = 1 for #stringArray;
my $num_uniques = scalar keys %uniques;
Combining all of that:
my #letters = split(//, $input); #split input into array of chars
my %uniques; #declare empty hash
$uniques{$_} = 1 for #letters; #set hash key for each char
my $num_letters = scalar #letters; #count entries in letter list
my $num_uniques = scalar keys %uniques; #count unique keys in letter hash
Exercise for the reader: adjust the above code so that it counts the number of times each character is used.
That's because #uniqueArray is empty...
Given this short example:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #arr;
my $t = 0;
for ($arr[$t]; $arr[$#arr]; $t++ ) {
print "no\n";
Useless use of array element in void context at line 11.
You declare my #uniqueArray; at line 21 and never do anything with it...
Which also means how will this ever match at line 34?
if($test eq $uniqueArray[$y])
Again, #uniqueArray is an empty array.
To fix your script (although please look at rutter's hash suggestion), you can do the following. Remove:
my $x = 0;
my $y = 0;
Instead of using C-style loops, replace with the following:
for my $x (0 .. $string_max_index )
for my $y (0 .. $#uniqueArray)
Lastly, use the following:
push #uniqueArray, $stringArray[$x];
Hope this helps!

Missmatch in array comparison error message ' Argument "" isn't numeric in array element at'

I am very new to perl and am struggling to get this script to work.
I have taken pieces or perl and gooten them to work as indivual sections but upon trying to blend them together it fails. Even with the error messages that show up I can not find where my mistake is.
The script when working and completed will read an output file and go through it section my section and utilmately generate a new output file with not much more the a heading with some additional text and a value of the amount of lines in that section.
My issues are when it does the looping for each keyword in the array it is now failing with the error message 'Argument "" isn't numeric in array element at'. Perl directs me to a section in the script but I can not see how I am calling the element incorrectly. All the elements in the array are alpha yet the error message is refering to a numeric value.
Can anyone see my mistake.
Thank you
Here is the script
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
# this version reads each variable and loops through the 18 times put only displays on per loop.
my $NODE = `uname -n`;
my $a = "/tmp/";
my $b = $NODE ;
my $c = "_deco.txt";
my $d = "_deco_mini.txt";
chomp $b;
my $STRING = "$a$b$c";
my $STRING_out = "$a$b$d";
my #keyword = ( "Report", "Last", "HP", "sulog", "sudo", "eTrust", "proftp", "process", "active clusters", "pdos", "syslog", "BNY", "syslogmon", "errpt", "ports", "crontab", "NFS", "scripts", "messages");
my $i = 0;
my $keyword="";
my $x=0;
my $y=0;
my $jw="";
my $EOS = "########################################################################";
my $qty_lines=0;
my $skip5=0;
my $skipcnt=0;
my $keeplines=0;
my #HPLOG="";
do {
print "Reading File: [$STRING]\n";
if (-e "$STRING" && open (IN, "$STRING")) {
# ++$x; # proving my loop worked
# print "$x interal loop counter\n"; # proving my loop worked
for ( ++$i) { # working
while ( <IN> ) {
chomp ;
#if ($_ =~ /$keyword/) {
#if ($_ =~ / $i /) {
#if ($_ =~ /$keyword[ $i ]/) {
if ($_ =~ /$keyword $i/) {
print " $i \n";
# print "$_\n";# $ not initalized error when tring to use it
if ($skip5) {
print "SKIP LINE: $_\n";
print "Header LINE: $_\n";
next if $skipcnt <= 5;
if ($keeplines) {
# ++$qty_lines; # for final output
last if $_ =~ /$EOS/;
print "KEEP LINE: $_\n";
# print "$qty_lines\n"; # for final output
push #HPLOG, "$_\n";
# push #HPLOG, "$qty_lines\n";# for final output
} ## end while ( <IN> )
} ## end for ( ++$i)
} ## end if (-e "$STRING" && open (IN, "$STRING"))
close (IN);
} while ( $i < 19 && ++$y < 18 );
Here is a sample section or the input file.
Checking for active clusters.
root 11730980 12189848 0 11:24:20 pts/2 0:00 egrep hagsd|harnad|HACMP|haemd
If there are any processes listed you need to remove the server from the cluster.
This is the output from Pdos log
Please review it for anything that looks like a users may be trying to run something.
This server is not on Tamos
This is the output from syslog.conf.
Look for any entries on the right side column that are not the ususal logs or location.
# #(#)34 1.11 src/bos/etc/syslog/syslog.conf, cmdnet, bos610 4/27/04 14:47:53
# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# bos610 src/bos/etc/syslog/syslog.conf 1.11
I truncated the rest of the file
Can anyone see my mistake.
I can see quite a lot of mistakes. But I also see some good stuff like use strict and use warnings.
My suggestion for you is to work on your coding style so that it gets easier for you and others to debug any problems.
Naming variables
my $NODE = `uname -n`;
my $a = "/tmp/";
my $b = $NODE ;
my $c = "_deco.txt";
my $d = "_deco_mini.txt";
chomp $b;
my $STRING = "$a$b$c";
my $STRING_out = "$a$b$d";
Why are some of those names all uppercase and others all lower case? If you are building up a filename, why do you call the variable that holds the filename $STRING?
my #keyword = ( "Report", "Last", "HP", "sulog", "sudo", ....
If you have a list of several keywords, wouldn't it be apt to not chose a singular for the variable name? How about #keywords?
Using temporary variables you don't need
my $NODE = `uname -n`;
my $a = "/tmp/";
my $b = $NODE ;
my $c = "_deco.txt";
chomp $b;
my $STRING = "$a$b$c";
Why do you need $a, $b and $c? The (forgive me) stupid names of those vars are a tell-tale sign that you don't need them. How about this instead?
my $node_name = `uname -n`;
chomp $node_name;
my $file_name = sprintf '/tmp/%s/_deco.txt', $node_name;
Your biggest problem: you have no idea how to use arrays
You are making several drastic mistakes when it comes to arrays.
my #HPLOG="";
Do you want an array or another string? The # says array, the "" says string. I guess you wanted a new, empty array, so my #hplog = () would have been much better. But since there is no need to tell perl that you want an empty array as it will give you an empty one anyway, my #hplog; will do the job just fine.
It took me a while to figure out this next one and I'm still not sure whether I'm guessing your intentions correctly:
my #keyword = ( "Report", "Last", "HP", "sulog", "sudo", "eTrust", "proftp", "process", "active clusters", "pdos", "syslog", "BNY", "syslogmon", "errpt", "ports", "crontab", "NFS", "scripts", "messages");
if ($_ =~ /$keyword $i/) {
What I think you are doing here is trying to match your current input line against element number $i in #keywords. If my assumption is correct, you really wanted to say this:
if ( /$keyword[ $i ]/ ) {
Iterating arrays
Perl is not C. It doesn't make you jump through hoops to get a loop.
Just look at all the code you wrote to loop through your keywords:
my $i = 0;
for ( ++$i) { # working
if ($_ =~ /$keyword $i/) {
} while ( $i < 19 && ++$y < 18 );
Apart from the facts that your working comment is just self-deception and that you hard-coded the number of elements in your array, you could have just used a for-each loop:
foreach my $keyword ( #keywords ) {
# more code here
I'm sure that when you try to work on the above list, the problem that made you ask here will just go away. Have fun.

How can I loop over an array from the first occurrence of an element with a specific value using perl?

I have an array like ("valueA", "valueB", "valueC", "valueD") etc. I want to loop over the values of the array starting from (for example) the first instance of "valueC". Everything in the array before the first instance of the value "valueC" should be ignored; so in this case only "valueC" and "valueD" would be handled by the loop.
I can just put a conditional inside my loop, but is there a neater way to express the idea using perl?
my $seen;
for ( grep $seen ||= ($_ eq "valueC"), #array ) {
I think you also need to check if the "valueC" exist inside the array.
Hope this helps.
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw(first);
my #array = qw(valueA valueB valueC valueD);
my $starting_element = 'valueC';
# make sure that the starting element exist inside the array
# first search for the first occurrence of the $stating_element
# dies if not found
my $starting_index = first { $array[$_] eq $starting_element } 0 .. $#array
or die "element \"$starting_element\" does not exist inside the array";
# your loop
for my $index ($starting_index .. $#array) {
print $array[$index]."\n";
my $seen;
for ( #array ) {
$seen++ if /valueC/;
next unless $seen;
But that $seen is a little ungainly. The flip-flop operator looks tidier IMO:
for ( #array ) {
next unless /^valueC$/ .. /\0/;
# or /^valueC$/ .. '' !~ /^$;
# or $_ eq 'valueC' .. /\0/;
Or simply (building on ikegami's suggestion):
for ( grep { /^valueC$/ .. /(*FAIL)/ } #array ) { ... }
use List::MoreUtils qw( first_index );
foreach my $item ( #array[ ( first_index { $_ eq 'ValueC' } #array ) .. $#array ] ){
# process $item
my $start = 0;
++$start while $start < #array && $array[$start] ne 'valueC';
followed by either
for (#array[$start..$#array]) {
for my $i ($start..$#array) {
say $array[$i];
TIMTOWTDI, but I think that:
foreach my $item (#list) {
next if !$seen && ($item ne 'valueC');
is both readable, correct and and terse enough. All the /valueC/ solution will process anything after "DooDadvalueCFuBAr", not what the OP asked. And, no you need no flipflop/range operator, and checking for the existence beforehand is really strange, besides requiring a possibly noncore package to perform a rather trivial task.The grep solution is really making my head spin, besides creating and tossing a temp array as a side effect.
If you want to get fancy and avoid ''ifs':
foreach my $item (#list) {
$seen || ($item eq 'valueC') || next;
Just don't write home about it. :-)

Need help with a perl program

Ok, so I am trying take a hash and if any string in an array contains the key(not value actual key name) in the hash discard it. Else print out the string. This issue is with a portion of the findHidden sub routine. I have tried a lot of different things, I will comment below where I have issues. I'm sure someone has an answer, always get one on stack overflow :)
# Configure
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
sub findHidden;
sub GetInfo;
sub defineHash;
$passwd = '/etc/passwd';
%info = ();
sub GetInfo {
die "Cannot open: $passwd"
unless (open(PW,$passwd));
while(<PW>) {
my ($uname,$junk1,$junk2,$junk3,$domain,$home) = split(':', $_);
next unless ($home =~ /vs/);
%info = (
domain => $domain,
home => "$home/",
tmp => "$home/tmp",
htdocs => "$home/www/htdocs",
cgibin => "$home/www/cgi\-bin",
print "\n" . $info{domain} . "\n";
print "+"x40,"\n\n";
sub findHidden {
print "Searching " . $_[0] . "\n";
print "-"x30,"\n\n";
#hidden = `find $_[0] -iname ".*"`;
for(#hidden) {
foreach $key (keys % hExcludes) {
if ($_ =~ /$key/){ #
last; # This portion is
}else{ # Only an issue when using more
print "$_"; # than 2 keys in my hash.
sub defineHash {
%hExcludes = ();
%hExcludes = map { $_, 1 } (
'spamd','.nfs' # If I add another key here, it breaks.
%knownExploits =
( );
print Dumper \%hExcludes;
This Works, and prints out something like this:
I understand why It is not working, because it is looping through the keys where some are false and some are positive, I just cannot think of how to make it do what I want, please assume I might want to you 10 keys. I know there are ways to do it without using hash key values for my excludes but it is what I want to accomplish.
I have also tried shift #hidden as below to no avail.
foreach $key (keys % hExcludes) {
if ($_ =~ /$key/){ #
last; #
shift #hidden;# This portion is
}else{ # Only an issue when using more
print "$_"; # than 2 keys in my hash.
Also, keep in mind that things only stop working when I add the third...or more keys.
%hExcludes = map { $_, 1 } (
'spamd','.nfs','key3' # If I add another key here, it breaks
What you need is this:
#hidden = `find $_[0] -iname ".*"`;
for(#hidden) {
undef $isExcluded;
foreach $key (keys % hExcludes) {
if ($_ =~ /$key/){
if( ! $isExcluded ) {
print "$_";
Whatever happened in your scan through the keys of hExcludes, the code encountered a last on the first key and did not process any more. You need to set a flag and continue iterating until either there are no more keys to set, or a match is found. Then you can print out the values that were not matched.
