How to connect a Python UnetSocket to an Agent that I have created using agentForService? - unetstack

I am trying to make a link between a Python script and a simulation running on UnetSim.
I want to send messages from Python and receive them in UnetStack using a Python_Agent.groovy that I created and added to container of each node in the simulation. I also want to do the reverse.
I used the fjage documentation ( to help me. The problem is that in gateway class Services there is not the PYTHON_AGENT Service that I created. I can understand that as my enum Services does not modified class Services where there are NODE_INFO, PHYSICAL etc...
My question is then how the example in the documentation 1.6.3 works ? And is it applicable to my case ?
Here is my code :
from unetpy import *
from fjagepy import *
import socket
node_address = '001'
host = socket.gethostname()
sock = UnetSocket(host, int(node_address) + 1100)
gw = sock.getGateway()
py_agent = gw.agentForService(Services.PYTHON_AGENT)
py_agent << DatagramReq(data = '$A001')
rsp = py_agent.receive()
print (rsp)
//! Simulation : Initialisation python
import org.arl.fjage.RealTimePlatform
import org.arl.fjage.*
import org.arl.unet.*
import org.arl.unet.phy.*
import org.arl.unet.sim.*
import org.arl.unet.sim.channels.*
import static org.arl.unet.Services.*
import static org.arl.unet.phy.Physical.*
// simulation settings
platform = RealTimePlatform // use real-time mode
// channel and modem settings
channel = [
model: ProtocolChannelModel,
soundSpeed: 1500.mps,
modem.model = USMARTModem
modem.dataRate = [640.bps, 6400.bps]
modem.frameLength = [16.bytes, 64.bytes]
modem.powerLevel = [0.dB, -10.dB]
modem.headerLength = 0
modem.preambleDuration = 0
modem.txDelay = 0
// nodes settings and geometry
def beacons = 2..4 // 3 anchors from 2 to 4
def sensors = 5..104 // 100 sensors from 5 to 104
def nodeLocation = [:]
def D = 4000.m // side of the simulation area
def L = 400.m // distance between two node
nodeLocation[1] = [D/2-L, D/2 -L, -5.m] //masterAnchor
nodeLocation[2] = [D/2+L, D/2 -L, -5.m]
nodeLocation[3] = [D/2, D/2+L, -5.m]
nodeLocation[4] = [D/2, D/2, -500.m]
sensors.each { myAddr ->
nodeLocation[myAddr] = [rnd(0, D), rnd(0, D), rnd(-480.m, -500.m)]
// simulation details
simulate {
node '1', address: 1, location: nodeLocation[1], web: 8101, api: 1101, shell: true, stack: {
container -> container.add 'py_agent' + 1, new Python_Agent()
beacons.each { myAddr ->
def myNode = node("${myAddr}", address: myAddr, location: nodeLocation[myAddr], web: 8100 + myAddr , api: 1100 + myAddr,
stack: {container ->
container.add 'py_agent' + myAddr, new Python_Agent()})
sensors.each { myAddr ->
def myNode = node("${myAddr}", address: myAddr, location: nodeLocation[myAddr], web: 8100 + myAddr, api: 1100 + myAddr,
stack: {container ->
container.add 'py_agent' + myAddr, new Python_Agent()})
import org.arl.fjage.*
import org.arl.unet.*
enum Services {
class Python_Agent extends UnetAgent {
String fromNode;
String toNode;
String toClient;
def nodeInfo;
def myLocation;
def myAddress;
def phy;
void setup() {
register Services.PYTHON_AGENT
void startup() {
nodeInfo = agentForService(Services.NODE_INFO)
myLocation = nodeInfo.location
myAddress = nodeInfo.address
println('pyAgent ' + myAddress + ' works')
void processMessage(Message msg) {
if (msg instanceof DatagramNtf /*&& msg.protocol == NODE_STATUS_PROTOCOL*/) {
println("Node "+ myAddress+ ' receiving ' + msg.text +' from ' + msg.from +" protocol is "+ msg.protocol)
toNode =
The first error that i get is :
1 error
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
C:\Users\mathi\OneDrive\Bureau\unet-3.0.0\FakeModem\python.groovy: 85: Enum constructor calls are only allowed inside the enum class
. At [85:50] # line 85, column 50.
container.add 'py_agent' + 1, new Python
then if I comment the enum part and modifie the setup part, the simulation works
void setup() {
register 'PYTHON_AGENT'
When I run, I get the error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 11, in <module>
py_agent = gw.agentForService(Services.PYTHON_AGENT)
AttributeError: type object 'Services' has no attribute 'PYTHON_AGENT'
The end of the log on UnetStack is here:
1582820223131 INFO Python_Agent/84#1903:println pyAgent 84 works
1582820223132 INFO Python_Agent/39#1633:println pyAgent 39 works
1582820415798 INFO org.arl.unet.sim.SimulationMasterContainer#48:connected Incoming connection tcp:///
1582820415875 INFO org.arl.unet.sim.SimulationMasterContainer#2131:connectionClosed Connection tcp:/// closed
Thank you for your help
Thanks to your message and some research I am now able to send and receive message between UnetStack and Python by using MessageBehavior and GenericMessage.
I want my simulation to receive more than one message but as my add new MessageBehavior is in startup() of my PythonAgent.groovy I need as much add new MessageBehavior as message that I send.
I tested to put it on a processMessage(Message msg) but it seems this method does not recognize GenericMessage().
The question could be how to use MessageBehavior more than one time...
Here is my code :
# Need to run the script two times. First time UnetStack don't get the Message
# I don't know where the bug come from
serport = serial.Serial()
nodeID = '001'
nodeID_ping = '002'
command = b'$A' + nodeID.encode()
ack_msg = serport.readline()
print('ack_msg : ', ack_msg)
ping_command = b'$P' + nodeID_ping.encode()
ack_msg = serport.readline()
print('ack_msg :', ack_msg)
rsp_msg = serport.readline()
print('rsp_msg :', rsp_msg)
from unetpy import *
import socket
import clientSocket
# a Serial class emulator
class Serial:
## init(): the constructor. Many of the arguments have default values
# and can be skipped when calling the constructor.
def __init__( self, port='5000', baudrate = 19200, timeout=1, write_timeout=1,
bytesize = 8, parity = 'N', stopbits = 1, xonxoff=0,
rtscts = 0):
self.last_instruction = ''
self.nodeID = ''
self.remote_nodeID = ''
self.command = ''
self._isOpen = True
self._receivedData = ''
self._data = 'It was the best of times.\nIt was the worst of times.\n'
self.phy = ''
self.pySocket = ''
## write()
# writes a string of characters to the Arduino
def write( self, string):
self.command = string.decode()
_type = None
print( 'FakeSerial got: ' + self.command)
if (self.command[0:2] == '$A' and len(self.command) == 5):
_type = 'set_address'
self.nodeID = string[2:]
self.pySocket = clientSocket.clientSocket(self.nodeID) # initialize the clientSocket class
self.pySocket.sendData(_type) # need to fix the rsp Generic Message on UnetStack
self.last_instruction = 'SET_ADDRESS_INSTRUCTION'
elif (self.command[0:2] == '$P' and len(self.command) == 5):
_type = 'ping'
to_addr = self.command[2:]
# print(to_addr, type(to_addr))
self.pySocket.sendData(_type, to_addr)
self.last_instruction = "PING_INSTRUCTION"
print("write FAILURE")
## readline()
# reads characters from the fake Arduino until a \n is found.
def readline( self ):
self._receivedData = self.pySocket.receiveData()
return self._receivedData
import socket
from unetpy import *
from fjagepy import *
class clientSocket:
def __init__(self, nodeID = '001'): = socket.gethostname()
self.nodeID = int(nodeID)
self.port = int(nodeID) + 1100
self.sock = UnetSocket(, self.port) = self.sock.getGateway()
self.pyagent = 'pyagent' + str(self.nodeID)
def sendData(self, _type, to_addr = '000' , data = 'None'):
IDreq = 1
# gmsg = GenericMessage(perf = Performative.REQUEST, recipient = pyagent)
# gmsg.IDreq = IDreq
IDreq = IDreq + 1
gmsg2 = GenericMessage(perf = Performative.REQUEST, recipient = self.pyagent)
gmsg2.type = _type
gmsg2.from_addr = self.nodeID
gmsg2.to_addr = int(to_addr) = data
gmsg2.IDreq = IDreq
IDreq = 0
def receiveData( self ):
rgmsg =, 4000)
print ('UnetStack state :', rgmsg.state)
# print ('rsp :',
# print('Ping time is', rgmsg.time_ping, 'ms')
import org.arl.fjage.RealTimePlatform
import org.arl.fjage.*
import org.arl.unet.*
import org.arl.unet.sim.channels.*
platform = RealTimePlatform // use real-time mode
// channel and modem settings
channel = [
model: ProtocolChannelModel,
soundSpeed: 1500.mps,
modem.model = USMARTModem
modem.dataRate = [640.bps, 6400.bps]
modem.frameLength = [16.bytes, 64.bytes]
modem.powerLevel = [0.dB, -10.dB]
modem.headerLength = 0
modem.preambleDuration = 0
modem.txDelay = 0
simulate {
node '1', address: 1, web: 8101, api: 1101, stack: {
container -> container.add 'pyagent1', new PythonAgent()
node '2', address: 2,location: [500.m ,500.m, -500.m], web: 8102, api: 1102, stack: {
container -> container.add 'pyagent2', new PythonAgent()
import org.arl.fjage.*
import org.arl.unet.*
import org.arl.unet.phy.RxFrameNtf
import org.arl.unet.phy.TxFrameNtf
class PythonAgent extends UnetAgent {
final static int PING_PROTOCOL = 10;
final static int NODE_STATUS_PROTOCOL = 11;
final static int BROADCAST_PROTOCOL = 12;
final static int UNICAST_PROTOCOL = 13;
final static int UNICAST_ACK_PROTOCOL = 14;
final static int TEST_MSG_PROTOCOL = 15;
final static int ECHO_PROTOCOL = 16;
final static int QUALITY_PROTOCOL = 17;
def nodeInfo;
def phy;
def myLocation;
def myAddress;
def IDreq = 0;
def time_ping = null;
def function_state = null;
def data_to_py = null;
void startup() {
println( + ' running')
nodeInfo = agentForService Services.NODE_INFO
phy = agentForService Services.PHYSICAL
myLocation = nodeInfo.location
myAddress = nodeInfo.address
subscribe topic(phy)
add new MessageBehavior(GenericMessage, { req ->
println("In PythonAgent::MessageBehavior req ="+req)
if (req.performative) println("req.performative is " + req.performative)
else println("req.performative is null")
def ack = new GenericMessage(req, Performative.INFORM)
def rsp = new GenericMessage(req, Performative.INFORM)
println('IDreq = ' + req.IDreq)
if ((req.performative == Performative.REQUEST) && (req.IDreq == 2)) {
// IDreq = req.IDreq
// println('IDreq = ' + IDreq)
// "Generic message request of type ${req.type}"
function_state = 'None';
data_to_py = 'None';
switch (req.type) {
case 'set_address':
println("Handling set_address")
ack.state = "Handling set_address" = '#A' + corrected_address(myAddress);
send ack; =; break;
add new MessageBehavior(GenericMessage, { req ->
println("In PythonAgent::MessageBehavior req ="+req)
if (req.performative) println("req.performative is " + req.performative)
else println("req.performative is null")
def ack = new GenericMessage(req, Performative.INFORM)
def rsp = new GenericMessage(req, Performative.INFORM)
println('IDreq = ' + req.IDreq)
if ((req.performative == Performative.REQUEST) && (req.IDreq == 2)) {
// IDreq = req.IDreq
// println('IDreq = ' + IDreq)
// "Generic message request of type ${req.type}"
function_state = 'None';
data_to_py = 'None';
switch (req.type) {
case 'set_address':
println("Handling set_address")
ack.state = "Handling set_address" = '#A' + corrected_address(myAddress);
send ack; =; break;
case 'loc':
//println("Handling localisation request");
sendUPSBeacon(); break;
case 'ping':
println("Handling ping request");
ack.state = "Handling ping request"; = '$P' + corrected_address(req.to_addr);
send ack;
rsp.time_ping = time_ping; break;
case 'exe':
//println("Handling exe request");
exe(); break;
case 'sense':
//println("Handling sense request");
sense(); break;
default: println "Unknown request";
//println "In USMARTBaseAnchorDaemon::MessageBehavior, just after exe"
rsp.state = function_state = data_to_py
println "In PythonAgent::MessageBehavior, rsp is " + rsp
send rsp
void ping(to_addr) {
println "Pinging ${to_addr} at ${nanoTime()}"
DatagramReq req = new DatagramReq(to: to_addr, protocol: PING_PROTOCOL)
phy << req
def txNtf = receive(TxFrameNtf, 10000) // TO-DO:check protocol
def rxNtf = receive({ it instanceof RxFrameNtf && it.from ==}, 10000)
if (txNtf && rxNtf && rxNtf.from == {
time_ping = (rxNtf.rxTime-txNtf.txTime)/1000 //in ms
println("Response from ${rxNtf.from}: ")
println("Response from ${rxNtf.from}: time = ${time_ping}ms")
function_state = 'Ping processed'
data_to_py = "#R" + corrected_address(to_addr) + 'T' +
else {
function_state = 'Ping Request timeout'
println (function_state)
void processMessage(Message msg) {
// pong
if (msg instanceof DatagramNtf && msg.protocol == PING_PROTOCOL) {
println("pong : Node "+ myAddress + ' from ' + msg.from +" protocol is "+ msg.protocol)
send new DatagramReq(recipient: msg.sender, to: msg.from, data: as byte[], protocol: PING_PROTOCOL)
println ('processMessage energy : ' +
String corrected_address(address) {
address = address.toString()
if (address.size() == 1) address = '00' + address
if (address.size() == 2) address = '0' + address
return address
import org.arl.fjage.Message
import org.arl.unet.sim.HalfDuplexModem
import org.arl.fjage.*
import org.arl.unet.*
import org.arl.unet.phy.*
import org.arl.unet.sim.*
import org.arl.unet.sim.channels.*
import static org.arl.unet.Services.*
import static org.arl.unet.phy.Physical.*
Ptx= V*Itx //power consumed in transmission in watt
Prx = V*Irx //power consumed in receiving packets in watt
Etx = Math.floor(avgSent)*(Ptx*0.3675)
energyAll = (Math.floor(avgSent)*(Ptx*0.3675)) + (Math.floor(avgReceived)*(Prx*0.3675)) // total energy consumed for all the packets sent and received throughout the simulation
// EtxSubset = Math.floor(avgTxCountNs)*(Ptx*0.3675) // energy consumed in transmitiing 25% of packets in Joul
bytesDelivered = Math.floor(avgReceived)* modem.frameLength[1]
JPerBit = energyAll/(bytesDelivered * 8)
//Duration of data packet in seconds = data packet size (in bits)/bandwidth (in bps) = (15*8)/50000 = 0.0024
class USMARTModem extends HalfDuplexModem {
static final def txPower = -17.dB
static final def acousticDataRate = 640.bps
static final def payLoadSize = 5.bytes
static final def headerDuration = (30+75+200)/1000 //in seconds --> in our case nanomodem v3 provides us with the header (in ms) to add to the actual payload in the frame length.. refer to the modem datasheet
static final def V = 5 // supply voltage in volt
static final def Itx = 0.3, Irx = 0.005, Iidle = 0.0025 //current in Am
float payLoadDuration = (payLoadSize*8)/acousticDataRate //in seconds
float dataPacketDuration = payLoadDuration +headerDuration //in seconds
float energy = 2000 //initial energy in Joule
float test = energy+1
float Ptx = V*Itx, Prx=V*Irx, Pidle = V*Iidle //power in watt
float totalEtx =0
float totalErx =0
float totalEidle =0
float totalEnergyConsumed =0
float Etx = Ptx * dataPacketDuration //Energy in Joul
float Erx = Prx * dataPacketDuration
float Eidle = Pidle * dataPacketDuration
// float power = 0.00001995262315 //in watt (-17 in db=10log(p/1mw) .. so p = 10to the power -1.7 = 0.00001995262315
// BigDecimal Ptx = (Math.pow(10.0,(txPower/10) ))/1000 //????
// BigDecimal Etx= Ptx *((frameLength[1]*8)/640) // This is consumed energy (in transmission) Etx = Ptx*time it takes to tramsnit tha packet
//float Etx =10
boolean send(Message m) {
if (m instanceof TxFrameNtf)
energy -= Etx// Remaining energy
totalEtx += Etx //total energy consumed in tx
if (m instanceof RxFrameNtf)
energy -= Erx // Remaining energy
totalErx += Erx //total energy consumed in rx
energy-= Eidle //Remaining energy
totalEidle += Eidle //total energy consumed while Eidle
totalEnergyConsumed = totalEtx+totalErx+totalEidle
return super.send(m)
Sorry for the very very long post...I think everything was necessary to understand the code

A few problems in your original code:
You don't need to create a service, since you can address the agent by its name. This should be sufficient for your example here.
To process a request (DatagramReq from your Python code), you should override the processRequest() method in the agent.
Here's a simplified example based on your original code:
import org.arl.fjage.*
import org.arl.unet.*
class PythonAgent extends UnetAgent {
void startup() {
println('pyAgent running')
Message processRequest(Message msg) {
if (msg instanceof DatagramReq) {
println('Got a DatagramNtf')
// do whatever you want with the request
return new Message(msg, Performative.AGREE)
return null
import org.arl.fjage.RealTimePlatform
platform = RealTimePlatform // use real-time mode
simulate {
node '1', address: 1, web: 8101, api: 1101, stack: {
container -> container.add 'pyagent', new PythonAgent()
from unetpy import *
from fjagepy import *
sock = UnetSocket('localhost', 1101) # node 1's API port as per sim script
gw = sock.getGateway()
pyagent = gw.agent('pyagent') # agent name as per sim script
rsp = pyagent << DatagramReq()

Thank you, I did not knew I needed to #Override. I still have a question, how can I put data in my DatagramReq that I can extract in UnetStack ?
I tried this as a first solution looking at the Handbook but it doesn't works..
import org.arl.fjage.*
import org.arl.unet.*
class PythonAgent extends UnetAgent {
void startup() {
println('pyAgent running')
Message processRequest(Message msg) {
if (msg instanceof DatagramReq) {
println('Got a DatagramNtf')
// do whatever you want with the request
return new Message(msg, Performative.AGREE)
return null
from unetpy import *
from fjagepy import *
sock = UnetSocket('localhost', 1101) # node 1's API port as per sim script
gw = sock.getGateway()
pyagent = gw.agent('pyagent') # agent name as per sim script
rsp1 = pyagent << DatagramReq( data = [42])
rsp2 = pyagent << DatagramReq( data = 'data_string')
print(rsp1, rsp2)
On the Python terminal I will get Agree None. I can transmit an array but not a string ?
The log print
Incoming connection tcp:///
1583166206032 INFO PythonAgent/1#2643:println Got a DatagramNtf
1583166206032 INFO PythonAgent/1#2643:println [B#4e3d88df
1583166206033 WARNING org.arl.fjage.remote.ConnectionHandler#2670:run Bad JSON request: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal base64 character 5f in {"action": "send", "relay": true, "message": { "clazz": "org.arl.unet.DatagramReq", "data": {"msgID":"492ac9dd-c2bf-4c0c-9198-3b32fb416f33","perf":"REQUEST","recipient":"pyagent","sender":"PythonGW-c8e66e0f-b5d5-433b-bfa9-09be708ab4c9","inReplyTo":null,"data":"data_string"} }}
1583166207081 INFO org.arl.unet.sim.SimulationMasterContainer#2670:connectionClosed Connection tcp:/// closed
[B#4e3d88df correspond to [42] but I don't know how to decode it. And in fact I am more interested in sending string than array. I have a track about using PDU but how could it works with Python ?


I want to write ORC file using Flink's Streaming File Sink but it doesn’t write files correctly

I am reading data from Kafka and trying to write it to the HDFS file system in ORC format. I have used the below link reference from their official website. But I can see that Flink write exact same content for all data and make so many files and all files are ok 103KB
Please find my code below.
object BeaconBatchIngest extends StreamingBase {
val env: StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
def getTopicConfig(configs: List[Config]): Map[String, String] = (for (config: Config <- configs) yield (config.getString("sourceTopic"), config.getString("destinationTopic"))).toMap
def setKafkaConfig():Unit ={
val kafkaParams = new Properties()
kafkaParams.setProperty("", DEFAULT_KAFKA_GROUP_ID)
kafkaParams.setProperty("auto.offset.reset", "latest")
val kafka_consumer:FlinkKafkaConsumer[String] = new FlinkKafkaConsumer[String]("sourceTopics", new SimpleStringSchema(),kafkaParams)
val stream: DataStream[DataParse] = env.addSource(kafka_consumer).map(new temp)
val schema: String = "struct<_col0:string,_col1:bigint,_col2:string,_col3:string,_col4:string>"
val writerProperties = new Properties()
writerProperties.setProperty("orc.compress", "ZLIB")
val writerFactory = new OrcBulkWriterFactory(new PersonVectorizer(schema),writerProperties,new org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration);
val sink: StreamingFileSink[DataParse] = StreamingFileSink
.forBulkFormat(new Path("hdfs://warehousestore/hive/warehouse/metrics_test.db/upp_raw_prod/hour=1/"), writerFactory)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
class temp extends MapFunction[String,DataParse]{
override def map(record: String): DataParse = {
new DataParse(record)
class DataParse(data : String){
val parsedJason = parse(data)
val timestamp = compact(render(parsedJason \ "timestamp")).replaceAll("\"", "").toLong
val event = compact(render(parsedJason \ "event")).replaceAll("\"", "")
val source_id = compact(render(parsedJason \ "source_id")).replaceAll("\"", "")
val app = compact(render(parsedJason \ "app")).replaceAll("\"", "")
val json = data
class PersonVectorizer(schema: String) extends Vectorizer[DataParse](schema) {
override def vectorize(element: DataParse, batch: VectorizedRowBatch): Unit = {
val eventColVector = batch.cols(0).asInstanceOf[BytesColumnVector]
val timeColVector = batch.cols(1).asInstanceOf[LongColumnVector]
val sourceIdColVector = batch.cols(2).asInstanceOf[BytesColumnVector]
val appColVector = batch.cols(3).asInstanceOf[BytesColumnVector]
val jsonColVector = batch.cols(4).asInstanceOf[BytesColumnVector]
timeColVector.vector(batch.size + 1) = element.timestamp
eventColVector.setVal(batch.size + 1, element.event.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
sourceIdColVector.setVal(batch.size + 1, element.source_id.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
appColVector.setVal(batch.size + 1,
jsonColVector.setVal(batch.size + 1, element.json.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
With bulk formats (such as ORC), the StreamingFileSink rolls over to new files with every checkpoint. If you reduce the checkpointing interval (currently 5 seconds), it won't write so many files.

No checkpoint files are created in my simple application

I have the following simple flink application running within IDE, and I do a checkpoint every 5 seconds, and would like to write the checkpoint data into directory file:///d:/applog/out/mycheckpoint/, but after running for a while, i stop the application,but I didn't find anything under the directory file:///d:/applog/out/mycheckpoint/
The code is:
import java.util.Date
import io.github.streamingwithflink.util.DateUtil
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.{ListState, ListStateDescriptor}
import org.apache.flink.api.scala._
import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.filesystem.FsStateBackend
import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.{FunctionInitializationContext, FunctionSnapshotContext}
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.checkpoint.CheckpointedFunction
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.CheckpointConfig.ExternalizedCheckpointCleanup
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.source.SourceFunction
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.{DataStream, StreamExecutionEnvironment}
object SourceFunctionExample {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
env.getCheckpointConfig.setCheckpointInterval(5 * 1000)
env.setStateBackend(new FsStateBackend("file:///d:/applog/out/mycheckpoint/"))
val numbers: DataStream[Long] = env.addSource(new ReplayableCountSource)
class ReplayableCountSource extends SourceFunction[Long] with CheckpointedFunction {
var isRunning: Boolean = true
var cnt: Long = _
var offsetState: ListState[Long] = _
override def run(ctx: SourceFunction.SourceContext[Long]): Unit = {
while (isRunning && cnt < Long.MaxValue) {
ctx.getCheckpointLock.synchronized {
// increment cnt
cnt += 1
override def cancel(): Unit = isRunning = false
override def snapshotState(snapshotCtx: FunctionSnapshotContext): Unit = {
println("snapshotState is called at " + DateUtil.format(new Date) + s", cnt is ${cnt}")
// remove previous cnt
// add current cnt
override def initializeState(initCtx: FunctionInitializationContext): Unit = {
// obtain operator list state to store the current cnt
val desc = new ListStateDescriptor[Long]("offset", classOf[Long])
offsetState = initCtx.getOperatorStateStore.getListState(desc)
// initialize cnt variable from the checkpoint
val it = offsetState.get()
cnt = if (null == it || !it.iterator().hasNext) {
} else {
println("initializeState is called at " + DateUtil.format(new Date) + s", cnt is ${cnt}")
I tested the application on Windows and Linux and in both cases the checkpoint files were created as expected.
Note that the program keeps running if a checkpoint fails, for example due to some permission errors or invalid path.
Flink logs a WARN message with the exception that caused the checkpoint to fail.

Finding distance between two nodes using using unetstack with groovy script

I am implementing a routing protocol for underwater communication networks based on the distance between neighboring nodes. I created an agent and written a script to find the distance between neighboring node using a ranging agent but I am getting an error
No such property: ranging for class:.
I will attach scripts I wrote.
3-node-network_test.groovy : It is a simulation script in which I deployed 3 nodes. Node 1 is the sink node, in which ranging agent and sink script will be executed.
Node 2 and 3 are running "ranging agent" and "node_agent".
sink.groovy: Will initialize the beaconing process by broadcasting a beacon.
node_agent: Which receives a beacon from the sink and identify the distance to sink. Here I have written script to find the distance to sink using:
complete script. how to find distance in unetstack?
//! Simulation: Simple 3-node network
import org.arl.fjage.*
// run the simulation forever
simulate {
node '1', remote: 1101, address: 1, location: [,, -15.m], shell: true, stack: {container ->
container.add 'ranging', new org.arl.unet.phy.Ranging() "${script.parent}/sink.groovy"
node '2', remote: 1102, address: 2, location: [,, -15.m], shell: 5102, stack: {container ->
container.add 'ranging', new org.arl.unet.phy.Ranging();
// "${script.parent}/sink.groovy"
container.add 'node_agent', new node_agent();
node '3', remote: 1103, address: 3, location: [,, -15.m], shell: 5103, stack: { container ->
container.add 'ranging', new org.arl.unet.phy.Ranging()
container.add 'node_agent', new node_agent();
import org.arl.unet.*
import org.arl.unet.phy.*
import org.arl.unet.mac.*
//import org.arl.unet.nodeinfo.NodeInfo
import org.arl.unet.PDU
import org.arl.fjage.*
import static org.arl.unet.Services.*
import static org.arl.unet.phy.Physical.*
import org.arl.unet.phy.Ranging.*
int hc = 0, ad;
float neighbor_dist;
float rang
subscribe phy;
send = { count = 1 ->
println ''' BROADCASTING '''
count.times {
phy << new DatagramReq(to: Address.BROADCAST, protocol: Protocol.MAC, data: [node.address, hc, 0]);
import org.arl.fjage.Message
import org.arl.unet.*
import org.arl.unet.phy.*
import org.arl.unet.mac.*
import org.arl.fjage.RealTimePlatform
import org.arl.unet.nodeinfo.NodeInfo
import org.arl.fjage.*
import org.arl.unet.phy.Ranging.*
import org.arl.unet.phy.RangeNtf.*
import org.arl.unet.phy.RangeReq
class node_agent extends UnetAgent {
int neighbor, addr;
float neighbor_distance;
void startup()
def phy = agentForService Services.PHYSICAL;
subscribe topic(phy);
def rang = agentForService Services.RANGING;
subscribe topic(rang);
def nodeInfo = agentForService Services.NODE_INFO;
addr = nodeInfo.address;
void processMessage(Message msg) {
if (msg instanceof DatagramNtf && msg.protocol == Protocol.MAC)
neighbor = msg.from;
println " BEACON RECEIVED FROM:" +neighbor
ranging<< new RangeReq(to: neighbor);
else if (msg instanceof RangeNtf )
float neighbor_distance = msg.getRange();
println " Distance between node "+addr + " and neighbor" +neighbor+ "is" + neighbor_dis
} // End of if*/
else {
} //End of process message
The RangeReq needs to be sent to the ranging agent. You can get the agent using agentForService Services.RANGING. Since you're looking it up in the startup() anyway, you can store it in an attribute and use it later to request range. Something like:
def ranging
void startup()
ranging = agentForService Services.RANGING;
void processMessage(Message msg)
if (msg instanceof DatagramNtf && msg.protocol == Protocol.MAC)
neighbor = msg.from;
println " BEACON RECEIVED FROM:" +neighbor
ranging << new RangeReq(to: neighbor);
else if (msg instanceof RangeNtf )
float neighbor_distance = msg.getRange();

Akka http-client can't consume all stream of data from server

Im trying to write a simple akka stream rest endpoint and client for consuming this stream. But then i try to run server and client, client is able to consume only part of stream. I can't see any exception during execution.
Here are my server and client:
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.common.{EntityStreamingSupport, JsonEntityStreamingSupport}
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import{ActorAttributes, ActorMaterializer, Attributes, Supervision}
import{Flow, Source}
import akka.util.ByteString
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol
import scala.util.Random
object WebServer {
object Model {
case class Person(id: Int = Random.nextInt(), fName: String = Random.nextString(10), sName: String = Random.nextString(10))
object JsonProtocol extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val personFormat = jsonFormat(Model.Person.apply, "id", "firstName", "secondaryName")
def main(args: Array[String]) {
implicit val system = ActorSystem("my-system")
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher
val start = ByteString.empty
val sep = ByteString("\n")
val end = ByteString.empty
import JsonProtocol._
implicit val jsonStreamingSupport: JsonEntityStreamingSupport = EntityStreamingSupport.json()
.withFramingRenderer(Flow[ByteString].intersperse(start, sep, end))
.withParallelMarshalling(parallelism = 8, unordered = false)
val decider: Supervision.Decider = {
case ex: Throwable => {
println("Exception occurs")
val persons: Source[Model.Person, NotUsed] = Source.fromIterator(
() => (0 to 1000000).map(id => Model.Person(id = id)).iterator
.map(p => { println(p); p })
val route =
path("persons") {
get {
val bindingFuture = Http().bindAndHandle(route, "localhost", 8080)
println(s"Server online at http://localhost:8080/\nPress RETURN to stop...")
.onComplete(_ => {
println("Stopping http server ...")
and client:
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpRequest, Uri}
import{ActorAttributes, ActorMaterializer, Supervision}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
object WebClient {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher
val request = HttpRequest(uri = Uri("http://localhost:8080/persons"))
val response = Http().singleRequest(request)
val attributes = ActorAttributes.withSupervisionStrategy {
case ex: Throwable => {
println("Exception occurs")
} => {
}).onComplete {
case Success(db) => => bs.utf8String).runForeach(println)
case Failure(ex) => ex.printStackTrace()
it works for 100, 1000, 10 000 persons but does not work for > 100 000'.
It looks like there is some limit for stream but i can't find it
Last record has been printed by server on my local machine is (with number 79101):
Last record on client is(with number 79048):
Maybe somebody know why it happens?
I found a solution. I have to explicitly add r.entity.withoutSizeLimit() on client and after that all works as expected

akka-http How to use MergeHub to throttle requests from client side

I use Source.queue to queue up HttpRequests and throttle it on the client side to download files from a remote server. I understand that Source.queue is not threadsafe and we need to use MergeHub to make it threadsafe. Following is the piece of code that uses Source.queue and uses cachedHostConnectionPool.
import akka.event.Logging
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.client.RequestBuilding
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpResponse, HttpRequest, Uri}
import akka.util.ByteString
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import scala.concurrent.{Promise, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
class HttpClient extends Actor with RequestBuilding {
implicit val system = context.system
val logger = Logging(system, this)
implicit lazy val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
val config = ConfigFactory.load()
val remoteHost = config.getString("")
val remoteHostPort = config.getInt("pool.connection.port")
val queueSize = config.getInt("pool.queueSize")
val throttleSize = config.getInt("pool.throttle.numberOfRequests")
val throttleDuration = config.getInt("pool.throttle.duration")
val connectionPool = Http().cachedHostConnectionPool[Promise[HttpResponse]](host = remoteHost, port = remoteHostPort)
// Construct a Queue
val requestQueue =
Source.queue[(HttpRequest, Promise[HttpResponse])](queueSize, OverflowStrategy.backpressure)
.throttle(throttleSize, throttleDuration.seconds, 1, ThrottleMode.shaping)
case ((Success(resp), p)) => p.success(resp)
case ((Failure(error), p)) => p.failure(error)
// Convert Promise[HttpResponse] to Future[HttpResponse]
def queueRequest(request: HttpRequest): Future[HttpResponse] = {
val responsePromise = Promise[HttpResponse]()
requestQueue.offer(request -> responsePromise).flatMap {
case QueueOfferResult.Enqueued => responsePromise.future
case QueueOfferResult.Dropped => Future.failed(new RuntimeException("Queue overflowed. Try again later."))
case QueueOfferResult.Failure(ex) => Future.failed(ex)
case QueueOfferResult.QueueClosed => Future.failed(new RuntimeException("Queue was closed (pool shut down) while running the request. Try again later."))
def receive = {
case "download" =>
val uri = Uri(s"http://localhost:8080/file_csv.csv")
downloadFile(uri, new File("/tmp/compass_audience.csv"))
def downloadFile(uri: Uri, destinationFilePath: File) = {
def fileSink: Sink[ByteString, Future[IOResult]] =
Flow[ByteString].buffer(512, OverflowStrategy.backpressure)
.toMat(FileIO.toPath(destinationFilePath.toPath)) (Keep.right)
// Submit to queue and execute HttpRequest and write HttpResponse to file
.via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), maximumFrameLength = 10000, allowTruncation = true))
.map(d => s"$d\n")
However, when I use MergeHub, it returns Sink[(HttpRequest, Promise[HttpResponse]), NotUsed]. I need to extract the response.entity.dataBytes and write the response to a file using a filesink. I am not able figure out how to use MergeHub to achieve this. Any help will be appreciated.
val hub: Sink[(HttpRequest, Promise[HttpResponse]), NotUsed] =
MergeHub.source[(HttpRequest, Promise[HttpResponse])](perProducerBufferSize = queueSize)
.throttle(throttleSize, throttleDuration.seconds, 1, ThrottleMode.shaping)
case ((Success(resp), p)) => p.success(resp)
case ((Failure(error), p)) => p.failure(error)
Source.Queue is actually thread safe now. If you want to use MergeHub:
private lazy val poolFlow: Flow[(HttpRequest, Promise[HttpResponse]), (Try[HttpResponse], Promise[HttpResponse]), Http.HostConnectionPool] =
Http().cachedHostConnectionPool[Promise[HttpResponse]](host).tail.head, port, connectionPoolSettings)
val ServerSink =
case ((Success(resp), p)) => p.success(resp)
case ((Failure(e), p)) => p.failure(e)
// Attach a MergeHub Source to the consumer. This will materialize to a
// corresponding Sink.
val runnableGraph: RunnableGraph[Sink[(HttpRequest, Promise[HttpResponse]), NotUsed]] =
MergeHub.source[(HttpRequest, Promise[HttpResponse])](perProducerBufferSize = 16).to(ServerSink)
val toConsumer: Sink[(HttpRequest, Promise[HttpResponse]), NotUsed] =
protected[akkahttp] def executeRequest[T](httpRequest: HttpRequest, unmarshal: HttpResponse => Future[T]): Future[T] = {
val responsePromise = Promise[HttpResponse]()
Source.single((httpRequest -> responsePromise)).runWith(toConsumer)
responsePromise.future.flatMap(handleHttpResponse(_, unmarshal))
