Test useRef onError Fn, with React-Testing-Library and Jest - reactjs

I have this simple fallbackImage Component:
export interface ImageProps {
srcImage: string;
classNames?: string;
fallbackImage?: FallbackImages;
const Image = ({
fallbackImage = FallbackImages.FALLBACK
}: ImageProps) => {
const imgToSourceFrom = srcImage;
const imgToFallbackTo = fallbackImage;
const imageRef = useRef(null);
const whenImageIsMissing = () => {
imageRef.current.src = imgToFallbackTo;
imageRef.current.onerror = () => {};
return (
<img ref={imageRef} src={imgToSourceFrom} className={classNames} onError={whenImageIsMissing} />
export default Image;
It works perfectly. I have test running for it with Jest and React-Testing-Library. I have tested all but one scenario. This one:
const whenImageIsMissing = () => {
imageRef.current.src = imgToFallbackTo;
imageRef.current.onerror = () => {}; // This line.
This line basically prevents an infinite Loop in case both images are missing
The Problem:
I want to test that my onerror function has been called exactly one time. Which I am really stuck on how to do it. Here is the test...
const { container } = render(<Image srcImage={undefined} fallbackImage={undefined} />);
const assertion = container.querySelector('img').onerror;
// This though has no reference to a real value. Is an example of what I want to get at.
The Question:
How to access the ref callback function and check how many times has my function been called?
Any ideas on this. I am at a loss, I tried mocking refs, I tried mocking and spying on the component. I tried using act and async/await, in case it was called after. I really need some help on this..

You should check if your function is called or not, that's called testing implementation details, rather you should check if your img element have correct src.
Even you should add some alt and user getByAltText to select image element
const { getByAltText } = render(<Image srcImage={undefined} fallbackImage={undefined} />);
const imageElement = getByAltText('Image Alt');

You have 2 options:
Add a callback to your props that will be called when whenImageIsMissing is called:
export interface ImageProps {
srcImage: string;
classNames?: string;
fallbackImage?: FallbackImages;
const Image = ({
fallbackImage = FallbackImages.FALLBACK
}: ImageProps) => {
const imgToSourceFrom = srcImage;
const imgToFallbackTo = fallbackImage;
const imageRef = useRef(null);
const whenImageIsMissing = () => {
imageRef.current.src = imgToFallbackTo;
imageRef.current.onerror = () => {};
if (onImageMissing) onImageMissing();
return (
<img ref={imageRef} src={imgToSourceFrom} className={classNames} onError={whenImageIsMissing} />
and then insert jest.fn in your test and check how many times it was called.
The other option is to take the implementation of whenImageIsMissing and put it inside image.util file and then use jest.spy to get number of calls. Since you are using a function component there is no way to access this function directly.
Hope this helps.


Writing a TypeScript Interface for React Context, how to describe the interface/ different types to be passed as values?

I am trying to write a React Context for my application
This is a follow up from my previous question:
How to pass value to Context Provider in TypeScript?
I would please like some help describing different value types to be passed through the provider.
I am currently trying to construct a context provider that can be used across the scope of my application in TypeScript.
It contains some useState hooks and and an asynchronous function to be passed through as values the provider to all the child components.
export const ResultContextProvider = () => {
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState<boolean>(false)
const [greenStatus, setGreenStatus] =
useState(new Set<MyEnum>());
const [redStatus, setRedStatus] =
useState(new Set<MyEnum>());
const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = useState<string>('')
// objects to be passed values
const greenValue = {greenStatus, setGreenStatus};
const redValue = {redStatus, setRedStatus};
const searchValue = {searchTerm, setSearchTerm};
// api function coming from tested API spec (external)
const getResults = async () => {
myAPI.myGet(greenStatus, redStatus).then((result) => {
return (
<ResultContext.Provider value={{getResults, greenValue, redValue, searchValue}}>
export const useResultContext = () => useContext(ResultContext);
As you can see above, I would like to pass the getResults function, my greenValues, redValus and searchValues to all my child components, the Provider implentation will look something like this:
import { ResultContextProvider } from "./contexts/ResultContextProvider";
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(
document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement
<App />
When it comes to writing the interface, I am struggling to understand what needs to be represented prior to my component.
So far my interface looks something like this:
interface ContextParametersType {
greenValue: { greenStatus: Set<MyEnum>, setGreenStatus:
Dispatch<SetStateAction<Set<MyEnum>>> };
redValue: { redStatus: Set<MyEnum>, setRedStatus:
Dispatch<SetStateAction<Set<MyEnum>>> };
// searchValue: {searchTerm: <string>(''), setSearchTerm:
Dispatch<SetStateAction<string> };
// getResults : {
// What to write as interface for getResults
// }
I have worked out what needs to be declared for my greenValue and redValue, based on the answer to my previous question however struggling to fill out the rest of the interface specification
The Search Term:
// searchValue: {searchTerm: (''), setSearchTerm:
Dispatch<SetStateAction };
I have tried to follow the pattern of the Enum state, particularly in declaring the state as type string and rerferecning the Dispatch<SetStateAction as the same type to change the state however this produces error
This is an asynchronous function with an Axios function inside, to be truthful i do not know where to begin within this one.
My confusion on these two steps persists when creating the ResultContext
const ResultContext = createContext<ContextParametersType>({
greenValue: {
greenStatus: new Set<FirmStatusEnum>(), setGreenStatus: () => {
redValue: {
redStatus: new Set<FirmStatusEnum>(), setRedStatus: () => {
// searchValue: {
// searchTerm: <string>(''), setSearchTerm: () => {
// }
// },
// Not Sure how to initalsie this?
Does this make sense? Am I understanding the issues here correctly?
I would really like some help in understanding how to configure the context interfaces for this.
It is essentially a typescript adaptation of this tutorial
Thanks, please let me know if I need to provide clarity

Why is hook not reusable?

I created a custom hook as follows:
import { useState } from 'react';
export const useMyHook = () => {
const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(false);
function toggle() {
return { isVisible, toggle,}
I am only able to use it once (see comment below). When I call the hook again with different const, I get the error:
Property 'isVisible2' does not exist on type '{ isVisible: boolean; toggle: () => void; }'. TS2339
import React from 'react';
import useModal from './useMyHook';
export const App = () => {
const {isVisible, toggle} = useMyHook(); // Example of using once
const {isVisible2, toggle2} = useMyHook(); // am not able to use it here
const {isVisible3, toggle3} = useMyHook(); // am not able to use it here
return (<div> Hello world! </div>);
I am incorrectly assuming that creating a new const var allows the reuse of the hook. What can I do to fix this?
Right now, you're returning an object with two properties: isVisible and toggle.
Either destructure into differently-named variables (verbose; not great):
const {isVisible: isVisible2, toggle: toggle2} = useMyHook();
Or return an array from the hook instead:
return [isVisible, toggle];
const [isVisible2, toggle2] = useMyHook();
Because in your custom hook, you return an object with 2 properties: isVisible and toggle.
But you destructured it into isVisible2 and toggle2. You can see, there are no isVisible2 and toggle2 in your return.
So, if you want to use this hook again try to assign it to a new variable name like this:
const {isVisible: isVisible2, toggle: toggle2} = useMyHook();

Passed function as prop and is undefined

I'm trying to passed function toggle and is undefined. How to fix that ?
function page() {
const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false);
const handleToggle = () => {
return (
<Sidebar state={open} callback={handleToggle} />
export default page;
//Passing to Sidebar component //
const Sidebar = ({callback,state}:any) => {
I would consider just passing props on the header of Sidebar component (something like):
const Sidebar = (props) => {...}
Then you can access props.callback and props.state inside your code.
Another piece of advice I could give you is to not use the state itself to change on the handler, but use the previous snapshot, for example:
const handleToggle = () => {
setOpen(prevIsOpen => !prevIsOpen);
This way you could avoid some random bugs. (See https://reactjs.org/docs/state-and-lifecycle.html#state-updates-may-be-asynchronous)
Don't know if this was of any help but hope it was (not a lot of experience in React).

How to test function in private scope?

I am not able to assert function selectXHandler, when i try to test it directly. Since it's defined in the private scope. I can't mock or spy on this function because you can't access it
export const CheckboxWrapper = ({
a = [],
}: CheckboxWrapperProps) => {
const State = useContext(Context);
const [state, dispatch] = State;
const { Items } = state;
const selectXHandler = () => {
const payload = {
dispatch({ type: action, payload });
if (y) {
return (
<div className="mt5">
checked={selectedItems[x] !== undefined}
return null;
const selectXHandler = jest.fn();
await fireEvent.click(checkbox);
I am getting following error:
Expected number of calls: 1
Received number of calls: 0
As it has discussed in comments above, it's bad move to test some internals. Imagine that's possible, we renamed that internal function or inline it or split into two. Will our test that tests it fail? Definitely. Will our app be broken? Certainly not.
We should be bound to public interface. For component public interface is:
imports(like input values)
props(also input value)
render result(output value)
contexts if any used(also let's treat as input value)
So I see test in next way:
for some input props
we simulate click on Checkbox
and verify that dispatch from context has been called with some desired argument.
I don't know RTL enough so my sample will be about Enzyme. But I'm sure it will be easy to translate it into appropriate RTL selector queries.
import Context from '../where/its/placed/someContext.js';
it('dispatch is called with A on checkbox is clicked', () => {
const dispatch = jest.fn();
const state = {}; // or some initial state your test requires
const ourComponent = mount(<Content.Provider value={{ dispatch, state }}>
<CheckboxWrapper {...somePropsYouNeed} /></Content.Provider>);
ourComponent.find({label: 'some-label'}).simulate('change');
expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ type: 'someType', payload: 'somePayload' });

Jest/Enzyme Shallow testing RFC - not firing jest.fn()

I'm trying to test the onChange prop (and the value) of an input on an RFC. On the tests, trying to simulate the event doesn't fire the jest mock function.
The actual component is connected (with redux) but I'm exporting it also as an unconnected component so I can do a shallow unit test. I'm also using some react-spring hooks for animation.
I've also tried to mount instead of shallow the component but I still get the same problem.
MY Component
export const UnconnectedSearchInput: React.FC<INT.IInputProps> = ({ scrolled, getUserInputRequest }): JSX.Element => {
const [change, setChange] = useState<string>('')
const handleChange = (e: InputVal): void => {
const handleKeyUp = (): void => {
return (
export default connect(null, { getUserInputRequest })(UnconnectedSearchInput);
My Tests
Here you can see the test that is failing. Commented out code is other things that I-ve tried so far without any luck.
describe('test input and dispatch action', () => {
let changeValueMock
let wrapper
const userInput = 'matrix'
beforeEach(() => {
changeValueMock = jest.fn()
const props = {
handleChange: changeValueMock
wrapper = shallow(<UnconnectedSearchInput {...props} />).dive()
// wrapper = mount(<UnconnectedSearchInput {...props} />)
test('should update input value', () => {
const input = findByTestAttr(wrapper, 'search-input').dive()
// const component = findByTestAttr(wrapper, 'search-input').last()
input.props().onChange({ target: { value: userInput } }) // not geting called
// input.simulate('change', { target: { value: userInput } })
// used with mount
// act(() => {
// input.props().onChange({ target: { value: userInput } })
// })
// wrapper.update()
// expect(input.prop('value')).toBe(userInput);
Test Error
Nothing too special here.
Expected mock function to have been called one time, but it was called zero times.
71 | // wrapper.update()
72 |
> 73 | expect(changeValueMock).toBeCalledTimes(1)
Any help would be greatly appreciated since it's been 2 days now and I cn't figure this out.
you don't have to interact with component internals; instead better use public interface: props and render result
test('should update input value', () => {
expect(findByTestAttr(wrapper, 'search-input').dive().props().value).toEqual('');
findByTestAttr(wrapper, 'search-input').dive().props().onChange({ target: {value: '_test_'} });
expect(findByTestAttr(wrapper, 'search-input').dive().props().value).toEqual('_test_');
See you don't need to check if some internal method has been called, what's its name or argument. If you get what you need - and you require to have <input> with some expected value - it does not matter how it happened.
But if function is passed from the outside(through props) you will definitely want to verify if it's called at some expected case
test('should call getUserInputRequest prop on keyUp event', () => {
const getUserInputRequest = jest.fn();
const mockedEvent = { target: { key: 'A' } };
const = wrapper = shallow(<UnconnectedSearchInput getUserInputRequest={getUserInputRequest } />).dive()
findByTestAttr(wrapper, 'search-input').dive().props().onKeyUp(mockedEvent)
[UPD] seems like caching selector in interm variable like
const input = findByTestAttr(wrapper, 'search-input').dive();
input.props().onChange({ target: {value: '_test_'} });
does not pass since input refers to stale old object where value does not update.
At enzyme's github I've been answered that it's expected behavior:
This is intended behavior in enzyme v3 - see https://github.com/airbnb/enzyme/blob/master/docs/guides/migration-from-2-to-3.md#calling-props-after-a-state-change.
So yes, exactly - everything must be re-found from the root if anything has changed.
