ExtJS Package Classic Resources Missing - extjs

I have an ExtJS package with the following structure:
When I build the app with the package in production mode, the file.json is missing.
How can I get the build to include the resources from classic directory (within a package)?
Adding the following to package.json enables copying files from both toolkit specific and shared resources directory.
"resource": {
"paths": [
However, all the files (from classic/resources/ and resources/) are copied to the same directory (build/production/AppName/classic/resources/PackageName/) and if same filename exists in both directories, one file overwrites the other in the build directory.
How can they be separated so both files exists in the build?

In your main project folder, you have the file app.json, where you can define which directories should be copied when building the project and a rule for skipping some of them:
"production": {
"output": {
"resources": "resources",
// ...
"resources": [{
"path": "resources", // in your case classic/resources
"output": "shared"
* File / directory name pattern to ignore when copying to the builds. Must be a
* valid regular expression.
"ignore": [


How to import absolute paths in a #nrwl/nx monorepo?

I'm working on a #nrwl/nx monorepo. I want to import the folders inside the project src by the absolute paths. I tried specifying the baseUrl but didn't work. The only solution worked is, adding the path to the monorepo root tsConfig.json file as follows.
"paths": {
"*": ["apps/my-app/src/*"]
But, the problem is, if I have another project, I will have to add that project as well to this path. I tried something as follows.
"paths": {
"*": ["apps/*/src/*"]
But, this doesn't work anymore. It doesn't match the project folder name.
How can I solve this? Or, is there any better way to import by absolute paths?
I'm facing the same problem, due to organizing common DTOs and Event.ts files in the nx monorepo. I found useful to update the tsconfig.base.json with a simpler path shortcut, that allow cross app imports and at the same time mantains the options of setting an absolute path in the single apps tsconfig.json file.
Here's my base.json:
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"libs": [
"app1: [
"app2": [
Now I have a sort of absolute imports that point to app names as base:
import {CreateUserEvent} from 'libs/events/create-user.event';
This is a random file in the app1/src/app/ folder that import a file in libs folder
Folder structure is:
root ('.')
|__ app1/src/app/file_with_import.ts
|__ ...
|__ ...
|__ libs/events/create_user.event.ts
Hope it helps

Typescript library import with sub paths

I have a Typescript library that is being consumed from a React app. I wanted to import the TS library contents with sub-paths like
import {base} from "my-lib"
import {foo} from "my-lib/path1"
import {bar} from "my-lib/path2"
I came across the Github issue which states that this is not yet supported (exports in package.json) by Typescript. I'm using Typescript 4.3.
There is a workaround posted in the same thread - Github repo typescript-subpath-exports-workaround. It uses exports and typeVersions
"main": "dist/index.js",
"types": "dist-types/index.d.ts",
"exports": {
".": "./dist/index.js",
"./exported": "./dist/exported.js"
"typesVersions": {
"*": {
"exported": ["dist-types/exported"]
I created a new react app (via npx create-react-app command) and tried importing hello from typescript-subpath-exports-workaround and it worked fine. But couldn't import `typescript-subpath-exports-workaround/exported
import {hello} from "typescript-subpath-exports-workaround" //works fine
import {foo} from "typescript-subpath-exports-workaround/exported" //gives "Module not found" error
Full error is below:
Module not found: Can't resolve 'typescript-subpath-exports-workaround/exported' in '/Users/...../my-react-app/src'
Codesandbox code - https://codesandbox.io/s/create-react-app-forked-5yxd8
UPDATE: The sub-path used in import and the folder structure are different. In the above example, there won't be a folder named path1 or path2.
Look at the Next.JS React Framework. You can see that they use exactly the same approach as you have described. You can create a simple typescript application with their CLI tool like this:
npx create-next-app#latest --typescript
Then pay attention on imports used for instance in ./pages/index.tsx.
Then if you'll look into the ./node_modules/next/package.json you will see that they expose built files in two ways: actual code and type defs are inside ./node_modules/next/dist/* and their re-exports are right in ./node_modules/next/*.
At least this is a real-life example and a good place to start your experiments. It doesn't mean you have to learn the whole their codebase. You just need to mimic the essencial parts of their package.json file (https://github.com/vercel/next.js/blob/canary/packages/next/package.json), specifically main, types and files in your Typescript library.
Just look where absent imports could be imported from:
As you might understand, those are the places, where corresponding *.d.ts files are placed. So you just need to create reexport files in the root folder of you library and mention them in 'files' property of your lib's package.json.
The exactly similar picture I have for my own library.
I think there is no other way to impement imports of your lib the way you want, except of having either reexports or original type definitions right in the lib's root folder
This block in my package.json worked for me:
// ...
"files": [
"main": "./dist/index.js",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"exports": {
".": "./dist/index.js",
"./types": "./dist/types/index.js",
"./generate": "./dist/generate/index.js"
"typesVersions": {
"*": {
"types": [
"generate": [
My tsconfig.json looks like this:
"extends": "#tsconfig/node14/tsconfig.json",
"include": ["src/**/*"],
"compilerOptions": {
"lib": ["es2020", "dom"],
"declaration": true,
"outDir": "dist",
"module": "ESNext"
And this is my file structure:
dist/ // and all its subfolders
Separately, I'm using TypeScript 4.7.4. Supposedly the exports field is supported with this version, but it didn't work for me. But this (maybe overly complex) workaround worked for me.
As answered in How to create a local module in TypeScript:
Using module-alias package might solve your problem.
Add this configuration below into package.json:
"_moduleAliases": { "my-module":
"<your_build_folder>/modules/my-module" },
And this code on first line
of your main file (server.ts/index.ts)
import 'module-alias/register';

Problems Getting External CSS files to work with ExtJS 6

I've created my app the normal way with cmd in ext 5 and what I had done was simply put my css files (in the index.html file) and when I would run sencha app build my styles word override the ones in ext (that is things like the body tag).
Now, I've recreated my ext project with cmd again from scratch, copied in my app.js and app folder and it works but it seems that my app flashes my body tag but then it goes away and the standard css takes over.
That is, in my in my index.html I have the lines:
<link href="/Content/Styles/scrum-style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<link href="/Content/Styles/SessionSchedule.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
***Added Note:
After reading, I've copied the css from the two files into /sass/etc/all.scss and that pushed the css into the top of the generated file but it still seems to be overridden.
(also posted to sencha forums yesterday but got no response so trying here)
You could try adding them to app.json:
"css": [
{ "path": "Content/Styles/scrum-style.css" },
{ "path": "Content/Styles/SessionSchedule.css" },
// this entry uses an ant variable that is the calculated
// value of the generated output css file for the app,
// defined in .sencha/app/defaults.properties
"path": "${build.out.css.path}",
"bundle": true,
"exclude": ["fashion"]
Or you could load them remotely:
"css": [
{ "path": "Content/Styles/scrum-style.css", "remote": true },
{ "path": "Content/Styles/SessionSchedule.css", "remote": true },
// this entry uses an ant variable that is the calculated
// value of the generated output css file for the app,
// defined in .sencha/app/defaults.properties
"path": "${build.out.css.path}",
"bundle": true,
"exclude": ["fashion"]
But add them to "resources": [] as well to copy them on build.
There are 2 ways to include external CSS files in your application.
You can add references in index.html file. In this case after build you need to manual copy CSS files in build application resources folder.
You can add reference in app.json file in css array and build app. In this case if you do change in css file , you need to build app.

How can I exclude files

Using CMD from within Sencha Architect I've been able to build a production build of my application. However I can not seem to figure out how to exclude a js file from the build process. I don't want it compiled in with app.js I want it as a separate script include in index.html - so cmd shouldn't touch it basically.
Sencha Arhitech generates and calls build.xml which calls build-impl.xml which calls init-impl.xml
Everywhere I've read, they say to include the following;
<target name="-before-init">
<echo>Setting build.operations...</echo>
<property name="build.operations">
However it refuses to exclude the file...I can see the echos so I know it's hitting the target..
Any ideas? Is this how I am supposed to exclude files?
Turns out this won't be possible to do until Sencha Architect 3.1
Steps by which i was able to exclude AppConfig file in production build.
Here file exclude means it will not be compressed/bundled and variable/properties of this file could be used any where in the app.
1. Config file(AppConfig.js in our case) MUST be inside resources fodler. Below are the contents of our AppConfig file
/////////////IxDetect is my Application Namespace///////////////////
var IxDetect = IxDetect || {};
IxDetect.AppConfig = {
logoPath: '',
logoTitle: 'Internal',
pentahoUrl: '',
pentahoRptCube: 'TrafficWithFraudIndex'
2. Link this file in index.html page like below
<script src="resources/AppConfig.js"></script>
3. Add one more item in "js" array in "app.json" file
"js": [
"path": "resources/AppConfig.js", // This is my file. Also make a sure you do not miss bundle and includeInBundle property
"bundle": false,
"includeInBundle": true
"path": "app.js",
"bundle": true
4. Try development and production build all should work file
Note: All above changes are done and tested on 6.2(Framework/CMD)

Sencha SDK Tool / JSBuilder - include all files with *

Using Sencha Touch 1, I am having to manually create my app.jsb3 file (and add all linked JavaScript files to that .jsb3 file) in order to use jsbuilder to minify all files.
Anybody know the correct syntax to allow use of a wildcard (.*) (referred to as a Filter) in order to easily include all files in a folder?
I know the docs here: http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/JSBuilder2/JSB2FileFormat.txt
state that ".*" can be used - but I've had no joy:
"files": [
{"path": "views/", "name": "file1.js"},
{"path": "views/", "name": "file2.js"}, // currently manually adding each file
{"path": "views/", "name": ".*"}, // include all?
{"path": "views/.*"}, // include all?
The docs only show filters in relation to listing resources, but not also for listing files - may be why!
