Going Headless in Selenium with Chrome using Python Executing, But Throwing Errors - selenium-webdriver

Based off the answer here I am trying to get Chrome to run headless in my script.
The snippet of code below is inside of a function called login() that logs into our ERP system:
if headless == True:
options = Options()
options.headless = True
#Load webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options, executable_path=r'C:/Users/d.kelly/Desktop/Python/chromedriver_win32/chromedriver.exe')
if headless == False:
driver = webdriver.Chrome('C:/Users/d.kelly/Desktop/Python/chromedriver_win32/chromedriver.exe')
window_before_login = driver.window_handles[0]
### Removed Code Block that fills out login form and clicks 'Login' button ###
# Switch to new window ERP (PLEX) launches and close original blank one no longer needed.
window_before_login = driver.window_handles[0]
window_title = driver.title
When I call my function like so:
It throws no errors and my entire script executes just fine.
When I call my function like this:
def login(headless=True)
I get the following errors:
DevTools listening on ws://
[0204/072436.206:INFO:CONSOLE(6)] "Error parsing a meta element's content: ';' is not a valid key-value pair separator. Please use ',' instead.", source: https://test.plexonline.com/modules/systemadministration/login/index.aspx? (6)
[0204/072437.699:INFO:CONSOLE(6)] "Error parsing a meta element's content: ';' is not a valid key-value pair separator. Please use ',' instead.", source: https://test.plexonline.com/Modules/SystemAdministration/Login/Index.aspx (6)
[0204/072437.722:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Scripts may close only the windows that were opened by it.", source: (1)
[0204/072441.162:INFO:CONSOLE(751)] "Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.", source: https://test.plexonline.com/Modules/scripts/ajax.js (751)
I am using Chrome Version 79.0.3945.130 (Official Build) (64-bit), Selenium 3.141.0, and Python 3.7.4.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Thank you!


Integrating Jmeter With Selenium error is showing

when I Integrating Jmeter With Selenium and run it the error is showing.
anyone please help me .
Thread Name:Thread Group 1-1
Sample Start:2022-03-06 14:01:19 IST
Load time:0
Connect Time:0
Size in bytes:1006
Sent bytes:0
Headers size in bytes:0
Body size in bytes:1006
Sample Count:1
Error Count:1
Data type ("text"|"bin"|""):text
Response code:500
Response message:In file: inline evaluation of: WDS.sampleResult.sampleStart() WDS.browser.get('https://www.facebook.com') WDS.s . . . '' Encountered "WDS" at line 2, column 1. in inline evaluation of: WDS.sampleResult.sampleStart() WDS.browser.get('https://www.facebook.com') WDS.s . . . '' at line number 2
SampleResult fields:
ContentType: text/plain
DataEncoding: UTF-8
Make sure to install Selenium/WebDriver Support package using JMeter Plugins Manager, this way you will get the WebDriver Sampler
Add the configuration element for your browser and provide binary and/or driver details there
Add WebDriver Sampler to your test plan and put your code there
Your error means that you're trying to run your code using Beanshell interpreter and you're using incorrect syntax, i.e.
Strings should be surrounded by double quotation marks
There should be semicolons at the end of every statement
Something like:
Otherwise check the page where you did get the code and pay attention to the language of the WebDriver Sampler, the default is javascript, the recommended is groovy

Problem in R: package reticulate does not work with doparallel

I recently bumped into a new problem with reticulate and doparallel that I never seen before.
The following code works well with %do% (which is regular for loop) BUT NOT with %dopar% (doParallel package)
cl <- makeCluster(4)
foreach(j=1:4,.combine=rbind,.packages = "reticulate") %dopar%
test <- "Testing to see if dopar can recognize reticulate"
py_run_string("for i in range(len(r.test)): print(i)")
Here is the error message:
"Error in { :
task 1 failed - "RuntimeError: Evaluation error: object 'test' not found."
By default, test is an R object and when using reticulate, r.test will be recognized as an object in python py_run_string. However, the dopar created different cluster and therefore the r.test is not recognized anymore. The strange thing in here is that I have test ran inside the foreach loop and reticulate loaded for each small cluster.
Any hint would help. Thanks in advance.

In Selenium webdriver, for remote Firefox how to use OSS bridge instead of w3c bridge for handshaking

I am using selenoid for remote browser testing in ruby.
In that I am using 'selenium-webdriver', 'capybara', 'rspec' for automation. And I am using attach_file method for uploading file to browser
I want to upload file on Firefox and Chrome browser but it raises error on both;
In chrome
Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownCommandError: unknown command: unknown command: session/***8d32e045e3***/se/file
In firefox
unexpected token at 'HTTP method not allowed'
So After searching I found the solution for chrome which is to set w3c option false in caps['goog:chromeOptions'] > caps['goog:chromeOptions'] = {w3c: false}
So now chrome is using OSS bridge for handshaking but I don't know how to do it in Firefox. Similar solution is not available for Firefox.
My browser capabilities are following:
if ENV['BROWSER'] == 'firefox'
caps = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.new
caps['browserName'] = 'firefox'
# caps['moz:firefoxOptions'] = {w3c: false} ## It is not working
caps = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.new
caps["browserName"] = "chrome"
caps["version"] = "81.0"
caps['goog:chromeOptions'] = {w3c: false}
caps["enableVNC"] = true
caps["screenResolution"] = "1280x800"
caps['sessionTimeout'] = '15m'
Capybara.register_driver :selenium do |app|
Capybara::Selenium::Driver.new(app, browser: :remote,
:desired_capabilities => caps,
:url => ENV["REMOTE_URL"] || "http://*.*.*.*:4444/wd/hub"
Capybara.configure do |config|
config.default_driver = :selenium
I have found the problem. There is bug in selenium server which run on java so I have to change my selenium-webdriver gem version 3.142.7 and monkey-patch.
You can find more information here about the bug and resolution.
For now I have to change my gem and monkey patch the selenium-webdriver-3.142.7\lib\selenium\webdriver\remote\w3c\commands.rb file. check for below line which is on line no 150.
upload_file: [:post, 'session/:session_id/se/file']
and update it to
upload_file: [:post, 'session/:session_id/file']
i had a similar issue with rails 7. the issue is connected with the w3c standard. the core problem is that the webdriver for chrome uses a non-w3c standard url for handling file uploads. when uploading a file, the webdriver uses the /se/file url path to upload. this path is only supported by the selenium server. subsequently, the docker image provided by selenium works fine. yet, if we use chromedriver, the upload fails. more info.
we can solve this, by forcing the webdriver to use the standard-compliant url by overriding the :upload_file key in Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Bridge::COMMANDS. since, the initialization of this the COMMANDS constant does not happen when the module is loaded, we can override the attach_file method to make sure the constant is set correctly. here the hacky code:
module Capybara::Node::Actions
alias_method :original_attach_file, :attach_file
def attach_file(*args, **kwargs)
original_attach_file(*args, **kwargs)
def implement_hacky_fix_for_file_uploads_with_chromedriver
return if #hacky_fix_implemented
original_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil # ignore warnings
cmds = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Bridge::COMMANDS.dup
cmds[:upload_file] = [:post, "session/:session_id/file"]
Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Bridge.const_set(:COMMANDS, cmds)
$VERBOSE = original_verbose
#hacky_fix_implemented = true
In Firefox images we support /session/<id>/file API by adding Selenoid binary which emulates this API instead of Geckodriver (which does not implement it).

Non-interactive auto-refresh stale OAuth Token with Googlesheets package

I'm trying to automatically run an r script to download a private Google Sheet every hour. It always works fine when I'm interactively using R. It also works fine during the first hour after I automate the script with launchd.
It stops working an hour after I start automating it with launchd. I think the problem is that after one hour the access token changes, and the non-interactive version isn’t waiting for the auto refreshing of the OAuth token. Here is the error that I get from the error report:
Auto-refreshing stale OAuth token.
Error in gzfile(file, mode) : cannot open the connection
Calls: gs_auth ... -> -> cache_token -> saveRDS -> gzfile
In addition: Warning message:
In gzfile(file, mode) :
cannot open compressed file '.httr-oauth', probable reason 'Permission denied'
Execution halted
I'm using Jenny Bryan's googlesheets package. Here is the code that I initially use to register the sheet, and then save the oAuth token:
gToken <- gs_auth() # Run this the first time to get the oAuth information
saveRDS(gToken, "/Users/…/gToken.rds") # Save the oAuth information for non-interactive use
I then use the following script in the file that I automate with launchd:
gs_auth(token = "/Users/…/gToken.rds")
How can I avoid this error when running the script automatically with launchd?
I don't know about launchd but I had the same problem when I wanted to run a R script automatically from the Windows task planer. Changing the 'cache' attribute value to FALSE did the trick for me [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/pprlC.png
You can find the solution here: https://github.com/jennybc/googlesheets/issues/262
To authenticate once in the browser in order to get a token file, I did this:
token_file <- gs_auth(new_user = TRUE, cache = FALSE)
saveRDS(token_file, "googlesheets_token.rds")
Automatic login afterwards via:
gs_auth(token = paste0(path_scripts, "googlesheets_token.rds"),
verbose = TRUE, cache = FALSE)

Using PhantomJS through Selenium with Python - WebDriverException error

I am using the following code, as recommended here: Is there a way to use PhantomJS in Python?.
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
driver.set_window_size(1024, 768) # optional
driver.save_screenshot('screen.png') # save a screenshot to disk
sbtn = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('button.gbqfba')
When I try to run it I get the following error:
WebDriverException - "Unable to start phantomjs with ghostdriver."
Apparently, this error can be solved by replacing the 3rd line with:
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(executable_path='/usr/local/lib/node_modules/phantomjs/lib/phantom/bin/phantomjs')
I'm using Windows7, and the path for me appears to be: "C:\Users\myname\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\phantomjs\bin\phantomjs". I have tried using this and variations of it as the executable_path, but I still get the same error. I have also tried adding the folder location to the path. Nothing has worked. I suspect that I am missing something pretty obvious.
It was a slightly different location. The line I was looking for was:
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(executable_path=r'C:\Users\myname\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\phantomjs\lib\phantom\phantomjs')
