Put React application inside another application - reactjs

For react application I have to build sidebar menu and appropriate content on right side with dynamic content through navigation. This part is completed and now there are more menus in sidebar in existing application which are developed in different language and that should also be seen exactly like same sidebar and redirect to appropriate pages.
Block 1 will have only my react's application and block 2 can be page from react app or another app according to the navigation from sidemenu.
How can I achieve this?


Is there a way to support stack navigators in nextjs like react navigation

In React navigation for react native it supports stack navigators which maintain the route history between tabs. I am looking for the same functionality in either nextjs or plain react with react router. I was initially planning to use nextjs, but I cannot figure out how to support this type of functionality.
Side Nav Bar Tabs:
Dashboard List
Dashboard List Details
Account Details
So say I navigate to Account details and then click the Dashboard tab. Then click the Setting icon again in the left nav bar, I would expect the screen to still be on the Account Details page. Not back on the Settings landing page.
This is all supported by default in react native stack navigators as their routes persist between navigators.
Looking for a way to handle this in reactjs. Nextjs or React-Router are both acceptable.

Tab navigation with React but not React-Native?

I'm into PWA development, and I'd like to use React components to build my UI, but not React-native components (otherwise why write PWAs...).
So I am looking for an equivalent to the top-tab-navigator component found here:
but without any React-Native dependency!
Changing pages by swiping would be great, even without a visual effect.
So far, I found React components to put tabs on displays inside pages, but nothing with navigator characteristics (full screen views, event on page change, ...).
Any help will be very appreciated.
Thank you!
So far, I found React components to put tabs on displays inside pages, but nothing with navigator characteristics (full screen views, event on page change, ...).

How can I display a popup on parent window from an iframe which contains a react app

I have a chatbot running on some port. I have integrated it inside an iframe in a website. Is there any way to display an popup or modal outside of that iframe when clicking some link inside that chatbot?
There is a very cool concept in react called React Portal which allow you to render your component on any specific element even outside of your Root App.js component.

How to show sidebar router page in Tab

I am using DevExtreme react template in my react js project from below link.The router page navigation is working fine as per my requirement.I would like to know how to use router page navigation as in "Tab" instead of single page.For example if we take from below link,there are two pages in sidebar (profile and display data pages).If I click "Profile and display page" ,both the pages should display in Tab but currently its shows only current page.hope its clear.
I also want to note that you can contact DevExpress support team directly at Submit a Support Ticket. They answer questions in 24 hours, so you will be able to resolve the issue faster.

How to use Tabbed Navigation

I am using using sidebar with router (home page) in react js application.The page navigation from sidebar is working fine as per my requirement.I would like to know how to use "Tabbed Navigation".(to view multiple page in same time via tabbed).
