How do I implement a non-consuming IntoIterator for a struct with an underlying collection? - loops

Let's say I have a struct that has a collection, such as a Vec as one of its data members:
struct MyCollection {
data: Vec<i32>
I want the user of MyCollection to be able to iterate over its data without direct access to the Vec itself, like so:
let x = MyCollection{data:vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]};
for i in &x {
However, I'm struggling with implementing the necessary Trait IntoIterator for the non-consuming version with &x. I have successfully implemented the consuming version:
impl std::iter::IntoIterator for MyCollection {
type Item = i32;
type IntoIter = std::vec::IntoIter<Self::Item>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
However, this is only usable as follows:
for i in x {
println!("{:?}", i);
which consumes x. Cloning the data is possible, but quite expensive, so I'd like to avoid that.
Here is what I have so far for the non-consuming version, which I based on the source implementation of std::vec::Vec:
impl<'a> std::iter::IntoIterator for &'a MyCollection {
type Item = &'a i32;
type IntoIter = std::vec::IntoIter<Self::Item>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
which produces the following compile error:
error: mismatched types
error: expected &i32, found i32
note: expected type `std::vec::IntoIter<&i32>`
found type `std::vec::IntoIter<i32>`
error: expected `std::vec::IntoIter<&i32>` because of return type
I have also tried removing the &'a of the type Item since in my case, the elements of data are Copyable, but this yields the following:
error: cannot move out of `` which is behind a shared reference
error: move occurs because `` has type `std::vec::Vec<i32>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
I understand the function wants an IntoIter of a vector to references, but I'm unsure how to give it one efficiently. I'm new to Rust, so I'd much appreciate some clarity on the concern. Bonus points if you can also tell me how to create a mutable iterator for write access in the same fashion.

First, you should use slice type, your user shouldn't have to know that you inner type is vector. Then, your problem is that you must not use IntoIter type, but Iter type directly.
Simple example:
struct MyCollection {
data: Vec<i32>,
impl<'a> std::iter::IntoIterator for &'a MyCollection {
type Item = <std::slice::Iter<'a, i32> as Iterator>::Item;
type IntoIter = std::slice::Iter<'a, i32>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
fn main() {
let x = MyCollection {
data: vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
for i in &x {
println!("{}", i);


How can I get the largest element from array, using generics and traits?

I just started learning rust and I'm creatively trying somethings as I read "the Rust Book".
I know it is possible to create a generic method to get the largest element from an array, like the following:
fn largest<T: PartialOrd + Copy> (nums: &[T]) -> T {
let mut largest = nums[0];
for &el in nums {
if el > largest {
largest = el;
return largest;
And calling the main function like this:
fn main() {
let list: Vec<u32> = vec![1,7,4];
println!("{}", largest(&list)); // 7
How would I go doing the same thing but "extending" the array, like this:
fn main() {
let list: Vec<u32> = vec![1,7,4];
println!("{}", list.largest()); // 7
I guess the final question is: if it is possible, would it be a bad practice? Why?
I tried something like this, but didn't manage to figure out how to implement the "Largeble" trait returning the T:
pub trait Largeble {
fn largest(&self);
impl<T: Copy + PartialOrd + Display> Largeble for Vec<T> {
fn largest(&self) {
let mut largest = match self.get(0) {
Some(&el) => el,
None => panic!("Non Empty array expected")
for &el in self {
if el > largest {
largest = el;
println!("{}", largest);
// return largest;
You need to make the Largeable trait return a T from the Vec<T>, which you can do with an associated type:
use std::fmt;
pub trait Largeble {
type Output;
fn largest(&self) -> Self::Output;
impl<T: Copy + PartialOrd + fmt::Display> Largeble for Vec<T> {
type Output = T;
fn largest(&self) -> T {
let mut largest = match self.get(0) {
Some(&el) => el,
None => panic!("Non Empty array expected")
for &el in self {
if el > largest {
largest = el;
println!("{}", vec![1, 2, 3, 2].largest()); // prints "3"
Traits like Largeable are usually called extension traits, since they extend existing items with new features. Using extension traits to extend items in existing libraries is common in the Rust ecosystem. It's common to suffix the names of extensions with Ext (so a collection of additional methods for Vec would be called VecExt). A popular use of extension traits is the itertools library, which provides a trait that adds additional useful methods to Iterator in the standard library.
How would I go doing the same thing but "extending" the array
Sure, your code snippet was close, you can create a trait and implement it on types.
pub trait Largeble<T>
T: Ord,
fn largest(&self) -> Option<&T>;
impl<T> Largeble<T> for Vec<T>
T: Ord,
fn largest(&self) -> Option<&T> {
// Iterator already has a method for getting max which simplifies things
Alternatively, you can make T an associated type which may be better suited to this example.
You can run this code in the Rust Playground.
Would it be a bad practice? Why?
Nope, it's definitely not bad practise. It is a very common way to developing in Rust and can be very powerful. Your trait needs to be in scope for you to be able to call .largest(), so it does not pollute anything.
Additionally, if you have multiple methods with the same name from different traits, you can provide a longer syntax to specify the exact trait you want to use: Largest::<u32>::largest(&list).
I tried something like this, but didn't manage to figure out how to implement the "Largeble" trait returning the T.
Your code was mostly correct, but your largest method didn't return anything. That's why the trait needs a generic T, to specify that you will return T.

How to create a static array of objects that implement a common trait?

I am trying to create a static array of objects that implement a common trait. All these structs and their sizes are known at compile time. But when accessing a field defined on the struct the compiler tells me that the field is not on the type.
fn main() {
for &thing in ALL_THINGS {
trait Thing: Sync { }
struct SpecificThing {
name: &'static str
impl Thing for SpecificThing { }
static ALL_THINGS: &'static [&dyn Thing] = &[&SpecificThing {name: "test"}];
error[E0609]: no field `name` on type `&dyn Thing`
--> src/
3 | println!("{}",
| ^^^^
The questions static array of trait objects, Create vector of objects implementing a trait in Rust, Can I have a static borrowed reference to a trait object? or Vector of objects belonging to a trait doesn't help with explaining why this happens or how to resolve it.
Please what am I doing wrong here? Is there a better method to solve this task that I have not found yet?
When you define &dyn Thing, you erase all the information about specific data type. That means you can't access fields of dinamically dispatched objects.
Just imagine that you have two different structs in ALL_THINGS:
struct SpecificThing {
name: &'static str
struct SpecificAnotherThing {
no_name: &'static str
static ALL_THINGS: &'static [&dyn Thing] = &[&SpecificThing {name: "test"}, &SpecificAnotherThing { no_name: "" }];
You can't access name field because trait Thing know nothing about concrete types it implemented for. Therefore you can't access it's fields directly.
If you really need it, you should define a method in Thing trait which will return value you need:
trait Thing: Sync {
fn name(&self) -> &str;
// ...
// ...
impl Thing for SpecificThing {
fn name(&self) -> &str {
Or you can use static dispatching and algebraic data types (enum).
You can't access from a &dyn Thing since not all Things have a name field (ignoring the fact that traits don't have fields).
Your use of dyn Thing suggests you have a set of objects (structs/enums) that have some things in common. All these commonalities must be present in Thing for you to access them. For example, if a name is a common thing, you could add a function that gets the name:
fn main() {
for &thing in ALL_THINGS {
println!("{}", thing.get_name())
trait Thing: Sync {
fn get_name(&self) -> &'static str;
struct SpecificThing {
name: &'static str
impl Thing for SpecificThing {
fn get_name(&self) -> &'static str {
static ALL_THINGS: &'static [&dyn Thing] = &[&SpecificThing {name: "test"}];

How can I return a Chain iterator with data added from a temporary array?

I'm writing a MQTT5 library. To send a packet, I need to know the size of the payload before writing the payload. My solution for determining the size has the following constraints order by importance:
be easy to maintain
should not create copies of the data
should be fairly performant (avoid double calculations)
To determine the size I can do any of the following solutions:
do the calculations by hand, which is fairly annoying
hold a copy of the data to send in memory, which I want to avoid
Build an std::iter::ExactSizeIterator for the payload which consists of std::iter::Chains itself, which leads to ugly typings fast, if you don't create wrapper types
I decided to go with version 3.
The example below shows my try on writing a MQTT String iterator. A MQTT String consists of two bytes which are the length of the string followed by the data as utf8.
use std::iter::*;
use std::slice::Iter;
pub struct MQTTString<'a> {
chain: Chain<Iter<'a, u8>, Iter<'a, u8>>,
impl<'a> MQTTString<'a> {
pub fn new(s: &'a str) -> Self {
let u16_len = s.len() as u16;
let len_bytes = u16_len.to_be_bytes();
let len_iter = len_bytes.iter(); // len_bytes is borrowed here
let s_bytes = s.as_bytes();
let s_iter = s_bytes.iter();
let chain = len_iter.chain(s_iter);
MQTTString { chain }
impl<'a> Iterator for MQTTString<'a> {
type Item = &'a u8;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a u8> {
impl<'a> ExactSizeIterator for MQTTString<'a> {}
pub struct MQTTStringPait<'a> {
chain: Chain<std::slice::Iter<'a, u8>, std::slice::Iter<'a, u8>>,
This implementation doesn't compile because I borrow len_bytes instead of moving it, so it'd get dropped before the Chain can consume it:
error[E0515]: cannot return value referencing local variable `len_bytes`
--> src/
12 | let len_iter = len_bytes.iter(); // len_bytes is borrowed here
| --------- `len_bytes` is borrowed here
19 | MQTTString { chain }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ returns a value referencing data owned by the current function
Is there a nice way to do this? Adding len_bytes to the MQTTString struct doesn't help. Is there a better fourth option of solving the problem?
The root problem is that iter borrows the array. In nightly Rust, you can use array::IntoIter, but it does require that you change your iterator to return u8 instead of &u8:
use std::array::IntoIter;
use std::iter::*;
use std::slice::Iter;
pub struct MQTTString<'a> {
chain: Chain<IntoIter<u8, 2_usize>, Copied<Iter<'a, u8>>>,
impl<'a> MQTTString<'a> {
pub fn new(s: &'a str) -> Self {
let u16_len = s.len() as u16;
let len_bytes = u16_len.to_be_bytes();
let len_iter = std::array::IntoIter::new(len_bytes);
let s_bytes = s.as_bytes();
let s_iter = s_bytes.iter().copied();
let chain = len_iter.chain(s_iter);
MQTTString { chain }
impl<'a> Iterator for MQTTString<'a> {
type Item = u8;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u8> {
impl<'a> ExactSizeIterator for MQTTString<'a> {}
You could do the same thing in stable Rust by using a Vec, but that'd be a bit of overkill. Instead, since you know the exact size of the array, you could get the values and chain more:
use std::iter::{self, *};
use std::slice;
pub struct MQTTString<'a> {
chain: Chain<Chain<Once<u8>, Once<u8>>, Copied<slice::Iter<'a, u8>>>,
impl<'a> MQTTString<'a> {
pub fn new(s: &'a str) -> Self {
let u16_len = s.len() as u16;
let [a, b] = u16_len.to_be_bytes();
let s_bytes = s.as_bytes();
let s_iter = s_bytes.iter().copied();
let chain = iter::once(a).chain(iter::once(b)).chain(s_iter);
MQTTString { chain }
impl<'a> Iterator for MQTTString<'a> {
type Item = u8;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u8> {
impl<'a> ExactSizeIterator for MQTTString<'a> {}
See also:
How to implement Iterator and IntoIterator for a simple struct?
An iterator of &u8 is not a good idea from the point of view of pure efficiency. On a 64-bit system, &u8 takes up 64 bits, as opposed to the 8 bits that the u8 itself would take. Additionally, dealing with this data on a byte-by-byte basis will likely impede common optimizations around copying memory around.
Instead, I'd recommend creating something that can write itself to something implementing Write. One possible implementation:
use std::{
io::{self, Write},
pub struct MQTTString<'a>(&'a str);
impl MQTTString<'_> {
pub fn write_to(&self, mut w: impl Write) -> io::Result<()> {
let len = u16::try_from(self.0.len()).expect("length exceeded 16-bit");
let len = len.to_be_bytes();
See also:
How do I convert between numeric types safely and idiomatically?
Converting number primitives (i32, f64, etc) to byte representations

Can I call a raw pointer with arbitrary arguments in Rust?

I'm trying to combine my Rust program with a library written in C in a more complex scenario.
The library provides this interface:
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_void};
extern "C" {
pub fn register_function(
name: *const c_char, signature: *const c_char,
func_ptr: *mut c_void, attachment: *mut c_void,
The signature can be a string describing the arguments and return type of the function as 32 or 64 bit ints and floats (representations: b'i' = i32, b'I' = i64, b'f' = f32, b'F' = f64). The registered function gets called with an array of u64 (uint64_t) values which correspond to the arguments from the signature.
I would like to abstract this registration and callback process, so that I can switch to another library in the future which provides a similar but different interface. My idea was to to create a proxy function that is registered instead of the actual function. This would then also provide a custom context struct.
My own functions could look like this:
use std::boxed::Box;
use std::pin::Pin;
fn return_void(context: Pin<Box<MyAttachment>>) {
// ...
fn return_32(context: Pin<Box<MyAttachment>>, a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
// ...
// floating point values would be nice, but are optional
fn return_64(a: i32, b: i64, c: f64) -> f64 {
// ...
MyAttachment is supposed to be the context and provide the proxy function that gets an arbitrary number of arguments as array:
use std::cmp;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::slice;
enum ReturnType {
struct MyAttachment {
real_func_ptr: *mut c_void,
signature: String,
argc: u32,
pass_attachment: bool,
return_type: ReturnType,
impl MyAttachment {
pub fn important_stuff(&self) {
// ...
unsafe extern "C" fn function_proxy(attachment: *mut c_void, argv: *mut u64) {
// Given: attachment is the pointer to MyAttachment and argv is the array of arguments.
let this = attachment.cast::<Self>();
if this.is_null() || argv.is_null() {
// error handling
let this = Pin::new_unchecked(Box::from_raw(this)); // restore
let args = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(
// There is at least one element in argv if the function is supposed to return a value,
// because we need to write our result there.
match this.return_type {
ReturnType::VOID => 0,
ReturnType::BITS32 | ReturnType::BITS64 => 1,
this.argc as usize,
let func_ptr = this.real_func_ptr;
// I can get the argument types from the signature.
// TODO cast to correct pointer type. For example:
// case return_void: Fn(Pin<Box<MyAttachment>>)
// case return_32: Fn(Pin<Box<MyAttachment>>, u64, u64) -> u32
// case return_64: Fn(u64, u64, f64) -> f64
// TODO call it:
if this.return_type != ReturnType::VOID {
//args[0] = func_ptr(...args);
// or
//args[0] = func_ptr(this, ...args);
} else {
Box::into_raw(Pin::into_inner_unchecked(this)); // delay dropping of this
fn main() {
// defining functions like:
let func1 = Box::pin(MyAttachment {
real_func_ptr: return_32 as *mut _,
signature: String::from("(ii)i"),
argc: 2, // inferred from signature
pass_attachment: true,
return_type: ReturnType::BITS32, // inferred from signature
let name = CString::new("return_32").unwrap();
let signature = CString::new(func1.signature.as_str()).unwrap();
// leak the raw pointer
let func1_ptr = Box::into_raw(unsafe { Pin::into_inner_unchecked(func1) });
let _func1 = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(Box::from_raw(func1_ptr)) }; // just for housekeeping
unsafe {
MyAttachment::function_proxy as *mut _,
func1_ptr as *mut _,
// ...
// somewhere here is my proxy called from C
// ...
// automatic cleanup of MyAttachment structs, because the Boxes are dropped
How do I fill these TODOs with code?
I have seen this in C code somewhere by using a generic function pointer and defining a fixed number of calls:
void (*func_ptr)();
if (argc == 0)
else if (argc == 1)
else if (argc == 2)
func_ptr(argv[0], argv[1]);
// ... and so on
But is there a solution to do this in Rust? (This only needs to work for x86_64/amd64)
Thanks in advance for reading all this and trying to help.
(I added the reflection tag, because this would be done via reflection if Rust had any)
==== edit
I have seen these related questions, but I don't think they apply here:
Call a raw address from Rust -> My type is not given at compile time
How do I pass each element of a slice as a separate argument to a variadic C function? -> My arguments are somewhat of fixed size and don't use a valist

Prevent 'static lifetime requirement in Rc<Trait>

Where is the 'static lifetime requirement coming from when using a trait type in std::rc::Rc and how can I prevent it? E.g. when trying to compile this code
trait Handler{}
fn add(a: std::rc::Rc<Handler>) {
fn main() {
rust reports
error[E0308]: mismatched types
= note: expected type `std::rc::Rc<Handler + 'static>`
found type `{integer}`
NOTE: the error itself is expected; I am just interested in the Handler + 'static diagnostic output. The Real program creates instances of a trait type, stores them into a HashMap and runs a type specific function on it. It fails to compile with
| - borrowed value only lives until here
= note: borrowed value must be valid for the static lifetime...
at this place.
Second example
The following code is more real-world and demonstrates the issue perhaps better:
trait Handler {
struct SomeHandler<'a>(&'a u32);
impl <'a> SomeHandler<'a> {
fn new(a: &'a u32) -> std::rc::Rc<Handler> {
impl <'a> Handler for SomeHandler<'a> {
fn main() {
let a: u32;
It fails with
8 | std::rc::Rc::new(SomeHandler(a))
| ^
= note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the static lifetime...
= note: that the expression is assignable:
expected std::rc::Rc<Handler + 'static>
found std::rc::Rc<Handler>
Why explicit lifetimes do not work
The simple demo might be fixed by adding an explicit lifetime (e.g. Rc<Handler + 'a>). Unfortunately, this is not an option (nor trying to make anything 'static) because real code is intended to look like
struct PollRegistry {
handlers: std::collections::HashMap<mio::Token, std::rc::Weak<PollHandler>>,
impl PollRegistry {
fn register<'a>(&mut self, handler: &std::rc::Rc<PollHandler>,
interest: mio::Ready, opts: mio::PollOpt)
-> std::io::Result<()> {
self.handlers.insert(token, std::rc::Rc::downgrade(handler));
and methods in PollHandler specializations create and own other PollHandler specializations which are registered in the registry by these methods.
rustc 1.27.1
