side content bar material ui - reactjs

I'm interested in creating a content nav bar, similar to this one
This screenshot is taken from Material UI's site, but I haven't been able to find a component inside the library that resembles it. Is there one? Is there a way repurpose either a Drawer of an App Bar to replicate it?

If it’s always visible on the page that is just a normal div really.
Set it up in your component (or wherever your routes are defined) so it is on every page


Is it possible to disable scrolling on all NextJS <Link>s by default?

I'm building a site with NextJS and using a fade in and out page transition. I manually scroll the page to the top in between the out and in transitions so the user never sees the jump.
But to do this I am having to set scroll="false" on all <Link> tags.
I am wondering if there's a way to set scroll to false by default on all Link tags, but I haven't been able to find anything on this subject.
One way is to make a custom <Link> component and use scroll="false" on it and import it everywhere you use links.

To make a Material-UI div fixed always visible at the top of the page even when page scroll down

To make a Material-UI Grid or component fixed always visible at the top of the page even when page scroll down.
You can use react-sticky to do this, please check this out React-sticky
Please check this out Dock App Bar to top of window in react material ui, I think this Question is already answered here.

How to implement header bar on mobile views

I am building a Hybrid Mobile app with Angular 1.4x, Angular Material, UI-Router and Cordova. I am using UI-Router nested views to implement a global sidebar navigation view, but I have been adding the header bar markup to each content view since the title and some of the header action buttons are specific to the content view. This is causing a few problems:
The header bar flickers during navigation since it is being removed and re-rendered with each transition
I am duplicating quite a bit of markup for the header bar over and over including duplication of common buttons shared across all views (like hamburger button, etc).
It is convenient to be able to respond directly to header bar button clicks in the content view controller, but it feels lazy and violates DRY. It seems like the header bar should be a global UI element that provides an interface for content views to customize action buttons. I can't find any good blogs or examples on this.
Wondering how other developers handle this?
Well, you can create a NavBar at the index.html, above the ui-view tag, when you change the view, you'll only change de ui-view tag or you can create a NavBar for each view, in any case, use ng-cloack to prevent this kind of issue.

How to set up angular project to support common navigation bar?

There's an example given in angular docs which shows how to organize a project so that you can have common nav bar at the top.
Is it possible to have something similar for another app, which has no nav bar on the landing page, but then once you click on a link /showresults/:id, everything else should have a navigation bar? The problem I think I'm having is that /showresults/:id can't have ng-view? Does this require 2 modules?
You could set a variable in your main page controller that doesn't exist anywhere else and then use ng-if
<main-nav ng-if="!homePageScopeVariable"><main-nav>

Force fusioncharts rendering outside viewport

I have several Fusioncharts on my page and some of them are outside the viewport.
Usually, they render as soon as the user scrolls the page and make them visible.
Now, I have to export all those charts and, so, I need them to be rendered before starting the export process: is there a way to force the rendering without asking the user to scroll the page down?
Well a hack would be to use JavaScript to scroll to bottom and then again to top before exporting.
