GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent won't shutdown console application - c

I'm trying to make a C application that closes another console application by sending Control + C to it but my code doesn't always seem to work. The program I am trying to shutdown with Control + C is a game server process.. The only way to shut it down is by pressing Control + C. I want to avoid using TerminateProcess because the program does some form of cleanup code when Control + C is pressed and I'm afraid TerminateProcess will corrupt its database files. According to all the research I've done, GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent is the right function to simulate Control + C but it is not working.
Here is my code:
SetConsoleCtrlHandler(NULL, TRUE);
if (!GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(CTRL_C_EVENT, 0))
if (WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, 30000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
Log("The process did not terminate on its own.");
// output: The process did not terminate on its own.
The above code is only partially working.. I know this because it causes the console app to spit out information about drivers shutting down but it wont proceed with the full cleanup & shutdown code. Why isn't my code working? Also, FreeConsole is causing my own console to disappear although it still runs in the background. Is there a function I can call to get it back?


Let a daemon simulate keypress with xdo

I'm trying to make a daemon simulate a keypress. I got it already working for a non daemon process.
#include <xdo.h>
int main()
xdo_t * x = xdo_new(NULL);
xdo_enter_text_window(x, CURRENTWINDOW, "Hallo xdo!", 500000);
return 0;
If I try the same code for my daemon I get the following error
Error: Can't open display: (null)
Is there a way to still make it work with xdo or something else?
Your process must know the $DESKTOP environment variable specifying the desktop session to send these keys to, and yours doesn't seem to have that environment set.
Which also means you must realize it needs to have all the necessary privileges, which means access to ~/.Xauthority of the owner of the session, and the sockets in /tmp/.X11-unix

libmpdclient: detect lost connection to MPD daemon

I'm writing a plugin for my statusbar to print MPD state, currently using the libmpdclient library. It has to be robust to properly handle lost connections in case MPD is restarted, but simple checking with mpd_connection_get_error on existing mpd_connection object does not work – it can detect the error only when the initial mpd_connection_new fails.
This is a simplified code I'm working with:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <mpd/client.h>
int main(void) {
struct mpd_connection* m_connection = NULL;
struct mpd_status* m_status = NULL;
char* m_state_str;
m_connection = mpd_connection_new(NULL, 0, 30000);
while (1) {
// this check works only on start up (i.e. when mpd_connection_new failed),
// not when the connection is lost later
if (mpd_connection_get_error(m_connection) != MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect to MPD: %s\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(m_connection));
m_connection = NULL;
m_status = mpd_run_status(m_connection);
if (mpd_status_get_state(m_status) == MPD_STATE_PLAY) {
m_state_str = "playing";
} else if (mpd_status_get_state(m_status) == MPD_STATE_STOP) {
m_state_str = "stopped";
} else if (mpd_status_get_state(m_status) == MPD_STATE_PAUSE) {
m_state_str = "paused";
} else {
m_state_str = "unknown";
printf("MPD state: %s\n", m_state_str);
When MPD is stopped during the execution of the above program, it segfaults with:
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x00007fb2fd9557e0 in mpd_status_get_state () from /usr/lib/
The only way I can think of to make the program safe is to establish a new connection in every iteration, which I was hoping to avoid. But then what if the connection is lost between individual calls to libmpdclient functions? How often, and more importantly how exactly, should I check if the connection is still alive?
The only way I could find that really works (beyond reestablishing a connection with each run) is using the idle command. If mpd_recv_idle (or mpd_run_idle) returns 0, it is an error condition, and you can take that as a cue to free your connection and run from there.
It's not a perfect solution, but it does let you keep a live connection between runs, and it helps you avoid segfaults (though I don't think you can completely avoid them, because if you send a command and mpd is killed before you recv it, I'm pretty sure the library still segfaults). I'm not sure if there is a better solution. It would be fantastic if there was a reliable way to detect if your connection was still alive via the API, but I can't find anything of the sort. It doesn't seem like libmpdclient is well-built for very long-lived connections that have to deal with mpd instances that go up and down over time.
Another lower-level option is to use sockets to interact with MPD through its protocol directly, though in doing that you'd likely reimplement much of libmpdclient itself anyway.
EDIT: Unfortunately, the idle command does block until something happens, and can sit blocking for as long as a single audio track will last, so if you need your program to do other things in the interim, you have to find a way to implement it asynchronously or in another thread.
Assuming "conn" is a connection created with "mpd_connection_new":
if (mpd_connection_get_error(conn) == MPD_ERROR_CLOSED) {
// mpd_connection_get_error_message(conn)
// will return "Connection closed by the server"
You can run this check after almost any libmpdclient call, including "mpd_recv_idle" or (as per your example) "mpd_run_status".
I'm using libmpdclient 2.18, and this certainly works for me.

Using DHCP libraries results infinite loop

I have a code that uses DHCP libararies(package : 4.2.6) to get the hardware address of the DHCP client connected to the system. During this process after DHCP objects got initialized, i tried dhcp_connect() as follows which results into an infinte loop.
dhcpctl_initialize ();
status=dhcpctl_connect (&connection, "", 7911, 0);
When i tried to debug the issue, i found a function "omapi_wait_for_completion"(in ompai/dispatch.c), has a do-while check for waiter object and its status, the object should change its state to ready to come out of the this loop, but this is never happened which results into an infinite loop.
Here i am just copying the loop as a reference.
do {
status = omapi_one_dispatch ((omapi_object_t *)waiter, t);
if (status != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
return status;
} while (!waiter || !waiter -> ready);
There is no issue when i run the binary generated from the code in system command line, but when i trigger the same command through an application we have this issue.
The application that triggers my binary doesn't uses DHCP libraries or files.
Please note that same binary with the same application is working
fine with older DHCP package (3.0.5).
Thanks in advance for your help.

How to configure GDB in Eclipse such that all prcoesses keep on running including the process being debugged?

I am new in C programming and I have been trying hard to customize an opensource tool written in C according to my organizational needs.
IDE: Eclipse,
Debugger: GDB,
The tool is multi-process in nature (main process executes first time and spawns several child processes using fork() ) and they share values in run time.
While debugging in Eclipse (using GDB), I find that the process being debugged is only running while other processes are in suspended mode. Thus, the only running process is not able to do its intended job because the other processes are suspended.
I saw somewhere that using MI command in GDB as "set non-stop on" could make other processes running. I used the same command in the gdbinit file shown below:
Note: I have overridden above .gdbinit file with an another gdbinit because the .gdbinit is not letting me to debug child processes as debugger terminates after the execution of main process.
But unfortunately debugger stops responding after using this command.
Please see below commands I am using in the gdbinit file:
Commenting non-stop enables Eclipse to continue usual debugging of the current process.
Adding: You can see in below image that only one process is running while others are suspended.
Can anyone please help me to configure GDB according to my requirement?
Thanks in advance.
OK #n.m.: Actually, You were right. I should have given more time to understand the flow of the code.
The tool creates 3 processes first and then the third process creates 5 threads and keeps on wait() for any child thread to terminate.
Top 5 threads (highlighted in blue) shown in the below image are threads and they are children of Process ID: 17991
The first two processes are intended to initiate basic functionality of the tool and hence they just wait to get exit(0). You can see below.
if (0 != (pid = zbx_fork()))
signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
if (0 != (pid = zbx_fork()))
That was the reason I was not actually able to step in these 3 processes. Whenever, I tried to do so, the whole main process terminated immediately and consequently leaded to terminate all other processes.
So, I learned that I was supposed to "step-into" threads only. And yes, actually I can now debug :)
And this could be achieved because I had to remove the MI command "set follow-fork-mode child". So, I just used the default " .gdbinit" file with enabled "Automatically debug forked process".
Thanks everyone for your input. Stackoverflow is an awesome place to learn and share. :)

libssh2 session cleanup without blocking?

My app uses libssh2 to communicate over SSH, and generally works fine. One problem I have is when the remote host dies unexpectedly -- the remote host in this case is an embedded device that can lose power at any time, so this isn't uncommon.
When that happens, my app detects that the remote computer has stopped responding to pings, and tears down the local end of the SSH connection like this:
void SSHSession :: CleanupSession()
if (_uploadFileChannel)
_uploadFileChannel = NULL;
if (_sendCommandsChannel)
_sendCommandsChannel = NULL;
if (_session)
libssh2_session_disconnect(_session, "bye bye");
_session = NULL;
Pretty straightforward, but the problem is that the libssh2_channel_free() calls can block for a long time waiting for the remote end to respond to the "I'm going away now" message, which it will never do because it's powered off... but in the meantime, my app is frozen (blocked in the cleanup-routine), which isn't good.
Is there any way (short of hacking libssh2) to avoid this? I'd like to just tear down the local SSH data structures, and never block during this tear-down. (I suppose I could simply leak the SSH session memory, or delegate it to a different thread, but those seem like ugly hacks rather than proper solutions)
I'm not experienced with libssh2, but perhaps we can get different behavior out of libssh2 by using libssh2_session_disconnect_ex and a different disconnect reason: SSH_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOST.
libssh2_session_disconnect is equivalent to using libssh2_session_disconnect_ex with the reason SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION. If libssh2 knows that the connection is lost, maybe it won't try to talk to the other side.
Set to non-blocking mode and take the control of reading data from the socket to your hand by setting callback function to read data from the soket using libssh2_session_callback_set with LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_RECV for cbtype
void *libssh2_session_callback_set(LIBSSH2_SESSION *session, int cbtype, void *callback);
If you can't read data from the socket due to error ENOTCONN that means remote end has closed the socket or connection failed, then return -ENOTCONN in your callback function
