How to find which Database Roles are associated with a given User? - sql-server

In SSMS I have a User X and there are Y, Z and P Database Roles available, how may I check what roles are added to a user X?
What have I tried:
In SSMS right click on database -> properties -> Permissions and see Explicit tab for a user X. I can see Permissions not association between role and the user. The same is for role I'm interested in, I see only permissions for role.
EDIT: Regarding GUI solution, I have no Properties option available for Users nor Roles.

You can use the sys.database_principals object to find this out:
SELECT u.[name] AS [UserName],
r.[name] AS RoleName
FROM sys.database_principals u
JOIN sys.database_role_members drm ON u.principal_id = drm.member_principal_id
JOIN sys.database_principals r ON drm.role_principal_id = r.principal_id
WHERE u.[type] IN ('S','U') --SQL User or Windows User
AND u.[name] = N'X';

Through the GUI:
Open the database that you want to check, open Security folder, open Users folder. Here you have a list of defined users for this database.
Right click a user -> properties -> Membership. Here you see the defined roles for this database (custom roles also end up in this list). The user has/is a part of the role if it has an X/mark infront of it.
Through script:
SELECT AS DatabaseRoleName,
isnull (, 'No members') AS DatabaseUserName
FROM sys.database_role_members AS DRM
RIGHT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals AS DP1
ON DRM.role_principal_id = DP1.principal_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals AS DP2
ON DRM.member_principal_id = DP2.principal_id
WHERE DP1.type = 'R'
--AND = 'YourUserName'
Which lists all roles and the users which are a member of it. (Script is from msdn link).
This script goes from roles to users. For a specific user fill in the commented parameter. Or just use the script provided by Larnu.

I do it this way:
select user_name(role_principal_id)
from sys.database_role_members
where member_principal_id = user_id('your_user');


how to check groups for specific user in sql server [duplicate]

In the Security/Users folder in my database, I have a bunch of security groups, include "MyApplication Users". I need to check if I am (or another user is) in this group, but I have no idea how to query for it or where I could see this information. I tried looking in the properties, but couldn't find anything. Any ideas?
Checking yourself or the current user:
SELECT IS_MEMBER('[group or role]')
A result of 1 = yes,0 = no, and null = the group or role queried is not valid.
To get a list of the users, try xp_logininfo if extended procs are enabled and the group in question is a windows group :
EXEC master..xp_logininfo
#acctname = '[group]',
#option = 'members'
For a quick view of which groups / roles the current user is a member of;
, [name]
, [type_desc]
, is_member(name) as [is_member]
from [sys].[database_principals]
where [type] in ('R','G')
order by [is_member] desc,[type],[name]
To find the AD Group members in the Instance, we can use below query:
xp_logininfo 'DomainName\AD_GroupName', 'members'
By using this query, we can find the below states.
account name, type, privilege, mapped login name, permission path
Accepted answer from DeanG is the preferred solution for getting this info within SQL Server
You can use Active Directory tools for this. I like Active Directory Users and Computers that is part of the Remote Server Administration Tools. Follow the link to download and install the tools on Windows 7.
Once installed, you can search for a specific group name:
Then you can see group membership using the Members tab:
If you don't want to use the AD browser packaged with RSA tools, there are several others available.
You don't.
Instead you use the users and groups to grant/deny privileges, and let the engine enforce them appropiately. Attempting to roll your own security will get you nowhere fast. A banal example is when you will fail to honor the 'one deny trumps all grants' rule. And you will fail to navigate the intricacies of EXECUTE AS. Not to mention security based on module signatures.
For the record: users, roles and groups are exposed in the sys.database_principals catalog view. sys.fn_my_permissions will return the current context permissions on a specific securable.
The code that is provided on the Microsoft page here works for me, every time.
SELECT AS DatabaseRoleName,
isnull (, 'No members') AS DatabaseUserName
FROM sys.database_role_members AS DRM
RIGHT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals AS DP1
ON DRM.role_principal_id = DP1.principal_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals AS DP2
ON DRM.member_principal_id = DP2.principal_id
WHERE DP1.type = 'R'
Please let me know if this works for you!

SQL Server sys.credentials Permissions

According to the documentation the user should have either VIEW ANY DEFINITION or ALTER ANY CREDENTIAL to view the credentials. The issue is when I grant this permission, the user can see all the credentials. Is there a way to limit the user can view only one credential in SQL Server 2014?
You create a new view object that looks at the sys.credentials table based on the current user login, e.g.
CREATE VIEW dbo.GetAllowedCredentials
SELECT c.credential_id,,
FROM sys.credentials AS c
INNER JOIN sys.server_principals AS sp ON sp.credential_id = c.credential_id
You can apply permissions to this view as required.

How do you find the permissions for a SQL Server table_type?

Hopefully a simple question here:
How do I get the permissions for an SQL Server table_type?
I know how to grant them, ie like:
GRANT [permission] ON TYPE::[schema_name].[type_name] TO [user]
As per
What I want to know however, is how to find out what permissions users already have on a particular table_type. I've tried looking through tables like INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_PRIVILEGES, sys.database_permissions and sys.syspermissions, but I haven't had any luck.
My guess is I'm either missing something obvious or that the privileges for table_types are stored elsewhere.
You'll want to use the user_type_id from sys.table_types to join to sys.database_permissions:
SELECT prmssn.*
FROM sys.table_types AS tt INNER JOIN sys.database_permissions AS prmssn ON prmssn.major_id=tt.user_type_id
WHERE'<Table-Type Name>'
AND SCHEMA_NAME(tt.schema_id)='<SchemaName>')
Try this:
FROM sys.database_permissions a
JOIN sys.database_principals b on a.grantee_principal_id = b.principal_id
where major_id=object_id('dbo.TableNameHere')

How to find loginname, database username, or roles of sqlserver domain user who doesn't have their own login?

I have created a login and database user called "MYDOMAIN\Domain Users". I need to find what roles a logged on domain user has but all the calls to get the current user return the domain username eg. "MYDOMAIN\username" not the database username eg. "MYDOMAIN\Domain Users".
For example, this query returns "MYDOMAIN\username"
select original_login(),suser_name(), suser_sname(), system_user, session_user, current_user, user_name()
And this query returns 0
select USER_ID()
I want the username to query database_role_members is there any function that will return it or any other way I can get the current users roles?
I understand that the Domain Users login is mapped into AD group?
You have to bear in mind that user can be in several AD groups and each of them can be mapped somehow in database which may be a bit messy. Also it means you need something with multiple results :)
Try this:
select * from sys.server_principals where type_desc = 'WINDOWS_GROUP' and is_member(name) = 1
I think it should grab properly all Windows Group logins that will be tied with particular users. After that you can join it for database users i.e.:
Select from YourDB.sys.syslogins l
inner join YourDB.sys.sysusers u
on l.sid = u.sid
where l.loginname = ANY (select * from sys.server_principals where type_desc = 'WINDOWS_GROUP' and is_member(name) = 1)
You have to keep in mind that - all the way - you may need to handle whole sets rather then single values.

How to Revoke SELECT Permission for system_views To public

I have the following T-SQL to display all the permissions granted to principals on my SQL server 2005:
select dp.NAME AS principal_name, --1
dp.type_desc AS principal_type_desc, --2
o.NAME AS object_name, --3
p.permission_name, --4
p.state_desc AS permission_state_desc --5
from sys.database_permissions p
left OUTER JOIN sys.all_objects o
on p.major_id = o.OBJECT_ID
inner JOIN sys.database_principals dp
on p.grantee_principal_id = dp.principal_id
order by principal_name, object_name
The result displays public with SELECT granted:
1 2 3 4 5
public DATABASE_ROLE system_views SELECT GRANT
I think object_name system_views is for all the views in my database Views|system_views folder. I tried the following T-SQL (just to see if it works by GRANT again):
GRANT SELECT ON system_views TO public
I got error "Cannot find the object 'system_views', because it does not exist or you don't have permission". I do connect the SQL server as sa.
My question is how to revoke SELECT permission on system_views for public (user or principal?) and roll permission back if I have to. The second question is if the revoke on system_views for public have any side-effect for other users?
There's no reason to revoke rights to view the system views. Users can only see the objects that they already have access to, so they already know those objects exist.
If you want to grant a user the right to see all objects in the database then grant them view definition on the schema or the database.
select * from sys.system_views
Does public have VIEW DEFINITION on any of these?
I would highly recommend against mucking about with any of this.
You could just
public is a "special" role. Don't mess with it.
Every user is a member of public by default, for example.
Metadata visibility actually determines what a user sees. So even if someone does SELECT * FROM sys.columns, they will see only the columns for objects they have rights on. No other rights = only info on the columns for system views.
You're likely to break stuff if you do this, especially in SSMS or direct access clients (Access, Excel etc)
