MobX with React best practice with observer - reactjs

I'm not really facing an issue, it's more like I'm wondering what is the best way I should use mobx with react. So here's my situation:
I'am fairly new to mobx but I've got years of experience using react (mostly with redux).
My new project is using mobx-state-tree alongside with mobx-react-lite in order to connect my components with the function observer wrapping the component. I've set up a root store with multiples stores in it.
I'm really enthusiastic about it for now but I would like some recommendations:
Should I use the containers logic which is pretty common with redux, which means I should only connect a "container" component who will handle the connection with my stores and spread it to its children ? Or should I connect directly with an observer as many components which needs to be provided with data from a store ?
Is the second option more optimized, technically speaking ? Is it still a good idea according to React philosophy ? What's YOUR opinion on this subject ?
Any answer would be really appreciated

Technically, you don't need container/presentation concept. You can use context, or localStore, or globalStore but it doesn't mean container/presentation not useful sometimes.
Mobx patches shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle, and basically optimizes components rendering for you.
mobx-react mentioned in their docs that the more components connected with observer, the better.
It's very common pattern to see shouldComponentUpdate with a bulky checks to avoid unnecessary renders. This isn't needed with MobX at all.
My opinion is that patterns change on monthly basis, so learning the general concepts can ease your transition from global store, local store, context, hooks and other api changes.
React component patterns also change overtime.
Use what you need and understand right now. If it won't matter in 5 years, don't spend more than 5 minutes to think about it. You can always do a fun refactor.
Further reading:


When we use Redux with React, do we put all states into Redux?

I may choose to put some states as component states, and I thought that's what useState() is for.
However, the book Learning React, O'Reilly, 1st Ed, 2nd Release, p. 185, said:
With Redux, we pull state management away from React entirely.
Also, in the official Redux website, the example "Real World" also even make isFetching a Redux state, instead of component state. (Its GitHub repo).
I also found that in some project in some company, coworkers seem to favor everything as Redux state even when it can be a component state.
For example, in that same book, p. 185, it said we even keep which messages is expanded or not into the Redux store. But which message is expanded, seems entirely local to this component and it has nothing whatsoever to do with other components at all. In the case of isFetching, as least I can understand it that what if the whole app wants to unite the isFetching of any component into a global spinner indicator.
This webpage also says:
The solution in idiomatic React – i.e., code that was written the way an experienced React developer would write it – is to have what's called a single source of truth, which is one master state for most if not all of your application, then send that state down as props to your child components.
be a pragmatic programmer: go for stateless components where possible
I don't quite understand it. How does it work? When a state can be a component state, would it be perfectly ok to put it as component state? Or in React / Redux, the rule is to make everything into a Redux state? (in such case, then what is useState() for?)
Update: I like #RemcoGerlich's answer, and I put two links as a comment under his answer. Those are official docs stating "Don't put all states into Redux".
It is an eternal discussion. There are several types of state that have their own best ways to solve them:
Navigation related state, to go to different "pages" or kinds of views in your application. For this, using the browser URL has many usability advantages, and using React Router is much more natural.
State retrieved from the backend through its API, this isn't really state of your frontend at all, you have a cache. For this a library like React Query is much more suited (it handles e.g. your "isFetching" state, as well as reloading things after a while).
Small bits of state that only have local significance, like whether a small control that hides some detail is now open or closed. I feel things that are used only locally should be stored only locally, like in useState.
Often the number of things left is quite small, and putting them in one or a few Contexts is fine, except if your application becomes quite complicated.
But, Redux comes with its own advantages -- a single way to make undo functionality, a way to serialize / rehydrate its entire state, and Redux dev tools that allow looking at the action history in case you find yourself debugging complicated effects to do with the order in which happened. If you use this heavily, then you would be inclined to store more state in Redux than you would if you only make a little use of these advantages.
So it's matter of degree, it's more art than exact science, there are no strict rules. "Put everything in Redux" certainly sounds suspect to me, but who knows about your team.
If your state and operations on that state are moderate in size then react Context API is really smart enough to support you. Even, #danAbrvmov writes:
React Redux uses context internally but it doesn’t expose this fact in the public API. So you should feel much safer using context via React Redux than directly because if it changes, the burden of updating the code will be on React Redux and not you.
You may like reading his article: You Might Not Need Redux
As for, you see some companies and projects using Redux, this is because Redux is out there for a long time and Context API is newer. Moreover, if you really need some features like redux-thunk, you can still use it.
I doubt you clearly understand how the state is handled in React.
In a typical React application, data is passed top-down (parent to child) via props. You may like my answer on another post to learn when we may need Context API or Redux at all:

Global State for React

Pardon my ignorance. I am still pretty new to React. Is there anything particularly wrong with storing certain values in the state of the App component and passing a prop to child components that allows them to set the state of App? Of course I wouldn't use it to store all of the state for child components, just certain values I want available everywhere.
You can use React-context or Redux, for example, redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps (something like a global state, which could be accessed all over the project)
check it here
I think you should look into redux/react-redux or recoil. These are libraries which are made to handle global state (or state which is needed in multiple places).
However if your app is very small and does not have much state it is imo fine to keep that state in the App component. Just make sure that you'll look for alternatives once you application grows as it isn't very performant or readbable to do so in bigger projects.
Redux was/is considered the go to state management library for react applications by many. It integrates great with react and is very mature. I would go for it if you expect your application to have a complex global state or become more and more complex over time. There are also great companion libraries available. For example redux-saga if you want to handle side effects or redux-persist if you want to persist you apps state.
Recoil is still pretty new and especially made for react apps. Even though it is only around for a few months you can probably expect it to develop nicely as it is backed and used by facebook. Arguably it is the more performant and easier to get into choice, but you'll probably find less guides and tutorials due to its novelty.
If you only have a few values you could also just use reacts context api.
You have two options, React-context or Redux, both of them works as you want
It is certainly right to do so in some cases, other options are using react context or react-redux
For a simple value your first option is ok, if you need to store more complicated values and need to update them frequently I'd suggest using any of the other options.
They both have some significant learning and setup curve though.
It depends how deep is your application tree. If it is a very simple app, you can get away with just using React state. If it is something more complex (like 3 or more levels deep), I suggest to use React Context (for simple values) or Redux for more complex actions.

How do hooks replace components?

Hooks, as I understand them, are just a way to add state (and lifecycle methods) to function components.
This FAQ answer:
In the longer term, we expect Hooks to be the primary way people write React components.
and this documentation snippet:
Hooks let you split one component into smaller functions based on what pieces are related
confuse me slightly as a React beginner.
It is as if I have to think about my app in terms of hooks rather than in terms of elements and components.
React didn't remove components, but the quote hints that hooks will replace
components as the primary source of code reuse.
Can one still talk about elements and components as primary abstractions in React?
The concept of components is not going away, it's just how they are written that is changing.
The second line you quoted
Hooks let you split one component into smaller functions based on what pieces are related
Is poorly worded in my opinion, and should rather say "Hooks let you split one class component into smaller functional components..."
So instead of having one monolithic class that handles all state and lifecycle logic in methods like componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, you can split areas of concern and have smaller functional components that only care about things directly related to themselves.
Edit: This snippet from the hooks-intro doc might be helpful:
Hooks don’t replace your knowledge of React concepts. Instead, Hooks provide a more direct API to the React concepts you already know: props, state, context, refs, and lifecycle. As we will show later, Hooks also offer a new powerful way to combine them.
Currently, there are 2 ways of building components in React:
Class Component
Functional Component
You can check them here. The way you build it it's different. In case you approach the class component, that means that you need to work with the prototype of the object.
On the other side, if you choose to go as a functional component, that means that everything you request from React, is invoking a function, and not using the prototype at all. All this chaining from JS can slow down the performance, and that's why the React core team decided to go into pure functional direction: It can perform better, and it makes it even simpler to read it (once you get used to it).
Regarding the second quotation. It is a way to show more benefits of functional programming over classes. They are more flexible and can have a better composition for it.
One last addition: Approaching functional components doesn't mean you can ignore to learn class components. There's still a lot of apps with some legacy code. I would recommend learning both, and whenever you need to create new components, approach the functional component paradigm.

What is the exact purpose of react-redux

I am trying to understand what is redux in reactjs but it is not clear for me.react working even without redux then what is the use of redux in reactjs
Redux helps you manage the states across your application much more effectively by accessing them in a commonly accessible space (a store) by all of your components.
Imagine if you had an application which had children components nested 5 or 6 layers deep, you wouldn't want to bind the state each time and pass it all the way down. Let's say each of those nested components relied on the state change, and needed a way to alter the shared state. It would be really tedious to have to bind the state and a method of accessing the state all the way down the chain. Enter redux - much easier to access and manage states.
Another side effect you'll run into as your application grows are unintended side-effects. Neither of these issues are completely eliminated by redux - but it's intended to organize code better, and in turn make it easier to debug.
If you haven't hit the limitations React has out of the box - there is no need to grab for a new tool, Redux, or otherwise. BUT here is a built-in Redux alternative native to React:

Storing a React element in Redux state: anti-pattern?

Is it advisable or even possible to include a React element in a Redux store's state? Since it is a plain object describing "what should be drawn", I guess it should be safe, but still: any experience out there?
Why would I want to do such a thing? I'm writing an abstract React component capable of embedding other components, described elsewhere in the React tree. This would allow them, for instance, to escape from the physical boundaries of a hardware-accelerated, CSS-transformed DOM node, used for performance.
Yes - as with many other similar ideas, it's possible, but is absolutely an anti-pattern because it breaks the ability to do things like time-travel debugging (one of Redux's core selling points). See the Redux FAQ at for further details.
Now, keeping React component classes in a React component's internal state is different, and might be useful for cases like dynamically requiring a component and re-rendering once the implementation has been downloaded.
