I got a 500 error when I use guzzle but with curl I dont get one - request

I have an Openhab system on a PI and a REST API and I want to display information on a TV-Screen.
I have tried to do it with a curl and it worked. So now I want to do the same with Guzzle.
First I only installed composer and guzzle in the Project directory on my PC, Then I also installed them on the PI. Neither approach worked as I got a 500 error on both attempts.
function getCurrentTemp() {
echo "test1";
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client([
echo "test2";
$return = $client->request('GET','http://openhab.clubdrei.com/rest/items/ThermostateTemp/state', ['auth' => ['User','Password']]);
echo $return;
I think the creating Client break up the script
I need your help,
Thank you

500 basically means that there is a server error. Please attach the cURL command that is successful (as you mentioned in the question's title).
I also modified your code a bit, to be sure that you are are working with the body content of the response (->getBody()->getContents() part):
function getCurrentTemp()
// You don't need 'base_uri' here, because you use absolute URL below
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->request(
['auth' => ['User','Password']]
return $response->getBody()->getContents();


How to Disable Direct file Download via .htaccess

I want to disable direct file download to my .zip files.
If my website is the referrer then only download the file.
I am using Apache server
You can try this one which will help you but I will suggest you to research more on this.However you can put the below code for the work.
Also make changes to the below code for the changes.
// This is to check if the request is coming from a specific domain domain.com
$refData = parse_url($ref);
if($refData['host'] !== 'domain.com') {
// Output string and stop execution
die("Hotlinking not permitted");
echo "Executing code here";
You need to change your domain above eg. clubapk.com instead of domain.com

Drupal: Running Feeds Importer Programatically - Where to Put Code

When running a feeds importer using Cron, the importer times out resulting in an incomplete import. I'm trying to use a script to execute the importer and I've come across this code a few times:
function MODULE_NAME_cron() {
$name = 'FEED_NAME';
$source = feeds_source($name);
However, when executing this I get an error saying there's no feeds_source() function, which leads me to believe that I just don't know where to put this code (a separate php file just isn't working for me). Can anyone help me out here? Thanks in advance!
I think you need to call $source->startImport(); method instaed of $source->import();
I just posted an answer to a similar question over here: https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/90062/programmatically-execute-feed-import/153434#153434 , which might help. in short, in the a form submit hook if your using the batch api, or dont use the batch api if you're doing it non browser (install hook , install profile)
so in your case
function load_data(){
// Files to import in specific order.
$files = array(
'challenge_importer' => 'data/challenges.csv',
$file_location_base = drupal_get_path('module', 'challenge');
foreach ($files as $feed => $file) {
$feedSource = feeds_source($feed);
// Set the file name to import
$filename = $file_location_base.'/' . $file;
if (!file_destination($filename, FILE_EXISTS_ERROR)) {
$config = $feedSource->getConfig();
$config['FeedsFileFetcher']['source'] = $filename;
while (FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE != $feedSource->import());
could be called from the cron , or use the scheduled execution from the feeds importer

Javascript edit external file

Okay so I'm trying to make a script that can edit an external .txt file. I want to be able to do something like /name John Doe and it saves that name in the file that the command is supposed to edit.
Another example would be I have a file called List.txt associated with the command /todo, whenever I do /todo * it adds whatever came after the command to the List.txt file.
Is there any way I can do this in javascript?
You're in luck, it appears that HTML5 actually supports this. Of course you'll have to run it through a browser, I don't know if you can hack it somehow to work from bash.
Yes, its possible to do this by creating an ajax http request to an server server side script that edits the file based on the http request's content.
Heres an example PHP serverside script the handle the ajax request:
Note: This example has a lot of security issues and is untested
$command = $_POST['command'];
$argument = $_POST['argument'];
if ($command == "name") {
$file = fopen("names.txt", "a");
fwrite($file, $argument."\n");
} else if ($command == "todo") {
$file = fopen("todo.txt", "a");
fwrite($file, $argument."\n");
There is also a great tutorial on AJAX requests here
They also have a php tutorial on here
ps. sorry it took so long.

CakePHP - Miles Uploader Plugin - Isset Error

I have tried several CakePHP file uploaders, but have not been successful' in setting up and making it work. I've settled down with Miles Uploader Plugin and I am doing everything I can to make it work. Installation instructions are excellent and I have followed them to the letter, but I still cant get it to work.
When I post an Article I get the following error:
Warning (2): Illegal offset type in isset or empty [APP/plugins/uploader/controllers/components/uploader.php, line 1104]
if (isset($this->_data[$file])) {
I am making the following call in my add articles view
echo $form->input('main_image', array('type' => 'file'));
And I am using the following in my add action but it is returning false
if (!empty($this->data)) {
//This call is not successful which skips to the }else{ display the message below
if ($data = $this->Uploader->upload('main_image')) {
// Upload successful, do whatever
$this->setFlash('Uploader Error',true);
Can anyone please shed some light on what could possibly be wrong.
** EDIT **
I am not able to try this out right now, but do I need to do the following to make it work:
if ($data = $this->Uploader->upload(data['Article']['main_image'])) {
Spent many hours trying to figure out why it does not work. Finally I gave up last night trying and settled with trying to configure CakePHP's Media Plugin. That now works great. Setup was a breeze.

download file from database codeigniter

here is a code snippet of my download function. it does download the file however there are times when i try to open the downloaded file, i get an error. it seemed the file is corrupted.. can somebody tell me what's wrong with the codes?
function download($fid){
$query= $this->db->get_where('files',array('fid' => $fid));
$row = $query->result();
header("Content-Type: ". $row[0]->type);
header("Content-Length: ". $row[0]->size);
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=". $row[0]->name);
// Print data
echo $row[0]->content;
//Free the mysql resources
Check $row[0]->type, $row->[0]->size, $row[0]->name ( comment out all the header() calls, and dump $row ), you're allso not testing if $query->result() returned a valid result , allso check if there are any php warnings or notices, allso check if there are any headers allready sent to the browser before you call header("Content-Type...
If you are sure that your request gets 1 and only 1 row, try to use :
in place of
