calculating with very big numbers in c - c

Im new to programming.
I want to calculate the modulo of a number which is in range from [0,10^24].
For example: (12 * 10^22) % 89
I know that I can't do this with the usual data types like long, integer and so on.
How can I do this? Is there a way to do this?
Thanks in advance

The expression shown can be easily calculated by reducing modulo 89 after each operation:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
// Initialize a product.
int t = 1;
// Calculate 10^22 (modulo 89) by multiplying by 10 (modulo 89) 22 times.
for (int i = 0; i < 22; ++i)
t = t * 10 % 89;
// Multiply by 12 (modulo 89).
t = t * 12 % 89;
// Show the result.
printf("%d\n", t);

As the previous answers say, you can get by with regular integers in this case.
If you really need very large integers (like in many cryptographic applications), there are several open source libraries around. Check out the GNU MP library or Flint (Fast Library for Number Theory, take a peek at the (header only!) C++ precision package or take a peek at Wikipedia's list. Most of them are available as packages for your favorite Linux distrtibution.
Many languages handle large integers transparently, GNU's bc (at your nearest Linux box) uses them.

The largest guaranteed C data type is a uint64_t (see stdint.h), which holds up to 2^64 - 1. I think it is preferable to maintain conformance to standard C when possible, so I'd suggest a way of simplifying the problem first so as to not use data types wider than that. For that, let's borrow from a modular arithmetic proof:
xy % z == ((x % z) * (y % z)) % z
From this, we can gather that, (12 * 10^22) % 89 == (12 % 89 * 10^11 % 89 * 10^11 %89) % 89 This new version certainly isn't as pretty, but it does make all the factors fit nicely into standard C data types. Simplification prior to computation such as this can be used for all the data in your range.
However, there is the problem of having storing the value you want to modulo in the first place. Clarification on what the use case is might make for a more applicable answer. For instance, is the value being stored in a string, perhaps from user input?
Alternatively, you can make use of certain libraries designed for dealing with really big numbers. I don't know which would be best for your purposes (I don't even know what OS you're on), but if you'd like to explore those options, a simple web search for "bignum", "arbitrary-precision", or "infinite-precision" libraries should give you what you want.


Why does rand() repeat numbers far more often on Linux than Mac?

I was implementing a hashmap in C as part of a project I'm working on and using random inserts to test it. I noticed that rand() on Linux seems to repeat numbers far more often than on Mac. RAND_MAX is 2147483647/0x7FFFFFFF on both platforms. I've reduced it to this test program that makes a byte array RAND_MAX+1-long, generates RAND_MAX random numbers, notes if each is a duplicate, and checks it off the list as seen.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
int main() {
size_t size = ((size_t)RAND_MAX) + 1;
char *randoms = calloc(size, sizeof(char));
int dups = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < RAND_MAX; i++) {
int r = rand();
if (randoms[r]) {
// printf("duplicate at %d\n", r);
randoms[r] = 1;
printf("duplicates: %d\n", dups);
Linux consistently generates around 790 million duplicates. Mac consistently only generates one, so it loops through every random number that it can generate almost without repeating. Can anyone please explain to me how this works? I can't tell anything different from the man pages, can't tell which RNG each is using, and can't find anything online. Thanks!
While at first it may sound like the macOS rand() is somehow better for not repeating any numbers, one should note that with this amount of numbers generated it is expected to see plenty of duplicates (in fact, around 790 million, or (231-1)/e). Likewise iterating through the numbers in sequence would also produce no duplicates, but wouldn't be considered very random. So the Linux rand() implementation is in this test indistinguishable from a true random source, whereas the macOS rand() is not.
Another thing that appears surprising at first glance is how the macOS rand() can manage to avoid duplicates so well. Looking at its source code, we find the implementation to be as follows:
* Compute x = (7^5 * x) mod (2^31 - 1)
* without overflowing 31 bits:
* (2^31 - 1) = 127773 * (7^5) + 2836
* From "Random number generators: good ones are hard to find",
* Park and Miller, Communications of the ACM, vol. 31, no. 10,
* October 1988, p. 1195.
long hi, lo, x;
/* Can't be initialized with 0, so use another value. */
if (*ctx == 0)
*ctx = 123459876;
hi = *ctx / 127773;
lo = *ctx % 127773;
x = 16807 * lo - 2836 * hi;
if (x < 0)
x += 0x7fffffff;
return ((*ctx = x) % ((unsigned long) RAND_MAX + 1));
This does indeed result in all numbers between 1 and RAND_MAX, inclusive, exactly once, before the sequence repeats again. Since the next state is based on multiplication, the state can never be zero (or all future states would also be zero). Thus the repeated number you see is the first one, and zero is the one that is never returned.
Apple has been promoting the use of better random number generators in their documentation and examples for at least as long as macOS (or OS X) has existed, so the quality of rand() is probably not deemed important, and they've just stuck with one of the simplest pseudorandom generators available. (As you noted, their rand() is even commented with a recommendation to use arc4random() instead.)
On a related note, the simplest pseudorandom number generator I could find that produces decent results in this (and many other) tests for randomness is xorshift*:
uint64_t x = *ctx;
x ^= x >> 12;
x ^= x << 25;
x ^= x >> 27;
*ctx = x;
return (x * 0x2545F4914F6CDD1DUL) >> 33;
This implementation results in almost exactly 790 million duplicates in your test.
MacOS provides an undocumented rand() function in stdlib. If you leave it unseeded, then the first values it outputs are 16807, 282475249, 1622650073, 984943658 and 1144108930. A quick search will show that this sequence corresponds to a very basic LCG random number generator that iterates the following formula:
xn+1 = 75 · xn (mod 231 − 1)
Since the state of this RNG is described entirely by the value of a single 32-bit integer, its period is not very long. To be precise, it repeats itself every 231 − 2 iterations, outputting every value from 1 to 231 − 2.
I don't think there's a standard implementation of rand() for all versions of Linux, but there is a glibc rand() function that is often used. Instead of a single 32-bit state variable, this uses a pool of over 1000 bits, which to all intents and purposes will never produce a fully repeating sequence. Again, you can probably find out what version you have by printing the first few outputs from this RNG without seeding it first. (The glibc rand() function produces the numbers 1804289383, 846930886, 1681692777, 1714636915 and 1957747793.)
So the reason you're getting more collisions in Linux (and hardly any in MacOS) is that the Linux version of rand() is basically more random.
rand() is defined by the C standard, and the C standard does not specify which algorithm to use. Obviously, Apple is using an inferior algorithm to your GNU/Linux implementation: The Linux one is indistinguishable from a true random source in your test, while the Apple implementation just shuffles the numbers around.
If you want random numbers of any quality, either use a better PRNG that gives at least some guarantees on the quality of the numbers it returns, or simply read from /dev/urandom or similar. The later gives you cryptographic quality numbers, but is slow. Even if it is too slow by itself, /dev/urandom can provide some excellent seeds to some other, faster PRNG.
In general, the rand/srand pair has been considered sort of deprecated for a long time due to low-order bits displaying less randomness than high-order bits in the results. This may or may not have anything to do with your results, but I think this is still a good opportunity to remember that even though some rand/srand implementations are now more up to date, older implementations persist and it's better to use random(3). On my Arch Linux box, the following note is still in the man page for rand(3):
The versions of rand() and srand() in the Linux C Library use the same
random number generator as random(3) and srandom(3), so the lower-order
bits should be as random as the higher-order bits. However, on older
rand() implementations, and on current implementations on different
systems, the lower-order bits are much less random than the higher-or-
der bits. Do not use this function in applications intended to be por-
table when good randomness is needed. (Use random(3) instead.)
Just below that, the man page actually gives very short, very simple example implementations of rand and srand that are about the simplest LC RNGs you've ever seen and having a small RAND_MAX. I don't think they match what's in the C standard library, if they ever did. Or at least I hope not.
In general, if you're going to use something from the standard library, use random if you can (the man page lists it as POSIX standard back to POSIX.1-2001, but rand is standard way back before C was even standardized). Or better yet, crack open Numerical Recipes (or look for it online) or Knuth and implement one. They're really easy and you only really need to do it once to have a general purpose RNG with the attributes you most often need and which is of known quality.

Random integers in C, how bad is rand()%N compared to integer arithmetic? What are its flaws?

My question is: rand()%N is considered very bad, whereas the use of integer arithmetic is considered superior, but I cannot see the difference between the two.
People always mention:
low bits are not random in rand()%N,
rand()%N is very predictable,
you can use it for games but not for cryptography
Can someone explain if any of these points are the case here and how to see that?
The idea of the non-randomness of the lower bits is something that should make the PE of the two cases that I show differ, but it's not the case.
I guess many like me would always avoid using rand(), or rand()%N because we've been always taught that it is pretty bad. I was curious to see how "wrong" random integers generated with c rand()%N effectively are. This is also a follow up to Ryan Reich's answer in How to generate a random integer number from within a range.
The explanation there sounds very convincing, to be honest; nevertheless, I thought I’d give it a try. So, I compare the distributions in a VERY naive way. I run both random generators for different numbers of samples and domains. I didn't see the point of computing a density instead of histograms, so I just computed histograms and, just by looking, I would say they both look just as uniform. Regarding the other point that was raised, about the actual randomness (despite being uniformly distributed). I — again naively —compute the permutation entropy for these runs, which are the same for both sample sets, which tell us that there's no difference between both regarding the ordering of the occurrence.
So, for many purposes, it seems to me that rand()%N would be just fine, how can we see their flaws?
Here I show you a very simple, inefficient and not very elegant (but I think correct) way of computing these samples and get the histograms together with the permutation entropies.
I show plots for domains (0,i) with i in {5,10,25,50,100} for different number of samples:
There's not much to see in the code I guess, so I will leave both the C and the matlab code for replication purposes.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
unsigned long max = atoi(argv[2]);
int samples=atoi(argv[3]);
for(int i=0;i<samples;++i)
for(int i=0;i<samples;++i){
unsigned long
num_bins = (unsigned long) max + 1,
num_rand = (unsigned long) RAND_MAX + 1,
bin_size = num_rand / num_bins,
defect = num_rand % num_bins;
long x;
do {
x = rand();
while (num_rand - defect <= (unsigned long)x);
return 0;
And here is the Matlab code to plot this and compute the PEs (the recursion for the permutations I took it from:
system('gcc randomTest.c -o randomTest.exe;');
max = 100;
samples = max*10000;
trials = 200;
system(['./randomTest.exe 1 ' num2str(max) ' ' num2str(samples) ' > file1'])
system(['./randomTest.exe 2 ' num2str(max) ' ' num2str(samples) ' > file2'])
uni = figure(1);
title(['Samples: ' num2str(samples)])
h1 = histogram(a1,max+1);
h2 = histogram(a2,max+1);
title('Integer arithmetic')
H = nan(numel(ns),size(as,2));
for op=1:size(as,2)
x = as(:,op);
for n=ns
sequenceOcurrence = zeros(1,factorial(n));
sequences = myperms(1:n);
sequencesArrayIdx = sum(sequences.*10.^(size(sequences,2)-1:-1:0),2);
for i=1:numel(x)-n
[~,sequenceOrder] = sort(x(i:i+n-1));
out = sequenceOrder'*10.^(numel(sequenceOrder)-1:-1:0).';
sequenceOcurrence(sequencesArrayIdx == out) = sequenceOcurrence(sequencesArrayIdx == out) + 1;
chunks = length(x) - n + 1;
ps = sequenceOcurrence/chunks;
hh = sum(ps(logical(ps)).*log2(ps(logical(ps))));
H(n,op) = hh/log2(factorial(n));
xlabel('Sequence length')
filename = ['all_' num2str(max) '_' num2str(samples) ];
Due to the way modulo arithmetic works if N is significant compared to RAND_MAX doing %N will make it so you're considerably more likely to get some values than others. Imagine RAND_MAX is 12, and N is 9. If the distribution is good then the chances of getting one of 0, 1, or 2 is 0.5, and the chances of getting one of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 is 0.5. The result being that you're twice as likely to get a 0 instead of a 4. If N is an exact divider of RAND_MAX this distribution problem doesn't happen, and if N is very small compared to RAND_MAX the issue becomes less noticeable. RAND_MAX may not be a particularly large value (maybe 2^15 - 1), making this problem worse than you may expect. The alternative of doing (rand() * n) / (RAND_MAX + 1) also doesn't give an even distribution, however, it will be every mth value (for some m) that will be more likely to occur rather than the more likely values all being at the low end of the distribution.
If N is 75% of RAND_MAX then the values in the bottom third of your distribution are twice as likely as the values in the top two thirds (as this is where the extra values map to)
The quality of rand() will depend on the implementation of the system that you're on. I believe that some systems have had very poor implementation, OS Xs man pages declare rand obsolete. The Debian man page says the following:
The versions of rand() and srand() in the Linux C Library use the same
random number generator as random(3) and srandom(3), so the lower-order
bits should be as random as the higher-order bits. However, on older
rand() implementations, and on current implementations on different
systems, the lower-order bits are much less random than the higher-
order bits. Do not use this function in applications intended to be
portable when good randomness is needed. (Use random(3) instead.)
Both approaches have their pitfalls, and your graphs are little more than a pretty verification of the central limit theorem! For a sensible implementation of rand():
% N suffers from a "pigeon-holing" effect if 1u + RAND_MAX is not a multiple of N
/((RAND_MAX + 1u)/N) does not, in general, evenly distribute the return of rand across your range, due to integer truncation effects.
On balance, if N is small cf. RAND_MAX, I'd plump for % for its tractability. In any case test your generator to see it it has the appropriate statistical properties for your application.
rand() % N is considered extremely poor not because the distribution is bad, but because the randomness is poor-to-nonexistent. (If anything the distribution will be too good.)
If N is not small with respect to RAND_MAX, both
rand() % N
rand() / (RAND_MAX / N + 1)
will have more or less the same, poor distribution -- certain values will occur with significantly higher probability than others.
Looking at distribution histograms won't show you that for some implementations, rand() % N has a much, much worse problem -- to show that you'd have to perform some correlations with previous values. (For example, try taking rand() % 2, then subtracting from the previous value you got, and plotting a histogram of the differences. If the difference is never 0, you've got a problem.)
I would like to say that the implementations for which rand()'s low-order bits aren't random are simply buggy. I'd like to think that all those buggy implementations would have disappeared by now. I'd like to think that programmers shouldn't have to worry about calling rand()%N any more. But, unfortunately, my wishes don't change the fact that this seems to be one of those bugs that never get fixed, meaning that programmers do still have to worry.
See also the C FAQ list, question 13.16.

precision multiplication of 255-bit integer in radix-2^16 [duplicate]

I'm trying to learn C and have come across the inability to work with REALLY big numbers (i.e., 100 digits, 1000 digits, etc.). I am aware that there exist libraries to do this, but I want to attempt to implement it myself.
I just want to know if anyone has or can provide a very detailed, dumbed down explanation of arbitrary-precision arithmetic.
It's all a matter of adequate storage and algorithms to treat numbers as smaller parts. Let's assume you have a compiler in which an int can only be 0 through 99 and you want to handle numbers up to 999999 (we'll only worry about positive numbers here to keep it simple).
You do that by giving each number three ints and using the same rules you (should have) learned back in primary school for addition, subtraction and the other basic operations.
In an arbitrary precision library, there's no fixed limit on the number of base types used to represent our numbers, just whatever memory can hold.
Addition for example: 123456 + 78:
12 34 56
-- -- --
12 35 34
Working from the least significant end:
initial carry = 0.
56 + 78 + 0 carry = 134 = 34 with 1 carry
34 + 00 + 1 carry = 35 = 35 with 0 carry
12 + 00 + 0 carry = 12 = 12 with 0 carry
This is, in fact, how addition generally works at the bit level inside your CPU.
Subtraction is similar (using subtraction of the base type and borrow instead of carry), multiplication can be done with repeated additions (very slow) or cross-products (faster) and division is trickier but can be done by shifting and subtraction of the numbers involved (the long division you would have learned as a kid).
I've actually written libraries to do this sort of stuff using the maximum powers of ten that can be fit into an integer when squared (to prevent overflow when multiplying two ints together, such as a 16-bit int being limited to 0 through 99 to generate 9,801 (<32,768) when squared, or 32-bit int using 0 through 9,999 to generate 99,980,001 (<2,147,483,648)) which greatly eased the algorithms.
Some tricks to watch out for.
1/ When adding or multiplying numbers, pre-allocate the maximum space needed then reduce later if you find it's too much. For example, adding two 100-"digit" (where digit is an int) numbers will never give you more than 101 digits. Multiply a 12-digit number by a 3 digit number will never generate more than 15 digits (add the digit counts).
2/ For added speed, normalise (reduce the storage required for) the numbers only if absolutely necessary - my library had this as a separate call so the user can decide between speed and storage concerns.
3/ Addition of a positive and negative number is subtraction, and subtracting a negative number is the same as adding the equivalent positive. You can save quite a bit of code by having the add and subtract methods call each other after adjusting signs.
4/ Avoid subtracting big numbers from small ones since you invariably end up with numbers like:
-- -- -- --
99 99 99 99 (and you still have a borrow).
Instead, subtract 10 from 11, then negate it:
1 (then negate to get -1).
Here are the comments (turned into text) from one of the libraries I had to do this for. The code itself is, unfortunately, copyrighted, but you may be able to pick out enough information to handle the four basic operations. Assume in the following that -a and -b represent negative numbers and a and b are zero or positive numbers.
For addition, if signs are different, use subtraction of the negation:
-a + b becomes b - a
a + -b becomes a - b
For subtraction, if signs are different, use addition of the negation:
a - -b becomes a + b
-a - b becomes -(a + b)
Also special handling to ensure we're subtracting small numbers from large:
small - big becomes -(big - small)
Multiplication uses entry-level math as follows:
475(a) x 32(b) = 475 x (30 + 2)
= 475 x 30 + 475 x 2
= 4750 x 3 + 475 x 2
= 4750 + 4750 + 4750 + 475 + 475
The way in which this is achieved involves extracting each of the digits of 32 one at a time (backwards) then using add to calculate a value to be added to the result (initially zero).
ShiftLeft and ShiftRight operations are used to quickly multiply or divide a LongInt by the wrap value (10 for "real" math). In the example above, we add 475 to zero 2 times (the last digit of 32) to get 950 (result = 0 + 950 = 950).
Then we left shift 475 to get 4750 and right shift 32 to get 3. Add 4750 to zero 3 times to get 14250 then add to result of 950 to get 15200.
Left shift 4750 to get 47500, right shift 3 to get 0. Since the right shifted 32 is now zero, we're finished and, in fact 475 x 32 does equal 15200.
Division is also tricky but based on early arithmetic (the "gazinta" method for "goes into"). Consider the following long division for 12345 / 27:
27 | 12345 27 is larger than 1 or 12 so we first use 123.
108 27 goes into 123 4 times, 4 x 27 = 108, 123 - 108 = 15.
154 Bring down 4.
135 27 goes into 154 5 times, 5 x 27 = 135, 154 - 135 = 19.
195 Bring down 5.
189 27 goes into 195 7 times, 7 x 27 = 189, 195 - 189 = 6.
6 Nothing more to bring down, so stop.
Therefore 12345 / 27 is 457 with remainder 6. Verify:
457 x 27 + 6
= 12339 + 6
= 12345
This is implemented by using a draw-down variable (initially zero) to bring down the segments of 12345 one at a time until it's greater or equal to 27.
Then we simply subtract 27 from that until we get below 27 - the number of subtractions is the segment added to the top line.
When there are no more segments to bring down, we have our result.
Keep in mind these are pretty basic algorithms. There are far better ways to do complex arithmetic if your numbers are going to be particularly large. You can look into something like GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library - it's substantially better and faster than my own libraries.
It does have the rather unfortunate misfeature in that it will simply exit if it runs out of memory (a rather fatal flaw for a general purpose library in my opinion) but, if you can look past that, it's pretty good at what it does.
If you cannot use it for licensing reasons (or because you don't want your application just exiting for no apparent reason), you could at least get the algorithms from there for integrating into your own code.
I've also found that the bods over at MPIR (a fork of GMP) are more amenable to discussions on potential changes - they seem a more developer-friendly bunch.
While re-inventing the wheel is extremely good for your personal edification and learning, its also an extremely large task. I don't want to dissuade you as its an important exercise and one that I've done myself, but you should be aware that there are subtle and complex issues at work that larger packages address.
For example, multiplication. Naively, you might think of the 'schoolboy' method, i.e. write one number above the other, then do long multiplication as you learned in school. example:
x 34
+ 3690
but this method is extremely slow (O(n^2), n being the number of digits). Instead, modern bignum packages use either a discrete Fourier transform or a Numeric transform to turn this into an essentially O(n ln(n)) operation.
And this is just for integers. When you get into more complicated functions on some type of real representation of number (log, sqrt, exp, etc.) things get even more complicated.
If you'd like some theoretical background, I highly recommend reading the first chapter of Yap's book, "Fundamental Problems of Algorithmic Algebra". As already mentioned, the gmp bignum library is an excellent library. For real numbers, I've used MPFR and liked it.
Don't reinvent the wheel: it might turn out to be square!
Use a third party library, such as GNU MP, that is tried and tested.
You do it in basically the same way you do with pencil and paper...
The number is to be represented in a buffer (array) able to take on an arbitrary size (which means using malloc and realloc) as needed
you implement basic arithmetic as much as possible using language supported structures, and deal with carries and moving the radix-point manually
you scour numeric analysis texts to find efficient arguments for dealing by more complex function
you only implement as much as you need.
Typically you will use as you basic unit of computation
bytes containing with 0-99 or 0-255
16 bit words contaning wither 0-9999 or 0--65536
32 bit words containing...
as dictated by your architecture.
The choice of binary or decimal base depends on you desires for maximum space efficiency, human readability, and the presence of absence of Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) math support on your chip.
You can do it with high school level of mathematics. Though more advanced algorithms are used in reality. So for example to add two 1024-byte numbers :
unsigned char first[1024], second[1024], result[1025];
unsigned char carry = 0;
unsigned int sum = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
sum = first[i] + second[i] + carry;
carry = sum - 255;
result will have to be bigger by one place in case of addition to take care of maximum values. Look at this :
TTMath is a great library if you want to learn. It is built using C++. The above example was silly one, but this is how addition and subtraction is done in general!
A good reference about the subject is Computational complexity of mathematical operations. It tells you how much space is required for each operation you want to implement. For example, If you have two N-digit numbers, then you need 2N digits to store the result of multiplication.
As Mitch said, it is by far not an easy task to implement! I recommend you take a look at TTMath if you know C++.
One of the ultimate references (IMHO) is Knuth's TAOCP Volume II. It explains lots of algorithms for representing numbers and arithmetic operations on these representations.
author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
title = {The Art of Computer Programming},
volume = {2: Seminumerical Algorithms, second edition},
year = {1981},
publisher = {\Range{Addison}{Wesley}},
isbn = {0-201-03822-6},
Assuming that you wish to write a big integer code yourself, this can be surprisingly simple to do, spoken as someone who did it recently (though in MATLAB.) Here are a few of the tricks I used:
I stored each individual decimal digit as a double number. This makes many operations simple, especially output. While it does take up more storage than you might wish, memory is cheap here, and it makes multiplication very efficient if you can convolve a pair of vectors efficiently. Alternatively, you can store several decimal digits in a double, but beware then that convolution to do the multiplication can cause numerical problems on very large numbers.
Store a sign bit separately.
Addition of two numbers is mainly a matter of adding the digits, then check for a carry at each step.
Multiplication of a pair of numbers is best done as convolution followed by a carry step, at least if you have a fast convolution code on tap.
Even when you store the numbers as a string of individual decimal digits, division (also mod/rem ops) can be done to gain roughly 13 decimal digits at a time in the result. This is much more efficient than a divide that works on only 1 decimal digit at a time.
To compute an integer power of an integer, compute the binary representation of the exponent. Then use repeated squaring operations to compute the powers as needed.
Many operations (factoring, primality tests, etc.) will benefit from a powermod operation. That is, when you compute mod(a^p,N), reduce the result mod N at each step of the exponentiation where p has been expressed in a binary form. Do not compute a^p first, and then try to reduce it mod N.
Here's a simple ( naive ) example I did in PHP.
I implemented "Add" and "Multiply" and used that for an exponent example.
Code snip
// Add two big integers
function ba($a, $b)
if( $a === "0" ) return $b;
else if( $b === "0") return $a;
$aa = str_split(strrev(strlen($a)>1?ltrim($a,"0"):$a), 9);
$bb = str_split(strrev(strlen($b)>1?ltrim($b,"0"):$b), 9);
$rr = Array();
$maxC = max(Array(count($aa), count($bb)));
$aa = array_pad(array_map("strrev", $aa),$maxC+1,"0");
$bb = array_pad(array_map("strrev", $bb),$maxC+1,"0");
for( $i=0; $i<=$maxC; $i++ )
$t = str_pad((string) ($aa[$i] + $bb[$i]), 9, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
if( strlen($t) > 9 )
$aa[$i+1] = ba($aa[$i+1], substr($t,0,1));
$t = substr($t, 1);
array_unshift($rr, $t);
return implode($rr);

What are the approaches to SW floating-point implementation?

I need to be able to use floating-point arithmetic under my dev environment in C (CPU: ~12 MHz Motorola 68000). The standard library is not present, meaning it is a bare-bones C and no - it isn't gcc due to several other issues
I tried getting the SoftFloat library to compile and one other 68k-specific FP library (name of which escapes me at this moment), but their dependencies cannot be resolved for this particular platform - mostly due to libc deficiencies. I spent about 8 hrs trying to overcome the linking issues, until I got to a point where I know I can't get further.
However, it took mere half an hour to come up with and implement the following set of functions that emulate floating-point functionality sufficiently for my needs.
The basic idea is that both fractional and non-fractional part are 16-bit integers, thus there is no bit manipulation.
The nonfractional part has a range of [-32767, 32767] and the fractional part [-0.9999, +0.9999] - which gives us 4 digits of precision (good enough for my floating-point needs - albeit wasteful).
It looks to me, like this could be used to make a faster, smaller - just 2 Bytes-big - alternative version of a float with ranges [-99, +99] and [-0.9, +0.9]
The question here is, what other techniques - other than IEEE - are there to make an implementation of basic floating-point functionality (+ - * /) using fixed-point functionality?
Later on, I will need some basic trigonometry, but there are lots of resources on net for that.
Since the HW has 2 MBs of RAM, I don't really care if I can save 2 bytes per soft-float (say - by reserving 9 vs 7 bits in an int). Thus - 4 bytes are good enough.
Also, from brief looking at the 68k instruction manual (and the cycle costs of each instruction), I made few early observations:
bit-shifting is slow, and unless performance is of critical importance (not the case here), I'd prefer easy debugging of my soft-float library versus 5-cycles-faster code. Besides, since this is C and not 68k ASM, it is obvious that speed is not a critical factor.
8-bit operands are as slow as 16-bit (give or take a cycle in most cases), thus it looks like it does not make much sense to compress floats for the sake of performance.
What improvements / approaches would you propose to implement floating-point in C using fixed-point without any dependency on other library/code?
Perhaps it would be possible to use a different approach and do the operations on frac & non-frac parts at the same time?
Here is the code (tested only using the calculator), please ignore the C++ - like declaration and initialization in the middle of functions (I will reformat that to C-style later):
inline int Pad (int f) // Pad the fractional part to 4 digits
if (f < 10) return f*1000;
else if (f < 100) return f*100;
else if (f < 1000) return f*10;
else return f;
// We assume fractional parts are padded to full 4 digits
inline void Add (int & b1, int & f1, int b2, int f2)
b1 += b2;
f1 +=f2;
if (f1 > 9999) { b1++; f1 -=10000; }
else if (f1 < -9999) { b1--; f1 +=10000; }
f1 = Pad (f1);
inline void Sub (int & b1, int & f1, int b2, int f2)
// 123.1652 - 18.9752 = 104.1900
b1 -= b2; // 105
f1 -= f2; // -8100
if (f1 < 0) { b1--; f1 +=10000; }
f1 = Pad (f1);
// ToDo: Implement a multiplication by float
inline void Mul (int & b1, int & f1, int num)
// 123.9876 * 251 = 31120.8876
b1 *=num; // 30873
long q = f1*num; //2478876
int add = q/10000; // 247
b1+=add; // 31120
f1 = q-(add*10000);//8876
f1 = Pad (f1);
// ToDo: Implement a division by float
inline void Div (int & b1, int & f1, int num)
// 123.9876 / 25 = 4.959504
int b2 = b1/num; // 4
long q = b1 - (b2*num); // 23
f1 = ((q*10000) + f1) / num; // (23000+9876) / 25 = 9595
b1 = b2;
f1 = Pad (f1);
You are thinking in the wrong base for a simple fixed point implementation. It is much easier if you use the bits for the decimal place. e.g. using 16 bits for the integer part and 16 bits for the decimal part (range -32767/32767, precision of 1/2^16 which is a lot higher precision than you have).
The best part is that addition and subtraction are simple (just add the two parts together). Multiplication is a little bit trickier: you have to be aware of overflow and so it helps to do the multiplication in 64 bit. You also have to shift the result after the multiplication (by however many bits are in your decimal).
typedef int fixed16;
fixed16 mult_f(fixed16 op1, fixed16 op2)
/* you may need to do something tricky with upper and lower if you don't
* have native 64 bit but the compiler might do it for us if we are lucky
uint64_t tmp;
tmp = (op1 * op2) >> 16;
/* add in error handling for overflow if you wish - this just wraps */
return tmp & 0xFFFFFFFF;
Division is similar.
Someone might have implemented almost exactly what you need (or that can be hacked to make it work) that's called libfixmath
If you decide to use fixed-point, the whole number (i.e both int and fractional parts) should be in the same base. Using binary for the int part and decimal for the fractional part as above is not very optimal and slows down the calculation. Using binary fixed-point you'll only need to shift an appropriate amount after each operation instead of long adjustments like your idea. If you want to use Q16.16 then libfixmath as dave mentioned above is a good choice. If you want a different precision or floating point position such as Q14.18, Q19.13 then write your own library or modify some library for your own use. Some examples
See also What's the best way to do fixed-point math?
If you want a larger range then floating point maybe the better choice. Write a library as your own requirements, choose a format that is easy to implement and easy to achieve good performance in software, no need to follow IEEE 754 specifications (which is only fast with hardware implementations due to the odd number of bits and strange exponent bits' position) unless you intend to exchange data with other devices. For example a format of exp.sign.significand with 7 exponent bits followed by a sign bit and then 24 bits of significand. The exponent doesn't need to be biased, so to get the base only an arithmetic shift by 25 is needed, the sign bit will also be extended. But in case the shift is slower than a subtraction then excess-n is better.

Perfect Power detection in linear time

I'm trying to write a C program which, given a positive integer n (> 1) detect whether exists numbers x and r so that n = x^r
This is what I did so far:
while (c>=d) {
double y = pow(sum, 1.0/d);
if (floor(y) == y) {
out = y;
In the program above, "c" is the maxium value for the exponent (r) and "d" will start by being equal to 2. Y is the value to be checked and the variable "out" is set to output that value later on. Basically, what the script does, is to check if the square roots of y exists: if not, he tries with the square cube and so on... When he finds it, he store the value of y in "out" so that: y = out^d
My question is, is there any more efficient way to find these values? I found some documentation online, but that's far more complicated than my high-school algebra. How can I implement this in a more efficient way?
In one of your comments, you state you want this to be compatible with gigantic numbers. In that case, you may want to bring in the GMP library, which supports operations on arbitrarily large numbers, one of those operations being checking if it is a perfect power.
It is open source, so you can check out the source code and see how they do it, if you don't want to bring in the whole library.
If n fits in a fixed-size (e.g. 32-bit) integer variable, the optimal solution is probably just hard-coding the list of such numbers and binary-searching it. Keep in mind, in int range, there are roughly
sqrt(INT_MAX) perfect squares
cbrt(INT_MAX) perfect cubes
In 32 bits, that's roughly 65536 + 2048 + 256 + 128 + 64 + ... < 70000.
You need the r-base logarithm, use an identity to calculate it using the natural log
log_r(x) = log(x)/log(r)
So you need to calculate:
x = log(n)/log(r)
(In my neck of the wood, this is highschool math. Which immediately explains my having to look up whether I remembered that identity correctly :))
After you are calculating y in
double y = pow(sum, 1.0/d);
you can get the nearest int to it and you can use your own power function to check for the
equality condition with sum.
int x = (int)(y+0.5);
int a = your_power_func(x,d);
if (a == sum)
I guess this way you can confirm whether a number is integer power of some other number or not.
