I have 2 sheets, sheet4 contains a range of dates, in this case 20 of them, sheet1 contains 7 of these dates from sheet4 after I filtered out the duplicates. I need to compare these two arrays and get the row number of the matching values on sheet1.
Sheet1 values:
Sheet4 values:
I need to check which row number on sheet1 is corresponding to the value on sheet4. For example, "F1" on sheet4 would give me the value of 2 (as of row 2), and "F5" "F6" and "F7" which are all 07/11/2019 06:10 would all give me the value of 3.
I need the corresponding row numbers in an array as well, so I can use them later on next to the sheet4 dates.
I can't seem to figure it out how to write the code for it, as the arrays are different length.
Edit: My code so far. It returns the row numbers of sheet one multiple times, in an order, like: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
var sheet4Array = ' array on sheet 4 column F';
var sheet1Values = 'values on sheet 1 in an array';
var rowMM = ' row numbers on sheet 1';
var sheet1Array = []; // sheet 1 array
var ss1Arr = [];
for (var p = 0; p < sheet4Array.length; p++) {
for (var s = 0; s < sheet1Values.length; s++) {
if (sheet4Array[p].indexOf(sheet1Values[s])) {
var sheet1A = rowMM[s];
sheet1Array .push(sheet1A);
I have written something like this on Google App Script:
var crossup = [];
var i;
var name_cell;
var cross_up_cell;
cross_up_cell = sheet.getRange(2, 1);
for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {
var ticker;
var value1;
ticker = name_cell.offset(0, i).getDisplayValue();
value1 = cross_up_cell.offset(0, i).getDisplayValue();
if (value1=="YES") {crossup.push(ticker)};
What I had in mind: I thought I was going to output an array of value1 with the value "ticker" assign by getDisplayValue(), but as I output the array, it turns out that I received a series of "undefined" as output.
To be exact, whenever value1 is really "YES" on my Google SpreadSheet, the if statement did "push" "ticker" into the crossup array, but instead of pushing back the display value, it pushed back "undefined"...
Help!!! How come?
The var name_cell isn't set.
Use code below, where
cross_up_cell = sheet.getRange(2, 1);
sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
cross_up_cell = sheet.getRange(2, 1);
You never fully define name_cell, so your offset method for ticker returns an undefined cell/range, which then gets pushed to your crossup array.
Your syntax is a bit odd with initializing and assigning variables, so I've rewritten the snippet you posted:
function myFunction() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(*****).getSheetByName("PASTEVALUE"), //get sheet
crossup = []; //initialize empty crossup array
//get the display values in row 2 up to column 12
var values = sheet.getRange(2, 1, 1, 12).getDisplayValues()[0];
//get the display values in row 3 up to column 12, assuming they are in row 3
var ticker = sheet.getRange(3, 1, 1, 12).getDisplayValues()[0];
//initialize increment in for loop, i's value goes from 0 to values.length-1 (the array's full index range)
for (var i in values) {
//if the value in row 2, column "i" is "YES", push the value of row 3, column "i" to the crossup Array
if (values[i] == "YES") crossup.push(ticker[i]);
//do stuff with crossup...
Instead of incrementally offsetting cells, you can use getDisplayValues() of an extended Range (full row or column, or multiple rows and columns) to get a 2D array, which I think is much quicker to increment through.
Either defining name_cell in your example or editing to make the syntax changes should fix your problem. Let me know if you have any problems or questions.
I have a list of cell array with many repeated values, which includes strings, sample time, saturation upper limit and lower limit.
For example:
MyValues={ 'Lookc_at_the_stars'
And the output what I require is:
NewMyValues = { 'Lookc_at_the_stars'
'its_true' }
Since I have tried using the function unique, I am not able to get the output as it's giving me an error, saying
"Error using cell/unique
Input A must be a cell array of strings."
MyValues consists of different types of data type values.
Can someone provide me a solution or function code, that I could remove the repeated values?
Here is a loop based solution to extract unique values of a cell array will different types:
MyValues={ 'Lookc_at_the_stars',
{1 2 3},
{4 3 5},
{1 2 3},
N = numel(MyValues);
idx = true(N,1);
for m = 1: N
if idx(m)
for n = (m+1):N
if idx(n) && isequal(MyValues{m}, MyValues{n})
idx(n) = false;
result = MyValues(idx);
the result:
result =
[1,1] = Lookc_at_the_stars
[1,2] = Lookc_how_they_shine
[1,3] = 1
[1,4] = forc_you
[1,5] = andm_everything_they_do
[1,6] = Theym_were_all_yellow
[1,7] = 2
[1,10] =
[1,1] = 1
[1,2] = 2
[1,3] = 3
[1,12] =
[1,1] = 4
[1,2] = 3
[1,3] = 5
[1,13] = Lookc_How_they_shinefor_you
[1,14] = its_true
The function isequal can compare anything using it all values compared and duplicates removed. so result is a cell array that contains unique values.
Based on the example in the question if you want to have unique cell array of characters you can use cellfun with ischar to check if the cell value is a character array. Then use the logical index to extract them and apply unique.
without using stable option the result will be sorted
The cell you supplied in your question only contained strings, so unique can handle it. However, if you add ints, floats or complex numbers to it, the way to go is to convert all the cell elements to strings before calling unique. For example, I'll show you a small strcaster function
function y = strcaster(x)
if ischar(x)
y = x;
elseif isreal(x)
y = num2str(x);
if imag(x)>=0
s = '+j';
s = '-j';
y = [num2str(real(x)),s,num2str(imag(x))];
and then you can get the unique elements, preserving the order in which they appear in the cell doing the following:
[u,i] = unique(cellfun(#(x)strcaster(x),MyValues,'uniformoutput',false),'stable');
Based on your comment, it is clear that the MyValues cell contains other cells, which was not clear from your question's example. The best way to get the unique values in MyValues is still casting the contents to strings. The JSON protocol will allow you to convert almost any data type to a string, so I recommend using matlab's jsonencode function in the following way:
struct('NextTime','Provide a complete working example in the question')};
[u,i] = unique(cellfun(#(x)jsonencode(x),MyValues,'uniformoutput',false),'stable');
I am trying to append data of addArray[] to end of column A at once. However, my array is not multidimensional to be able to use this method:
this is how i add to array:
var toAdd=[];
var thisurl="red apple http://awebsite.com/1.jpg";
And this is the way i would like to append the array at once
function AddToSpreadsheet()
var data = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('A12:A').getValues();
var toAdd=["red apple http://awebsite.com/1.jpg",
"green apple http://1awebsite.com/2.jpg",
"red apple http://1awebsite.com/3.jpg",
"rotten apple http://rottenApple.com"];
if(toAdd.length > 0){
for(i = 0; i < data.length; ++i){
if(data[i][0] == ""){break;}
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(12+i, 1, toAdd.length, 1).setValues(toAdd);
if i use this above code i get this error:
Cannot convert Array to Object[][]. (line
My addArray is not multidimensional array ! How i can convert it to multidimensional array like the following example so i can use the above code ?
Multidimensional array example :
var toAdd=[["red apple http://awebsite.com/1.jpg"],
["green apple http://1awebsite.com/2.jpg"],
["red apple http://1awebsite.com/3.jpg"],
["rotten apple http://rottenApple.com"]];
Edit: I converted the array at start and worked!
var values_array=["red apple http://awebsite.com/1.jpg",
"green apple http://1awebsite.com/2.jpg",
"red apple http://1awebsite.com/3.jpg",
"rotten apple http://rottenApple.com"];
var toAddArray = [];
for (i = 0; i < toAdd.length; ++i){
and this way i inserted the whole new array to column A:
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(12+i, 1, toAddArray.length, 1).setValues(toAddArray);
You need to "transpose" the array.
You can do that by creating a new array and appending the values as arrays with one value.
before you call setValues(toAdd) try
var toAddArray = [];
for (i = 0; i < toAdd.length; ++i){
And replace the set values call with
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(12+i, 1, toAdd.length, 1).setValues(toAddArray);
The set values function needs a matrix as an input. Since there is no native matrix it requires an array of arrays where each of the subarrays have the same length and contain no arrays.
Each array within the "matrix" is a row and each element of each arrays goes into a column.
If you want one column of rows from a one dimensional array you need an array with one-element arrays. If you want to write columns you make an array containing one array of all values.
The items you receive from the sheet are immutable and that's why you can't append to them, however you can copy the values into a new array and overwrite the old one. I however, would have taken another approach to this issue and just printed to the end of the column like this:
function appendToSheet() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('test'); // Get sheet so I don't have to retype it every time
var toAppend = [['Append 1'],['Append 2']]; // Note that this is an array of arrays.
var newRow = sheet.getLastRow() + 1; // This fetches the number of the last row of the entire sheet and adds one to it.
var endRange = lastRow + toAppend.length - 1; // Calculate the last row to append to
sheet.getRange('A' + newRow + ':A' + endRange).setValues(toAppend); // Write to sheet.
But if you want to use the sheet array and the appended data in your code elsewhere I'd do like this where I dynamically calculate the range I need and only fetch that, instead of fetching the entire sheet and work with that:
function appendToValues() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('test');
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var valuesFromSheet = sheet.getRange('A1:A' + lastRow).getValues(); // Get values from the sheet
var toAppend = [['value 1'],['value 2']];
var newArray = valuesFromSheet.concat(toAppend); // .concat() copies the old immutable array and makes a new one with the append array included.
I want to find cells, which are at the same position in two different cell arrays and which have specific values.
The two cell arrays have the following structure:
cell array C1= cell(20,1). In each cell there is another cell cell(8129,8) holding double values in the range of [0,1].
Cell array C2= cell(20,1). In each cell there is another cell cell(8192,8) also holding double values in the range of [0,1].
I know want to find those cells, which (1) have a specific value that I determine (e.g. C1_value = 0.8 and C2_value = 0.85) and (2) are at the same position in the respective sub cell (!) array (e.g. C1{2}(736) == 0.8 and C2(19)(736) == 0.85). NOTE: The same position only refers to the subcell arrays (cell(8192,8)) not the "main" cell arrays C1(:) and C2(:)
Thanks in advance!
See if this approach works for you -
sz = cell2mat(cellfun(#size,C1(1),'uni',0))
row1 = sz(1);
col1 = sz(2);
t1 = reshape(horzcat(C1{:}),row1,col1,[])
t2 = reshape(horzcat(C2{:}),row1,col1,[])
b1 = t1==C1_value
b2 = t2==C2_value
tt1 = reshape(b1,row1*col1,[])' %//'
tt2 = reshape(b2,row1*col1,[])' %//'
tt22 = permute(tt2,[3 2 1])
tt3 = bsxfun(#and,tt1,tt22)
[C1_cellnum,subcellnum,C2_cellnum] = ind2sub(size(tt3),find(tt3)) %// outputs
Thus, with your sample data, you must have -
C1_cellnum as 2, C2_cellnum as 19 and subcellnum as 736.
Google Spreadsheet / Scripting Question:
Disclaimer: I am a beginner. Any explanation helps me tremendously.
Long story short:
Worksheet 1, Column N contains comma-separated values.
Worksheet 2, Column A has all possible values that could be combined to make up the content of Worksheet 1, Column N.
Worksheet 2, Column C contains "alternative" values.
I need a script that can replace all values in Worksheet 1, Column N with the "alternative" values from Worksheet 2, Column C. I need the final result to be the "alternative" values in a single, comma-separated value.
I have already scripted to separate Column N values into individual values in new columns. However, I have not been able to advance further. My current splitting script appears at the bottom.
Full explanation:
"Worksheet 1" contains multiple columns, including Column "N" that contains comma-separated values. The number of rows in Sheet 1 will grow as users enter data. Currently, there are only three rows of data. Column "N" contains:
N1 has a value of "Dog, Cat, Rabbit"
N2 has a value of "Dog, Fish"
N3 has a value of "Frog, Horse, Fish"
My current Google Script gathers data from all available rows, and it then separates the comma-separated values in Column "N" into new columns, like so:
X1 has a value of "Dog", Y1 has a value of "Cat", and Z1 has a value "Rabbit"
X2 has a value of "Dog", Y2 has a value of "Fish"
X3 has a value of "Frog", Y3 has a value of "Horse", and Z3 has a value of "Fish"
"Worksheet 2" contains, in column A, all possible values that might appear above -- Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Fish, Horse, etc. So,
A1 has a value of "Dog"
A2 has a value of "Cat"
A3 has a value of "Rabbit"
A4 has a value of "Fish" -- etc. (there are 100+ total possible values).
"Worksheet 2" contains, in column C, "alternative values" (i.e., corresponding Google Calendar Resource Addresses):
C1 has a value of "domain.com_928313sdf98#resource.calendar.google.com"
C2 has a value of "domain.com_190382d0931#resource.calendar.google.com"
C3 has a value of "domain.com_295801a0181#resource.calendar.google.com"
C4 has a value of "domain.com_5s3910s1481#resource.calendar.google.com" --- etc.
I am seeking a script that, for the data in Worksheet 1, would search for the separated values in Worksheet 2 and then replace those values in Worksheet 1 with the correlating "alternative values" (i.e., Google Calendar Resource Addresses) from Worksheet 2, Column C. I then need it to concatenante the results back into a comma-separated value.
So, I want to start with Worksheet 1, where N1 has a value of "Dog, Cat, Rabbit," and I want to get back "domain.com_928313sdf98#resource.calendar.google.com, domain.com_190382d0931#resource.calendar.google.com, domain.com_295801a0181#resource.calendar.google.com" as my final result. The script would perform this across all rows.
My Splitting Script (I am not even sure if this is the best way of handling this):
function mySplit() {
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var startcolumn = 2;
var startrow = 2;
var numcolumns = 500;
var dataRange = sh.getRange(startcolumn, 1, numcolumns, 25);
var data = dataRange.getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var cell = sh.getRange(startcolumn + i, 15).getValues()[0];
var sCell = cell[0].split(",");
sh.getRange(startrow +i,26,1,sCell.length).setValues([sCell]);
As I already mentioned in your other post, this is quite simple to do with arrays, here is a working example with your new data: see sheet here (read only, make a copy to test)
function replaceTagsWithRessource(){ // in this example sheet, the function will replace aa with 11, bb with 22 etc...
var sh1 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('sheet1');
var sh2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('sheet2');
var sourceCol = sh1.getRange('N2:N').getValues();
var targetRef = sh2.getDataRange().getValues();
var newColN = []
for(var s in sourceCol){
var caltoUse = sourceCol[s][0].split(',');
var calID = []
for(var n in caltoUse){
for(var r in targetRef){
if(caltoUse[n]==targetRef[r][0]){ calID.push(targetRef[r][2])} // get the cal ref in col 3
sh1.getRange('N2:N').setValues(newColN);// replace original values with new values (comma separated calendar IDs)