How to have a constant in feature scenarios in Behave - python-behave

Is there a way to set a global variable/constant in .feature files in Behave?
For an analytical service, I have many scenarios like this one
Scenario: Some scenario
Given do some action
And wait for 90 seconds while the action results are ready
Then verifying some result
And recently the requirements has updated and the service can wait for a longer time. This requirement may be changed in future. Is there a way not to find and replace all the "wait for 90 seconds" but have some constant in a feature file that I can update in one place?
My current approach is to refactor the step into wait for a reasonable time while the action results are ready and set the constant of reasonable time in Python. But in this approach, it's not clear from the tests logs what is the reasonable time for a specific run.

Waiting a constant amount of time is bad practice
Correct scenario defininition should be:
Scenario: Some scenario
Given do some action
And wait for the action results are ready
Then verifying some result
In the step implementation of "wait for the action results are ready" an active wait must be made that will end when results are ready


Salesforce Apex CPU LImit

currently we are having issue with an CPU Limit. We do have a lot of processes that are most likely not optimized, I have already combined some processes for the same object but it is not enough. I am trying to understand logs rights now - as you can see on the screenshots, there is one process that is being called multiple times (I assume each time for created record). Even if I create, for example, 60 records in one operation/dml statement, the Process Builders still gets called 60 times? (this is what I think is happening) Is that a problem we are having right now? If so, is there a better way to do it? Because right now we need updates from PB to run, but I expected it should get bulkified or something like that. I was also thinking there might be some looping between processes. If there are more information you need, please let me know. Thank you.
Well, yes, the process builder will be invoked 60 times, 1 record at a time. But that shouldn't be your problem. The final update / create child records / email send (or whatever your action is) will be bulkified, it won't save 1 record at a time. If the process calls some apex actions - they're supposed to support passing collection of records, not just single record.
You maybe looking at wrong place. CPU time suggests code problems, not config (flow, workflow, process builder... although if you're doing updates of fields on "this" record it's possible you'd benefit from before-save flows). Try to compare timestamps related to METHOD_BEGIN, METHOD_END for triggers, code methods (including invocable action / process plugin interfaces).
Maybe there's code that doesn't need to run because key fields didn't change, there's nothing to recalculate, rollup. Hard to say without seeing the debug log.
Maybe the operation doesn't have to be immediate. Think if you can offload some stuff to "scheduled actions", "time based workflows" or in apex terms "#future, batchable, queueable". But they'd have to be relatively safe to run, if there's error - it won't display to the user because the action will be in the background, you'd need to handle the errors manually (send an email, create a record, make chatter post or bell notification).
You could try uploading the log to and try to make sense out of that Gantt-chart-like output. Or capture the log "pro" way, with or (you'll likely need developer's help to make sense out of it).

TumblingProcessingTimeWindows processing with event time characteristic is not triggered

My use-case is quite simple I receive events that contain "event timestamp", and want them to be aggregated based on event time. and the output is a periodical processing time tumbling window every 10min.
More specific, the stream of data that is keyed and need to compute counts for 7 seconds.
a tumbling window of 1 second
a sliding window for counting 7 seconds with an advance of 1 second
a windowall to output all counts every 1s
I am not able to integration test it (i.e., similar to unit test but an end-to-end testing) as the input has fake event time, which won't trigger
Here is my snippet
val oneDayCounts = data
.map(t => (t.key1, t.key2, 1L, t.timestampMs))
.keyBy(0, 1)
val sevenDayCounts = oneDayCounts
.timeWindow(Time.seconds(3), Time.seconds(1))
// single reducer
I use EventTime as timestamp and set up an integration test code with MiniClusterWithClientResource. also created some fake data with some event timestamp like 1234l, 4567l, etc.
EventTimeTrigger is able to be fired for sum computation but the following TumblingProcessingTimeWindow is not able to trigger. I had a Thread.sleep of 30s in the IT test code but still not triggered after the 30s
In general it's a challenge to write meaningful tests for processing time windows, since they are inherently non-deterministic. This is one reason why event time windows are generally prefered.
It's also going to be difficult to put a sleep in the right place so that is has the desired effect. But one way to keep the job running long enough for the processing time window to fire would be to use a custom source that includes a sleep. Flink streaming jobs with finite sources shut themselves down once the input has been exhausted. One final watermark with the value MAX_WATERMARK gets sent through the pipeline, which triggers all event time windows, but processing time windows are only fired if they are still running when the appointed time arrives.
See this answer for an example of a hack that works around this.
Alternatively, you might take a look at to see how processing time windows can be tested by mocking getCurrentProcessingTime.

Extended windows

I have an always one application, listening to a Kafka stream, and processing events. Events are part of a session. And I need to do calculations based off of a sessions data. I am running into a problem trying to correctly run my calculations due to the length of my sessions. 90% of my sessions are done after 5 minutes. 99% are done after 1 hour. Sessions may last more than a day, due to this being a real-time system, there is no determined end. Session are unique, and show never collide.
I am looking for a way where I can process a window multiple times, either with an initial wait period and processing any later events after that, or a pure process per event type structure. I will need to keep all previous events around(ListState), as well as previously processed values(ValueState).
I previously thought allowedLateness would allow me to do this, but it seems the lateness is only considered for when the event should have been processed, it does not extend an actual window. GlobalWindows may also work, but I am unsure if there is a way to process a window multiple times. I believe I can used an evictor with GlobalWindows to purge the Windows after a period of inactivity(although admittedly, I did not research this yet, because I was unsure of how to trigger a GlobalWindow multiple times.
Any suggestions on how to achieve what I am looking to do would be greatly appreciated, I would also be happy to clarify any points needed.
If SessionWindows won't do the job, then you can use GlobalWindows with a custom Trigger and Evictor. The Trigger interface has onElement and timer-based callbacks that can fire whenever and as often as you like. If you go down this route, then yes, you'll also need to implement an Evictor to dispose of elements when they are no longer needed.
The documentation and the source code are helpful when trying to understand how this all fits together.

JMeter Think Time

Apologies if this request is similar to others - I am new to JMeter and have searched for other relevants posts but couldn't find anything - or maybe I just didn't understand them!
I'm performance testing a system with a web based application. The front end system will be processing records submitted into the system via MQ - the front end allows the user to pick up a record from the queue, validate some detail, make changes and submit the changes.
There will be 20 users using the front end to do this message validation, update and submission.
Each user is expected to need 30 seconds to pick a message from queue, make changes and resubmit - so we are expecting 1 user to process 120 records/hour, so 20 users will be expected to process 2400 records/hour
The picking up the record off the queue, changing it and submitting the changes will be done via 3 individual web pages.
SO - think time across the 3 pages has been defined as 24 seconds (leaving 6 of the 30 second limit for rendering, server responses, db calls etc.)
However I don't know how to specify this within JMeter. From my reading I can see that I can add a Timer in as a parent to a sampler and I assume I can add a Timer in as a parent of the Recording Controller? - but I need to be able to specify that the 24 second think time is spread across those 3 different pages.
I read a post elsewhere suggesting that if I record using the proxy after adding the Gaussian Random Timer in as a child of the Test Plan (parent to everything else) then the http proxy will record the think time as a ${T} variable in the Gaussian Random Timer - I tried this and this didn't work (also I don't want to rely on this - I'd like to be able to understand and make changes to think time properly rather than relying on JMETER to do it for me.)
To reiterate - 20 users, 30 seconds for 1 user to complete a transaction, TT defined as 24 seconds - I am struggling what Timer to use, where to put it so that the think-time is spread across the samplers that equate to the GETS associated with the 3 pages the user will navigate through.
Apologies for the lengthy post - I just wanted to be clear and concise.
Many thanks in advance,
As per JMeter Timers documentation
Note that timers are processed before each sampler in the scope in which they are found; if there are several timers in the same scope, all the timers will be processed before each sampler.
Timers are only processed in conjunction with a sampler. A timer which is not in the same scope as a sampler will not be processed at all.
To apply a timer to a single sampler, add the timer as a child element of the sampler. The timer will be applied before the sampler is executed. To apply a timer after a sampler, either add it to the next sampler, or add it as the child of a Test Action Sampler.
Now regarding "what timer to use"
There are 2 scenarios:
Virtual-User-oriented scenario - when you try to simulate N users working together
Goal-Oriented-scenario - when you try to produce N hits per second load.
In case of scenario 1 even Constant Timer can be quite enough, besides it will provide repeatability of results. See above quote for information on where to put your timer(s)
In case of scenario 2 you'll need Constant Throughput Timer. If 20 users process 2400 records per hour and each record assumes 3 web page calls, it means that 7200 requests will be made in one hour which in its turn stands for 120 requests per minute (this is what you should enter into the timer's "throughput" area) or 2 requests per second.

Is there an elegant way to post messages to AWS SQS with visibility delay of longer than 15 minutes?

In Amazon Web Services, their queues allow you to post messages with a visibility delay up to 15 minutes. What if I don't want messages visible for 6 months?
I'm trying to come up with an elegant solution to the poll/push problem. I can write code to poll the SQS (or a database) every few seconds, check for messages that are ready to be visible, then move them to a "visible queue", or something like that. I wish there was a simpler, more reliable method to have messages become visible in queues far into the future without me having to worry about my polling application working perfectly all the time.
I'm not married to AWS, SQS or any of that, but I'd prefer to find a cloud-friendly solution that is stable, reliable and will trigger an event far into the future without me having to worry about checking on its status every day.
Any thoughts or alternate trees for me to explore barking up are welcome.
It sounds like you might be misunderstanding the visibility delay. Its purpose is to make sure that the polling application doesn't pull the same item off the queue more than once.
In other words, when the item is pulled off the queue it becomes invisible for a predetermined period of time (default is 30 seconds, max is 15 minutes) in case the polling system has a cluster of machines reading from the queue all at once.
Here's the relevant documentation:
...and the sentence in particular that relates to my comment is:
"Immediately after the component receives the message, the message is still in the queue. However, you don't want other components in the system receiving and processing the message again. Therefore, Amazon SQS blocks them with a visibility timeout, which is a period of time during which Amazon SQS prevents other consuming components from receiving and processing that message."
You should be able to use SQS for your purpose since you can leave an item in the queue for as long as you want.
7 years later, and Amazon still doesn't support the feature you need!
The two ways you can sort of get it to work are:
have messages contain a delivery target datetime in their message_attributes, and have the workers that consume the queue's messages just delete and recreate any message that is consumed before its target, with delay = max(0, min(secs_until_target_datetime, 900)) ; that would allow you to effectively schedule a message for any arbitrary future time;
(slightly less frequent and costly:) similarly, if a message isn't due to be handled yet, recreate it and change its visibility timeout to be timeout = max(0, min(secs_until_target_datetime, 43200))
The disadvantage of using visibility timeout is that any read will re-trigger it.
There has been a direct AWS solution possible since 2016-12-01: AWS Step Functions
Each execution can last/idle up to one year, persists the state between transitions, and doesn't cost you any money while it waits.
