unused `static inline` functions generate warnings with `clang` - c

When using gcc or clang, it's generally a good idea to enable a number of warnings, and a first batch of warnings is generally provided by -Wall.
This batch is pretty large, and includes the specific warning -Wunused-function.
Now, -Wunused-function is useful to detect static functions which are no longer invoked, meaning they are useless, and should therefore preferably be removed from source code.
When applying a "zero-warning" policy, it's no longer "preferable", but downright compulsory.
For performance reasons, some functions may be defined directly into header files *.h, so that they can be inlined at compile time (disregarding any kind of LTO magic). Such functions are generally declared and defined as static inline.
In the past, such functions would probably have been defined as macros instead, but it's considered better to make them static inline functions instead, whenever applicable (no funny type issue).
OK, so now we have a bunch of functions defined directly into header files, for performance reasons. A unit including such a header file is under no obligation to use all its declared symbols. Therefore, a static inline function defined in a header file may reasonably not be invoked.
For gcc, that's fine. gcc would flag an unused static function, but not an inline static one.
For clang though, the outcome is different : static inline functions declared in headers trigger a -Wunused-function warning if a single unit does not invoke them. And it doesn't take a lot of flags to get there : -Wall is enough.
A work-around is to introduce a compiler-specific extension, such as __attribute__((unused)), which explicitly states to the compiler that the function defined in the header may not necessarily be invoked by all its units.
OK, but now, the code which used to be clean C99 is including some form of specific compiler extension, adding to the weight of portability and maintenance.
The question therefore is more about the logic of such a choice : why does clang selects to trigger a warning when a static inline function defined in a header is not invoked ? In which case is that a good idea ?
And what does clang proposes to cover the relatively common case of inlined functions defined in header file, without requesting the usage of compiler extension ?
edit :
After further investigation, it appears the question is incorrect.
The warning is triggered in the editor (VSCode) using clang linter applying a selected list compilation flags (-Wall, etc.).
But when the source code is actually compiled with clang and with exactly the same list of flags, the "unused function" warning is not present.
So far, the results visible in the editor used to be exactly the ones found at compilation time. It's the first time I witness a difference.
So the problem seems related to the way the linter uses clang to produce its list of warnings. That's a much more complex and specific question.
Note the comment:
OK, sorry, this is actually different from expectation. It appears the warning is triggered in the editor using clang linter with selected compilation flags (-Wall, etc.). But when the source code is compiled with exactly the same flags, the "unused function" warning is actually not present. So far, the results visible in the editor used to be exactly the ones found at compilation time; it's the first time I witness a difference. So the problem seems related to the way the linter uses clang to produce its list of warnings. It seems to be a more complex question [than I realized].

I'm not sure you'll find any "why". I think this is a bug, possibly one that they don't care to fix. As you hint in your question, it does encourage really bad practice (annotation with compiler extensions where no annotation should be needed), and this should not be done; rather, the warning should just be turned off unless/until the bug is fixed.
If you haven't already, you should search their tracker for an existing bug report, and open one if none already exists.
Follow-up: I'm getting reports which I haven't verified that this behavior only happens for functions defined in source files directly, not from included header files. If that's true, it's nowhere near as bad, and probably something you can ignore.

One would have to configure the used inline functions before including the header.
Sounds like a hassle and looks clumsy.

When using gcc or clang, it's generally a good idea to enable a number of warnings,
When using any C compiler, it's a good idea to ensure that the warning level is turned up, and to pay attention to the resulting warnings. Much breakage, confusion, and wasted effort can be saved that way.
Now, -Wunused-function is useful to detect static functions which are
no longer invoked, meaning they are useless, and should therefore
preferably be removed from source code. When applying a "zero-warning"
policy, it's no longer "preferable", but downright compulsory.
Note well that
Such zero-warning policies, though well-intended, are a crutch. I have little regard for policies that substitute inflexible rules for human judgement.
Such zero-warning policies can be subverted in a variety of ways, with disabling certain warnings being high on the list. Just how useful are they really, then?
Policy is adopted by choice, as a means to an end. Maybe not your choice personally, but someone's. If existing policy is not adequately serving the intended objective, or is interfering with other objectives, then it should be re-evaluated (though that does not necessarily imply that it will be changed).
For performance reasons, some functions may be defined directly into header files *.h, so that they can be inlined at compile time (disregarding any kind of LTO magic).
That's a choice. More often than not, one affording little advantage.
Such functions are generally declared and defined as static inline. In the past, such functions would probably have been defined as macros instead, but it's considered better to make them static inline functions instead, whenever applicable (no funny type issue).
Considered by whom? There are reasons to prefer functions over macros, but there are also reasons to prefer macros in some cases. Not all such reasons are objective.
A unit including such a header file is
under no obligation to use all its declared symbols.
Therefore, a
static inline function defined in a header file may reasonably not be
Well, that's a matter of what one considers "reasonable". It's one thing to have reasons to want to do things that way, but whether those reasons outweigh those for not doing it that way is a judgement call. I wouldn't do that.
The question therefore is more about the logic of such a choice : why
does clang selects to trigger a warning when a static inline function
defined in a header is not invoked ? In which case is that a good idea
If we accept that it is an intentional choice, one would presume that the Clang developers have a different opinion about how reasonable the practice you're advocating is. You should consider this a quality-of-implementation issue, there being no rules for whether compilers should emit diagnostics in such cases. If they have different ideas about what they should warn about than you do, then maybe a different compiler would be more suitable.
Moreover, it would be of little consequence if you did not also have a zero-warning policy, so multiple choices on your part are going into creating an issue for you.
And what does clang proposes to cover the relatively common case of
inlined functions defined in header file, without requesting the usage
of compiler extension ?
I doubt that clang or its developers propose any particular course of action here. You seem to be taking the position that they are doing something wrong. They are not. They are doing something that is inconvenient for you, and that therefore you (understandably) dislike. You will surely find others who agree with you. But none of that puts any onus on Clang to have a fix.
With that said, you could try defining the functions in the header as extern inline instead of static inline. You are then obligated to provide one non-inline definition of each somewhere in the whole program, too, but those can otherwise be lexically identical to the inline definitions. I speculate that this may assuage Clang.


inlining C code : -flto or not -flto

One of my recent program highly depends on inlining a few "hot" functions for performance. These hot functions are part of an external .c file which I would prefer not to change.
Unfortunately, while Visual is pretty good at this exercise, gcc and clang are not. Apparently, due to the fact that the hot functions are within a different .c, they can't inline them.
This leaves me with 2 options :
Either include directly the relevant code into the target file. In practice, that means #include "perf.c" instead of #include "perf.h". Trivial change but it looks ugly. Clearly it works. It's just a little bit more complex to explain to the build chain that perf.c must be there but not be compiled nor linked.
Use -flto, for Link Time Optimisation. It looks cleaner, and is what Visual achieves by default.
The problem is, with -flto, gcc linking stage generates multiple warnings, which seem to be internal bugs (they refer to portion of code from within the standard libs, so I have little control over them). This is embarrassing when targeting a "zero warning" policy (even though the binary generated is perfectly fine).
As to clang, it just fails with -flto, due to packaging error (error loading plugin: LLVMgold.so) which is apparently very common accross multiple linux distros.
2 questions :
Is there a way to turn off these warning messages when using -flto on gcc ?
Which of the 2 methods described above methods seems the better one, given pro and con ?
Optional : is there another solution ?
According to your comment you have to suport gcc 4.4. As LTO started with gcc 4.5 (with all caution about early versions), the answer should be clearly. no -flto.
So, #include the code with all due caution, of course.
The file-extension should not be .c, though, but e.g. .inc (.i is also a bad idea). Even better: .h and change the functions to static inline. That still might not guarantee inlining, but that's the same as for all functions and it maintains the appearance of a clean header (although a longer inline function still is bad style).
Before doing all this, I'd properly profile, if the code really has a problem. One should concentrate on writing readable and maintainable code in the first place.

Is commenting out a #include a safe way to see if it's unneeded?

I like to keep my files clean, so I prefer to take out includes I don't need. Lately I've been just commenting the includes out and seeing if it compiles without warnings (-Wall -Wextra -pedantic, minus a couple very specific ones). I figure if it compiles without warnings I didn't need it.
Is this actually a safe way to check if an include is needed or can it introduce UB or other problems? Are there any specific warnings I need to be sure are enabled to catch potential problems?
n.b. I'm actually using Objective C and clang, so anything specific to those is appreciated, but given the flexibility of Objective C I think if there's any trouble it will be a general C thing. Certainly any problems in C will affect Objective C.
In principle, yes.
The exception would be if two headers interact in some hidden way. Say, if you:
include two different headers which define the same symbol differently,
both definitions are syntactically valid and well-typed,
but one definition is good, the other breaks your program at run-time.
Hopefully, your header files are not structured like that. It's somewhat unlikely, though not inconceivable.
I'd be more comfortable doing this if I had good (unit) tests.
Usually just commenting out the inclusion of the header is safe, meaning: if the header is needed then there will be compiler errors when you remove it, and (usually) if the header is not needed, the code will still compile fine.
This should not be done without inspecting the header to see what it adds though, as there is the (not exactly typical) possibility that a header only provides optional #define's (or #undef's) which will alter, but not break, the way a program is compiled.
The only way to be sure is to build your code without the header (if it's able to build in the first place) and run a proper regimen of testing to ensure its behavior has not changed.
No. Apart from the reasons already mentioned in other answers, it's possible that the header is needed and another header includes it indirectly. If you remove the #include, you won't see an error but there may be errors on other platforms.
In general, no. It is easy to introduce silent changes.
Suppose header.h defines some macros like
The C file including header.h tests the macro
Your files compile cleanly and with all warnings enabled with or without the inclusion of header.h, but the result behaves differently. The only way to get a definitive answer is to analyze which identifiers a header defines/declares and see if at least one of them appears in the preprocessed C file.
One tool that does this is FlexeLint from Gimpel. I don't get paid for saying this, even though they should :-) If you want to avoid shelling out big bucks, an approach I have been taking is compiling a C file to an object file with and without the header, if both succeed check for identical object files. If they are the same you don't need the header
(but watch our for include directives wrapped in #ifdefs that are enabled by a -DWITH_FEATURE_FOO option).

Is this a reasonable hack to inline functions across translation units?

I'm writing performance-sensitive code that really requires me to force certain function calls to be inlined.
For inline functions that are shared between translation units via a header, one would normally have to put the function definition in the header file. I don't want to do that. Some of these functions operate on complex data structures that should not be exposed in the header.
I've gotten around this by simply #including all the .h and .c files once each into a single .c file, so that there is only one translation unit. (That slows down re-compiles, but not by enough to matter.)
This would be "problem solved," but it eliminates getting an error when a function in one C file calls a function in another C file that is supposed to be private, and I want to get an error in that case. So, I have a separate Makefile entry that does a "normal" build, just to check for this case.
In order to force functions declared inline to play nicely in the "normal" build, I actually define a macro, may_inline, which is used where the inline attribute normally would be. It is defined as empty for a normal build and is defined as "inline" for an optimized build.
This seems like an acceptable solution. The only downside I can see is that I can't have private functions in different .c files that have the same prototype, but so far, that hasn't been much of an issue for me.
Another potential solution is to use GCC's Link-Time Optimization, which is supposed to allow inlining across translation units. It's a new feature, though, and I don't trust it to always inline things the way I would want. Furthermore, I can only get it working on trivial problems, not my actual code.
Is this an acceptable hack, or am I doing something incredibly stupid? The fact that I've never seen this done before makes me a bit nervous.
Unity build is an absolutely valid approach and has been widely used in industry since forever (see e.g. this post). Recent versions of Visual Studio even provide builtin support for them.
LTO has a downside of not being portable even across compilers for the same platform.

Implicit declaration when using a function before it is defined in C, why can't the compiler figure this out?

As the title says, I know what causes this error but I want to know why the compiler gives it in this circumstance.
Eg :
void test(){
void test1(){
Would give an implicit declaration warning as the compiler would reach the call to test1() before it has read its declaration, I can see the obvious problems with this (not knowing return type etc), but why can't the compiler do a simple pass to get all function declarations, then compile the code removing these errors? It just seems so simple to do and I don't believe I've seen similar warnings in other languages.
Does anyone know if there is a specific purpose for this warning in this situation that I am overlooking?
I'd guess since C is a pretty old language, dating back to 1972, this was an intentional because of memory and speed constraints.
The way it's defined, the compiler has to make one scan of your file to know everything that's needed for compilation. Having to do a two pass would have been more expensive and so this rule has survived to this day.
Also, as peoro noted, this rule makes a compiler writer's life easier. Not to mention an IDE's life for autocompletion will also make it's life easier.
So, a small annoyance for program writers means easing life for compiler writers and IDE makers, among others.
Oh, and your programs will compile faster. Not bad when you've got a multimillion code base on your hands.
That's the way C is defined.
There's a declare before use rule that forces you to declare symbols before using them.
It's mostly to make life easier for compilers.
Short answer: Because C is ooooold. :-)
Long answer: The C compiler and linker are totally separate. You might be defining different functions across different source files, and then linking them together. In this case, say that you were defining test1 in a separate library source file. The compiler wouldn't know about test1 until it has compiled the other file, and it compiles the other file separately so it can't know about it when it's compiling test. Therefore you have to tell it, 'yes, there really is a test1 defined elsewhere, and here is its signature'. That's why you usually include a header file (.h), for any other source files whose functions you need to use, in this one.
It might not even seem so, but this approach also saves you time! Imagine you are compiling a compilation unit with thousands of files: In your scenario the compiler would first have to pares thousands of files to then see "Oh this function does not exist. Abort." The way that it implemented makes the compilation break as soon as it sees an undefined function. This saves you time.

How to use the __attribute__ keyword in GCC C?

I am not clear with use of __attribute__ keyword in C.I had read the relevant docs of gcc but still I am not able to understand this.Can some one help to understand.
__attribute__ is not part of C, but is an extension in GCC that is used to convey special information to the compiler. The syntax of __attribute__ was chosen to be something that the C preprocessor would accept and not alter (by default, anyway), so it looks a lot like a function call. It is not a function call, though.
Like much of the information that a compiler can learn about C code (by reading it), the compiler can make use of the information it learns through __attribute__ data in many different ways -- even using the same piece of data in multiple ways, sometimes.
The pure attribute tells the compiler that a function is actually a mathematical function -- using only its arguments and the rules of the language to arrive at its answer with no other side effects. Knowing this the compiler may be able to optimize better when calling a pure function, but it may also be used when compiling the pure function to warn you if the function does do something that makes it impure.
If you can keep in mind that (even though a few other compilers support them) attributes are a GCC extension and not part of C and their syntax does not fit into C in an elegant way (only enough to fool the preprocessor) then you should be able to understand them better.
You should try playing around with them. Take the ones that are more easily understood for functions and try them out. Do the same thing with data (it may help to look at the assembly output of GCC for this, but sizeof and checking the alignment will often help).
Think of it as a way to inject syntax into the source code, which is not standard C, but rather meant for consumption of the GCC compiler only. But, of course, you inject this syntax not for the fun of it, but rather to give the compiler additional information about the elements to which it is attached.
You may want to instruct the compiler to align a certain variable in memory at a certain alignment. Or you may want to declare a function deprecated so that the compiler will automatically generate a deprecated warning when others try to use it in their programs (useful in libraries). Or you may want to declare a symbol as a weak symbol, so that it will be linked in only as a last resort, if any other definitions are not found (useful in providing default definitions).
All of this (and more) can be achieved by attaching the right attributes to elements in your program. You can attach them to variables and functions.
Take a look at this whole bunch of other GCC extensions to C. The attribute mechanism is a part of these extensions.
There are too many attributes for there to be a single answer, but examples help.
For example __attribute__((aligned(16))) makes the compiler align that struct/function on a 16-bit stack boundary.
__attribute__((noreturn)) tells the compiler this function never reaches the end (e.g. standard functions like exit(int) )
__attribute__((always_inline)) makes the compiler inline that function even if it wouldn't normally choose to (using the inline keyword suggests to the compiler that you'd like it inlining, but it's free to ignore you - this attribute forces it).
Essentially they're mostly about telling the compiler you know better than it does, or for overriding default compiler behaviour on a function by function basis.
One of the best (but little known) features of GNU C is the attribute mechanism, which allows a developer to attach characteristics to function declarations to allow the compiler to perform more error checking. It was designed in a way to be compatible with non-GNU implementations, and we've been using this for years in highly portable code with very good results.
Note that attribute spelled with two underscores before and two after, and there are always two sets of parentheses surrounding the contents. There is a good reason for this - see below. Gnu CC needs to use the -Wall compiler directive to enable this (yes, there is a finer degree of warnings control available, but we are very big fans of max warnings anyway).
For more information please go to http://unixwiz.net/techtips/gnu-c-attributes.html
Lokesh Venkateshiah
