Get full capacity of a disk via SQL query without granting permissions? - sql-server

I've been struggling to get the total capacity of a disk drive where SQL Server is installed; I know I can achieve that with sys.dm_os_volume_stats or xp_cmdshell but to run the query you need some permissions like VIEW SERVER STATE or ALTER permission.
Is there a way for a normal user to get the full capacity of the disk without granting special permissions?

You can Execute any Stored Procedure or Table Value Function as a specific caller :
WITH EXECUTE AS 'domain\user'
More info in StackOverflow
More info in MSDN
Also, If you got a Certificate problem :
Signing Stored Procedures with a Certificate


Granting permission to a stored procedure (not a user) to run a SQL Server trace

I need to allow a limited number of users to run a very explicit set of traces on a production server with windows authentication only where the owner of the procedure has ALTER TRACE but the intended developers do not. I created a stored procedure with EXECUTE AS OWNER that sets the fields, filters and schedule needed to run the trace, imports results to a table and returns the results set. I must avoid giving users ALTER TRACE but haven’t been able to get over this hump. I hope to avoid using a SQL agent task but have run out of ideas.

Sql Server Agent job failing to execute stored procedure

I have a stored procedure that I can execute in SSMS with a non domain SQL Server user.
This stored procedure selects data from tables in one database (DB1) truncates and selects into a table in DB2.
The user has datareader,datawriter and dbowner for both databases.
When I execute the stored procedure via SS Agent with execute as the user I get the following error
The server principal [user] is not able to access the database [DB1]
under the current security context.
Actions taken So far:
I have tried to resolve this so far by:
Turning on db chaining for both databases
Deleted the user from DB1 and added again
Checked using EXEC sp_change_users_login #Action=’Report’ to see if user orphaned. As this is a database that is a restore of a live one. However I added the user after the restore. The user was not listed as orphaned
A possible workaround if you don't want to have the owner be sa is to have the user be a member of msdb and grant the the SQLAgentOperatorRole in msdb. See if that works.
But to be honest, either use sa or a dedicated service account with enough permissions. It's better if the job runs under that context.


I'm trying to allow a user to view SQL Server trace data from a .trc file without giving them ALTER TRACE permissions (SQL Server 2008 R2). So I've wrapped it up in a stored procedure, using my sysadmin account:
SELECT * FROM FN_TRACE_GETTABLE(N'C:\temp\trace1.trc', 1)
If I execute this stored procedure using my sysadmin account, it runs fine as expected. If I try to run this under the domain1\user1 account, it does not run giving an error of "You do not have permission to run 'FN_TRACE_GETTABLE'". This is again expected.
So now I want to let domain1\user1 run the stored procedure, so I change the stored procedure to execute under a sysadmin account:
WITH EXECUTE AS 'domain1\sysadmin1'
SELECT * FROM FN_TRACE_GETTABLE(N'C:\temp\trace1.trc', 1)
Now when I execute the stored procedure, I get "You do not have permission to run 'FN_TRACE_GETTABLE'" regardless of the account I execute it under! I was expecting to be able to execute it both under the domain1\user1 and domain1\sysadmin1 accounts.
Could anybody please help with what I've missed? My goal is to allow domain1\user1 to read the trace1.trc file without giving them ALTER TRACE permissions.
You need to use code signing to elevate privileges in a controlled manner. While in an EXECUTE AS procedure context you are sandboxed and cannot leverage a server level priviledge (such as trace related permissions), read Extending Database Impersonation by Using EXECUTE AS. Code signing is the proper solution to this problem as well. See a full example here.
According to the documentation you can only specify a (database) username in execute as for stored procedures. Still I think this should normally work, but please alter the SP with the sysadmin account and specify EXECUTE AS SELF instead of the user name.
If that still does not work, try giving the executing user read rights on the trace file, maybe the server ignores the execute as for the file access (which I would consider as a bug).
Copy&paste the path into a new explorer window and if it gives an error, there's your problem. Took me a while to figure out why SQL Server said the "sa" account didn't have permissions that it did have.

Recurring loss of CREATE SYNONYM permissions for a user in TEMPDB

I'm experiencing a recurring problem whereby a user's CREATE SYNONYM permissions within TEMPDB are being lost. Is there a reason why these permissions do not seem to be permanently persistent?
The error I am getting:
> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): CREATE SYNONYM
> permission denied in database 'tempdb'
I left you the comment but what you can do is the following
create a proc in the master database, in that proc give the permissions for the tempdb (you can use USE tempdb in the proc if you use dynamic sql)
then mark the proc to run at startup
exec sp_procoption N'MyProcName', 'startup', 'on'
Now everytime sql server is restarted, this proc will run and give the permissions
See also here List all stored procedures that run at startup in SQL Server
tempdb is created as a copy of the model database every time the server is restarted. My guess is that there's a server restart happening between when you grant the permission to the user and when you get this error message. That said, you can either grant the permission in model and it will be in tempdb when the server restarts or you can do something like creating a startup stored procedure to grant the permission in tempdb.

SQL Server 2008 R2 User cant use system procedure

I have restored a 2005 Database to a new 2008 R2 DB Server. I have created a new user called "gatekeeper"
However this user does not have access to the list of stored procedure in the database.
In a reporting application before running the query the report program is running the following procedure...
exec [Timesheet]..sp_procedures_rowset N'mp_GetTimesheetToPrint',1,N'dbo'
When run under gatekeeper user this returns no rows. However when run as sa it returns the procedure.
What is the minimum permission I need to give to gatekeeper for this procedure to work properly. It seems to be a problem with all system objects, none of them fail to run or give permission errors, they just return no results or subsets of the results.
Really struggling with this. Thanks in advance
I am honestly a bit confused by your description, so please let me know if I am off base here. You can try this below. It will grant execute access to all stored procedures. If you only need gatekeeper to have access to the one stored procedure, then just grant execute on that stored procedure. If the stored procedure is accessing data from other databases, you may need to grant permissions on the tables and such that it is accessing outside of its database.
CREATE ROLE db_executor
GRANT EXECUTE TO db_executor
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_executor', 'gatekeeper'
