Advice and experience for testing a CN1 app - codenameone

I would like to start automating the testing of my app written in CodenameOne, but I find it difficult to visualize how to use the TestRecorder (section "Unit Testing") for "industrial" testing.
If anyone here is already using it, could you share a few tips about how you use it?
E.g. how do you use the different "Asserts" buttons, how do you structure your tests into suites and how do you chain them together (e.g. so each test case will start in the right context like where in the navigation structure it is supposed to run), do you need to manually edit the tests, ... And is there anything to be aware of before creating lots of tests interactively, e.g. to avoid that your tests are invalidated by some irrelevant change to your UI?
I read in the blog post from May 2017 that the TestRecorder "wasn’t picked up by many developers and as such it stagnated". I tried TestRecorder and immediately came across a seemingly basis error in it (missing test for null) when recording a test case using the Toolbar, which gave the impression it is still the case. So, if anyone here is using another approach that is working well for you, I'd love to hear about that.

See the test classes we use to test Codename One itself here:
You can use the test recorder to generate a skeleton but you can do this manually just like any test. The test API lets you invoke the app or just pieces of it and perform assertions on the behaviors within.


What's a good way to navigate code base and find source for a webpage

I'm new to frontend development and thinking about what's a good way to find source code in our code base for a webpage. What I usually do is going to the element tab in chrome dev tool, finding a special class name, and searching that in code base to locate the file. I feel there should be better way for this task. I tried to use source tab in dev tool, but it shows tons of files and folders in navigation column. I also tried to use Components tab since we're using react, but component names are minified to single letters. So want to get suggestions from you folks. How do you usually do this? Thanks!
You have the right idea, the problem is that you are looking at the minified (presumably production) version of the website. In general, while developing a website, you run a development server, in which all of the code (mostly) appears as it is written in your IDE/editor. That way you can find component names and inspect the source code through the chrome dev tools.
You should talk to whoever is currently responsible for the code to help you get a development server running on your machine. Then, you find the component names and then do a "find in files" search through your IDE/editor to see what they are, and where they are used in the code base. There may be many results that you have to sift through. That's par for the course in large code bases until you become more familiar with what goes where. And even afterwards.
I will say; even things that appear simple can be fiendishly complex, so it would be useful for you if the owner of the code could give you a rough outline of how things are organised and why to make navigating the code base easier. But, it will always be a bit hard, and depending on how clean the code is, it might be nearly impenetrable. Good luck.
There are many ways to to find source code or debug Code
①You can use Chrome dev tool
②You can use debbuger in VS
③you can debug your code by puttin debugger in java script code
④browser has good functionality to find
code(For reference please check Image.)

Purpose of redux-cli

currently looking through a boilerplate called react-redux-start-kit by Dave Zuko, and there is a folder called blueprints. Apparently it is for a library called redux-cli, and having no clue what that is I did some research. (Link to redux-cli)
The problem is, the documentation for redux-cli didn't really say what it is. I have also read that redux-cli makes it faster to build apps. Could someone please explain to me what redux-cli is, and how it works?
redux-cli is a utility that speeds up development by reducing work required to create basic elements of your app, e.g. components. Usually, when you create such component, you have to create file for a component, test suite and they all start with a certain structure that you usually copy / paste from other, existing components. With redux-cli you just use simplified commands in your console to auto-generate those basic versions of a new component and you can just jump in and start writing the essence of it.
blueprints are simply templates, redux-cli uses when running commands (for example when running command to create new component it will look at blueprints directory first and see if you have customized template for how you want your components to be initialized). Documentation is pretty clear I'd say -

Challenges that may occur while automating Single Page Application Testing using WebDriver

What sort of challenge will occur while automating Single Page Application tests using WebDriver
Hi answer to your question can very person to person but i think you should take care of following things :
1.for personal front please do not use POM page object model framework for SPA use data driven or even keyword driven both will work fine.
2.use small re-usable methods so that u can skip code redundancy.Also it will help in overcoming various exception like stale element exception.
3.also try to divide your SPA in various blocks (for example header ,footer,grid etc -hence when you will do any operation you know where you have to go it will give you a clear idea and easy code maintenance)
for now i can think of these points hope this helps you

Running UI based selenium smoke tests against an ever-changing UI

We are currently running smoke tests using Selenium Webdriver & JUnit against a B2C product. Since we are using Selenium, the scripts are totally dependent on the UI. Given that the product is out of a tech startup, the UI & workflows keep changing/evolving # an extremely high frequency.
The Consequence: Smoke tests which are supposed to validate the sanctity of the application keeps failing. The team spends more time fixing the scripts rather than validating the build.
I am pretty sure most of the Automation folks out there would have faced similar issues esp. with rapid dev cycles. Looking forward to see some approaches undertaken by others in the industry who have faced similar problems.
Note: The frontend is developed in PHP
Webdriver works roughly like this: there is a start point, webdriver interacts with it (by simulating a button press for example) and then finds the next item to interact with. The next item might be on the next page or the same page. It might be found in various ways, by id or the 3rd div that is class="foo" etc.
The tests are things like does the page load with 200 OK, does the string "login" appear in a particular place and so on
The problem with a changing UI is that all the elements "move about". The ids change and the 3rd div class foo disappears. This means that the webdriver interactions fail and the tests if they are looking for particular elements will fail too
One solution is to develop and test against a set of ids. These ids will refer to fixed UI elements. All searching in webdriver should use the ids. The development team writing the PHP will put the ids in the correct places.
The set of ids can also be used as the basis for a sort of specification and can be used to explain UI flow in different ways to different stake holders.
I do not know of any specific product that handles this process of managing ids in both tests and development code but maintaining a "lexicon" like this to describe the UI items should not be a major task
The more versatile the System under Test is the more important it is to have a framework on top of Selenium that reduces the maintenance effort for a change.
For the most common changes in a System under Test there are several known patterns that can help you to reduce the maintenance efforts:
By using UIMaps to model the UI of the application it is extremely easy to handle changed IDs, CSS classes or similar changes
PageObjects reduce the effort for larger UI changes (e.g. when an input field is changed from a TextBox to a Dropdown field)
Use Keyword Driven Testing to model test cases without any knowledge of the underlying technological representation. i.e. a keyword encapsulates an action from the users point of view – a example for a keyword can be: “loginWithValidUser()”
Don’t just utilize the UI for smoke testing if the UI / Application / Workflows change drastically and very often. Most of the time it is also helpful to test certain functionalities by calling WebServices without any Web-UI

Test-Driven Development in CakePHP

I'm using CakePHP 2.3 and would like to know how to properly go about building a CakePHP website using test-driven development (TDD). I've read the official documentation on testing, read Mark Story's Testing CakePHP Controllers the hard way, and watched Mark Story's Win at life with Unit testing (PDF of slides) but am still confused. I should note that I've never been very good about writing tests in any language and don't have a lot of experience with it, and that is likely contributing to my confusion.
I'd like to see a step by step walkthrough with code examples on how to build a CakePHP website using TDD. There are articles on TDD, there are articles on testing with CakePHP, but I have yet to find an in-depth article that is about both. I want something that holds my hand through the whole process. I realize this is somewhat of a tall order because, unless my Google-fu is failing me, I'm pretty sure such an article hasn't yet been published, so I'm basically asking you to write an article (or a long Stack Overflow answer), which takes time. Because this is a tall order, I plan to start a bounty on this question worth a lot of points once I'm able to in order to better reward somebody for their efforts, should anybody be willing to do this. I thank you for your time.
TDD is a bit of falacy in that it's essentially just writing tests before you code to ensure that you are writing tests.
All you need to do is create your tests for a thing before you go create it. This requires thought and analysis of your use cases in order to write tests.
So if you want someone to view data, you'll want to write a test for a controller. It'll probably be something like testViewSingleItem(), you'll probably want to assertContains() some data that you want.
Once this is written, it should fail, then you go write your controller method in order to make the test pass.
That's it. Just rinse and repeat for each use case. This is Unit Testing.
Other tests such as Functional tests and Integration tests are just testing different aspects of your application. It's up to you to think and decide which of these tests are usefull to your project.
Most of the time Unit Testing is the way to go as you can test individual parts of the application. Usually parts which will impact on the functionality the most, the "Critical path".
This is an incredibly useful TDD tutorial.
