Linux serial port (tty) redirection - c

I have a question linked to Linux and serial port.
I want to be able to receive and send messages to a dedicated serial port and to redirect it to another port (/dev/tty).
For the first part, I’m able to dialog with my hardware equipment without any problem, but I’m just wondering if it’s possible to intercept and redirect message coming from a serial port #1 to another port #2.
To give more context, I had used a GPS Antenna and NTP open source software for years.
Since 2018, the new GPS antenna protocol has modified the order of bytes in the message used by NTP to steer and now it’s not working anymore.
So my idea is to put a simple C program (middleware) which fixes this byte ordering; but I’m wondering if I have to build a kernel-specific module or if it can be done in another way. The NTP software uses the symbolic link to dialog.
Thanks for your help.

You can probably use a simple redirect, look here:
Pipe One Serial Port to Another in Linux
If the ports are in different rates you can use stty or perhaps screen to adjust:
If you need it to be in c program to manipulate it you can use the following:
Using c it will need to run in an infinite loop so it can constantly read, manipulate and write the data.


Is there any way to control uart rx fifo size in linux programmaticaly

I'm writing software to communicate with badly designed hardware. This hardware can communicate with linux pc (kernel 4.15) by RS485 line (9600 8N1) and it has very short timings: pc should reply in 2ms after receiving request from device.
I was able to solve this task using LOW_LATENCY flag and /sys/class/tty/ttySx/rx_trig_bytes file.
After opening port "rx_trig_bytes" file contents changes to "14", so I need write "1" to it after opening port to get good reply latency.
Is there any way to make this by API call or fix it after system boot / driver load ? Current realization looks ugly :(
Funny you find this way ugly, considering everything is a file in Unix, it should be the smart way.
I guess you are entitled to your own aesthetic sense.
If you want to make another buffer size the default you can always change it in the driver and recompile the kernel as suggested here.

Establish direct peer-to-peer Wi-Fi communication between laptops

TL;DR available at the bottom
I've been trying to figure out a way to get two laptops (both running Ubuntu) to be able to pass basic messages back and forth without the need for them to be connected via a wireless network,either by an AP or ad-hoc. I want to reiterate here that ad-hoc networking is not what I'm looking for, I've seen many similar questions here with that as the answer.
I guess what I'm asking is: how do I achieve this? All I really need is for one computer to be able to send a packet, and then for another to pick it up via a packet sniffer of some kind.
Currently: I have both laptops in monitor mode (via a mon0 interface created from aircrack-ng's airmon-ng)so that they can sniff nearby traffic (with Wireshark, tcpdump,'s sample libpcap code, and opening a raw socket and just printing out all the packets. I tried each just because I thought one could be doing something differently/leaving something out). I also have a very basic program that consists of opening a raw socket to send crafted ethernet frames out to the air, but I can't get my two machines to see the other's packets. The sniffer running on each machine can only see the packets going out of that machine (in addition to nearby beacons/control traffic from wifi in the area).
Some things to note that might be important are:
-the packets I'm sending out appear in Wireshark (only on the sending machine) as malformed 802.11 packets (probably because I'm just filling them with junk data for now). I was under the impression that my other laptop would also see them as malformed packets, but it gets nothing
-the sockets I'm using are from a call to socket(PF_PACKET,SOCK_RAW,ETH_P_ALL). Raw sockets are something I just recently was aware of, so I could be misunderstanding how they work, but my impression is that I can craft a layer 2 packet by hand and ship out straight out to the wire/air.
If you're curious as to why I want to do something like this, it's part curiosity, part research for a project I'm working on. I want to streamline / automate the process of setting up an ad-hoc network, and what I'm trying to do here is for the laptops to do a small exchange to figure out the specifics of the adhoc network they are about to create and then make/join that network automatically, instead of either one person explicitly setting up the network OR having both people pre-decide the name, etc of the network and have both computers constantly trying to connect to that specific one.
I'm more interested if I'm going about this process in the right way rather than if my code works or not, if someone thinks me posting my (very basic, taken from another post on Stack Overflow) raw socket code will help, I can.
Edit: I am more than happy to post a complete set of code with instructions if I can get this working. I couldn't find much helpful info on this topic on the internet, and I'd love to put it up for future people trying to do the same thing.
TL;DR I want to send out a packet from one laptop and pick it up on another via a packent sniffer of some sort. No wifi network or ad-hoc network involved. Something akin to spoofing an AP's beacon frame (or similar) for the purpose of sending small amounts of data.
Edit 2:After some thought, perhaps what I'm looking for is some kind of raw 802.11 use? Having direct control of the wifi radio? Is such a thing possible?
I found out I was able to send packets out through my monitor mode interface as long as I had correct 802.11 with radiotap headers. I think the problem I was originally experiencing (not being able to sniff the packets) was because they were malformed and thus not actually getting sent out.
I was able to accomplish this by adapting the example code found here, courtesy of someone named Evan Jones, except I did not need to use an Atheros based card or Madwifi drivers, everything worked fine with the mon0 interface created with aircrack-ng.
I am certain that Apple Mac do this. Apple call it 'bonjour'. There may well be a proper IETF spec for it. This is an Article on Bonjour this is Wikipedia on an open component of bonjour which might help get you moving.

Hooking network functions using a driver, a high-level overview?

I have just managed to write my first windows driver (havent registered it yet- but i managed to get the things created!).
I wondered if someone can give me a high overview of how I could achieve the following:
I would like to write a driver which will implement some behaviour when a network packet is received by the computer, before windows does what it does with the packet, i'd like to take this data and output it to the console of a C or C++ program.
Lets assume I have a C/C++ program written, which has a console. How does the C/C++ program interact with the driver I wrote which is hooking the network activity? Is it simply some C code which calls my drivers, the function returns the data as an object and then I can use that object to display in the console?
Thank you in advance for any possible replies
You don't need a driver for this task. Use packet sniffer library like PCap (actually you'll need WinPCap). It's really simple to capture packets and print them to console.
Alternative way is raw socket. But desktop Windows (as opposite to Windows Server) limits raw socket functionality.
If you really want a driver, or have a requirement to manipulate or filter packets before they hit the windows network stack you need to look into filter drivers.
This filter driver can then expose a device file on which your user space application can then read/write. The windows DDK contains examples.

How do I block packets coming on port 23 on my computer?

I am using libpcap library. I have made one packet sniffer C program using pcap.h. Now I want to block packets coming on port 23 on my computer via eth0 device. I tried pcap_filter function but it is not useful for blocking.
Please explain to me how to code this functionality using c program.
Libpcap is just used for packet capturing, i.e. making packets available for use in other programs. It does not perform any network setup, like blocking, opening ports. In this sense pcap is a purely passive monitoring tool.
I am not sure what you want to do. As far as I see it, there are two possibilities:
You actually want to block the packets, so that your computer will not process them in any way. You should use a firewall for that and just block this port. Any decent firewall should be able to do that fairly easy. But you should be aware, that this also means no one will be able to ssh into your system. So if you do that on a remote system, you have effectively locked out yourself.
You still want other programs (sshd) to listen on port 23 but all this traffic is annoying you in your application. Libpcap has a filtering function for that, that is quite powerful. With this function you can pass small scripts to libpcap and have it only report packets that fit. Look up filtering in the pcap documentation for more information. This will however not "block the traffic" just stop pcap from capturing it.
Actually using pcap you are not able to build firewall. This is because packets seen inside your sniffer (built using pcap) are just copy of packets which (with or without sniffer) are consumed by network stack.
In other words: using filters in pcap will cause that you will not see copies of original packets (as far as I know pcap compiles filters and add those to kernel so that on kernel level copy will not be done); anyway original packet will go to network stack anyway.
The solution of your problem most probably could be done by netfilter. You can register in NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING hook and there decide to drop or allow given traffic.

Simulate serial port

I am writing a C program in Linux which will read/write to/from a serial port. I know the data that needs to be read and written on the port but I don't have a serial port to currently test this with.
Is there any way to simulate a serial port? Would reading/writing to a file be sufficient? I can have one process write to the file while another process reads that data and writes back other data to the file. Or are there others tools that can be used to simulate a port?
Serial ports on Linux are terminal devices. A close simulation is to create a pseudo-terminal pair; the program that normally talks to the serial port is instead told to open the slave side of the pseudo-terminal, and the simulator writes and reads from the master side.
The pty(7) man page has more information.
Despite being an old topic, and my answer is not exactly something the OP was looking for, I decided to share my experience, as someone else might come across it like I did. Instead of straightforward simulation, I used the software called Serial to Ethernet Connector to gain access to the specific device I needed to test the app with. Worked nicely for me.
A character device, even something as simple as normal stdin and stdout should work if you don't care about attributes specific to port devices.
