I am trying to return ONLY data records which email not exist in other collection with mongodb aggregation. Example:
"email": "some#email.com",
"data": "someData"
}, {
"email": "some2#email.com",
"data": "someData2"
"id": "1"
"email": "some#email.com",
Get all letters which user email not exist in users collection.
Expected result:
"email": "some2#email.com",
"data": "someData2"
How can I achieve that?
Run an aggregate operation on the letters collection in which the pipeline first does a $lookup to the users collection, joined on the email field.
Documents returned from this pipeline stage contain an array field with the joined documents, so you would need a further $match pipeline step to filter documents where this new field does not have any documents. This can be done by checking the length of the array field with $size and filtering using the $expr expression with the $eq comparison operator.
The result can be further $projected to remove the new field in those documents that match to give the final desired output.
The above pipeline can be expressed as:
{ '$lookup': {
'from': 'users',
'localField': 'email',
'foreignField': 'email',
'as': 'users'
} },
{ '$match': { '$expr': { '$eq': [ { '$size': '$users' }, 0 ] } } },
{ '$project': { 'users': 0 } }
I have a user schema that contains a value called amputationInfo:
amputationInfo: [
type: String,
Here is an example of what that might look like in the database:
amputationInfo: [
"Double Symes/Boyd",
"Single Above-Elbow"
I have a review Schema that allows a user to leave a review, it contains a reference to the user who left it:
user: {
type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'User',
require: [true, 'Each review must have an associated user!'],
When a user leaves a review, I want to create an aggregate function that looks up the user on the review, finds their amputationInfo, loops through the array and adds up the total amount of users that contain "Double Symes/Boyd", "Single Above-Elbow"
So if we have 3 users and their amputationInfo is as follows:
amputationInfo: [
"Double Symes/Boyd",
"Single Above-Elbow"
amputationInfo: [
"Single Above-Elbow"
amputationInfo: []
The return from the aggregate function will count each term and add one to the corresponding value and look something like this:
doubleSymesBoyd: 1,
singleAboveElbow: 2
Here is what I have tried, but I just don't know enough about mongoDB to solve the issue:
'$match': {
'prosthetistID': new ObjectId('6126ca6148f34c00189f86f5')
}, {
'$lookup': {
'from': 'users',
'localField': 'user',
'foreignField': '_id',
'as': 'userInfo'
}, {
'$unwind': {
'path': '$userInfo'
After the $unwind, the resulting object has a userInfo key, that contains an amputationInfo array nested:
You can have following stages
$unwind to deconstruct the array
first $group to get the sum of each category
second $group to push into one document and make it as key value pair
$arrayToObject to get the desired output
$replaceRoot to make the data output into root
Here is the code
{ "$unwind": "$userInfo.amputationInfo" },
"$group": {
"_id": "$userInfo.amputationInfo",
"count": { "$sum": 1 }
$group: {
_id: null,
data: { $push: {
k: "$_id",
v: "$count"
{ $project: { data: { "$arrayToObject": "$data" } } },
{ "$replaceRoot": { "newRoot": "$data" } }
Working Mongo playground
How can I update a record in a document with multiple levels of array nesting?
My document structure is the following:
"_id": "5bfa09f0a0441f38d45dcc9c",
"nombre": "PROYECTO MAIN",
"area": "Sistemas",
"fecha": "27/01/2018",
"reuniones": [
"_id": "5bfa09f0a0441f38d45dcc99",
"objetivo": "Objetivo MODIFICADO",
"fecha": "25/10/2018",
"participantes": [
"nomina": 1,
"nombre": "MODIFICADO",
"rol": "rol",
"area": "area",
"firma": "url/imagen.jpg"
"nomina": 2,
"nombre": "nombre 2",
"rol": "rol",
"area": "area",
"firma": "url/imagen.jpg"
"_class": "proyecto"
Using the following query, returns me the document mentioned above.
I want to update the firma field of participant with nomina 2.
Since Mongo 3.6, you can update multi-nested arrays by combining the following operators:
$set (to update a specific field)
$[] (to match any item in an array)
$[<identifier>] (to match specific items in an array)
Here's how you can update a specific proyectos document that has a reuniones array that has a participantes array that has an object with the field nomina equal to 2:
// update a specific proyectos document
// that has a field "reuniones" which is an array
// in which each item is an object with a field "participantes" that is an array
// in which each item is an object that has a field "nomina" equal to 2
_id: ObjectId("5bfa09f0a0441f38d45dcc9c"),
}, {
$set: {
"reuniones.$[].participantes.$[j].firma": <your update>
}, {
arrayFilters: [
"j.nomina": 2
If you wanted to limit your query to a specific reunion, you can do:
_id: ObjectId("5bfa09f0a0441f38d45dcc9c"),
}, {
$set: {
"reuniones.$[i].participantes.$[j].firma": <your update>
}, {
arrayFilters: [
"i._id": ObjectId("5bfa09f0a0441f38d45dcc99")
"j.nomina": 2
To update all proyectos satisfying the above condition, just omit the _id query:
// update all proyectos
// that have a field "reuniones" which is an array
// in which each item is an object with a field "participantes" that is an array
// in which each item is an object that has a field "nomina" equal to 2
db.proyectos.update({}, {
$set: {
"reuniones.$[].participantes.$[j].firma": <your update>
}, {
arrayFilters: [
"j.nomina": 2
I would like to upsert an element in an array, based on doc _id and element _id. Currently it works only if the element is allready in the array (update works, insert not).
So, these collection:
"_id": "5a65fcf363e2a32531ed9f9b",
"ressources": [
"_id": "5a65fd0363e2a32531ed9f9c"
Receiving this request:
query = { _id: '5a65fcf363e2a32531ed9f9b', 'ressources._id': '5a65fd0363e2a32531ed9f9c' };
update = { '$set': { 'ressources.$': { '_id': '5a65fd0363e2a32531ed9f9c', qt: '153', unit: 'kg' } } };
options = {upsert:true};
Will give this ok result:
"_id": "5a65fcf363e2a32531ed9f9b",
"ressources": [
"_id": "5a65fd0363e2a32531ed9f9c",
"qt": 153,
"unit": "kg"
How to make the same request work with these initial collections:
"_id": "5a65fcf363e2a32531ed9f9b"
"_id": "5a65fcf363e2a32531ed9f9b",
"ressources": []
How to make the upsert work?
Does upsert works with entire document only?
Currently, I face this error:
The positional operator did not find the match needed from the query.
I also tried to figure out how to do it. I found only one way:
fetch model by id
update array manually (via javascript)
save the model
Sad to know that in 2018 you still have to do the stuff like it.
This will update particular element in viewData array
"_id": args._id,
"viewData._id": widgetId
$set: {
"viewData.$.widgetData": widgetDoc.widgetData
$push command will add new items
I m working with mongodb and restheart.
In my nosql db i have a unique document with this structure:
"_id": "docID",
"users": [
"userID": "12",
"elements": [
"elementID": "1492446877599",
"events": [
"event1": "one"
"event2": "two",
"userID": "11",
"elements": [
"elementID": "14924",
"events": [
"event1": "one"
"event2": "two",
how can i build an url-query in order to get the user with id 11?
Using mongo shell it should be something like this one:
I cannot find anything similar on restheart.
Could someone help me?
Using this
restheart returns me all the documents: userID 11 and 12.
Your request is against a document resource, i.e. the URL is http://myHost:port/documents/docID
The filter query parameter applies for collection requests, i.e. URLs such as http://myHost:port/documents
In any case you need to projection (the keys query parameter) to limit the returned properties.
You should achieve it with the following request (I haven't tried it) using the $elementMatch projection operator:
I want to load my tweets from the Cloudant DB by ascending order. I thought using sort: "tweet.id" would work but no.
msg.payload = {
"query": "*:*",
limit: 6,
sort: "tweet.id",
return msg;
Node-RED flow:
I got this to work by creating a new Cloudant Query index in the Cloudant dashboard:
"index": {
"fields": [ "tweet.timestamp_ms" ]
"type": "json"
to index the tweet.timestamp_ms field. This can then be queried to return the data in timestamp order:
"selector": {
"_id": {
"$gt": 0
"sort": [
"tweet.timestamp_ms": "asc"
I solve this issue by adding the type of the variable.
What I was trying to do is to get all the documents with id=1 and then sort them by the attribute "nombre" which is a string.
My search index is:
function (doc) {
index("id", doc.id, {"store": true});
index("nombre", doc.nombre, {"store": true});
And the payload in Node-red: