Behavior of LDR on a uint8_t variable in ARM? - c

I cannot find a straight answer for this anywhere. The registers for ARM are 32-bit, I know that LDRB loads a byte size value into a register and zeros out the remaining 3 bytes, even if you feed it a value bigger than a byte, it will just take the first byte value.
My program combines C with ARM Assembly. I have an extern variable in C that gets loaded into a register directly.
However if I call just LDR on this byte variable, is there a guarantee that it loads the byte and nothing else or will it load random things in the remaining 3 byte space from nearby things in memory to fill out the entire 32-bit register?
I'm only asking because I did LDR R0, =var and always got the correct value out of probably a hundred million executions (software ran for a long time and was tested thoroughly / recompiled many times before this issue was brought up on another setup).
However someone else with a different setup (Not so different, compiler is the same version I think) compiled the code successfully however the value loaded into R0 was polluted with random bits from the surrounding memory of the variable. They had to do LDRB to fix it.
Is this a compiler thing? Can it detect this and automatically switch it to LDRB? Or am I just that lucky that the surrounding memory of the variable was just zero due to some optimization?
As a side note the compiler is ARM GCC 9.2.1

because I did LDR R0, =var
Are you loading the value or the address of the variable?
Normally, the instruction LDR R0, =var will write the address of the variable var into the register R0 and not the value.
And the address of a variable is always a 32-bit value on a 32-bit ARM CPU - independent of the data type.
However if I call just LDR on this byte variable, ...
If you load the value of a variable (e.g. using LDR R1, [R0]), two things may happen:
The upper 24 bits of the register may contain a random value depending on the bytes that follow your variable in memory. If you are lucky, the bytes are always zero.
Depending on the exact CPU type, you may get problems due to alignment (for example an alignment exception or even completely undefined behavior)

LDR doesn't know anything about how you declared the variable or what's supposed to be in the 4 bytes it loads. That's why ISAs like ARM have byte loads like LDRB (and its sign-extending equivalent) in the first place.
And no, compilers don't waste 3 bytes (of zeros) after every uint8_t just so you can use word loads on it, that would be silly. i.e. sizeof(uint8_t) = 1 = unsigned char, CHAR_BIT = 8, and alignof(uint8_t) = 1
LDR loads an int32_t or uint32_t whole word.
But as Martin points out, LDR r0, =var puts the address of var into a register.
Then you use ldrb r1, [r0]
Fun fact: early ARM CPUs (ARMv4 and earlier) with an unaligned word load will use the low 2 bits of the address as a rotate count (after loading from an aligned word).


Where do the values of uninitialized variables come from, in practice on real CPUs?

I want to know the way variables are initialized :
#include <stdio.h>
int main( void )
int ghosts[3];
for(int i =0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
return 0;
this gets me random values like -12 2631 131 .. where did they come from?
For example with GCC on x86-64 Linux:
I have a guess to answer my question, it could be wrong anyways:
The registers of the memory after they are 'emptied' get random voltages between 0 and 1, these values get 'rounded' to 0 or 1, and these random values depend on something?! Maybe the way registers are made? Maybe the capacity of the memory comes into play somehow? And maybe even the temperature?!!
Your computer doesn't reboot or power cycle every time you run a new program. Every bit of storage in memory or registers your program can use has a value left there by some previous instruction, either in this program or in the OS before it started this program.
If that was the case, e.g. for a microcontroller, yes, each bit of storage might settle into a 0 or 1 state during the voltage fluctuations of powering on, except in storage engineered to power up in a certain state. (DRAM is more likely to be 0 on power-up, because its capacitors will have discharged). But you'd also expect there to be internal CPU logic that does some zeroing or setting of things to guaranteed state before fetching and executing the first instruction of code from the reset vector (a memory address); system designers normally arrange for there to be ROM at that physical address, not RAM, so they can put non-random bytes of machine-code there. Code that executes at that address should probably assume random values for all registers.
But you're writing a simple user-space program that runs under an OS, not the firmware for a microcontroller, embedded system, or mainstream motherboard, so power-up randomness is long in the past by the time anything loads your program.
Modern OSes zero registers on process startup, and zero memory pages allocated to user-space (including your stack space), to avoid information leaks of kernel data and data from other processes. So the values must come from something that happened earlier inside your process, probably from dynamic linker code that ran before main and used some stack space.
Reading the value of a local variable that's never been initialized or assigned is not actually undefined behaviour (in this case because it couldn't have been declared register int ghosts[3], that's an error (Godbolt) because ghosts[i] effectively uses the address) See (Why) is using an uninitialized variable undefined behavior? In this case, all the C standard has to say is that the value is indeterminate. So it does come down to implementation details, as you expected.
When you compile without optimization, compilers don't even notice the UB because they don't track usage across C statements. (This means everything is treated somewhat like volatile, only loading values into registers as needed for a statement, then storing again.)
In the example Godbolt link I added to your question, notice that -Wall doesn't produce any warnings at -O0, and just reads from the stack memory it chose for the array without ever writing it. So your code is observing whatever stale value was in memory when the function started. (But as I said, that must have been written earlier inside this program, by C startup code or dynamic linking.)
With gcc -O2 -Wall, we get the warning we'd expect: warning: 'ghosts' is used uninitialized [-Wuninitialized], but it does still read from stack space without writing it.
Sometimes GCC will invent a 0 instead of reading uninitialized stack space, but it happens not in this case. There's zero guarantee about how it compiles the compiler sees the use-uninitialized "bug" and can invent any value it wants, e.g. reading some register it never wrote instead of that memory. e.g. since you're calling printf, GCC could have just left ESI uninitialized between printf calls, since that's where ghost[i] is passed as the 2nd arg in the x86-64 System V calling convention.
Most modern CPUs including x86 don't have any "trap representations" that would make an add instruction fault, and even if it did the C standard doesn't guarantee that the indeterminate value isn't a trap representation. But IA-64 did have a Not A Thing register result from bad speculative loads, which would trap if you tried to read it. See comments on the trap representation Q&A - Raymond Chen's article: Uninitialized garbage on ia64 can be deadly.
The ISO C rule about it being UB to read uninitialized variables that were candidates for register might be aimed at this, but with optimization enabled you could plausibly still run into this anyway if the taking of the address happens later, unless the compiler takes steps to avoid it. But ISO C defect report N1208 proposes saying that an indeterminate value can be "a value that behaves as if it were a trap representation" even for types that have no trap representations. So it seems that part of the standard doesn't fully cover ISAs like IA-64, the way real compilers can work.
Another case that's not exactly a "trap representation": note that only some object-representations (bit patterns) are valid for _Bool in mainstream ABIs, and violating that can crash your program: Does the C++ standard allow for an uninitialized bool to crash a program?
That's a C++ question, but I verified that GCC will return garbage without booleanizing it to 0/1 if you write _Bool b[2] ; return b[0]; I think ISO C only requires that an uninitialized object has some object-representation (bit-pattern), not that it's a valid one for this object (otherwise that would be a compiler bug). For most integer types, every bit-pattern is valid and represents an integer value. Besides reading uninitialized memory, you can cause the same problem using (unsigned char*) or memcpy to write a bad byte into a _Bool.
An uninitialized local doesn't have "a value"
As shown in the following Q&As, when compiling with optimization, multiple reads of the same uninitialized variable can produce different results:
Is uninitialized local variable the fastest random number generator?
What happens to a declared, uninitialized variable in C? Does it have a value?
The other parts of this answer are primarily about where a value comes from in un-optimized code, when the compiler doesn't really "notice" the UB.
The registers of the memory after they are 'emptied' get random voltages between 0 and 1,
Nothing so mysterious. You are just seeing what was written to those memory locations last time they were used.
When memory is released it is not cleared or emptied. The system just knows that its free and the next time somebody needs memory it just gets handed over, the old contents are still there. Its like buying an old car and looking in the glove compartment, the contents are not mysterious, its just a surprise to find a cigarette lighter and one sock.
Sometimes in a debugging environment freed memory is cleared to some identifiable value so that its easy to recognize that you are dealing with uninitialized memory. For examples 0xccccccccccc or maybe 0xdeadbeefDeadBeef
Maybe a better analogy. You are eating in a self serve restaurant that never cleans its plates, when a customer has finished they put the plates back on the 'free' pile. When you go to serve yourself you pick up the top plate from the free pile. You should clean the plate otherwise you get what was left there by previous customer
I am going to use a platform that is easy to see what is going on. The compilers and platforms work the same way independent of architecture, operating system, etc. There are exceptions of course...
In main am going to call this function:
Which is:
extern void hexstring ( unsigned int );
void test ( void )
unsigned int x[3];
hexstring is just a printf("%008X\n",x).
Build it (not using x86, using something that is overall easier to read for this demonstration)
test.c: In function ‘test’:
test.c:7:2: warning: ‘x[0]’ is used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]
7 | hexstring(x[0]);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
test.c:8:2: warning: ‘x[1]’ is used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]
8 | hexstring(x[1]);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
test.c:9:2: warning: ‘x[2]’ is used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]
9 | hexstring(x[2]);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The disassembly of the compiler output shows
00010134 <test>:
10134: e52de004 push {lr} ; (str lr, [sp, #-4]!)
10138: e24dd014 sub sp, sp, #20
1013c: e59d0004 ldr r0, [sp, #4]
10140: ebffffdc bl 100b8 <hexstring>
10144: e59d0008 ldr r0, [sp, #8]
10148: ebffffda bl 100b8 <hexstring>
1014c: e59d000c ldr r0, [sp, #12]
10150: e28dd014 add sp, sp, #20
10154: e49de004 pop {lr} ; (ldr lr, [sp], #4)
10158: eaffffd6 b 100b8 <hexstring>
We can see that the stack area is allocated:
10138: e24dd014 sub sp, sp, #20
But then we go right into reading and printing:
1013c: e59d0004 ldr r0, [sp, #4]
10140: ebffffdc bl 100b8 <hexstring>
So whatever was on the stack. Stack is just memory with a special hardware pointer.
And we can see the other two items in the array are also read (load) and printed.
So whatever was in that memory at this time is what gets printed. Now the environment I am in likely zeroed the memory (including stack) before we got there:
Now I am optimizing this code to make it easier to read, which adds a few challenges.
So what if we did this:
In main and:
void test2 ( void )
unsigned int y[3];
test2.c: In function ‘test2’:
test2.c:5:15: warning: variable ‘y’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
5 | unsigned int y[3];
and we get:
but we can see why:
00010124 <test>:
10124: e52de004 push {lr} ; (str lr, [sp, #-4]!)
10128: e24dd014 sub sp, sp, #20
1012c: e59d0004 ldr r0, [sp, #4]
10130: ebffffe0 bl 100b8 <hexstring>
10134: e59d0008 ldr r0, [sp, #8]
10138: ebffffde bl 100b8 <hexstring>
1013c: e59d000c ldr r0, [sp, #12]
10140: e28dd014 add sp, sp, #20
10144: e49de004 pop {lr} ; (ldr lr, [sp], #4)
10148: eaffffda b 100b8 <hexstring>
0001014c <test2>:
1014c: e12fff1e bx lr
test didn't change but test2 is dead code as one would expect when optimized, so it did not actually touch the stack. But what if we:
void test3 ( unsigned int * );
void test2 ( void )
unsigned int y[3];
void test3 ( unsigned int *x )
0001014c <test2>:
1014c: e3a01001 mov r1, #1
10150: e3a02002 mov r2, #2
10154: e3a03003 mov r3, #3
10158: e52de004 push {lr} ; (str lr, [sp, #-4]!)
1015c: e24dd014 sub sp, sp, #20
10160: e28d0004 add r0, sp, #4
10164: e98d000e stmib sp, {r1, r2, r3}
10168: eb000001 bl 10174 <test3>
1016c: e28dd014 add sp, sp, #20
10170: e49df004 pop {pc} ; (ldr pc, [sp], #4)
00010174 <test3>:
10174: e12fff1e bx lr
test2 is actually putting stuff on the stack. Now the calling conventions generally require that the stack pointer is back where it started when you were called, which means function a might move the pointer and read/write some data in that space, call function b move the pointer, read/write some data in that space, and so on. Then when each function returns it does not make sense usually to clean up, you just move the pointer back and return whatever data you wrote to that memory remains.
So if test 2 writes a few things to the stack memory space and then returns then another function is called at the same level as test2. Then the stack pointer is at the same address when test() is called as when test2() was called, in this example. So what happens?
We have managed to control what test() is printing out. Not magic.
Now rewind back to the 1960s and then work forward to the present, particularly 1980s and later.
Memory was not always cleaned up before your program ran. As some folks here are implying if you were doing banking on a spreadsheet then you closed that program and opened this program...back in the would almost expect to see some data from that spreadsheet program, maybe the binary maybe the data, maybe something else, due to the nature of the operating systems use of memory it may be a fragment of the last program you ran, and a fragment of the one before that, and a fragment of a program still running that just did a free(), and so on.
Naturally, once we started to get connected to each other and hackers wanted to take over and send themselves your info or do other bad things, you can see how trivial it would be to write a program to look for passwords or bank accounts or whatever.
So not only do we have protections today to prevent one program sniffing around in another programs space, we generally assume that, today, before our program gets some memory that was used by some other program, it is wiped.
But if you disassemble even a simple hello world printf program you will see that there is a fair amount of bootstrap code that happens before main() is called. As far as the operating system is concerned, all of that code is part of our one program so even if (let's assume) memory were zeroed or cleaned before the OS loads and launches our program. Before main, within our program, we are using the stack memory to do stuff, leaving behind values, that a function like test() will see.
You may find that each time you run the same binary, one compile many runs, that the "random" data is the same. Now you may find that if you add some other shared library call or something to the overall program, then maybe, maybe, that shared library stuff causes extra code pre-main to happen to try to be able to call the shared code, or maybe as the program runs it takes different paths now because of a side effect of a change to the overall binary and now the random values are different but consistent.
There are explanations why the values could be different each time from the same binary as well.
There is no ghost in the machine though. Stack is just memory, not uncommon when a computer boots to wipe that memory once if for no other reason than to set the ecc bits. After that that memory gets reused and reused and reused and reused. And depending on the overall architecture of the operating system. How the compiler builds your application and shared libraries. And other factors. What happens to be in memory where the stack pointer is pointing when your program runs and you read before you write (as a rule never read before you write, and good that compilers are now throwing warnings) is not necessarily random and the specific list of events that happened to get to that point, were not just random but controlled, are not values that you as the programmer may have predicted. Particularly if you do this at the main() level as you have. But be it main or seventeen levels of nested function calls, it is still just some memory that may or may not contain some stuff from before you got there. Even if the bootloader zeros memory, that is still a written zero that was left behind from some other program that came before you.
There are no doubt compilers that have features that relate to the stack that may do more work like zero at the end of the call or zero up front or whatever for security or some other reason someone thought of.
I would assume today that when an operating system like Windows or Linux or macOS runs your program it is not giving you access to some stale memory values from some other program that came before (spreadsheet with my banking information, email, passwords, etc). But you can trivially write a program to try (just malloc() and print or do the same thing you did but bigger to look at the stack). I also assume that program A does not have a way to get into program B's memory that is running concurrently. At least not at the application level. Without hacking (malloc() and print is not hacking in my use of the term).
The array ghosts is uninitialized, and because it was declared inside of a function and is not static (formally, it has automatic storage duration), its values are indeterminate.
This means that you could read any value, and there's no guarantee of any particular value.

Understanding Cortex-M assembly LDR with pc offset

I'm looking at the disassembly code for this piece of C code:
#define GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400253FC))
int main(void){
// Initialization code
while(1) {
SW1 = GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R&0x10; // Read PF4 into SW1
// Other code
The assembly for that SW1= line is (sorry can't copy code):
Here are my questions:
At the first line, PC = 0x00000A56, and PC + 92 = 0x00000AB2, which is not equal to 0x00000AB4, the number shown. Why?
I did a bit of research on SO and found out that PC actually points to the Next Next instruction to be executed.
When pc is used for reading there is an 8-byte offset in ARM mode and 4-byte offset in Thumb mode.
However 0x00000AB4 - 0x00000A56 = 0x5E = 94, neither does it match 92+8 or 92+4. Where did I get wrong?
Strange behaviour of ldr [pc, #value]
Why does the ARM PC register point to the instruction after the next one to be executed?
LDR Rd,-Label vs LDR Rd,[PC+Offset]
From ARM documentation:
address = (PC[31:2] << 2) + (immed_8 * 4)
Rd = Memory[address, 4]
The pc is 0xA56+4 because of two instructions ahead and this is thumb so 4 bytes.
(0xA5A>>2)<<2 + (0x17*4)
(0x00000A5A&0xFFFFFFFC) + (0x17<<2)
This is an LDR so it is a word-based address ideally. Because the thumb instruction can be on a non-word aligned address, you start off by adding two instructions of course (thumb2 complicates this but add four for thumb). Then zero the lower two bits (LDR) the offset is in words so need to convert that to bytes, times four. This makes the encoding make more sense if you think about each part of it. In arm mode the PC is already word aligned so that step is not required (and in arm mode you have more bits for the immediate so it is byte-based not word-based), making the offset encoding between arm and thumb possibly confusing.
The various documents will show the math in different ways but it is the same math nevertheless. The PC is the only confusing part, especially for thumb. For ARM you add 8, two ahead, for thumb it is basically 4 because the execution cannot tell if there is a thumb2 coming, and it would break a great many things if they had attempted that. So add 4 for the two ahead, for thumb. Since thumb is compressed they do not use a byte offset but instead a word offset giving 4 times the range. Likewise this and/or other instructions can only look forward not back so unsigned offset. This is why you will get alignment errors when assembling things in thumb that in arm would just be unaligned (and you get what you get there depending on architecture and settings). Thumb cannot encode any address for an instruction like this.
For understanding instruction encoding, in particular pc based addressing, it is best to go back to the early ARM ARM (before the armv5 one but if not then just get the armv5 one) as well as the armv6-m and armv7-m and full sized armv7-ar. And look at the pseudo-code for each. The older one generally has the best pseudo-code, but sometimes they leave out the masking of lower bits of the address. No document is perfect, they have bugs just like everything else. Naturally the architecture tied to the core you are using is the official document for the IP the chip vendor used (even down to the specific version of the TRM as these can vary in incompatible ways from one to the next). But if that document is not perfectly clear you can sometimes get an idea from others that, upon inspection, have compatible instructions, architectural features.
You missed a key part of the rules for Thumb mode, quoted in one of the question you linked (Why does the ARM PC register point to the instruction after the next one to be executed?):
For all other instructions that use labels, the value of the PC is the address of the current instruction plus 4 bytes, with bit[1] of the result cleared to 0 to make it word-aligned.
(0xA56 + 4) & -4 = 0xA58 is the location that PC-relative things are relative to during execution of that ldr r0, [PC, #92]
((0xA56 + 4) & -4) + 92 = 0xab4, the location the disassembler calculated.
It's equivalent to do 0xA56 & -4 = 0xa54 then +4 + 92, because +4 doesn't modify bit #1; you can think of clearing it before or after adding that +4. But you can't clear the bit after adding the PC-relative offset; that can be unaligned for other instructions like ldrb. (Thumb-mode ldr encodes an offset in words to make better use of the limited number of bits, so the scaled offset and thus the final load address always have bits[1:0] clear.)
(Thanks to Raymond Chen for spotting this; I had also missed it initially!)
Also note that your debugger shows you a PC value when stopped at a breakpoint, but that's the address of the instruction you're stopped at. (Because that's how ARM exceptions work, I assume, saving the actual instruction to return to, not some offset.) During execution of the instruction, PC-relative stuff follows different rules. And the debugger doesn't "cook" this value to show what PC will be during its execution.
The rule is not "relative to the end of this / start of next instruction". Answers and comments stating that rule happen to get the right answer in this case, but would get the wrong answer in other Thumb cases like in LDR Rd,-Label vs LDR Rd,[PC+Offset] where the PC-relative load instruction happens to start at a 4-byte aligned address so bit #1 of PC is already cleared.
Your LDR is at address 0xA56 where bit #1 is set, so the rounding down has an effect. And your ldr instruction used a 2-byte encoding, not a Thumb2 32-bit instruction like you might need for a larger offset. Both of these things means round-down + 4 happens to be the address of the next instruction, rather than 2 instruction later or the middle of this instruction.
Since the program counter points to the next instruction, when it executes the LDR at address 0x00000A56, the program counter will be holding the address of the next instruction, which is 0x00000A58.
0x0A58 + 0x5C (decimal 92) == 0x00000AB4

Sorting ARM Assembly

I am newbie. I have difficulties with understanding memory ARM memory map.
I have found example of simple sorting algorithm
EXPORT __sortc
; r0 = &arr[0]
; r1 = length
stmfd sp!, {r2-r9, lr}
mov r4, r1 ; inner loop counter
mov r3, r4
sub r1, r1, #1
mov r9, r1 ; outer loop counter
mov r5, r0
mov r4, r3
ldr r6, [r5], #4
ldr r7, [r5]
cmp r7, r6
; swap without swp
strls r6, [r5]
strls r7, [r5, #-4]
subs r4, r4, #1
bne inner_loop
subs r9, r9, #1
bne outer_loop
ldmfd sp!, {r2-r9, pc}^
And this assembly should be called this way from C code
#define MAX_ELEMENTS 10
extern void __sortc(int *, int);
int main()
int arr[MAX_ELEMENTS] = {5, 4, 1, 3, 2, 12, 55, 64, 77, 10};
__sortc(arr, MAX_ELEMENTS);
return 0;
As far as I understand this code creates array of integers on the stack and calls _sortc function which implemented in assembly. This function takes this values from the stack and sorts them and put back on the stack. Am I right ?
I wonder how can I implement this example using only assembly.
For example defining array of integers
DCD 3, 7, 2, 8, 5, 7, 2, 6
BTW Where DCD declared variables are stored in the memory ??
How can I operate with values declared in this way ? Please explain how can I implement this using assembly only without any C code, even without stack, just with raw data.
I am writing for ARM7TDMI architecture
AREA ARM, CODE, READONLY - this marks start of section for code in the source.
With similar AREA myData, DATA, READWRITE you can start section where it's possible to define data like data1 DCD 1,2,3, this will compile as three words with values 1, 2, 3 in consecutive bytes, with label data1 pointing to the first byte of first word. (some AREA docs from google).
Where these will land in physical memory after loading executable depends on how the executable is linked (linker is using a script file which is helping him to decide which AREA to put where, and how to create symbol table for dynamic relocation done by the executable loader, by editing the linker script you can adjust where the code and data land, but normally you don't need to do that).
Also the linker script and assembler directives can affect size of available stack, and where it is mapped in physical memory.
So for your particular platform: google for memory mappings on web and check the linker script (for start just use linker option to produce .map file to see where the code and data are targeted to land).
So you can either declare that array in some data area, then to work with it, you load symbol data1 into register ("load address of data1"), and use that to fetch memory content from that address.
Or you can first put all the numbers into the stack (which is set probably to something reasonable by the OS loader of your executable), and operate in the code with the stack pointer to access the numbers in it.
You can even DCD some values into CODE area, so those words will end between the instructions in memory mapped as read-only by executable loader. You can read those data, but writing to them will likely cause crash. And of course you shouldn't execute them as instructions by accident (forgetting to put some ret/jump instruction ahead of DCD).
without stack
Well, this one is tricky, you have to be careful to not use any call/etc. and to have interrupts disabled, etc.. basically any thing what needs stack.
When people code a bootloader, usually they set up some temporary stack ASAP in first few instructions, so they can use basic stack functionality before setting up whole environment properly, or loading OS. A space for that temporary stack is often reserved somewhere in/after the code, or an unused memory space according to defined machine state after reset.
If you are down to the metal, without OS, usually all memory is writeable after reset, so you can then intermix code and data as you wish (just jumping around the data, not executing them by accident), without using AREA definitions.
But you should make your mind, whether you are creating application in user space of some OS (so you have things like stack and data areas well defined and you can use them for your convenience), or you are creating boot loader code which has to set it all up for itself (more difficult, so I would suggest at first going into user land of some OS, having C wrapper around with clib initialized is often handy too, so you can call things like printf from ASM for convenient output).
How can I operate with values declared in this way
It doesn't matter in machine code, which way the values were declared. All that matters is, if you have address of the memory, and if you know the structure, how the data are stored there. Then you can work with them in any way you want, using any instruction you want. So body of that asm example will not change, if you allocate the data in ASM, you will just pass the pointer as argument to it, like the C does.
edit: some example done blindly without testing, may need further syntax fixing to work for OP (or maybe there's even some bug and it will not work at all, let me know in comments if it did):
DCD 5, 4, 1, 3, 2, 12, 55, 64, 77, 10
EXPORT __sortasmarray
; if "add r0, pc, #SortArray" fails (code too far in memory from array)
; then this looks like some heavy weight way of loading any address
; ldr r0, =SortArray
; ldr r1, =SortArrayEnd
add r0, pc, #SortArray ; address of array
; calculate array size from address of end
; (as I couldn't find now example of thing like "equ $-SortArray")
add r1, pc, #SortArrayEnd
sub r1, r1, r0
mov r1, r1, lsr #2
; do a direct jump instead of "bl", so __sortc returning
; to lr will actually return to called of this
b __sortc
; ... rest of your __sortc assembly without change
You can call it from C code as:
extern void __sortasmarray();
int main()
return 0;
I used among others this Introducing ARM assembly language to refresh my ARM asm memory, but I'm still worried this may not work as is.
As you can see, I didn't change any thing in the __sortc. Because there's no difference in accessing stack memory, or "dcd" memory, it's the same computer memory. Once you have the address to particular word, you can ldr/str it's value with that address. The __sortc receives address of first word in array to sort in both cases, from there on it's just memory for it, without any context how that memory was defined in source, allocated, initialized, etc. As long as it's writeable, it's fine for __sortc.
So the only "dcd" related thing from me is loading array address, and the quick search for ARM examples shows it may be done in several ways, this add rX, pc, #label way is optimal, but does work only for +-4k range? There's also pseudo instruction ADR rX, #label doing this same thing, and maybe switching to other in case of range problem? For any range it looks like ldr rX, = label form is used, although I'm not sure if it's pseudo instruction or how it works, check some tutorials and disassembly the machine code to see how it was compiled.
It's up to you to learn all the ARM assembly peculiarities and how to load addresses of arrays, I don't need ARM ASM at the moment, so I didn't dig into those details.
And there should be some equ way to define length of array, instead of calculating it in code from end address, but I couldn't find any example, and I'm not going to read full Assembler docs to learn about all it's directives (in gas I think ArrayLength equ ((.-SortArray)/4) would work).

Does stm with non-adjacent registers do 32 bit writes?

I am looking at a piece of ARM code that will write a pair of 32bit registers, like this:
ldm r9!, {r0, r1}
sub r8, r8, #2
stm r10!, {r0, r1}
When the r10 output pointer is word aligned but not always dword aligned, does the above code write one 64bit value? My reading of the docs makes me think that a 64bit value would be written in this case, but I am concerned about the case where the 8 word cache line might already contain 7 words and then this code does a 64bit write and splits half of one of the dwords over the end of the cache line.
I was thinking that if the stm were to do 2 32bit word writes instead, that might avoid the issue. So, my question is would using two non-adjacent registers force the stm to write 2 words as opposed to a dword?
ldm r9!, {r0, r2}
sub r8, r8, #2
stm r10!, {r0, r2}
Would the above code be basically the same as:
ldm r9!, {r0, r1}
sub r8, r8, #2
str r0, [r10], #4
str r1, [r10], #4
The register numbers you are writing from or reading two have nothing to do with the AMBA/AXI bus transaction. The only connection is the quantity of data.
The question is a bit vague and I dont know enough about all the different implementations, but if you have a 64 bit AXI bus and your 64 bits of data are not being written to a 64 bit aligned address (this is perfectly legal, writing 2 registers to address 0x1004 for example) then it takes two bus transactions one for the first item on the unaligned address (0x1004) and one transaction for the other (0x1008). Assuming you are using an aligned address then it will perform a single 64 bit transaction independent of the register numbers so long as there are two of them.
The cache is yet another, completely separate, topic. I believe you will get two separate transactions if the address is not dword aligned, and those transactions will be handled separately by the cache. Understand the L1 cache if you have one is inside the core and not on the AXI bus the L2 cache if present is on the outside of the core between the core and the vendors AXI memory controller. So L1 behavior and L2 behavior can vary, I dont know what the cores interface to the L1 looks like and if and how it breaks up these transactions. I suspect no matter what make or model of processor you are on if something crosses a cache line boundary at some point in the memory system or in the cache logic it has to break that transaction up and handle the two cache lines separately.
From what I have seen the stm/ldm turns the single instruction into separate bus transactions where necessary. For example a 4 register write to 0x1004 turns into 3 separate transactions, a 32 bit at 0x1004, a 64 bit at 0x1008 and a 32 bit at 0x1010. Doing that yourself just wastes instruction fetch cycles, use the stm in this case.

Is self increment in C thread safe?

I found some code in FreeRTOS (FreeRTOSV7.4.0\FreeRTOS\Source\tasks.c):
void vTaskSuspendAll( void )
/* A critical section is not required as the variable is of type
portBASE_TYPE. */
It is explicitly said no need to protect due to the type is "portBASE_TYPE", which is a "long" type. My understood is that it assumes the self-increment to this type is atomic. But after I disassembled it I could not find any proof, its a plain load->add->store. Then is it a problem?
void vTaskSuspendAll( void )
/* A critical section is not required as the variable is of type
portBASE_TYPE. */
4dc: 4b03 ldr r3, [pc, #12] ; (4ec <vTaskSuspendAll+0x10>)
4de: f8d3 2118 ldr.w r2, [r3, #280] ; 0x118
4e2: 1c50 adds r0, r2, #1
4e4: f8c3 0118 str.w r0, [r3, #280] ; 0x118
4e8: 4770 bx lr
4ea: bf00 nop
4ec: 00000000 .word 0x00000000
000004f0 <xTaskGetTickCount>:
return xAlreadyYielded;
It's not atomic, as you've documented. But it could still be "thread safe" in a less strict sense: a long can't be in an inconsistent state. The extent of the danger here is that if n threads call vTaskSuspendAll then uxSchedulerSuspended will be incremented by anywhere between 1 and n.
But this could be perfectly fine if the variable is something that doesn't need to be perfect, like a tracker for how many times the user asked to suspend. There's "thread safe" meaning "this operation produces the same result, no matter how its calls are interleaved" and there's "thread safe" meaning "nothing explodes if you call this from multiple threads".
No, incrementing values in C is not guaranteed to be atomic. You need to provide synchronization, or use a system-specific library to perform atomic increments/decrements.
The operation is not atomic, but nowhere does it say it is. However, the code is thread safe, but you would have to be very familiar with what the code was doing, and how it fitted into the design of the scheduler to know that. It does not matter if other tasks modify the variable between the load and store because when the executing task next runs it will find the variable in the same state as when the original load was performed (so the modify and write portions are still consistent and valid).
As a previous posted notes, the long cannot be in an inconsistent state because it is the base type of the architecture on which it is running. Consider however what would happen if the code was running on an 8 bit machine (or 16 bit) and the variable was 32 bit. Then it would not be thread safe because the full 32 bits would be modified byte or word at a time, rather than all at once. In that scenario, one byte might be loaded into a register, modified, then written back to RAM (leaving the other three bytes unmodified) when a context switch occurs. If the next task that executed read the same variable it would read one byte that had been modified and three bytes that had not - and you have a major problem.
