SNOWFLAKE.INFORMATION_SCHEMA does not showing any record - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

I am trying the below query against SNOWFLAKE.INFORMATION_SCHEMA from account admin but it returning an error.
'databases' as category,
count(*) as found,
'3' as expected
SQL compilation error: Database 'SNOWFLAKE' does not exist or not authorized.
Checked SNOWFLAKE database exists but it does not have any schema including INFORMATION_SCHEMA

Databases live under your account. Account is the top level object in the Snowflake object hierarchy. Databases live under account. See this link, and find the text where it says, "The top-most container is the customer account...". It's got a nice little graphic there.
When you query information_schema on the Snowflake database, you're getting the information_schema of just the snowflake database, not of your entire account. Snowflake.information_schema is kinda useless b/c it just shows the information schema of a database (Snowflake) that you have no control over - Snowflake controls it.
If you want to see all the databases in your account, you can do the following:
use role accountadmin;
show databases;
select count(*) from table(result_scan(last_query_id())) where "name" in ('USDA_NUTRIENT_STDREF','LIBRARY_CARD_CATALOG','SOCIAL_MEDIA_FLOODGATES');
Now, separately, if you're concerned about the error you're getting - that you don't have access to the snowflake database, then I'd say you're either not using the accountadmin role, or you're not using a role that has the right privileges. If you'd like to give a role privileges to the Snowlfake database, you can run the following:
Good luck!


Show grants on all schemas in a Snowflake database

I am trying to list all grants of all schemas in a specific database.
I found that only SHOW GRANTS ON SCHEMA "TEST_DB"."TEST_SCHEMA" do the trick for one schema, but unfortunately I cannot be done for all schemas.
I believe I would need to do a combination of SHOW and result_scan, but I wanted to know if there is a more straightforward solution
I came up with :
show grants on schema "DB"."SCHEMA_A";
show grants on schema "DB"."SCHEMA_B";
select * from table(result_scan(last_query_id())) union all select * from table(result_scan(last_query_id(-2)));
But it quite dirty, and very cumbersome
Each database you create in Snowflake has an information_schema schema which you can use to get metadata about objects. You can see what grants have been assigned to a schema in your database with:
select *
from your_db_name.information_schema.object_privileges
where object_type = 'SCHEMA';
This will show you which roles (the "grantee") have been granted access to the schemas in that database but keep in mind that it won't show how the permissions are pushed down the role hierarchy to child roles.
Information schema documentation:

How to get the user who created table in snowflake

Is there any way to check the user name who created the table in snowflake database.
To previous questions in stack over flow some one suggested below query.
How to find the user who created a table in Snowflake
but I am unable to run the query, showing below error
Error: SQL compilation error: Shared database is no longer available for use. It will need to be re-created if and when the publisher makes it available again.
After gone through some documentation in snowflake I understood it need share access
Please let us know if this share access can be granted to every end user to find the user name who created table ? is it recommended to grant to users.
if so how to grant access to user
or is there any alternative way to get this information.
Run the following command to find your current role:
select current_role();
Then ask your account admin to grant access to the SNOWFLAKE database:
grant IMPORTED PRIVILEGES on database snowflake to role your_role_name;
You can try information Schema. If you have access to that database then you should be good.
select user_name,query_text,*
from table(information_schema.query_history())
where contains(lower(query_text),'<your table name>')
and query_type = 'CREATE_TABLE'
order by start_time;

How to grant extract DDL in Sybase to specific user?

I have a Sybase database and I've created a user following this video. Now I want to grant only select and get DDL permissions to the user, I've granted select permissions on all the user tables in the database to the user using grant select on tableName to user_ro query. But I'm not able to identify which permission will allow user to get DDL of all the database objects and can only read the data. What are the least privileges or roles that are needed to be granted to the user?
Queries that I ran against the database using SQL Interactive board:
//create login under master
use master
sp_addlogin user_ro, user1234
//verify user is created successfully
select name from syslogins
//add login user to mydatabase
use mydatabase
sp_adduser user_ro
//grant select on all tables one by one
grant select on tableName to user_ro
I'm quite new to Sybase, so please correct me wherever I'm wrong.
There is no specific DDL permission in ASE.
All programs that make DDL just select from system tables the definition of a certain object. So if you have access to some database and sp_help works then you can also create DDL from an object.

Which privileges does a user need to query used size in SQL Azure database?

I'm trying to query the consumed size of a SQL Azure database using code from this answer:
SELECT SUM(reserved_page_count)*8.0/1024 FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats;
That query runs just fine under the database admin, but not under another user - I get
The user does not have permission to perform this action.
and when I try to GRANT SELECT permission I get this error message:
Permissions on server scoped catalog views or system stored procedures or extended stored procedures can be granted only when the current database is master.
If I log to master and try to GRANT there I get this message:
Permissions for system stored procedures, server scoped catalog views, and extended stored procedures cannot be changed in this version of SQL Server.
So it looks like users other than database admin can't get the used space.
How do I query the used space in the SQL Azure database under a user other than database admin?
I seem to recall that we had to grant the login "VIEW DATABASE STATE" and "VIEW DEFINITION" in order to run that query.

MS Access: Permission problems with views

"I'll use an Access ADP" I said, "it's only a tiny project and I've got better things to do", I said, "I can build an interface really quickly in Access" I said.
Sorry for the rant, but it's Friday, I have a date in just under two hours, and I'm here late because this just isn't working - so, in despair, I turn to SO for help.
Access ADP front-end, linked to a SQL Server 2008 database
Using a SQL Server account to log into the database (for testing); this account is a member of the role, "Api"; this role has SELECT, EXECUTE, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE access to the "Api" schema
The "Api" schema is owned by "dbo"
All tables have a corresponding view in the Api schema: e.g. dbo.Customer --> Api.Customers
The rationale is that users don't have direct table access, but can deal with views as if they were tables
I can log into SQL using my test login, and it works fine: no access to the tables, but I can select, insert, update and delete from the Api views.
In Access, I see the views, I can open them, but whenever I try to insert or update, I get the following error:
The SELECT permission was denied on the object '[Table name which the view is using]', database '[database name]', schema 'dbo'
Crazy as it sounds, Access seems to be trying to access the underlying table rather than the view.
Any ideas?
Could it be because of this: "To update a partitioned view, the user must have INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE permissions on the member tables."
