Is there an option to remove <properties> and <system-out> data on the maven surefire:test xml report - maven-plugin

Is there an option to remove and data on the maven surefire:test xml report
the xml file exported contains data that makes the file large, including data that is not needed for us.
Is there a was to disable this?


Insert data in codename one resource file in command line or directly

I’am currently write an application and i need to put a content directly in the resource file (theme.res). How can I achieve this? What about the binary format of the resource file?
Is it possible to achieve the same thing with the use of CodenameOne designer tool in command line? I want to put a localization bundle in the RES file with my custom app. Thanks!
You can check the XML Team Mode flag in the designer tool and save. Once you do that you will see an XML file and a hierarchy next to it in the res directory. This will be used by the designer tool but is invisible to the build process.
You can use the following in the latest designer tool:
java -jar /path/to/designer_1.jar -sync-xml /path/to/theme.res
This updates the res file from the XML.
Alternatively you can add this to the build.xml so it's automated:
<taskdef name="syncXML" classname="" classpath="CodeNameOneBuildClient.jar"/>
Then use this in some place to regenerate the res file:

wpf AutoUpdate dlls?

I need to update dlls from site in my WPF project. As for .exe or msi file updating is everything clear. But what about dlls? I do not know what to start with or how it should look like... I implemented exe updating through xml file - read xml file from server and if version is higher - load this new version. As for dlls - there are a lot of them, they can be of new versions or new dlls at all... So, I have a question at all - HOW TO IMPLEMENT CHECK? (examples appreciated or just theory answers). And many small questions like If I need to read xml file - how to generate it automatically (to write all dllls not good idea). Waiting for your advice.
First, consider ClickOnce deployment.
If ClickOnce is not a good choice for you (it has its limitations compared to installers). You can implement you own self-updating mechanism.
Normally this is done by a standalone update util (let's call it update.exe), which checks your update website on a scheduled basis.
When you need to deploy a new version of your application (with updated exes, dlls and data files), you can define an XML that list the latest version information of all the files,
<file name="foo1.exe" version="" hash="23ac4544490cb3bac23ac4544490cb3bac" downloadurl=""/>
<file name="subdir/foo2.exe" version="" hash="..." downloadurl="..." />
<file name="bar.dll" version="" hash="..." downloadurl="..." />
<file name="subdir/bar2.dll" version="" hash="..." downloadurl="..." />
When update.exe is launched, it downloads and parses this xml to determine which files need to be updated, and download these files from the download url, validate the integrity of the files with the hash value, and stop the application to replace the original files, and then restart the application.
To answer your question as how to generate this huge xml:
Of course not edited by hand. Write a util that iterates through all the files in the install dir (the latest version), for each file, get the file version (use System.Version class), the file size (use System.IO.FileInfo class), generates a hash value from the content of the file (use something like System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256), and form the hugh xml (use XDocument/XmlDocument class).

SSIS Deploy package - Too many configurables - how to do quickly?

I am trying to create a deployment config/file for package. I have many configurables like variables, connection managers etc. For variables, I only want to configure the value and nothing else. I don't want to go to each variable and then click the checkbox for that. Is there a quicker way of configuring the package for deployment ?
Once you have defined that a package uses a configuration, you can close the package, edit the configuration source (file or table entries) and presto, one configuration becomes 30.
I've created a new package and added some variables. Using the wizard, I'm going to put the Variable Blasto's value property into the configuration file.
I establish configuration for only the Variable Blasto
Verifying that what will be built out into my config file matches previous screenshot
The resulting XML would look like
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DTSConfigurationFileInfo GeneratedBy="home\bfellows" GeneratedFromPackageName="Package1" GeneratedFromPackageID="{085B2116-4597-4E3A-8659-2815C82E5055}" GeneratedDate="1/15/2014 12:34:37 PM"/>
<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="\Package.Variables[User::Blasto].Properties[Value]" ValueType="Int32">
If you went back in and selected Variable3, the net result would be that one more entry would be added to the existing configuration file. My approach, especially when I've forgotten to have something configured after deploying is to just edit the configuration entity. I used SQL Server tables but the same holds true with XML.
When the Configurations are applied, for SQL Server and XML sources, those can define collections of configurations to apply in contrast with environment variable or registry (I'm too lazy to gin up a parent/child configuration).
If I copy, paste, edit the lines specific to the Configuration tag to include these 3 variables
<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="\Package.Variables[User::Variable].Properties[Value]" ValueType="Int32">
<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="\Package.Variables[User::Variable1].Properties[Value]" ValueType="Int32">
</Configuration> <Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="\Package.Variables[User::Variable2].Properties[Value]" ValueType="Int32">
Bickety bam, when I reopen the package it discovers those 3 variables are now driven by configuration.
Casing and path to the Variables is important. A broken configuration file will not cause the package to abort. Instead, you get a wee lil' warning that says a configuration was missed but don't worry, it will run with the design-time values. Had a colleague who managed to mix dev data into a production environment due to this. Big "oopsie" on their part but just drives home the mantra of "warnings are just errors waiting to grow up"

Is there a standard file format for exporting issues from an issue tracker?

I've written a backup tool for the Mercurial/Git hoster Bitbucket, which asks for a username, gets a list of the user's repositories via the Bitbucket API, and clones each of them to the local machine.
Each Bitbucket repository has an issue tracker, and now I've got a new feature request: backup the issues as well.
I can actually get the issues in JSON format from the Bitbucket API.
Here is an example:
But how to backup this to the local machine?
I could just save the JSON in a text file, but I don't think you can do anything useful with a list of issues in JSON format.
Is there such a thing like a standard file format for bugs/issues?
In a perfect world, maybe anything that the most widespread issue tracking systems are able to import?
I suspect the answer is No, there's no standard. Here are some options:
Bugzilla can import/export both CSV and XML:
Here's this search: exported to CSV and XML and here's this bug: exported to XML.
JIRA can import from Pivotal Tracker, Bugzilla, FogBugz, Mantis, Trac and more, apparently, and can export as XML and CSV.
Here's this bug: exported as XML and this search: exported as XML - you can also export these as .xls files.
The roundup-admin CLI has a sub command export which can be used to create a bunch of .csv files together with sub directories containing the messages and file attachments. See for how this can be used to migrate the issue data to another database.
Trac can export to CSV & TSV. Here's this search: exported to CSV and this bug: exported to CSV and TSV.

Simplest way to convert XML file and/or web service to a flat file

I am starting a project in which I need to get two sets of data into flat files. Source A is a web service that is updated daily, so I only need to hit this once a day. Source B is an XML file on an FTP site that I will also retrieve daily.
I have never converted XML to a flat file before. I'm a SQL Server guy, so my initial thought was to work on getting the data into SQL Server, then export to flat files. However, am I wasting my time doing that? Should I just use a conversion tool such as XMLConvert and skip SQL Server entirely? The data files are fairly small, so performance is not an issue. I need to get this done as quickly as possible. What suggestions do you folks have? Thank you!
I have used Stylus Studio to create XSLT and was very happy with the features.
I have also used XML Spy, but not the XSLT features.
Once you have the XSLT created the code to transform the XML is fairly straightforward.
I've used this method to convert XML into HTML, but not a flat file, but it should work.
Converting XML to other (text-based) formats is probably best done using something like XSLT.
