Execute process task not running from SQL Agent Job - sql-server

I have an SSIS package that runs a backup in a T-SQL task and then uploads the file to google drive from an execute process task. The package runs perfectly from the catalog. When I try to run it from sql-agent job, the backup runs ok but the upload to google drive does not. There are no error messages in the job history or in the package history.
The sql agent job is set to run from a proxy account with the necessary credentials.

The issue turned out to be that the command file was trying to find another file it needed to run execute the code, but since the windows user changed it was looking in a different users folder. We solved it by passing the filepath as a param so it doesn't default to the user accounts folder its executed from.


SSIS runs package that runs powershell script but SSMS don't

I have a package on SSIS that executes a .BAT file that consequently executes a PowerShell file, which brings the file metadata from a folder, generating a CSV file.
I already granted access to the folder for the SQL Server Agent user, but it didn't work.
When I run the package on SSIS, it works correctly! However, if I execute the same package through a JOB in SSMS, it ends the step, but the .BAT file was not executed, or if it was, the Powershell file did not, because after the execution the CSV file is "1kb", no data.
Am I forgetting something?
SSIS package (portuguese language):
[EDIT 1]
A strange thing that I noticed, was that we have 3 packages scheduled by SSMS, but only one of them that doesn't work, which is the one mentioned in the question. But I can't find out why or what the difference is to others.
2 packages extract information from Sharepoint and work on SSMS, but this other package that extracts metadata from files does not.
Check the job step's "Run As" value, which is a "Proxy" (visible in the Object Explorer in SSMS.
Open the Proxy (SQL Server Agent >> Proxies >> SSIS Package Execution). It will list a Credential Name.
Open the Credential (Security >> Credentials). It will list an Identity. That's the user whose security needs to be configured.
Open a cmd window and run runas /user:<userGoesHere> cmd and enter the password when prompted. See the documentation of runas here
Now, it opens a second cmd window which runs under this user used in the SQL Server Agent. Execute your batch file and see if you'll catch any error.
Also, the process you're running may require the user to have Log on as a batch job permission. Run secpol.msc from an admin account and add this user to this permission.

Executing SSRS report via a console application though a SQL Server Agent job

I have a SSRS solution that contains 20 reports all of which utilise a shared data source called "DataWarehouse". This datasource has been configured to use Windows Authentication. These reports have been deployed to a server.
I have a requirement where I need to be able to automatically run these reports once a data warehouse has completed loading overnight. Sometimes the warehouse load might take 5 hrs, sometimes it might take 10 and so I don't want schedule these reports at a particular time using reporting services, I want the warehouse load to determine when its done and trigger the reports.
Now, I have a mechanism to do this:
I have written a c# console application that accepts a report name and a file path which runs the report and saves it do wherever it needs to.
I have an SSIS package that executes the console application from (i). I use an SSIS package because the DBA where I work will not enable xp_cmdshell.
I have an agent job that runs the SSIS package when the warehouse load completes.
Now if I run the SSIS package on my local machine (as me) the package executes successfully and the report is generated and saved. When I deploy the SSIS package to the server and try and run it through the agent job it fails with the following error:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The permissions granted to user 'NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT' are insufficient for performing this operation. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.AccessDeniedException: The permissions granted to user 'NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT' are insufficient for performing this operation.
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ReportExecution2005Impl.LoadReport (String Report, String HistoryID, ExecutionInfo2& executionInfo)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportExecutionService.LoadReport (String Report, String HistoryID, ExecutionInfo& executionInfo)
My initial guess was that this means the SSIS job gets executed as 'NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT' and this user does not have access to run reports on the report server. So I jumped on to the report server and tried adding NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT as a user who could run reports but I was still getting errors. Can anybody help me figure how I can get this working?
This will help you execute the SSIS package in the command prompt, and you can run the package on the server in scheduled tasks from the batch file (you may need special permissions to run a batch file in scheduled tasks). What you will want to do is create a windows batch file to allow you to automatically run the SSIS package via Command Prompt and you will need to use Dtexec. Here is what your batch file will look like:
Some comment about what the package is doing
Dtexec /f "C:\some\file\path\YourPackage.dtsx
Then once you save the notepad as a windows batch file you will be able to open the batch file and it will run your package in the Command Prompt. I hope this helps
I edited the console application to connect to the SSRS server as a specific user. I've added what I did below incase its useful to somebody else.
To do this I created a file called account.config which just contained the username on the first line and password on the secondline:
Then in my console application I have the following code:
// Read in the config file and add the lines to a list
List<string> accountDetails = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "account.config")).ToList();
ReportExecutionService myReportExecutionService = new ReportExecutionService();
// Add the credentials
// accountDetails[0] is the username, accountDetails[1] is the password
myReportExecutionService.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(accountDetails[0], accountDetails[1]);

SSIS in SQL 2014 running an Execute Process Task failing

Running a Cmd.exe inside an ETL Process Task and it's failing with Exit code 1.
If I run the command as the same user I'm running the SQL Agent job as outside of the ETL it's running fine and giving Exit code 0.
I've seen some DCOM errors in Event Viewer and Ive taken steps to give permissions to the user I'm running the ETL through the SQL Agent Job for. However it's still failing.
Are there other things I should check about running a CMD command across servers as a specific user?
Just to say this was a permission issue ultimately for it to write a file inside the Default folder. It wasn't manifesting as such until I dumped out the Log a little more. I had to make the user I was running the agent job to be a part of the Administrators group on the SSIS server to allow the process to work.

SSIS File System task didn't copy files from the source server location when scheduled

I'm new to SSIS and stuck with a problem and hope some of them would have already gone through any of this.
Copying files from a remote server to a local machine folder using File System task and For each loop container.
The job executes i.e. files are getting copied successfully when I execute from the SSIS designer but when deployed the project on the SQL server instance it isn't copying any files in fact the target folder is totally empty.
I'm not understanding this strange behavior. Any inputs would be of great help!
Santosh G.
The For each loop will not error out if it doesn't find any files.
The SQL Agent account may not have access to read the directory contents.
Check is your path a variable - is it being set by a config or /SET statement?
Can you log the path before starting the for loop?
Can you copy a dummy file and see can SSIS see this file?
How are you running the job - cmd_exec() can give spurious results with file I/O tasks
The issue was related to the user authorizarions of the SQL Server agent service.
When I execute the job from SQL Server it uses agent service and for that agent service you need to assign a service user who has access rights to the desired file path.

Running batch job using TeamCity fails, but Manual command prompt works

I am getting this error message running a batch job with TeamCity. The batchjob is copying files from TeamCity Server to another server(server2). Have checked multiple times, the folders have all the rights permissions needed and this works fine (copies files between servers) when the batch job is run manually from command prompt. I have this error for each file that needs to be copied.
error MSB3021: Unable to copy file "..\bin\Release\Boo.Lang.Compiler.dll" to "\Server2\DestinationFolder\". Could not find a part of the path '\Server2\DestinationFolder'.[10:54:32]: Creating directory "\Server2\DestinationFolder".
I tried few things, but issue remains unresolved. Thanks for your input.
TeamCity build Agent is running as System user account that has no access to the network resources, you should change the service user to an account that has network permissions, like your Administrator account.
See also the related question.
